THE MICUIGAN DAILY shed every morning except Monday the University year by the Board in of Student Publications. ers of Western Conference Editorial ion. Associated Press is exclusively en- > the use for republication of all news es credited to it or not otherwise in this paper and the local news pub- herein. ed at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,. n, as second class matter. Special rate age granted by Third Assistant Post- ription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,; s: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- treet. es: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi- 6o. w 1 1 i i ' EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176.1 MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER litor................John G. Garlinghouse :wu Editor......,...Robert G. Ramsay Night Editors orge W. Davis oseph Kruger omas P. Henry John Conrad mneth C. Keller orman R. Thal orts Editor.......William H. Stoneman nday Editor..... ,.... Robert S. Mansfield omens Editor ...........V...Verena Moran usic and Drama......Robert B. Henderson legraph Editor...William J. Walthour Assistants ise Barley Winfield H. Line arion Barlow Harold A. Moore slie S. Bennets Carl E. Ohimacher >rma Bicknell William C. Patterson erman Boxer iHelen S. Ramsay pith Cady Jr. Regina Reichmann illard B. Crosby Marie Reed lentine L. Davies Edmarie Schrauder mes W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito seph O. Gartner Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr. annming Houseworth C. Arthur Stevens izabeth S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet izabeth Liebermann Frederic Telmos ancis R. Line Herman J. Wise BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Ivertising.................E. L. Dunne dvertising.......... . ..3..Finn vertising.. ...... '.H. A. Marks vertising..............H. M. Rockwell ccounts........Byron Parker rculation.................R. C. Winter ublication.............John W. Conlin Assistants W. Arnold W. L. Mullins V. Ardussi K P.. Mast ordlon Bur is. L. Newmann Dentz Thomas Olmstead hihip Deitz 3. D. Ryan avid Fox N. Rosenzweig rman Freebling Margaret Sandburg !E. Hanaker F. K. Schoenfeld Johnson S. H. Sinclair >. Kramer F. Taylor ,uis W. Kramer SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1924 Night Editor-HAROLD A. MOORE and finally which establishes a time DR. FISHER WAS RIGHT1- limit previous to which not more than To the Editor: I one extra ticket will be sold, the Ath- Although Prof. William H. Hobbs 1 M U SIC letic association and the Alumni as- in his letter published yesterday, AND sociation will continue to get corn- mthe 56,000 living almi. characterizes as "transparently false" The Alumnus can well afford to get Dr. Irving Fisher's assertion that behind a movement for a change in- Theodore Roosevelt favored American_________ behid aof vement foracang e in entry into the League of Nations, I THE FACULTY CONCERT stead of passively accepting the plani am unwilling to believe that this set- now used. The next program in the compli- I hmentaryFumatter. What Rooseveltlw thought is really of no great import-mFaculty. Concert series will SCHOLARS AS R. 3t. 0. C.'s be given at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow Starting this fall, tbe Board in Con- wasc at present; for all his genius hebegvna4:5occktmrw wasa fallible human being and neith- afternoon in Hill auditorium with trol of Student Publications will an- .iMrs. Guy Maier, pianist, and Theo-I nually award three prizes for schol- sh uldotfdeterm t' dore Harrison, baritone, as soloists. arship amounting to $500. Any student ude of reasonable people towards any The recital will include the follow- who has worked for four semesters on ing numbers: any student publication is eligible subject. Irish Tune from County Derry........ . to make application, and will be judg- Dr. Fisher, however, has raised theGrainger. ed by the marks which he has receiv- question ard proved his contention Italian Concerto............ Bach. Sed in the course of his work on his !upon what appea~rsoe o (Allegro-Andante expressivo-Presto) publication.I. . . P s H hLois Maier Obviously this action is taken to en- frankly impugned either his intelli- Come 1 'Amore.......... courage good scholarship among those gence or his veractiy, and this de- Monologue, Act 1 "Andre Chenier"... participating in University activities mands a reply. Giorando. In the first place, it is manifestly and to encourage the right type of Theodore Harrison person to enter this work. The an- absurd to allege that Roosevelt op- The Pensive Spinner.........Ganz. nouncement comes as a result of yearns bsetheLIagueoNationsabeause "On the Wings of Song".Mendelssohn- of ndevoron he artof he ~oad.the initial draft of the covenant was of endeavor on the part of the Board. Liszt. not drawn until Feb. 14, 1919, six Lst to find some means of furthering good net ern osteltsb. ea4,.1The,s hyFive Cuban Dances .. . ..... Cervantes. scholarship among publications men. weeks after Roosevelt's death. The "Why, eh? It is so designed that it will serve question then becomes, did Roosevelt, "Sleep no more" this purpose. prior to his death, indicate that he "Danza" More important, however, than the opposed American membership in such he Jealous One encouragement of good scholarship a world organization to enforce peace "Danza" among those men and women already as the present League of Nations? Ballade in A flat ........... Chopin. active in this work is the fact that it believe not, on tht following grounds: Mrs. Maier will serve as an attraction to many 1. Roosevelt was one of the first andE Echo......................uhn. who heretofore confined themselves most ardent American champions of ow Sleeps the Crimson Petal...... to study, missing the broadening con- just such an international associa- to~~~~~~~~~ tioyn as gth thea League- ..of.. .. ..Na..t..on..s... ..n .Qhisr. tacts attained in campus work. The tion as the League of Nations. In his piration, "To Build is Joy" .....Cox. prizes should show this type of per- speech accepting the Nobel Peace Mr. Harrison Prize, May 5, 1910 (vide, The Inde- r son that campus activities are not Maude Okkelberg, Accompanist. designed primarily for the typical pendent, May 12, 1910) Roosevelt said: * *t* des"Finallymitiwouldrbeha master stroke empty-headed handshaker, that the i THE PLAY PRODUCTION SERIES Board appreciates the necessity of if those great powers honestly bentj Season tickets for Professor Hollis- thinking, studying individuals as mem- on peace would form a League of ter's Play Production series, priced at bers of the publications staff. Peace, not only to keep the peace one dollar for the semester, are now1 The fact that the Board is thus among themselves, but to prevent, by on sale at the State street bookstores i if PersonalChristmasCards GRAHAN S Bcth Ends of the Diagonal Walk w OCTOBE 1, 1924 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 } 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ,. Notice We clean and reblock hats and caps and do it RIGHT. You will appreciate having your hat done over in a clean and sanitary manner, free from odor and made to fit your head FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phone 1792 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) 1' 1 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Our capacity to serve you has been doubled. Come in and see for yourself. 1116 South University Ave. THE L ANTERNSHOP. Luncheons Now Making a and Specially of Dinners- Sunday Dinners Open Daily1?:3 11:00 A. M. to - Please Make 7:00 P. M. Your (Except Sunday) Reservations fl 703 E.-University - -h e093 M RaaDayd Col3 Read I'he Daily Cla--ss fied" Columns WASHINGTON TODAY 'The Critical Age" -Also- L'ennett's Musical Comedy Late Show at 10:15 P. 1. SUNDAY 1). Ii. Griffith's "Gaye Exciting Night" Selected Comedy -And- An Entiroy New Show by Bonnetls fusical Comedy Company I .WARE UP, AND SEE THE 4 LIGHT!I In the course of the past few weeks there has been much talk concerning, the football ticket situation in the University. The Daily has from time to time attempted to express student opinion on the subject, an irate alum- nus has aired his grievances to the public in an open communication pub- lished in The Daily and other papersS of the state, and the Athletic associa- tion in its turn has defended the pres- ent system of distribution. Now the Alumnus makes its contri- bution to the manifold utterances on the subject in an article which gives a clear analysis of the present system of distribution, but fails to find any remedy except a new stadium, "seat- ing 100,000 or even 150,000 people." The discussion is interesting, but it is not a significant contribution to the literature on the subject since it passively accepts several principles of distribution which are fundamentally' wrong. For instance-"Much expression has been given by alumni to a feeling that a distinction should be made between them and the general public in this matter of securing seats for a big game. The tax payers are believed (by The Alumnus) to have just as much right to a seat for a big game as alumni-but it must be remenmber- ed that the alumni do get a certain ad- vantage, in that the application blanks are sent to them and they are warn- ed in advance of the day on which their remittances should be sent, whereas the general public does not get such a warning."1 The Daily agrees with the many alumni who state that they have a prior right to tickets over the general run of tax-payers. The tax-payers who have a real interest in the Uni- versity, who work to further its in- terests are those who are connected with the University either by be- ing the parents or friends of students and alumni or by having been once students in the University. These can be provided for through. alumni and student extra tickets. The stadium 3annot possibly take care of the. mil- lions of inhabitants of the state. Therefore, there must be a selection n the distribution of tickets in which only those who'have the fundamental. interest stated above would be taken care of. The fact that alumni are 1 forewarned of the approaching ticket sale is of little significance since the public is also aware of the opening late. Another matter which The Alumnus! itterly disregards is the fact that the present system gives preference to a rew alumni and thousands of their ,force if necessary, its being broken j placing a premium on :scholarship forseand the Goodyear Drug store on Main should tend to discourage the many by others." street. The repertory twill include individuals whose principal aim in " 2. In "The Outlook" for Sept. 9, four programs: on Wednesday, life is to be identified with as many 1914, "The World War: Its Tragedies Nov. 5, "Sweethearts" by W. S. Gilbert, different activities as possible. Ac- and Its Lessons," Roosevelt declared "For Distinguished Service," "Mar- tivities have their place in University unequivocally, "In view of what hastha's Mourning" by Phoebe Hoffman, life, but they should never be permit- and "The Impertinence of the Crea- ted to transcend the importance of ought to ho ripe for the nations to con- ture" by Gordon Cosmo-Lennox will scholarship. The action of the Board sider a great world agreement among be presented; on Friday, Nov. 28, in Control is a step in the right direc- all the civilized military powers to "Shavings," dramatised from Joseph tion, leading to the day when those back rghtoousncss by force. Such an C. Lincoln's Cape-Cod stories; on engaged in campus activities will be agreement would establish an effic- Tuesday, Dec. 16, "Arms and the scholars as well as gentlemen. lent World League for the Peace of Man" by George Bernard Shaw; and' _Righteousness. Such a League could I on Wednesday, Jan. 21, "The Playboy' limit the amount to be spent on onWdedy a., Te~yby In The Daily yesterday a Mr. ltof the Western World" by John Mill- Kazemi was described as ,"charged armaments. ington Synge. affairs." If all his affairs are like the "World peace will not come save * * , recent letter from the Soviet govern- in soni such manner as that whereby THE DETROIT REPERTORY ment the description is quite apt. we obtain peace within the borders _of each nation; that is by the crea- 1 THEATER tion of reasonably impartial judges In New York, a Theater Guild pro- Nowleaforearushtofh se pireople.Iand by putting an efficient police duction draws enthusiastic audiences Nw wer supsed to ndhave kep, power-that is, by putting force in from the most cultured element in the1 but haen't, seffective fashion-behind the decrees East. People desirious of seeing full but haven't.. _of the judges." justice done to contemporary drama 3. All of Roosevelt's writings at look forward expectantly to the bril- this time seem almost to have been liant, forceful productions of this CAMPUS OPINION composed with a vision of the League New York organization. Nor are they' Anonymonus cnrimnxl catioiis will be I hadyerdiapnt. dieg"ided . len 'fcomi of Nations and the International hardly ever disappointed. cants will. however, le retarded as Court of Justice. In the New York' The Detroit Repertory theater , a confidential upon request. Times, Sept. 27, 1914, he wrote: "The similar organization, is presenting ROOSEVELT AND THE LEAGUE-- nations should agree on certain rights only those plays which have been ac- A REPLY that should not be questioned, such claimed the Guilds best, plays which as their territorial integrity. . . all otherwise would seldom if ever reach To the Editor: should guarantee each of their Detroit; such marked successes, for Prof. W. H. Hobbs must have failed number of a r in a m e n t s in the example, as Bernard Shaw's "Heart- to note the important fact Professor possession of these rights. All break House" and Karel Capek's "R. Fisher made so clear-Roosevelt died should agree that other matters at U. R." before the League was organized. Any issue between any of them, or between The first formal announcement of any of them and any one of a num-. the sale of tickets for their 1924-25 comment by Roosevelt was therefore season, which will include five pro- by Rosevet threfoe Iher of specified outside civilized na- based on theoretical,~assumptions as toy tions, should be submitted to the Court ductions new to Detroit, has just been the probable nature of the League. As as above constituted. They should mailed to their patrons. The initial Professor Hobb's correctly quotes Mr. furthermore agree, not only to abide, performance will be "Heartbreak Roosevelt, "There is no difficulty each of them, by the decision of the Hous'e, to be presented on consecu- .v. rCourt, but all of them to unite with tive ays, ov. , , , an . whatever i prattling cheerfully about Courr y Reservations for season tickets and I their military forces to enforce the i such a league or in winning applause 1decee of the Court as against any further information may be obtained by rhetoric concerning it prior to the recalcitrant member. Under these cir- from the theater office, 52 Putman effort to make it work in practice." cunstances it would be possible to Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. And therein lies the key to the ques- agree on a limitation of armaments tion. It was just as easy to do the same that would be real and effective." THE JUNIOR GIRL'S PLAY concerning the possibilities of failure. In the same article, he said: "The The engagement of Amy Loomis as The little handful of pessimists who horror of what has occurred in director of this year's Junior Girl's opposed the league in the Senate did I Europe . . . is altogether too great to Play is as adroit a move as possible quite a bit of "prattling" themselves. permit us to rest supine without en- to bring the production to its former Some "viewed with alarm" the propos- deavoring to prevent its repitition. We critical standard. Miss Loomis when al to create a super-state. Others de- are not to be excused if we do not she was in college was the most fin- nounced it because it was not strong make a resolute and intelligent effort ished, delightful actress on the cam- enough. Mr. Roosevelt saw the need to devise some scheme which will pus in our day-if one dare say so. for international co-operation and minimize the chance for a recurrence Her work, with "The Yellow Jacket" earnestly advocated it. He did not of such horror in the future and which 'and "Suppressed Desires" as examples, have authentic and first hand infor- will at least limit and alleviate it if was always reserved and charming; mation concerning the proposed I it should occur." ' her direction in the Junior Girl's Play,'I t j Pay for your Subscription today. r REMINGTON PORTABI ES GEO. REGISTER Student Representative G04 E. Madison Phone 18 09 IRVI ROLTS U. S C, GRAIUATE AND REGI-TERED C7 .ropodist Orthopedist I707 N. University' At e IPhone 2652 l ! '9 '; s ' i I . /, Special Announcement O's lg to the u ni's-mil imterest m nxt e ;"si j in the fo r eoinilAmg enige- meat of fe1 B Dil;s m hlty spevi eie, "TILE TEN C031TAN D. SETN't'S wvl'.h beg-his on 1 omulay xi i"h, Ne ve uber )10, and twice daily *Noeuber 11nail1' e na ene of the WHlley T'rwle- has deidel to imugurate a special mail order deikpatlient for the en g'agceet of th is attract ion. Applications for seat will be filed in the order of their receipt. Kindl iy address all co uniciinv eations to Man;ia'ger Mebityre, Whitney Theatre. Orilers shmuld be accompanuied by check or money onler for the itinnier of srates desired. Performance will be given twice iaily. Prices for the daily ntMniees'are .......................85e, $1.14 For night performances........................58c, $1.10, $1.65 In orderinl; seats pnlcne state f)r what performince tickets are desired. MAIL NOW! ALL SEATS RESERVED A Param;ount Product on--m(incus Playe;rs-fasky Corporation) M...00 r.-r-400 ro#." W.100. +" Pt. Il N II i Lu. We are Headquarters for League until shortly before his deatb 4. Further light upon this subject and his comments up to that time will be found in Roosevelt's article,j were based on nothing more than "Utopia or Hell" in The Independent, guesses as to what it would be. When ,Jan. 4, 1915, and to "The League of Ex-President Taft went over the pro- Nations" in "The Metropolitan Maga- posed draft of the League Covenant zine" for January, 1919. with him we find him saying that he 5. Finally, there is no proof what- could agree with it in principle and ever that Roosevelt opposed the that doubtless the details could be League of Nations while its ultimate worked out satisfactorily. This was his provisions were under discussion, late only comment on the League for it in 1918. In a posthumous editorial was the only one based on actual published in the Kansas City Star, knowledge of the League as we know Jan. 13, 1919, dictated just three days it today. before his death, Roosevelt said: "Mr. All this discussion as to what Mr. Taft has recently defined the purposes Roosevelt thought is beside the point, of the League and the limitations un- however. Since his death the League der which it would act, in a way that if precedent means anything, should be equally expert. . * * * "THE ROCK" "The Rock," a religious drama of Simon Peter by Mary P. Hamlin was presented Friday evening before the delegates of the Religious State Sun- day School Convention, and is to be repeated for the general public tonight in the High School auditorium at eight o'clock. ' The cast will include Clarence Wright as Simon Peter, Blossom Bea- con as Adina, Anne Miller as Deborah, Harry Burnett as Ucal, and Sarah Slocum as Mary of Magdal. Minor E I has been put into operation; we now enables most of us to say we heartily roles will be played by Homer Strong I have a true gauge whereby we may 1 ogree in principle with his theory and and Beryl Wright. measure its worth. Fifty-four nations can, without doubt, come to an agree. have found it a benefit. The croak- ment on specific details." The French have designs on iron ings of those political haymakers who Inasmuch as criticism of the League and steel. First they invade the Ruhr, prevented our entry into the League of Nations, Senatorial and otherwise, and now they have recognized Soviet when a great majority of tht Senate has centered about Article X. it is in- Russia na a mnans nof controlin tis r 4' ! I f J E Y