USE OFETHYILPCAS Sap, "Paug~cr !It ue of Prod Im-f is Less hiii ,rmi s of aln" Sep- fr SpencerJ Voca l and musical selections, andI Plaster worts has been startecl on ToA desC3 othrr speaker s, as w.ell as dancing,' the new nurses homse building, the .. gift of Senator James Couzens. Con- wil b adle toth prgrm. hetractors thus, far have maintained l>xi r I;Ho5C of the meeting is to start a < their schedutle of work, and, from# 5011 i xvi! di '~; jrmuI Mo ni embership campaign intended to en- present indications the building will at a d n n r dauc iio belgveniiby the 'roll , ill loyal Missourians in the club, ;be opened to the nurses on Decemberl QI~) 0 Mihign o Frday jMrs. George Kemble, 721 Seven- 25 as planned. Nov ,t +~,ath Ic.;neral Mo1rtors teenth street, Detroit, is in charge oft )U1 ' n)eri.the affair. ME''ET THE ,tEA Chicago, Nov. 1.-Albert H. Loeb, capitalist and mail order house of- Ificial, who died Monday, left his en- tire est'ae to his widow.. .*Chicago, Nov. 1.-University of '#Chicago has soled over 11,000* season football tick~ets this fall. °LEET'fl THE TEAM i .. -- q. I 11 rf if CAUSES DEATH OF FIVE Althougli five deathls 1have occuredt at the Standard Oil company plant ini Elizabeth', N. J. duec to aninaiy producing gas, believed to be fro011 tetra-ethiyl leadt, Prof. Eugene HI. Les- lie of the chemical entgineering depart- meeit fdoes not believe that theo use of this gas should be prohibited. j Professor Leslier pointed out that} the 3 men affected b~y the mysterious gas were stricken nrot in the course of experiments but in the course o" mianufacture. The cproduction of fthe tetra-ethyl lead requires a distillation process, durinig %wich there is a pres- ent possibility of the escape of a 4small quaint ity of the vap~our. Tlhe, iixing process, in which lead coin- pound is mixed into the gasoline, al-' so0 presents added opportunity for thej inhalation of a quantity of the vapour. lie addled that where the leadi solur- lion i dded auth't ity in 7;1({tr 'St iaegineering. He Was( for- 1"l-rly head of the(' department1 i of in)- (idustrinal cengineering at Pennsylvaiia , tate colleg,_, lie haswrxiitenia b oni the s;ubjct called "2Idustrial O)r- ~CKMBE PEPAESFOR COMMUNITYFUND DRIE 1'r; p rations forthep ( ominun it( Y un d dIrive' will be (discussed ait the ~Cawlber of Conmnirc lunchieon to be 1!(,1(d Tuesday noon in tiae Camlber of Cfommnerc e Inn. Charles F. F. C amp-t I ill, dlirector of the Detroit Leaglue f"), I he Hand(icapped flwill 1be;the rin ,c ipal sekrhssujc eing^or. 131onme phse Cof ithe'Coinmn'uznl y ! ;rnd. j i-dpa)rtmnt lWill act asc;. -a cifHIe pro!grammitm. TFreshmn Attend Hallowe'en Party AfMore than 300 women attended the1. junior adlvisory p Arty given for the ~freshmen at 8' o'clock last flighxt in B~arbour gymnasium. The spirit o l lailowe'en was carriedl out in tin n ne ai~~i o h (lor- I Y _ h 1 PRESENTS a { t 'ti li 6 4 a .4 , Y R . S -+ r 'a ' 3 , , ., .x f : .5 4 t:+;t .; _ , qy . : ;; w _ e ,i, , " e " A KRU 1 A l7e,0 + R ' , story of r and Rom.ance 1111,1 by Robert' W. CuamPers WITH .Aft- caroi Dempster, LionalBarrymre.. Neal Hamilton and a, Criffit1h Cast Romance! Adaventure!. Laughter! Thrills and e art-th robs. S indiy IPerformnnes 2:00W-3:40.5:2-.400-83:10 iieek Day Peri'ornlianc w 2:00-3:3(}-7:09Q-8:40 POPUL NILPRICES Chlildjren ........................0 ,,Sniulaty and 3E vcl : s........0 Clrn..................25c AS TOLD BY THE CRITICS 'Am}nernea' ' i tibet picture over made;. the best play eve taged.It sets a new stznplard in the picttlr-play as high and co-oaaxndiug a::;'"Phi Birth of a Nation' set in itsOday." (QUINN MARTIN in the "New York World.) 'Amzxerica,' a m'eal"nia.;terpiee, literally :swept the audience off its foot. No (A her phlotoplay3 tsince Mr. G'riffi th's 'The Birth of a Nation' reaches the heliglitws at' i d by 'mric''from a T}atriotic and drama ctic aS well as artistic sta:dint0 ]." ('The Philadlph3ia Evening Bulletin.) "A. series o-f-vs which have the CHARM of an etch:ing---the sweet and life historicalo paintienbg Dea'ileor eis anie.--engravingscet CARofcf our chi-t}iA hntng,;oad enga(Theof uLiterary. (Te iDigest.)st) r '--. A. ~ i =i I f$i Ij~~i'il i1fj I ;'d ,i'['' l i"' iI: ATTE~ND, THE MATJNIEES!A 6 The uerth. concrt Orchestra NICHJOLAS 1). l'ALCONE, Dircecto Presenting SOON' t-7ARZOLD LLOYD