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September 24, 1924 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 9-24-1924

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O ver $4,000,00 has been Subscribed
Already To Huge
Austin, Texas, Sept 22-"On next
Thanksgiving day when thirty or thir-
ty-five thousand people gather in the
new Texas Memorial stadium o ' the
"University of Texas to witness th
annual football contest between the
University and A. & M. College, a new
Ora in history of the former institu-
,ion will have been opened, " was the
enthusiastic statement of W. L. Mc-
Pill, who as director of the campaigi
to raise funds for the erection of the
big structure.
"The significance of the ocassion
will be merely in the fact that the
0eople of Texas have built at the Uni-
yersity the largest outdoor auditorium
in the south, nor in the record-break-
ing attendance at the big game. The
inest delightful and hopeful thing
will be the fact that for the first time
in its forty-one years of history all
wnits of University Life-faculty,
students, ex-students, and friends-
have come together with a common
purpose, have joined hands and con-
secrated themselves to a constructive
prpgram for a greater varsity.
'The Memorial Stadium is a sym-
bol of the love, loyalty, and devotion
which all who know the University
and its true work and worth have for
the institution.
'The particular structure will have
'a, ystill deeper meaning to the people
Qft Texas. It will be the first state-
fade memorial to the men and women
Of.Texas who served in the Great War.
Nimerous citizens all over the statae,
w o have had no connection with the
Upiversity, have asked for an oppor-
tuity to have a part in this tribute
t'o the Texas Veterans.
"A total of $410,000, payable over a
period of two years has been subscrib-
" 4 to the stadium project to date. Be-
fore Thanksgiving that total will
reach $600,000.
"Concrete is now being poured
er the forms of the two sides of the
stdium. Each of these stands will
hive a seating capacity of 13,000,
miking 26,000 permanent seats avail-
alle by the time of the Thanksgiving
g me. 'These seats will constitute the
'O st unit of the stadium. Later on it
is hoped to round out the north end,
completing the horse-shoe effect.
T niporary seats will be provided for
t e A & M. game and we expect, be-
t ilrie thtyandthfrty~-five thousand
00ople for that contest.
Wisconsin Offers
Over 800 Courses
Madinson, Sept. 22-A total of 867
different courses of study are to be
given in the 78 departments of the
University of Wisconsin during the
fall semester, which open September
24, according to the new table of
classes which has just been issued
Within three courses are 1,525 sections
or individual classes.
~The 28 departments of the College.
of Letters and Science will offer 534
courses in 1,056 sections or individual
calsses. The 24 departments of the
colege of enginering will offer 103
courses in 22 sections.
The school of medicine offers 21
courses in its five departments. The
course in physical education will offer
24 courses, the Law school, 21 courses,
and the department of military science
12 courses.
Freshman English will conduct the
greatest number of classes in any

single course, 79, in first and second
semester work. French and econo-
tics rank 'next with 39 cour'ses each.
Other large courses are chemistry
with 30 sections, Spanish with 36,
German with 27, algebra with 17, zoo-
logy, radio reading and conversation
in French, with 10 each, money and{
banking with 9, and sophomore com-1
position with eight.
A 52 page booklet is required to
list the courses of the new year.

t i

50,000 Attend
Legion Wedding

Mrs. Erling Maine
More than 50,000 pers'ons looked on
as the wedding march was played by
a 3,700-piece band when Miss Ruth
Blanche Masters married Erling
Maine, adjutant of the American
Legion post at Winnebago, Minn.,
during the legions national conven-
tion in St. Paul.'
London, ,Sept., ;22_-"We are lay-
ing the foundations for the next ten'
years of Labor party rule," said Mr.
Trevelyan, the minister of education
in a speech at Gateshead. "In my
own department we have offered the
country a ten years' program of edu-
cation. If the people do not want it
let the next generation remain half-
educated, as it is now."
But he believed, Mr. Trevelyan
continued, that the country would
take the chance which the Labor
party was offering, and that ten
years hence the ywould begin to see
in the towns adifferent kind of
England, with an educated and com-
fortably housed population. They
were at the beginning.
The question was whether they
were going to take the policy of the
Labor party. He could not say when
an election was likely to come, but
any crisis might bring. it.
"We are not going to water down
our policy," he added, "in order to
stay in office. Any crisis might
bring the election."
Mr. Trevelyan claimed that the
government had succeeded where its
predecessor had lamentably failed.)
Eight months of Labor policy could
not put the world straight, but it
could begin to turn it into new
course. He did not say that every-
thing was going to be easy at once
with Russia, but at any rate they
had 'begun to get San understand-
ingb and an opportunity for trade
with that country.
Saturday, October 25, the day of?
the Wisconsin game here has been
set as the day for the annual meet-
ing of the Athletic managers club
of the University. A luncheon
gathering at the Union isbeing
planned and it is hoped that Charles
Baird, '95L, of Kansas City, presi-
dent of the cdub will be on hand to
Letters have already been sent to
club members by T. Hawley Tapp-
ing secretary-treasurer of the or-
ganization inviting them to attend.
the meeting. All members of the
I club will be given seats in the "M"
club section at the football games.'

Madison, Sept. 22-"A Journal of
Land and Public Utility Economics"
is to be the official publication of the
Institute for Research in Land Econo-
mics and Public Utilities, of which Dr.
Richard T. Ely, professor of econo-
mics at the University of Wisconsin
is director. The journal will be is-
sued quarterly, in February; May,
August, and November, begining this
"It is to be devoted to the economic
aspects of the utilization of land and
the regulation and administration of
public utilities," a preliminary state-
met says: "Our plan is to focus at-
tention on the economic principles
and problems of land utilization and
public utility operation. Leading ar-
ticles 'will embody the results of re-
search by members of the institute.
Contributions will be solicited from
men actively working in the field,
whose experience and thought should
be made available for the benefit of
"There will be sections in each is-
sue which will chronicle and com-
ment upon the latest and most im-
portant legislation and court de-
cisions relating to land and public
utility economics, will summarize the
results of research and experhnient,
and will review and critize the cur-
rent literature in the field."
Among subjects scheduled for ear-
ly members of the journal are: Fore-
casting Land Values, Factors Deter-
mining the Extent of Home Owner-
ship, Taxation of Land, Farm Mort-
gage Interest Rates in the United
States, Wbiat is Public Utility? Stan-
dards of Valuation is Applied to Pub-
lic Utilities, and others.
Extension Credit Courses under
the auspices of the University of
Michigan Extension Division will be
organized in Detroit on Monday,
September 29, at 7:30 o'clock in Cen-
tral high school. At that time any
Detroit resident who desires to en-
roll in one of the common college
courses will be given an opportunity
to do so.
Classes meet once a week for two
consecutive hours. The're a cost of
eight dollars per course for a sem-
ester's work. All of the classes are
under the direction of the Extension
iDvision of the University. Chemis-:
try, economics, history, Journalism
and psychology are characteristic
courses to be offered in Detroit. In-
formation relative to these Extension
Credit courses can be secured from
the offices of the University Exten-
sion Division in University Hall.
Weathermen Solve
Hurricane Movesj
Efficient weather bureau operation
has solved the "whys" and "where-
fores" of summer hurricanes. Sum-
mer hurricanes are the creatures of
atmospheric temperature and pres-
sure, variations and these in turn
are caused by the sun beating down
on the expanses of Atlantic water
and the land mass of ouracontinent.
The primary factor in the births
and careers of these storms is be-
lieved to be an area of high atmos-
pheric pressure or "high" that ex-
ists permanently over the middle
Atlantic. In winter the high extends
over the land but with the coming.
of summer heat the high retreats to

its ocean home, thus giving the new-
ly born storms of the trophics a
chance to dash 'northward.pHurri-
canes are not winds that drive
straight ahead. They are cyclonic
swirls. These swirling storm cen-
ter move at a relatievly slow
speed, sometimes at only eoight or
ten miles an hour, but they suck air
toward the mat terrific speeds up to
100 miles an hour.

cJU Ceauy iny4-&".f&4$I 1 ri~i'ri

Michigan co-eds are beautiful.
Cigarettes and drinking aren't
Girls are growing prettier.
Beautiful girls aren't dumb.
These are the beliefs of "Miss West
Palm Beach," otherwise Miss Fran-
ces Payne, prize-winning beauty in
the annual beauty pageant at Atlan-
tic City, who is visiting for a few
days in Ann Arbor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Miller, 703
Haven avenue.
"Although I have been in Ann
Arbor but a short time I have seen
a surprisingfly 'large number ,of
beautiful girls on the campus," Miss
Payne enthusiastically declared.
"Co-eds at the University seem to be
young women of personality and
grace. .
"On the whole beauty has become
a common thing. The modern girl
is growing prettier, and the day of
Business conditions are steadily
improving all over the nation. This
improvement is seasonal in some
industries but in others there has
been a pronounced quickening. Cot-
ton textiles had fallen the lowest
this year but now there is a some-
what larger turn-over at slightly
higher prices. The cotton mills are
re-opening, or if they had not closed,
are running more hours. Mre
goods are being made and sold, al-
though at a slight or no margin of
Motor production is within 10 per
cent of what it was in 1923; the
output which was sharply curtailed
in the spring is rapidly increasing.
The steel corporation has speeded
up production to nearly 60 per cent
of ingot capacity. Its unfilled orders
showed a slight increase last month.
Building construction, according
to statistics covering 36 states, is at
a level 10 per cent abive last year.
Crops, except corn, show a promise
of larger harvest than last year.
In 'the belief that ,thousands of
boys and girls would voluntarily
rontinue -their education 4f they1
could get improved facilities for!
stud(ying and reference in Universi-
ty libraries, the American Library
association has appointed a con -
m ttee on "The Libr'.ay and
Adult Education." William W._
Bishop, University librarian, is one
of the members.
An investigation in educational
centers i +Veing carried on with
funds furnished by the Carnegie cor-
poration of ew York, and the pro-
ject, if it proves practicable, may
re-olutionize present methods o
self-education. Other departments
of library work have been developed
so extensively in the past years thatl
it is thought that the educational
value of the library has been neg-
Huron Sinks Low;
Reason Revealed
Entering freshman who last week
caught their first glimpse of the Hur-
on river uin Ann Arbor and noticed
the low waters of the stream need not
be alarmed. At certain times it is
necessary for the power houses to re-
lease the water from the dams to do
repair work. Such was the case last
t week. The Huron is now againsat its
normal level and in good shape for

Read the Official Announcements i
and Campus News In The Daily.

the wall flower is disappearing. And
why shouldn't it? Girls now have
every conceivable aid to beauty, and
they should blame themselves if they
do not appear attractive." s
While she upheld the morals of the
girl of today, Miss Payne would not
condone cigarettes and drinking
"Smoking and drinking are distinct-
ly unladylike, and should not be in-
dulged in. To me the habit are re-
pu~l sive."
She heartily approved of the pre-
sent' mode of dress. "Shorter skirts
and sensible dresses give girls great-
er freedom and allow them to appear
more human.
"The presence of beauty does not
indicate the appaiing absence oft
intelligence. It was sheer prejudice
on the part of the man who referred
to us as the beautiful dumb. I be-
lieve that beauty and brains go hand
in hand. Intelligence counted
greatly in the pageant, and "Miss
Philadelphia," who won this year's
contest, was a young woman of
culture and refinement."
Paricipants in the pageant were
provided with uniform attire, and
risque bathing suits were tabood. In
general the old fashioned type of
beauty seemed Ito appeal most to
the judges. "Miss Philadelphia" is
unusually tall, with long, dark hair.
Only two girls minus their "crown-
ing glory" won prizes in the contest.
Following the pageant the prize
winning beauties were showered
with offers by motion picture pro-
ducers. Miss Payne said that the
click of movie cameras held no lure
for her, and that she did not intend
to appear on the screen.
Miss Payne entered the pageant
following her selection in a beauty
contest conducted by one of the
newspapers of her city. Eighty-
three girls were intered In the page-
ant. The 15 judges were artists and
stage people of note, and included
Howard Chandler Christy, Norman
Rockwell and Earl Carroll.
According to Miss Payne the con-
test was conducted with the utmost
fairness, the judges coming in per-
sonal contact with the beauties be-
fore giving their decision. It is
estimated that more than 100,000
spectators came to see the
beauties trip up the famous board-
walk. As second prize winners in
the southern division in the roller
chair contest Miss Payne was award-
ed a huge silver cup. She was giv-
en first honorable mention in the
bathing beauty contest, and also won
ribbons in the evening dress contest.
Miss Payne declared that it was
her intention to enroll in the Uni-
versity next year. At present she is
a senior in high school, and expects
to return shortly to her home in
West Palm Beach.
~I11111111II I11 1111111111111111lt1111 1
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John Says:
Y , -
E"You Will Be Satisfied
- With the


New York, Sept.23-Budgets total-
ing $295,411 were voted by the exe-
cutive committee of the Associated
Advertising Clubs of the world at a
meeting in the New York Advertis-
ing Club last week. The truth-in-
advertising movement, sponsored byl
the vigilance department, received
over one-half of the total budget.
Other departments to hreceive a!
share of the budget were the investi-
gation department, educational de-
partment, educational department,
club organization and similar ac-1
In his report before the, vigilance
committee Herbert S. Houston,
chairman of the board of trustees,
commended the leaders in the mov-
ing picture and radio fields for their
valued co-operation in disclosing
major misrepresentations in both of
these industries.
Maj. Gen. John L. Hines, who puc-
ceeds General John J. Pershing as
chief of staff of the United Statte
army, puts efficiency first and classes
training of soldiers above numbers.
Hines demands absolute- obedience
from his subordinates, loyalty, in his
estimation, being the greatest virtue
of an officer. He makes this a test
of citizenship: "Obedience to the
law because it is a law, not because
you approve or disapprove." Gen-
eral Hines has the reputation in the!
service as a driver, but one who does
not ask more of others than he de-
mands of himself.

Prize Winning Beauty Talks ADMEN VOTE BUDGET TO

Examinations for the position of
junior patent examiner will be held
throughout the country on October 22
and 23 by the United States Civil Ser-
vice Commission. The duties of the
junior patent examiner are to per-
form .elementary scientifice or tech-
I nical work in the examination of ap-
plications for patents.
IFull information and application
blanks maybea obtained from the
United States Civil Service Commis-
ison, Washington, D.UC., or the secre-
tary of the board of U. S. civil service
examiners at the post office or cus-
tom house in any city.
Cleveland Bans
Street Parades
Cleveland, Sept. 22.-Defense Day
marked the beginning of the end of,
downtown parades in Cleveland, ac-
,cordin-g to Safety Director Edwin D.
Barry, who said that he would urge
that steps be taken to make this a
ruler. Commenting on the hopelessly
tangled traffic left by the parade, he
"It was a serious mistake to have
allowed the parade late in the after-
noon, anyway. We had plenty of men
detailed, but we simply couldn't han-
dle the machines. It won't happen
again. One thing is certain-there
will be no more parades at that hour
in the afternoon."
Not only was traffic hampered by
the parade, which lasted from 4 p. m.
until almost 5 p. m., but scattered de-
tachments of the parade marching to'
places of disbandment further added
to the confusion. Downtown parades
already have been forbidden in Sian
Francisco, Los . Ageles and Kansas
City, M'. Barry said.

.Have you seen

,,k '

Corona our?
T IS the sensation of the typewriter world
today. A regular full size office typewriter
that is portable!
Corona Four has the standard office keyboard,
and big machine features throughout, from
the 10-inch carriage to the 12-yard self-revers-
ing ribbon.
Come and write with Corona Four. Whether
you are an expert typist or not, you'll appre-
ciate its easy touch, its speed, its quietness-
and its beautiful work !
The Typewriter and Stationery Store





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