lit iau'
J XXXV. No. 36.
. ..
. ...
4RED SMITH peaks Tonight
Will Also Address Interfraternity h
Council and S. C. A. Cabinett
This Afternoon
Fred B. Smith, one of America's,
staunchest supporters of the eigh-
teenth amendment, a business man,
lecturer, writer, and "Christian lay-
man," will be the speaker at the sec- ("
"+ Underwood & Underwod
ond University service to be held at Ured B od d
8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. Noted lecturer evang ist, and bsi-
His topic at this meeting will be ness organizer who will speak at 8
"Fruits of Religion." . o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium
At 4 o'clock in the afternoon Mr on the subject "Fruits of Religion.',
Smith will meet with members of the
Interfraternity council, S. C. A. cab-
inet, and other student leaders vital- G GRAPHS SHOW
ly interested in the discussion which
is titled "Fundamental Patriotism" Il
Tickets to this meeting are free, but
as the committee feels that a restric
tion be placed on the size of the
group, only a few are to be given out. Students at 1ill Auditorium and
These are in the hands of members Majesti Watch Progress .
of the S. C. A. cabinet, or can be ob- of Contestt
tained at Lane hall upon request.-t
Mr. Smith's early manhood was VARSITY BAND APPEARS
spent as a "Y" field man, and at the
same time he conducted evangelisticĀ£
services when his own duties per- One of the largest crowds that hasc
itted. He is officially credited as ever watched the Wolverine football
the prime force in the Men and Re- team via the grid-graph assembled int
ligion campaign which swept the
United States and Canada in 1911 and Hill auditorium yesterday afternoon
1912. Together with Dr. Raymond to see the Wolverines win a victoryc
Robins, Mr. Smith toured the world over Minnesota.t
on a tour of social service and evan- When the doors were opened short-I
gelism. He later affiliated himself ly before 2:30 o'clock, the cheerlead-u
with the Johns-Manville company as ing squad, lead by Lyman Glasgow,
vice president, which position allow- 25 instructed in some of the leading
ed him ample opportunity to continue yells of other Conference schools. a
and expand in religious activity. The band entered the auditoriumi
For nine years he has been chair- just before the game started at Min-
man of the commission on concils neapolis. After each of the two Wol-
f churches of the federal council of verine touchdowns, the band lead the
the Churches of Christ in America. audience in the singing of the Victors.
llowing the war he turned his at-Between halves, the band accom-
tention to the subject of international a
good will, and has since then made singing the first verse of the "Yel
yearly journeys through the Euro lowand the Blue."
pean countries pursuant with this Shortly after the beginning of the
project. last quarter of the game, the wiren
W. D. Roesser, '25, business mana- bringing the reports from the new
ger of The Daily, will preside at the Gopher stadium was broken outside
serv.Rev.MerlnehDrchAnde1 rsodntofI of Chicago, but the delay was short.-
the Presbyterian church will read thei,
Scriture Mr.Wendll Veelnd of A
the Schoe Mr. Wendall Vreead the An enthusiastic crowd filled thef
the , Sc hof Msic E.l lea the Maj yesterday afternoon at the thea- I
sintging, with Phiip E. LaRowe at thetrsgi-rahpenaio ofheI
ter s gid-graph presentation of the
organ. Michigan-Minnesota -football game.
The third speaker on the series will Motogh ta dn o m a e asc
be Mr. George S. Lackland, 'president all th ets weingtroom a we theb
of the Denver Labor College,hwho will reports of the game began coming
appear one week from tonightmin. Spontaneous cheering, whistling,'
yelling, and stamping of feet respond-v
Program Includes Many Favorite
Selections of Noted
Guy Maier and Lee Pattison, noted
pianists who are the foremost expon-
ents of two piano recitals, will pre-
sent the second Choral Union concert
I tomorrow night in Hill auditorium at
8 o'clock. Their program contains
many of the most popular composi-
tions for two pianos. It will include
pieces by Debussy, Brahms, Schuman,
and several other equally noted com-
posers. Also quite a number of light-
er pieces such as an arrangement of
the "Old Fiddler's Tune" by Patti-
Mr. Maier is at present a member
of the faculty of the School of Music.
He and Mr. Pattison have appeared
many times both here and abroad
with success and have come to be
considered as the outstanding artists
in their field. They gave a perform-
ance in Ann Arbor for the first time
two seasons ago and received an ova-
tion. Both Mr. Pattison and Mr. Maier
are ardent exponents -of modern
American music as expressed by the
so called jazz orchestra. They are
of the opinion that this will form the
basis for a new and more vigorous
type of music in the future.
In order to avoid any delay at the
doors patrons are requested to de-
tach coupon- number two for presen-
tation. The concert will begin prompt-
ly at 8 o'clock and the audience is
urged to be seated early as the doors
will be closed during each number.
A few tickets are still available,
and may be procured at the school of.
Music at any time during the day.
Names Beginning
With 'S' Lead In,
Literary School
In any list of names which may be
compiled in the literary college the
majority will begin with the let-
ter "S." This is the opinion of
Miss Louise L. Gaylord, clerk to
the registrar of the University.
Miss Gaylord has worked in the of-
Tice of the registrar for several years
in addition to having been a book-
keeper for many years prior to ac-
cepting her present position, and she
bases her conclusions upon this ex-'
perien ce.I
Names beginning with the letters
B and M come second on the list,
with H and W falling a short distance
behind. Those beginning with, the let-
ters C, R, G, K, P, L, and D follow
in that order. Names beginning with
Q andrX seem to be the most un-
popular. 1
In making an official count of the
enrollment of the literary college this
year the names of the 4,793 students
registered were tabulated as follows:
S-566, B-486, M-432, H-391, W-345, C-
322, R-249, G-240, K227, P-226, L-225,
D-213, T-144, A-133, J-119, N-101, E-84,
F-82, 0-66, 1-21, Y-21, Z-18, U-12, Q-4,f
and X-Q
Vienna School's
Art Exhibition
Opens Tomorrow
Under the auspices of the Ann Ar-
bor art association, the Viennese
children's art exhibit will open to-
morrow at 2to'clock in the west gal-
lery of the Alumni Memorial h'all.
Students and townspeople are invited
to attend the exhibition.
The exhibit is a display of the work
in painting, drawing, woodcutting,
and the like done by school children
OHOAs -Iowa .Falls,
NILESI D, AFTER Before Illini
D10TIN D 1 KlN =ChamnpaignIll.Nov.1 (By A.P.)
OhIll~h I'l Lf i --With Harold "Red', Grange, the
unstoppable, continuing his sensation-
al flight to fame as America's foot-
,SEVERAL INIt HEDL IN RIOTS OF ball star. Illinois moved a notch nearer
KLANSMEN AND KNIGHTS I the 1924 Western Conference cham-
OF FLAMING CIRCLE pionship today by crushing Iowa, 36-0,
before 45,000 spectators in the new
PA'TROL STREETS Illinois memorial stadium.
Superior interference for Grange,
as well as the other backfield stars,
Townspeople's Cheers Greet Arrival and brilliant forward passing, enabled
of Troopers and Machine Gams the "fighting Illini" to pile up the.
in Auto Trucks one sided score.
Grange divided honors with his
Niles, Ohio, Nov. 1. (By A. P.)- teamates, scoring two of the Illinois
State militia tonight patrolled the five touchdowns, although the famous
streets of Niles following a day of star failed to break away for any of!
rioting between members of the Ku his marathon touchdowns, he gained
Klux Klan and Knights of the Flam- consistently at all times, tossed three
'ing Circle. Quiet was rapidly return- successful passes and never failed in
ing tonight. Military control however, a pinch.
was not established until after almost Parkin, Iowa's quarterback, who
a dozen persons had been shot or gained fame when he scored a winning
badly mauled. Some are in hospitals I touchdown against Yale in 1922, broke1
in serious condition at Warren, the lose for some startling runs but his'
county seat of Trumbull county, five performance was overshadowed by
miles away. that of Grange.
A gun battle wmn The showing made by Zuppke's
! Circles adherents and Ku Klux Klans- other back field men was brilliant Mcl-
men had occured near the meeting I wain, who played two quarters with
places of the rival fations. Pistol a broken hand, Schultz, Gallivam,
fights between speeding automobil s Britton, Hall, Green and Perdunn all
of klansmen and klan foes added to gained consistently.'
the casualties.
"Several times shots were fired by
the opposing factions into the-u' rival -H
camps. Many of the shots went wild{
as a large number of men fell flat An
the ground as the firing starfel." j
Arrival of the uniformed troops 11111 rv
was the most welcomed sight which
citizens of this city have seen for
some time as it meant immediate dis- John R. Sargent and Roosevelt's
integration of the opposing forces. As Sister Address LargeI
the big motor trucks rolled through Gathering
the streets loaded with soldiers and
machine guns mounted on their
hoods, shouts and cheers went up AGAINST LEAGUEu
from the crowd which lined thev
streets. Mrs. Roosevelt Robinson, sister_
The sheriff with scores of special of the late President Roosevelt, ad-
deputies had managed to keep the
opposing forces from coining togeth- dressed the
er until the arrival of the troops. publican club on the subject "Why I a
There were numerous sporadic clash- am a Republican" at 8 o'clock lastl
es among detached units of the op- night in the Whitney theatre. Mr. 1
posing forces, resulting in the casual- John R. Sargent, ex-attorney general n
te. L. S. Commellyo of the 14thof Vermont and personal friend of
President Calvin Coolidge also ad-
fnry,;.;s lacedi *n,'ad ofdressed the assembly which was pre-c
asided over by Congressman Earl C.b
nor Donahey, in a statement to the Michener-
citizens of Niles said it was not his Mrs. Robinson said that the two
intenMrs. Robinsonesaidethatathemtlv-
intention to impose unnecessary mili- great parties were not as much alike:
tary regulations on them and urged as many people had suggested and b
all to co-operate with him in main- named four points on which they dif-t
taining order. , ,.. ,- .
7 C
Michigan's victorious football
team will arrive at 6 o'clock to-
night at the Michigan Central
depot. It is expected that a large
crowd will be present to wel-
come the men who so decisively
defeated the Gophers in yester-
day's contest.
The Varsity band and mem-
bers of the cheering squad will
be on hand to make complete a
real welcome for the grid men
who wrote another successful
page in Michigan football history
I yesterday afternoon.
Will Solicit Subscription Pledges on
Campus During Entire
Campaigning f o r subscription
pledges for the 1925 Michiganensian
will start tomorrow and last until
Nov. 10.. Five tables will be placed
upon the campus and in the buildings
where pledge cards may be signed.
They will be located at the engineer-
Injury Keeps Ste
Slaughter Le
in a
the g
has n
tain a
The 1'
two f
By W. H. Stoner
morial Stadium,
. Nov. 1.-Michiga
le Brown Jug" for
afternoon when her'
triumphed over the
bitterly fought cont
chigan started her
s in the first quarte
from Friedman to Hi
ting for the first tc
ame. A 33 yard pass
to Flora toward the
period placed Mic,
on for her second ;
taking the ball ov
run from a fake drop
just after the secs
last minute decisi
es resulted in the su
nstein for Capt. Herb
not fully recovered
y sustained in the
last week. "Butch
in the capacity of ti
as a result of Stege
husky guard also p
able game in the line
umbles and intercel
pass besides being a
gth on offense and d
higan's new flanki
Lora, continued to sh
eir new positions. Mi
r's punt in the foul
g the team in a posit:
ugh the Wolverines fk
tage of the opportt
ered Pete Guzy's fum
period, giting Mi
on the Minnesota 21
the drive for the
was launched.
entire Michigan
d in the ground gain
well, Marion, Frieder
and Parker piercing
or short gains. Lidb(
brilliant performer fo
Ascher also nlavin
ing arch, the center of the campus, and F
the northwest corner of the campus, in the
the ;entrance to the library, and in U Ascher
hall. Only the one at the entrance to Ialthou
the library will receive cash pay- advan
ment. recove
The price will be $5,50 and a 50c initial
reduction will be made it 1he pledge ball o
cards are signed and payment made l where
before the Christmas vacation. Sub- down'
scriptions may be paid at the 'Ensian The
office after the campaign and in or- shared
der to secure the reduction they must Rock\
be made before the Christmas vaca- stein
tion when the price automatically ad- most f
vances. it
This year's Ensian Avill have many with
new and novel features. It will con- game.
ain a five page four color view sec-
tion. The Senior section will have
the panels arranged vertically in-
stead of horizontally as heretofbre,1
and only 12 pictures will be on a page
nstead of 14. It is planned to have
he feature section more original !
than usual.
There will be no spring campaign
this year and the only opportunity to
sign pledges and secure the reduction W.
will be before Christmas. II ., ,
Union To Foster
Freshman Groups
Again This Ye ari
fered. These were national unity, in- v,
dustrial stability,. financial integrity,
and nationalism. I{x
The two other parties did not es- t
Cnicago Beats
Purdue 19-6 n
Bitter Contest
Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1.-Purdue, fight-
ing to the bitter end, escaped a shut-
out at the hands of Chicago today
when a 40 yard pass, Harmeson to,
Hogan, was caught over the goal line
by the latter just as the final pistol
was fired. The score was 19 to 16 in
favor of Chicago.
The ending was the most spectacu-'
lar seen on Stagg field for years, the
time keeper's pistol was fired just
as the ball settled in Haremson's out-
stretched arms on a perfect pass from
Captain Claypoll at center. The back
waited until his end was clear then
heaved the ball to the corner of th-
field where Hogan leaped high, pull-
ed down the ball and fell over the
Purpl? Defeats
Indiana 17 To 7
ea to the developn.snLs of the game b
as they were received over the thea-
ter's special wire and in turn por- i
trayed on the board and explained byC
the announcer. #-
Kiddies Throng
Chamber RoomsI
To Get Awards!
Yesterday morning the office of the,
Chamber of Commerce was stormeda
by dozens of eager boys and girls who
had cometo put the finishing touch1
on the Mardi Gras Hallowe'en cele-
bation held in West Park Fridayj
night-that of receiving the prizes
which were awarded, for the best cos- {
tumes. One little girl called the
Chamber office before 7 o'clock to as-
certain if the box of candy promised!
her was ready for her.
Thomas J. O'Brien, chief of police,r
its conmentin'g upon the effect of the
ele "*ration upon his department c
stated, "I believe the occasion didI
,nuch good in keeping the gangs off
he street, and next year it will be
-ven more effective as it will be bet-
ter organized.
- a
Ferris InstituteI
Club Plans Meet1
Tuesday November 4, has been seta
as the date of the first meeting this
year of the Ferris institute club of the
university. The club is to meet in
room 1209 new Literary building at,
7:30 o'clock.
Organization of the freshamn
groups, which is part of the annual
program of the underclass department
of thte Union, will take place thin
week when freshmen are requested
to meet at the Union at the time in-
dicated by cards sent to all first year
men registered with the Union. There
will be seven grouns, the division be-
ing made on an alphabetical basis inI
order to bring nmen together wvho are
living in different parts of the city.
Beginning Nov. 10, the groups will
cape criticism, and she was very out-
spokei in her characterization of Mr.
Davis as a "wibbly-wobbly candidate,"
and of Mr. LaFollette as a menace to!
America to be especially reckoned
with in the west.
At onettime she digressed from the
topic to state that her brother did not'
think the League of Nations as pre-'
pared by President Wilson was prac-
tical in answer to th'e speech of Pro--
fessor Irving Fisher of Yale deliver-
ed here recently.I
Mrs.Robinson continually quoted,
her brother and had to pause several
times to let the applause which his
and J., Univ
Museum Director
Iy Speaks Tonight
s t
engage volley ball, swimming, andi name excitedl ie down.
basketball tournaments. The intra- Prof. Alexander G. Ruthven, direc-
mural department will award medal htor of the Museum of Zoology, will1
to the members of the winning teami Te spcak on "Does Evolution Settle
in each branch of sport. ' rlreOnT ursd Everything?" at 6:33 o'clock tonight
All preliminary business will be ,in the Unitarian church parlors. Pro-
done this week under the direction of fessor Ruthven is the third speaker
William L. Diener, '26, general chair- D". G'rald Wendt, dean of the chem- on this subject for the Unitarian
man of the underclass department of 1 istry department at the state college' church. The church I-as had a'
the Union. It is the purpose of the of Pennsylvania will lecture at 8 psychologist and a botonist and is
committee to have all arrangements o'clock next Thursday night,. at the now presentiig the views of a biolo-
mado so that the games may be Chemical amphitheater on the sub- gist on this topic.
iect. "Chemistry As a Fine Art." ThejI
ed "extweek.llecture is under the auspices of Phi Elkhrt, Ind., Nov. 1.-Six genera-
Sa Sr Ad I Lambda Upsilon honorary chemical tions survive Mrs. Eliza J. Litchfield,
-tate Streeti society. 190 years old, who died here.
Is Justified In
Youngster's Eye Cross Lauds Baldwin, Discusses
Appreciation came tardily to the Policies Of New British Leader
stork that has been standing in the
window of a certain Statestreet drug
store for the past week. Commenting on the probable ap. situation might be helped, he called
Standing in the midst of a seeming- pointment of Stanley Baldwin to the for the general election. Besides be-
ly complete assortment of baby ne-- Premiership of England, Prof. Arthur Iring honest Baldwin is well-meaning
cessities, it has been the butt of pass- f L. Cross of the history department and clear-headed. The question re-
ing student's skepticism, but last ; yesterday described Baldwin as a mains, though, as to how effective a
night it received justification when "rather interesting combination of the political strategist he is."
two small boys' stopped to discuss it. business man and the country gentle- I Professor Cross then went on to
"That's the bird that brings the man, a type found in this country as ennumerate the possible policies to be
babies," ventured well as in England." followed out by Baldwin. "First of
bai"Yeedrin e tabbe "It strikes me," Professor Cross all, he will not press the protection-
"Yeah, he brings more than babies continued, "that Baldwin is, as far as 1ist issue, but he will make arrange-
though. Last summer when my it is possible for an aristrocratic per- ments for industries that might be
brother was sick he brought one of son to be, sympathetic with labor, hampered by competition with othex
'those thernoeters too." being an iron manufacturer himsel. countries. The preference issue, which
Baldwin once said that he would involves the policy whereby the do-
Club Entertained not denounce labor, but would rather minions are favored over other coun-
find out its grievances and find s jlu tries, will be pressed. Furthermore,
At Goddard Home tions other than in the Labor party. 1 Baldwin will probably develop a pol-
"Another of his characteristics,'' icy of government credits, and finan-
Prof. E. C. Goddard of the law Professor Cross pointed out, " is his ring building enterprises in order to
Michigan Aggies 42, L
Ohio Northern 12, 01
Washington and Lee
of Virginia 7.
Chicago 19, Purdue 6.
Illinois 36, Iowa 0.
Boston College 34, H
Yale 7, Army 7.
Princeton 21, Swarthi
Northwestern 17, Ind
John Hopkins 3, Gec
ton 3.
Colgate 42, Providen
-Holy Cross 27, Vermo
Harvard 13, Boston 1
Syracuse 7, Pittsburg
Rutgers 30, Franklin
Evanston, 711.. Nov. 1.-It was
Northwestern's day today as the Pur-
ple won its second Western Confer- 1
ence football game in three scasons,
defeating Indiana university, 17-7 be-
fore a huge home-coming throng.
The Purple piled up a 17 point lead
at the half but the Hoosiers braced
in the second half and opened up with
an aerial attack that frightened their
opponents and resulted in a touch-
down for the visitors in the third
period wvhen Lorber plunged over
from the one foot line. Captain Sloate
made the extra point.
Campaign Heads
Will Meet Today
in Professor Cizet's classes in Vienna,
Dr. John Kollar, director of the ex-
hibit, will be in the gallery during all
the time that the exhibit will be open
to the public. He will deliver short
talks throughout the afternoons that
the exhibit is being shown. The ex-
hibit will be open from 2 to 5 o'clock
tomorrow and Tuesday- afternoon and
from 7:30 to 9 o'clock Tuesday eve-
nI ing.
Centre 7, Kentucky Univ
Ohio Wesleyan 13, Whitt
Vanderbilt 13, Auburn 0.
Nebraska 14,. Missouri 6.
Pennsylvania 6, Layfayet
Rose Poly 18, Universityr
Ville 6.
Dartmouth 10, Brown 3.
Creighton 21, Marquette
Ohio State 7, Wooster 7.
Washington, Nov. 1.-Le
Cape May air post to a
company has been authoriz
retary Wilbur.
Princeton, Nov. 1.-Davlr
an are the leaders to date
ulty straw vote being co
Princeton university.
, 1
s I'
Partisan opinions concerning the candidates for
I Members of the V
I are requested to me
j o'clock tonight at
r 'hanian',rI- n frill