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November 01, 1924 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 11-1-1924

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1, 1924



I O'S II~tlln ltllll ll l illtalllltllll lllll llu11llllnrlllllll l ull rilltnilltti, ;
RAim-to serve
you the best ....
Repubicans Sign Proclamadion Lend- Luncheon 12:00-1 :30
ing support to Iavis Iiea g Afternoon Tea, 3:00-5:00
o Nations I sue iDinner, 5:30-7:00W
Prof. Preston W. Sosson of the his-
tory department is one of the fifty
educators, lawyers, and authors
throughout the country who have rIn n
usually supported the Republican-20a South tate St. Phone 10-H
ticket, but who have signed a procla-
mnation announcing their support ofilllllll lllllllillil ilhllll11111111I1111tlil1
John W. Davis on the League of Na -~---
tions issue. The statement called for
all Republicans "who put world wel-
fare above party politics" to vote the
democratic ticket this year.
It denounced the Republican ad-l
ministration for having repudated' 417 East Huron
Republican traditions of close rela-
tions with the rest of the world, and
condemned the failure of Secretary Where delicious
IHughes, Secretary Hoover and other
members of " the committee of 31" to -is
live up to their pledge during the food served in a
1920 campaign. The statement fol-
l ' ,Lthe undersigned, who have setting of unUsUa
usually supported the Republican
ticket, have been trained political tra- originalty.and
dition emphasizing the internation
responsibilities of America. From c
lincoln to Roosevelt and Taft each
successive Republican administration
has labored for a closer understand- We Serve Daily Except Monday
ing among nations of the world.
"The present Republican adminis-
tration, first under Mr. Harding, and Luncheon, 12:00-2:00 Tea, 2:00-5:00
now under Mir. Coolidge, has repu-
diated these traditions. Dinner, 5:30-7:30
The statement goes on to point out
the ways in which the League of Na-
tions has proved its usefulness dur- Sunday Dinner, 1 :00-3:00 Supper, 5:30-7:30
ing the five years of its existence, Phone 2985 M
and regrets that the Republican ad-
niinistration has adopted such a i
policy of national isolation.
"We want our country to stand
first in the councils of the nations,
the proclamation goes on. "The Re-
p iblican party has had four years of
trial. Its internationally minded lead-
ers cannot or will not lead. We urgej
t} refore, all Republicans who put
world welfare - above party politics
to',unite with us in voting for John
W Davis and for those Senatorial C
can4didates who stand honestly and
frnkly for joining the existingi
League of Nations on such terms as
sal comport with the duty, dignity, For your week-end parties. Delivered on short notice.
and moral responsibility of the
n ited States."
ther prominent educators who
h e signed this proclamation are:
1 sident Henry '. McCracken of
V 'sar college, President Mary E.
oley of Mount Holyoke college, Best in Town
h n Charles H. Haskins, of the Har-
v graduate school, Katherine Lee II{ Phone 189 A0
} 's of Wellesley college, Prof. Ells- IOYU-M
;th Huntington of Yale university.
1ARCThe Arbor Fountain
on State Street
)hether you call to ,ook,
try themson..m or purchase, ...._._......_....._ ...._ .._ . . .._..._.......__ .. _ _


Made with

a Conscience





Jewels deserve a beautiful
ting. At Arnold's you will
able to obtain exactly what
desire, and remember that
work is done by men who
craftsmen in their trade.

One Block East of
Engineering Arch


A I r -o'

State Street jeweler

302 South State St.

Phone 889-


Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today.

I c.
I ° ~
' /
;, . _ ';
. p

1/'% ,
/ P

Special Purchase of
Tenne Hats in the Sale
The Tenne hats have won the name "Cha-
peau du jour" and when you have chosen
one and have the pleasure of seeing your-
self in the mirror, smartly crowned in its
stylish self, you will understand why they
are called thatt Small satin hats in black
or high shades, often touched with metal
cloth, or a bright ornament have arrived
just in time to join the Alteration sale at
Lovely Winter Hats
Join the Sale at
For wear with your fur coat or your fur
trimmed coat you will want a velvet ht-
one with the fashionable side trim, surely.
And that hat will be found among those
offered at our Alteration Sale for $8.95.


Alteration Sale Begins


.. .

Making Lovely

Winter Coats



You will Admire.,
n ppreciate
and 'Rjemember
made.,. for men,wh
demand Indivdualty
State St. and S. University
Dnner Ir!
Cream of Chicken with Rice
Wafers Olives Celery
Roast Young Chicken
with Dressing
Baked Ham, Virginia Style ==
Creamed Corn
Mashed Potatoes
Fruit Salad
A i ome-made Apple or Berry Pie

Flower Show
at the Greenhouses of
1021 Maiden Lane
Come down Sunday and view our
many thousands of flowers in bloom.
Mums, roses, carnations and others.
Be sure and come. Convince yourself
that right here in your city you have
one of the largest"and most up to date
greenhouses in the country. Bring
your mother, wife or sweetheart.
For Saturday a genuine $2.00 box of
assorted cut flowers at $1 .00.
s A 1 1 nil I si

The second floor, which is in the process of being greatly altered and
enlarged, takes this opportunity of offering shoppers great savings. Beginning
tomorrow and lasting one week only a group of winter coats, many fur
trimmed, of Flamingo, Bolivia and Downy Wool will sell at only $33.


Fur Trimmed Coats
Will Please at
Style right in every detail, straight
of line as the mode demands,
trimmed with opossum, seal or other
fur, silk lined and beautifully warm,
these coats will be popular at the
sale price, $43.

The Joy of a New
Coat at only
These coats are indeed alluring at
this price. Rust shades are found
among the display as well as the
darker tones, brown, black and navy.
Fur collars and cuffs enhance them.
You'll like them at $63.


Cretonne Pillows
for Your Room
Make your room cheerfully homey with
cretonne pillows--round ones, oval ones and
square ones, in gayest of colorings and pat-
terns are on sale (main eand second floors)
at a price you will find pleasing--98c

1 '
y {{
" . ;
{ r . ' ?''

Alluring Frocks of
Silk and Wool
to sell at

Pretty Waste Paper
Baskets to Sell at
These waste paper baskets serve two pur-
poses-they keep your room neat, and yet
because of their attractiveness they add to
the decorating scheme. Of fibre with floral
decoration or enameled in Nile, buff, grey,
rose and blue, and on sale at only 89c.


The college woman always welcomes the oppor-
tunity to select a new frock from an attractive
showing because she has so many needs for
stylish apparel, Ultra chic black bengaline
trimmed with blege georgette, rust shades, dark
colors, flannels and wools are'all included in this
special group to sell during our Alteration Sale
at $19.75.


Tea Towels to Be
Hand Embroidered
or Five for $1.00
Have you started your gift for the bazaar?
Why not buy some of these tea towels-


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