t r t a n
i .
Stanley Baldwin Expected to Take
Back Former Ministers Into
Architectural School To Show
Art W ork Of Viennese Children,
Under the direction of the architec-
tural college, the Viennese children's
art exhibit, which is traveling over
the entire country under the auspices
of the Rockefeller Foundation, will
be shown in Ann Arobr from 2 to 5
Monday and Tuesday of next week in
the West Gallery of the Alumni Mem-
orial hall. The exhibit is a remark-
able display of paintings, drawings,
woodcuts, pottery, and embroidery
done by the school children of Pro-
fessor Cizet's classes in Vienna, Aus-
The exh4bit will be free to all stu-
dents and townspeople. Dr. John Kol-
account of this, only part of the ex-
hibit will be brought to Ann Arbor.
The major and most interesting part,
however, will be here. The architec-
tural college with the co-operation of
the Ann Arbor art association was
able to bring the exihibition here
through the aid of the Arts and
Crafts society of Detroit.
Recently this display was shown in
Chicago and attracted ninety thou-
sand people. There is a wide-spread
interest in this exhibit. There have
been many calls throughout the coun-
try for it to be shown. For this rea-
son, it will be exhibited only two
Pasadena Man Speaks on "The 'Flue
Art of Teaching Religion" In
Last Address
London, Oct. 31.-(By A. P.)-The
events in the political world for next
week as at present conceived are that
King George will return to London on
Monday from Sandringham capital;
that the. MacDonald cabinet will meet
on Tuesday to receive the report of
the committee appointed to examine
into the authenticity of the Zinovieff
letter, and that Premier MacDonald
then will present the resignation of
his government to the King, who willj
summon Stanley Baldwin, leader of
the Conservatives to form a new cab-
There al ready is much speculation
over the allocation of portfolios, and
especially over the question whether
Lord Curzon will return to the foreign
office. According to sometreports Cur-
zon will not come back to 'the office
of his former labors in which case it
is probable that the portfolio might
offered to J. Austen Chamberlin, or
even to the former liberal foreign- ,
secretary Viscount Grey.
There is a deal of speculation also
whether Mr. Baldwin would not ac-
cept the services of Mr. Chamberlin
and Lord Birkenhead, who has been
ostracizednfrom associations with a
government under Cnsevative ad-1.
J lar, with his assistant, Miss North, is
in charge of the display and will be
in the hall for the entire time the
exhibit is open. He will explain and
give lectures upon the art work at
short intervals throughout each after-
noon. Professor Cizet has for many
years worked with children, endea-
voring to help pupils discover their
own mode of expression, rather than
imposing on them a set formula.
- The exhibit has= been occupying thej
Arts and Crafts society's building in
Det'roit. It is planned to take it im-l
mediately to the Pacific coast and on'
"Clean Government and The Repubil.
can Marty" Was Subject For Prize
Winning Speech
days in Ann Arbor. One of the most powerful religious
If enough interest is manifested in dramas of the day, "The Rock," pre-
the exhibit, Alumni Memorial hall sented at 8 o'clock last night in Pat-j
will also be open Monday and Tues- tengil auditorium, brought to a close
day nights. Dr. Kollar arrives this the Regional State Sunday School
morning and will set the exhibit up convention which has been held in
so that everything will be complete Ann Arbor during the last three days.
for showing the work to any inter- "The Rock," a prixe religious play,
ested Monday. presents the life of Simon Peter, the!
Professor Cizet's school in Vienna, disciple of Christ in a very striking
where this work was done, is far and impressive manner. Christ Him-
famed. The surprising excellence of self does not enter the play at any
this exhibition of work done undbr time, but through the dialogue, His
Professor Cizet is attracting the at- character as well as that of Peter'
tention of educators as well as artists. and Mary Magdalene is indicated.
Clarence N. Wright, of Lansing, as
Simon Peter was the outstanding
actor of the production. Ellura Iar-f
vey, of Benton Harbor, took the partI
of Adina, Peter's wife, and Sarah c
Slocum of Pasadena, Cal., that of!
GRID-GR PH TODAY .Mary Magdala. Other members of thet
cast were Marguerite Dutton, HarryI
L. Burnett, Franklin Forsythe, Berylt
Director Estimates Band Will Receive Wright, Homer Strong and Charles'
More Than $800 As Share Kingsley.k
Of Profits I Mrs. Peter F. Stair, of Detroit, andt
'Prof. H. U. Leedy, of Youngstown,
LEASE SPECIAL WIRE Ohio, directed the production. Manyc
LEAS SPE IAL IRE quaint and interesting H-ebrew cus-
toms were introduced into the play,s
The Varsity band and cheerleaders, which together With the ancienta
led by Lyman Glasgow, '25, will be speech of the Bible, lent a decideda
religious atmosphere. Between the
on hand this afternoon at the Alumni I
i acts, Professor Leedy sang hymns.I
association's showing of the grid- Dr. M. A. Honline of Pasadena, Cal.,I
graph ofathneapMis.igan-Minsotalgave his fourth' and last address be-r
game at Minneapolis. Returns will; fore the convention yesterday morn-l
start coming in at 3 o'clock, the doors ( ing on the subject, "The Fine Art of-
to the auditorium being opened at ing eligion.'' He Faed Atha
2:3 oclckTeaching Religion." He stated that r
2:30 o'clock. b he could not bring himself to believe
It ws yeteray etimted y ithe theory of evolution because of in-
Charles Livingstone, '27L, director of sufficient proof rather than becauseit it-
the grid-graph for the Alumni as- sdfid nt agre withthe thibeaue re-
sociation, that the band would this did not agree with the Bibe. He re-
year received a total of more than peated his opinion that the Bible is
$800 as its share of one-fourth the to teach religion and not science.,
profits of the grid-graph showings. The main fault with' the evolutionaryv
The other three-fourth goes to the theory, emphasized Dr. Honline, is
Alumni association. that it leaves God out of the process.
More than $400 for the band has Miss Florence E. Norton and Dr.
been collected in the showings of Goodrich also addressed the conven-
the era-h for the M A C, and Illinois tion yesterday morning. |
ministration since their intimate as- At the finals of the extempore con-
sociations with former Premier Lloyd test held at 8 o'clock last night in
George. Since Mr. Lloyd George now University hall auditorium, P. Moore,
is definitely committed to the good1'25, speaking on the subject, "Clean
or ill fortunes of the Liberal party Government and the Republican
and there no longer is any hope for Party," of the general topic, "National
tle formation of a center 'party, the Issues and the Political Campaign,"'
belief prevails in come circles that assigned to the seven contestants,
Mr. Baldwin will take back the former was judged winner of the silver plac-
ministers into the cabinet fold. An- ard awarded by the Oratorical As-
other source of speculation surrounds sociation for the best extemporeous
Sir Robert Horne, for the post of speech.
Chancellor of the Exchequer: The winner of the second prize, a
. In consequence of the large num- book, was David Sohn, '25, who spoke
her of new men on the conservatives on the subject, "Big Interests and the
side in the new House of Commons Presidential Candidates," B. E. Dyk-
there is almost certain to be consid- stra, '27, speaking on the subject,
erable new blood in the cabinet. One "The Supreme Court and the Pro-
featie of the aftermath comments gressives," and J. J. Rosenthal, '25,
by the press, on the outcome of the speaking on the subject, "The Farmer
elections is the discussion of what and the Three Parties," tied for third
many of the newspapers regard as place.
Mr. MacDonald's mismanagement of i Drawings for the particular phase of
the Zinovieff affair and of the events the general subject were held at 51
generally which led up to the present., o'clock yesterday, this method allow-1
disaster. ing the seven contestants three hours
There already is talk of a change preparation for their speech on their
in the leadership of the Labor party respective phase of the general sub-;
by which James H. Thomas, secretary ject.
for the colonies, or John Wheatley, G. E. Densmore and L. G. Crocker,
minister of health, might replace Mr. members of the public speaking
Macdonald and thus be in the running faculty, together with three members
for the Premiership whenever Labor of the Delta Sigma Rho, national hon-
ever again approaches the goal of orary public speaking society, were
government. the judges. W. C. Dixon, '26, was the
ALSApresiding officer of the contest.
Union To Have
Special Wire
For Election
Returns from the presidential elec
tion next Tuesday, Nov. 4, will be sen
to the Michigan Union by a direc
wire arrangement with the Wester
Union. These reports will be read b3
an announcer in the lobby, the ta
room, billiard room, bowling alley
and the reading rooms. It is expected
that the returns will start coming i
over the wire shortly after 9 o'clock
in the evening.
From previous experience it has
been found that returns by a special
Western Union wire are several min-
utes ahead of news dispatched by
Sister of Theodore Roosevelt Will
Give Address Of
Mrs. Douglas. Robinson, sister o1
former-President Theodore Roosevelt,
will speak on "Why I am a Republi-
can" at 8 o'clock tonight in the Whit-
ney theater. She is a well known lec-
turer and public speaker, who ,has
been campaigning for some time on
behalf of the Republican party. Mrs.
Robinson is being brought to Ann Ar-
bor by the local Republican organiza-
Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the geology
department, who Is a closefriend of
Mrs. Robinson, speaks of her as pos-
sessing many of the remarkable char-
acteristics of her brother. She is alert,
active, and full of energy.
Mrs. Robinson is one of the seven
woman members of the executive com-
mittee of the republican national com-
mittee, and at the time of the 1920
Republican national convention she
delivered the seconding speech for the
nomination of General Leonard Wood.
During the World War she was active
in several different fields, as a red
cross worker, a speaker for the lib-
erty loan campaign, and a worker for
the interests of the Salvation Army.
Mrs. Robinson is also well known
as a poetess and authoress, having
written numerous volumes of poems
and several treatises on the life of
her brother, the former President o
the United States. Her best known
books of poetry are "One Woman to
Another," "Service and Sacrifice,"
and "My Brother , Theodore Roose-
velt." Her poem "Sagamore," written
;just after the death of her brother,
is generally considered as being the
best of all her works and is withou,
doubt a most unusual piece of work.
More than 750 absent voters ballots
were notarized by the Republican club
in their free service, officials an-
nounced yesterday. Of the total num-
ber of voters, more than 175 were wo-
The service was discontinued yes-
terday afternoon, and any others
wishing to vote by absentee ballot
must now go before a public notary.
This service followed that offered a
short time ago by the club, in which
applications for absent voters ballots
were mailed free of charge to the
various county clerks.
Frescoe work which was recently
completed on the ceiling of the Liter-
ary building lobby, is to be painted,
members of the building committee
stated yesterday. The color scheme
has not yet been decided, aind N 7'_not
be until painters try out several colors
to determine the best effect.
Travertine, the stone in which the
lobby is finished, has all been import-
ed from near Rome, Italy. It is formed
by deposits left by springs peculiar
to that vicinity.
Photos Disprove
Story Of CoMel
That the supposed comet discovered
by Dr. Baade, a German astronomer,
is not a comet at all, but an asteroid
was confirmed by Prof. W. J. Hussey
of the astronomy department, follow-
ing the receipt of photographs of th<
new heavenly object from the observa-
When the timekeeper fires the
final gun min tie new Minnesota
memorial s adium t hm a fternoon,
and ends the Michigan-Minne-
sota football game, The Daily
will start selling EXTRAS con-
taining complete accounts of the
game, the cross country meet
with M. A. C. at Lansing, and the
scores of all the big games in
the country.
1 h g1 l lu LuI. n. L. u u11117.
games, and the two remaining show-
ings of the games with Minnesota and
Ohio State, are expected to raise at
least that much more.
At the Illinois games the Western
Union and radio returns were both
tried, and it was found that the West-
ern Union special wire was several
moments ahead of the radio on each
play. The special wire will conse-
quently be used again this week. °
Tickets for the board showing today
are on sale at the bookstores, Hous-
ton's and the Union desk. Students
are advised by Livingstone to pur-1
chase them before they come to thej
auditorium to avoid the last minute,
rush. Seats are priced at 50 cents for
iProgram Will Include Skits by Cam.
pus Organizations and Profes-
sloni Vaudeville Acts
Many unusual features will make
this year's Band Bounce, which will
Iferrstein Will Replace Steger '
is Incapacitated for Play;
Friedman to Sfart
Thousands Join
I n Mardi Gras
Witches Parade
Thousands jammed West Park last
night in the first Mardi Gras Hallo-t
we'en celebration every staged in
Ann Arbor. Forming behind the Mich-
igan band, along parade consisting
of hundreds of youngsters and grown-
ups decked out as goblins, witches,
fairies, ghosts, gnomes, and even hula
dancers, wound its way to the park
where lighted booths awaited them
with good things to eat and drink.
In the long parade was a prize win-]
ning Rube band, and mouth-organ
players at times made themselves
heard above the din. Hundreds of
automobiles bearing old folks, and
little tots too small to risk their gailyi
decked personages in the rush, fol'
lowed the bands and paraders.-
Young and old, faculty member andt
student, townsman and countryman
took advantage of the perfect weathers
and joined In the fun. TChief of police,
Tom O'Brien estimated that between
10,000 and 12,000 people were on thet
grounds during the course of the eve-
ning. A county fair never had half so
much excitement...
Cider in apparantly unlimited.
amounts was furnished by the Rotary
club, doughnuts by the Exchange club,4
apples by the Kiwanis, and candy
kisses by the Business and Profession-
i al Women's club. Numerous other or.
ganizations had booths on the grounds
and fortune-telling could be had for
the asking.
Prizes amounting to over $100 were
given for the best costumes. There
prizes were donated by the businesst
houses of Ann Arbor and were award-
ed by the judges after careful consid-
eration of the hundreds of children1
who passed before them.1
A bonfire which lighted up the en-'
tire grounds ' burned for hours, and
greatly aided the artificial lights1
which were strung throughout the
park. Shortly after 9:30 o'clock the
fire flared up, an exchange of shots
were fired by the police officers on
duty, and headless horseman of Sleepy;
Hollow made his spetkacular dash'
down the hillside and across the park.
President W. Hackley Butler of the,
I Chamber of Commerce under whoser
direction the celebration has beena
carried on stated that the festival had
far exceeded the hopes of the Chamber
and committees. "With this year as a
precedent," saidA Mr. Butler, "We hope
to make this Mardi Gras an annual
affair, and in the future we will have
some standard to judge its popularity
A large number of road maps show-
ing the best and various routes by
I which cars may travel to Columbus,
for the Ohio State-Michigan football
game next Saturday have been order-
ad by the Michigan Union and will be
distributed free of charge uon ar-
rival. Because the number is limitd
the maps will be distributed to the
first members of the Unin who ask,
for them. "
A committee Will have charge of
the maps and give them out at te
committee booth on the main floor.
The maps will show various routes,
those having the best roads will be
, a
_EWashington, Oct. 31. --A scale of,
Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 31-Michi-
gan's Varsity will go into the Minne-
sota game without the services of
Captain Steger, it was announced
this afternoon following the final
practice session of the team in the
new Memiori stadium. Steger's in-
jury, although not serious will prob-
ably keep him out for the entire per-
iod of the game.
Steger's injury will necessitate
several changes in the Michigan line-
up on the eve of the contest against
the powerful Gopher team. Rockwell
will go to quarterback while Herrn-
stein will be put in at left half. Fried-
man will start at right half with
Dutch Marion at fullback. Steele is
due to start the game in the place of
Hawkins at right guard while the rest
of the line will remain intact from
the Wisconsin game.
Minnesota will also be without the
services of two ofrher best regulars.
P eplaw who starred against North
Dakota is still out of the game with
a bad knee injury while Grahaam,
who was put out of the game with
the IHaskell Indians by injuries, will
also be kept on the .sidelines accord-
ing to announcement from the Goph-
er camp tonight. Both of these men
had been counted upon to help 'carry
the ball against the Wolverines and
their loss will help to counterbalance
the incapacity of Captain Steger.
More than 50,900 tlclets for the
homecoming game have been sold and
the crowds started to circulate about
the campus early this afternoon.
Hoid Secret Practice.
Michigan's final practice was held
in the greatest secrecy, none but the
coaches, trainers, managers, and sev-
eral Michigan newspapermen wit-
nessing the squad as it was trimmed
up for the encounter.
The Wolverines' stok took a slight
fall at the announcement that their
captain and star would be out of the
fray, but there is little Minnesota
money in sight notwithstanding. The
Gophers are counting on the hard
hitting of Carl Lidberg to pierce the
Michigan line. The veteran fullback
has starred all this season, and is
having one of the best years he has
ever experienced. Schutte and 4scher
are new men to the squad, but both
have proved their ability under fire.
Schutte played brilliantly against
Iowa, piercing the Ilawkeye d'efense
for many long gains. Asch'er is a
* riple threat mn, but his chief
ability li s in his kicking, although
he can run and pass well. Pete Guzy,
the 127 pdund Minnesota quarterback
will take over the reins formerly
held by Malcolm Graham. In spite
of his small stature, Guzy is inval-
ual)le to the team. lie can circle
the ends, and is an excellent field
general. lie piloted the team to their
ony touchdown against Wisconsin
immnediately after entering the game.
Captain Ted Cox and Louie Cross
will hold down the tackle positions.
Each man is in his last year and
their experience as well as their abil-
ity makes them one of the most for-
midable tackle combinations in the
Big Tel. Abramson and Gay, ' the
Gopher, guards, are both kicking
artists as well as whales n the line.
Abramson kicks the goals, and has
not missed an attempt all season.
Gay both place kicks and punts.
Cooper, at center, is playing for his
third season, and is a rough and
ready type of player. Ie blocks his
men out with ability, and plays a
strong game generally.
Will Use Aerial Attack
Michigan is expected to play a pass-
ing game, now that the loss of
I Steger has weakened the running at-
tack. With Benny Friedman in the
(Continued on Page Seven)
Republican Club
Elt e ct s Officers
At notinz held recently the fol-
Play-by-play returns on the Mich-
igan-Minnesota football game will be
shown on the Majestic theater grid-
graph board this afternoon. The re-
ports will be telephoned to the the-
ater from the Minneapolis stadium by
special wire in order that the move-
ment of the ball may be recorded on
the board almost instantaneously.
The grid-graph board will be supple-
mented by explanatory announce-
ments to be made by the telephone
The moving picture show will start
at 2 o'clock so that it will be over
whenythe reports begin coming in
shortly after 3 o'clock. The doors willI
be open at 1 o'clock for those who
wish to be sure of securing desirable
seats. During the intermission be-
tween, the halves, Waring's Pennsy-
tween the halves, Waring's Pennsyl-
vanians will play.
Work on the Pendleton library on
the second floor of the Michigan
Union is being delayed by the failure
of lighting fixtures to arrive. TheseI
fixtures are overdue a month and
when they come will be put in place
immediately. The rest of the library
has been pracitcally completed.
A gift of alarge numher of light
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, Demo-!
cratic candidate for United States
senator, is scheduled to speak in De-
troit . today and tomorrow. Monday l
will be spent in Ypsilanti and Tues-'
day the Dean will return to Ann Ar-
Botanical Garder
Array Of Ma
Chrysanthemums of every imagin-
able color, size, and shape will be onI
exhibition at the annual chrysanthe-
mum show at the botanical gardens
of the University on Packard road.
Today and tomorrow will see the
flowers at their best and the publicj
is cordially invited to visit the gar-
Perhaps the most interesting of the
exhibits is that which shows the
"sporting buds." Three years ago a
variety known as the Yellow Caprice
was noticed to have a few red mark-
ings on a few of it's petals. This
plant was separated from the rest and
each following year the red part of
the flower became more prominento
until this year half of the flowers
were totally red and the other half
yellow. After another separation Ad-
rian B. Wezel, chief gardener, hopes
to have an entirely new variety.
Besides the method of using sports
the main floor and 35 cents for the be presented Wednesday night in Hill
Assisting Livingstone; who will op- auditorium decidedly equal to any of
erate the board today, will be Jack ]the past performances. The annual
Bennett, '27L, who will show the presentation by the Michigan Band
movement of the ball on the field by will include several skits given by
means of a light behind the screen. sim mus oraizat as in-
such campus organizations as Com- 1
Los Angeles, Oct. 31.-The engage- edy club and Masques, and several
ment of Lieut. Eric Nelson, world individuals will contribute specialty
flyer, and Miss Ruth Butler of Day- numbers. Another unusual feature of;
ton, O., is announced. the Bounce this year will be 5 pro-
fessional vaudeville acts which have
To I~F1. . been donated by the Wuierth' theatre.
ns ExhibitbThe program has not been definite-
ly announced as yet but will include
iy Colored M u s several nunmbers-by the Band in aldi"-
in to the other material contributed.
SThetickets will be 50 cents each and
heroes, every rank from private to Th e be n rb n t e ci
marshal being used. Among them is stores and probably on the campus.
a General Pershing, Marshall Foch, Whether or not the band makes the
Sergeant W. E. Young, Corporal J. trip to Ohio State depends on how
Fred Piper, and Private James much is made on the Bounce, as the
Gresham. Joan of Arc, another va- Band found this the available means
I riety, is a huge white flower measur- of revenue. It is hoped that enough
ing 16 inches in diameter. students support this by attending to
Chrysanthemums may be trained to enable the baud to make the Ohio
grow in any form that is desired. trip, according to Arthur Smith, '25,,
The large exhibition type is trained the manager..
to grow on a single stalk, all the
strength of the plant going into one
perfect bloom. One huge plant which
bears a rose-colored bloom produced
400 flowers this year. It has been
known to have as many as 1,200
blooms which all come from one root.
Among the smaller varieties are the
ponpons which grow in great profu-
sion. These range in reds, yellows,
whites, and pinks, and they do not
have the shape that one generally as-
sociates with chrysanthemums. The
Col. Hugo Diemer, head of the in-
dustrial department of the LaSalle E
Extension university, will deliver an
address on "Production
Standards" before the classes in shop
management at 9 o'clock Monday in
minimum and maxim
ALame g , O6 -u L
um foes for al- lowing officers were unanimously
a physician or elected to head the Republican cl
most every ill that
. i