_____THE MICH-IGAN DAILY P AGE THIS I I A Rte(IGi TI - fl-Uui a. a.-~t$ 11 1OR.REC 0QK Columbus, Oct. 31.-A tine egedlGA RIO Ngt - roc to $ 0 gee I A lCKAI pIat5. SS #i I 10' P lv Lu o1 S ~ ~ v~i iThrough an error in The Daily i athlete, freshman at Ohio -State, ole 1141r[. _ reterui a o usdle's S rem e Com edy P R O FE S S O R S - -a w - -' k4 T W H IS T LE satat * . ire to t COLU N " 1! 1 m mv r w . : V+s r r "I 1 W r ;sI T. [feiiNN it Y it [I S a s appointed assuL1U; Itan lto r of. D.iL . C LO S E . Y ~ a~ l ; a s as ist a n t o rof . . I ."U I Y 1 A T t p an r 1 ticich , tofp hth es p h yrteit . e e p a rtm e n t. H eHY UNS NIARY V a title corresponding in rank with SA{L;811E IVOODST CK PREFERRED He0ad and , Decker In' rigte Poluionr (Continued from Page One.) ;hto nassatpoesr M roue Pants and Muniipal 'l lineup, the aerial attack should proveI 1Sewers in Fllint !a constant source of trouble to the AN EXCELLENT Teni room °lhouse ITHE experienced operator will reog -____ convenient to the campus. Only ' nize an array -of features not com- Gperatesohmresari $9,000.00. Call 2438. bined inl any other typewrie r.A soURG E TREATING WASTES' scintillating prfoiner at heaving theI tial wilcniclyu eas ball. Rockwell, Hler rnstein, Marion, FORSAE 4 Sraihtbac, eaher hae al ake o ued machines. Profs. W. C. IJoadl and A. J. Dock -nd Mill r are expert .eceivers ock- FOR SALE 45 Straig1t will beather; have alcloaesly, usthe bottom oak chairs. Light finish, in t Renting and repairing a specialty. er, of the sanitary engineering divis- l'tllesta ggeat oselas thea first class condition. Call Luiis Gib- Ann Arbor Typewriter Exchange. ion of theo civil engineering depart-i eoc eslos naboe id son, 3010-i1. 9 Savings Bank Bk. Phone 866. 1met, recently completed an extensive h slkl osoe ihtec-FN~LTE TUXEDO Size 37, worn once, very MUICinetiation of ac astes forliteception of Steele anid Ijerrntein, the i y kYNG reasonrable. Call 2516-W bretwveen nufae xitre'fasociatin of inthe Wolverine lineup will be tie same as 6.7. 1MEtLL GILLESPIE, Soloist and teach-I Flint river due to the discharge ofcnhas r h Steele is playing h ,Iis lnasst ye art Yei, thirty year's experience. Man-i wastes from the plants and municipal ,. >. ( ~ ~ &Qye.'o FORD TOU RING., Good shape. New dolir I or Michigan, and his. play is as good(1he yeo tire:s and trshot ' ota445 ~,90l. guitar, banjo, and chordr sewers had .been a mattar of common as ever. Ieti> a source of Strength English Clothes AnnSt Phacconxtruction. Telephone 1791-M. know eldge for some time.ts, hi(e x-ion the line, as he can block, tackle,hae. cngd .GETNGLUK?"Wllatiho ntfrofmthearoton as" ei r lra'ndldia gnose plays with deadly ac-I r Jconmc in to hear the other side of it.: ance created by it Tuts demanded that iurcy edhuner aVei i Issroghye FoRdi'tOURINGrandr; Cdsa er. Go.ETN UCY"Wlla--owigfomya o er ud h crc.Hcrsen sasrogoe codto.Cc Some Other Day. Some Other (on il unr and will add to riur ni'tbL 1 Giol. acton be taken by thu city for gnsrnigatc, t IRM~tlLLUIL a I ~The Stofflett Phono Shops its h elnt atin.uhl Th~ie 'Ye gamre will start at 3o'clock, for morn~ than,. AN ELEVEN Roome hous'e on P. Un-11110 1w.ithhigto St 61cE.LitoAnitsor iweaste' .Wsigo S.66E ith rEch pltotwas oog tepouied AnnArbor Lie p re~ et' versity Ave. Second floor rooms erty St. processes, the character Pod cucigaLneup: a i au.to aen1 rneenuhto pay the rent. fu Iiro tewsesadad i- l°gai. rmneasot~i. retain... they. same.- rented enotisughte.wste a d he ir went WelrQl..'adqaiy mediate possession if desired]. Call WANTED teteto ien fdsoa sd Miller.........LE..... Welrfy~ tacuti 661-W ol2438.Edwards L .. ...Cox (Capt.) ITWO TICKETS for Iowa game. Nor- Th!tde nlde h oplto Slaughter .. ..LG....... Abramnsoni LSmaJono.328 E. Jefferson. 2Brlte o wnStel.....,...........,..Coopers VNBOECRS GOLD FOOTBiALLI Watch fob. Re-; TYPEWRITERS and other non-productive mzaterials, f acc. ...T..... rs ward. Return to A. G. Oliver, Law- ___________s________ fell as a careful investigation of!Foa.....E.....MreTH OMPSON yer's Club. jTYPEWRITING And also translR-all seeRock G ectio'danUsvv; lions English-Dutch', Dutch English temns at each plt, eruten....U.....Shttb LSOCAO Wit godwth done at home. Phone 195-M Zafter 5 Agea ay" h pat suidFriedmran ...... RII........ .Ascher between Ann St. and Arcade Post P. M. were found to be pi'odmcing anidis- ro~.....B.....ibr 27.Pe ase4:returnM.ton33annSct. Icharging appreciable amonts of Marian____..._____B__._________________________________________ offic Pe ate 4e3urP.o M.3MonyOt. 1 waste into the river. Rc Iena Rwr.Phone 3 18'3-M. MNYbaPnsNTG ~1Swere ade for tecelimnain p~---~ ~-- ARE LTD O OA or treatmnent of wastes at the plats Ii ,,""H KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA pin in where heymarecreated Barbour gym. Phone 390.otinued From Page Si.) Cu RMyWII~ PERSON stWho FOU T heta Dolt NorHaeuilprtcptaiiCu T eev pi3atsrn al96,unbet another intersectinal battlecwhen it 1 8 I "Rciv ,al lct'iderR-wd.enters the home field at'othBnd i NOV to INO . lfli loaefndr earaSuh edR tu n yl aso t 'UOagainst Georgia Tech. Coach rhock- """The Eu LOST Alpha Omnicroan Pi pin. namie ne's eleven, in spite of victories over. ( aLe"leig amnsmd o euiflsl engraved on hac'k.Cal 2949. the Army and Princeton, is not over- U Tnder the auspices of the Ann Ar- li;, oejnjlinad loeedpttrn. Whtel' plise cme i plin ad fowerd ptters. hite ble, nttI confident of a victry over the for- (hr branch of the American Associa- ;;u " orh'~,aizan WHTr ~ L achadcan n midale southern eleven. tion of Engineers, a radio for the re-ikpeach. ~tasI.A .Smweeo a- The unbeaten Missouri team of the ceipt of election returns will be n- C $2.39( pus. Return to 518 Cbeever CL, Missouri Valley Conference, is match- staled in the rooms of the Univer- r 1Ou V lS ". m . . .. . m . m . .$23 lu 274W.Rwr.ed against the powerful Nbraska ag- sity club in Alumni Memorial hall, it ERai S*34 IAST ILadies blue silk purse. Cll gregation in the most important fea- was announced yesterday. Only mem- 327-W.Rewrd HERn* 106. Reward. ture on the grid card in the West. hers of the club and of the associa- U _________________Missouri started the season with a tion, and their wives, will be _ad-f a aVAL L BLACK Change purse con- 3-0 victory over the Chicago Maroons, mritted to hear the returns. H~ s"taining two keys. Finder please and has been successful in keeping, Re I (telephone 1804-W. a clean slate up to the present. Ne-( Don't delay-Pay yu usrpin 303 South Main Street. GOD~rit ath braska is one of the most feared' today. m - --~ ~ ' ~ - = = = = LQ3T ~~~teams in the country, holding the fast---- ---- Ioa hae al 0.Rwad lin oalo creo -.Flshape.i111illlll111 Ca~1i11li~illllglillllllll 904.111Reward.tl11111ini1Itoliallowialscorellofil9-6. Follow-il fI ST Gld atc beteenOakandIng the defeat by thre Suckers, the I sand Ferry Field day of Wisconsin Conhserclupe ndtokaST RECEI1VED~ game. Phone 2378. beating from Oklahoma, hut revamp- J vauiLs 'i i-t.et 6 iieniis, plays tti z iiSPRINGj~j~~ basketball, tennis, golf, and holds ;a CLEANING medal for second place he won in a ,WI-ith 'Violet Heming, Estelle Winwood half mile swim. krtltur B3yron, A. F. Mattlewvs r { .., -- ^ , }' _.... v. / cr ,. .:., , i. , v 1.\ _ ATHLETES MUST KEEP IN CONDITION- To the football Player-to ANY a rthlete-one of the most appealing features of his favorite sport is. the shower and rub-down that :follows the exercise. One three-letter lad said he'd play on the croquet team if he could get n condition and they'd promise him his Mifiliri maissage after each game!. One tian. lives basc'bal--another ,golf--a third tcnni --bi-L ALL, agree on the delights of a AMIif~iri Alko- hol rub-down after exercise of any sort. Finn- to soften the beard, before shaving; -t cool and soothe the skin, AFTER shaving. Splendid relief for tired, aching feet; great for sunburn; an efficient antiseptic and, germicide. Mifflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for externlal use. College teams and many other athletic organi- zationts use Mifflin Alkohol regularly. Be sure YOU get Mifflin-in the handy-grip one-pitt bottles as illustrated. LADIE~S GLOVE and GLASSES at tho Wisconsin game. Return 1005 fLincoln or" call 3003-J. 0 T OIT CE LANDLADIS- STUDENTS DON'T Overl.ookc the opportunity to save on many household necessi- t les at The EIconomny Second Hand S;tore, 209 N. Main St., l-'hlone 789-M. l~ We iel wht you do want and buy ~what you don't wanut. f3 , ' AUTTE R's eaU theC next wek a'dlifea~~Uted Co-1 gate. aPATON ' Accounting.iZWILI M M A T:Th Prci eoJ u nait n lom .DOt 1-h irst -! soofteseason fell here yester- ,U = ILA S MATN h Patcjf oraim stiigteground. jSMITH: heEnglish Lnuae Columbia, Mo., Oct. 31.-Subscrip- IJ-TjXj tD ' ' J' tions for the Memorial Union and .LLV.Y JLOJ S- 'tadium drive at the University of BOO A1 NFJ300K *ST'(~ f Ph, Missouri totalled more than $84,000 for = the first day of soliciting..It11t tltitltl lt1 i6i1il l11199t IDlll llidlilt tilliitlfl ll!il tllllli i11tllU Cl l lk; Mifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. Sales Agents. HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO., Inc. 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto Sydney Wellington MI FJ FLIN the external tonic AT ALL 'GOOD DRUG STORES }!Al 'HE MIFFLIN ALKIOMOL YAnnLOls( rW mMVMt LUNCH 1117 f So. University LOVER'S FORM E ',RASSIERS and NMadame X Reducing Garments at 1the Qcualiity S:hop. Phone for ap- hoinltmnt for 'm'fittings. 3)03" S. !MazlinlSt. 1'Phonlte 11 7 4I V,1,1-1ANE"1 IS CORR-'ESINl1 .l')NCI" STATIONERY CL EA RACESA,. LEuntil November l t in order 1o0 make roomi for our large Christmas stock, 0. D. MORRILL, - 14 Nickels' Arcade. SThe New Stationery Store. - The"Ho ey eli"- 1115 South University ..-; Serving the incomparable "Velvet Brand"' Ice Cream =1- in a Variety of Choice Flavors - BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, FRUITS - ~~~DETROIT CREAMERY ADVGTBE Exclusive - Velvet Chocolate226H24- i E ; II t w'lil t t AVON INN ORChE iSTRA NOWN Book- inlg fraternity and sorority parties.. Call Ed. Greenispan, 2,051-R. WILL PART IIES AWh o witnessed acci- -dent M ay 24 whein oil truck was forced into ditch by sedan please com mniate Nwith Staebler Oil Co. 424 S. Mi ln. STI D)ENT 1DELIVERY Deliveries to any hart of the city 50c OPENN' IITS AND SUNDAYS Until 8:30 P. M. Oapposite Court h-ouse PIhONE 3591-J 1RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arblor Carpet Cleaning Works, Phone 50. SPECIAL Prices oan bobbed hair, and three expert marcellers. Soft water used exclusively. Phone 2939-M. C. Deammetial Beauty Shop.j 00 LL ANN ARDOR HIGH SCHOOL Versus A .11 11 1I I II II l I lll~i lli1 ii fi I I I I 11110 111 IIIIIIIIII ii i!11111111111111 il:; EXTRA CONCERT SERIES Hill Auditoriunt Agn Arbor SosaandBad w a -- - Sousa Himself-Eminent Soloists-Nearly 100 Men-in a Won- 2derful Programn of Stirring and Thrilling Band Numbers. Tickets =now on Sale at the UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC-50c, $1.00, ~$1.50, $2.00. , a -. -SEASON TICKETS FoRl FIVE CONCERTS - SOUSA'S WONDERFUL BAND- THREE CONCERTS BY THlE FAILOUS - DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Under GABRILOWIT'SCH Hiriself - ~with - EMINENT SOLOISTS AT EACH --and the- KIBALCHICH RUSSIAN CHORUS RUSSIA'S GR1EATEST SINGING~ BODY - In Costume-"A Human Symphony Orchestra" I = 42.00O.4t001_N II inL ROAfDLAST 11 Price $10.00. This shoe has gone over big with the college nthan. It is designed especially for him. Made of Imported Scotch Grain and combines com- fort with style. We carry a complete stock. PONTIAC HIGH SQKOOL TODAY at12:30 Ps . W-i U- CW4Dam T ILILO1ING SUITS 1iADi)E TO YOUR MEASURE $25.00, $30.00 $35.00 HERMAN THE' TAILOR STATE STREET Shoes for Michigan Men ;nnn r;elri HILL ST. AT Brim iln II 1 1 it lii t w * III 115