31, 1024 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY _. ., ... ,..,,, . .m-ro. .._, ., ., -----.,,a...... I ° rzs- I;N OUNCE COMMITTEES FOR PAN-HELENIC 0BALI The ;annual Pan-Hiellenic Tall given by the Mlichiganin iterso'rority asso- ciation wvill take place Novembeor 28 t (;rangerr's aemy. Thu1' is ll his .given for the ixbenefit ocf the Un':iver- si,,yof 1Michigan ~tLague and it is for thsreason that l:Mr. C:range r has con- ; enlted 'to have it -in the academy. Tktswill ]e distiribudalnong the various sororitie's and a Liale will 11o !-ld in the sgymuil siuru at a later daeoi, 'uthe ;einning oW, the Sale will niteannunceentas to the exact e o th beinnngof the sale will b~ fllO~lC~l atr.The academy. I d 1!c_omodate 3;0couples. ( olnnuit tees for the -affair are as fellows: General chalirman, Jeanne biig,'25 ailii an offref1ireshments, I~ ~ ~ ~~~~~1 ~ ~ry 2,Mr 1a~l,'26, t 1' ,1 ! .' I a. , r: 1 , ' ' 2 6, P r g r a /, '2 i 1 uUL4~ie Jeli~n,'6, 'r2d ]i~ne livly,'25 1 arretGoodall, ~'2iCLdysflx,'2-. Patrons and pa-I tzaes~s :I~eui~ Cobli,7'6, Win- It-... ''-, B re ie mith, '26; i lnilicty VetaD~fht, '5,Louise 1. .rc f , 2t1, Drorthy _Adrs;on, '25. l L P r I ;; l ' I _ FOR BRRIDMS, silCT IN The Faculty Women's Club de-c- sires to secure the names of fac- ulty wives who would like to join the newly organized. "Bridesi' sec tion1." WNives of fee-E silty of therad of in:strucj(tor or1 'absove whlo have been married' lessVt-an tasyarerceligible forI mem bership. Anyone who w~'orId l:Ike , 1X10 be l;e1a13mIfll7erof, sectIion is us dl o v,~* BalhP at,2' iJo ELECT AHHER MANAGERl AT Ft1ETING OF TEAMS H xa; net Donaldson, '27, was elected arcery manager at a meeting of the ',tr?iiner - of all the teams held yTester- dlay. ,!isi onaldson automatically be- cumes a member of the executive hoard of the Women's Athletic asso- ciation with this Position and will at- tend all of the regular mreetings of the hoard. T1:he interclass archery tournament wvil talKe place at 3 o'clock Tuesday on Palmer field. This is the first tume in the history of women's ath- Completing the round robin in in- terclass hockey, the juniors won from the freshmen with a 1 to 0 score and; the sophomores defeated the seniors by 2 in the tournament which was played off yesterday.{ The sophomore class claim the high- est pcrcentage in the tournament, having won two games, lost noune, and tied one. The freshmen have the next highest scoring having won, lost and tied in the thre games in which they played. The seniors and juniors have tied in their percentage; both won one game andl lost two. In order to decide the champion-1 ship a three ,game series will be play- ed off betvleen the freshmnen and sop- homlores at1; 5 ~oel{ on Tuesda.A 4 o'clock ihQ s:niors and Juniors will play the first gamne of the consolation ser c's of tlsree games.! Pi Lambda Theta Holds Open Meeting, Pi Lambda Theta 'held an openi meeting at 8 o'clock Wednesday at the Delta Delta Delta house. After an informal introduction of the visitors and memubers;, Prof. Ral- eigh Schorling, pirincipal of the. Uni- versity high school spoke on four functions of edlucation with special emphasis on methods in mathematics.! More than 30 women were present. j Members of the social service conm-I Dr. M1arg*aret Pell. Thles-e lectu, mittee of the Y. W. C. A. will have a! are held at 4 o'clock in Sarah C meeting at 1:1.5 o'clock today at Betay well Angell hall. H.a.rbour house. Athletic managers are requested Chairmen. of the committees of Stu- notify members of their respect dent league of Matinee Musicale are hockey teams that no junior or sen requestedl to meet at 3:30 o'clock to- wcman will be allowed to play or day at the School of Music.- team unless she has had a heartr lung examination this fall. AthME In order that pictures for the Mlicim-I managers must turn a list of iganensian may be arranged, all wk ",tnanies of the members of their tea men who have received "M" sweaters ini to Miss Elsie Erley together w are asked to call Mariana Smalley. the classes to whiclh the members 3405-W at once.j long and the number of times e,: memrber has conic out for hockey. Upperclass' women' who have hy- 3 Not-ices ! 1 gieno lectures to mhake up from prev- ious years are expectedl to do so ini JRead tae 'Thursday sections according to the Want FRES AOfLEECLUB ' j 1(%ti--s at Alichigan thlat archery has Variey- been given a place in initerclass To Be Displayed shorts. At Style RevzewlC I TEREOT sport c'n~tumcs, tea, and newandl # sa:'.(en review Which will be -present- ed( at °I o'cl.)ck todlay in Sarah Ca , Preliminary rep~orts of the finance w eil A*11ni hal under the auispi c~s of drive of the Y. W. C. A: were made11 [pWoe': aguanincnc- ensaytameinofhee- tih; Wom 'te'W eegueadrntoy ec cutive committee of the finance cam- The frocks and gows hibar aign at Newberry halx11 llen Browvn, io ~gwn hosonh, beencei eby'25, represents the finance depart- Mr. M. I. Ja'obson t f Jacobson's ' ment on the Y. W. C. A. cabinet and new zreaCiy -to-"l ear 'shot? in the latestchimnotisomtte 'shipment fro-In New Yfork. The shoes 1 em cltishv pone which are to be worn by the models- are to be furnished by Wahr's shoe their 10 assistants. Emily AIfcEluain, store. 26, miade the report that tickets are storenow being sold for thme banquet The mnodels which have been wihi ob ie o h iac chosenicaresVtogieigiveSpaint'26,inath cho en are Vi gilli Sp in 2 , R th-'26oald 3 rorkers on N ovem ber 4, at the Con- Macrin 2,,ald 25 loecePrbt, gregational church. Mary Tyler Lou- Pylis iand3rie y'27 Clotte25 1than, '26, and Juna May Barnes, '26, There will lie(lancing and refresh- anucdta h ucen hc mens wl? e f red n Brbor gm-will be given Wednesday, Thursday, Ensil e stle shn aousgym-an([ Friday for all campaign workers nasiim afer th stye sho. Mu ill be free, the S. C. A. being in- i oo the diancing and during the re- view will I e furnished by the Kappa Yctdt h is oe rgnlsns Siga rcesra \I W C. A. songs and parodIies aire TIownzspeople as:xwell as University )(ing compiled by Ethel Schroeder, wormen are invitedl to attend the af- 2,ad1ilySur,'6 none fair. ialt all of the canvassing lists had fair.been conmpleted. Mr.TtpenB lkn- i h A finial nmeeting of thie executive daugter wif an moter f a.eonmittce of t t~ inlan~ce(drive of the dau~ bfe, t f: ad moher f a\. W. C. A. will Lo held at 3 o'clock U3nited Stats Seator. Tien father Incayat Nweryhal was the late Henry Gassa way Davis, i t' I.yhal her husband thme1'ate Senator Elkins, ~ 't i tybenw andherson I enn Dais lkis, s VYou Sr ~ipt~ i on isp-yablenow. 14o nmns Club Hears Conv'entlion Report, E E Murmmers dlramr.atic society will hold a m~eeting' at 4 o'clock Monday at the Gamma Phi Beta horse. Initia-. tion will be held then and the play "Overtones" presented. All members of the outlawiti, hockey tea : will practice at 4 o'clock. Friday on Palmer field. At, this time the .A Y ~Wom- an's club of which Mi-rt. On rHarris- on is president, retorts of the fol- lowing convention delegates were given: Miss Grace Carelton, dele- gate to the 17th biennal convention held in May at Los Angeles. Calif.: Mrs. Josephine Cleveland and Mrs. - Ruth Buchannan, delegates- to the; State Federation of Women's clubs in September at Petoskey, Mich., and Mrs. Ruth Buchannan, delcgate to the International Peace conference in June at Washington, D. C. The program also includes two ye.- cal selections by Miss Ingham Sutley,' accompanied by Miss Doris Flingloss. I-Hans Natone!k, German essayist and cr-itic, predicts that Jan. 1. will mlar k the endl of the bobbed hair craze andl that thousands of women will be j' flocking to wig-makers to cover up the boyish haircuts.j Read the Want Ads1E 1). W. (RIFFI'ft'S E O UN AY j captain will be elected. Mlren~hers of the cast of act :t, "Ponds of Interest" of Masz ,tes dramatic society will meet at 4 o'clock today' at Newberry hall for practice. Up to the Minute Modes just the Thing for Michigan UWomeni Simple Frocks Party Dresses of helpful working information you need in the 106,000 entries in WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE The t~Jest c~bridged iction~ary--uased Upon WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL What is the meaning of aviette, bakelWt, psorosis? Who Is Benevente, Fabre, Qjalli. Ci? Where is L~e Morte Hommne, Kn?'These are some of the - countless questions answered here. 1256 pages; 1700 illustrations; printed on Bible Paper. See It at Your College Roolestore or Write for Information to the Publishers. Fsree specimen pages if yo mention this paper. Entertain your friends I at IPIN 330 Maynard St. Tel. 99C I'................................._ The resmanGirls' glee club has (C~I~lteUitsorgaization and is be- Stnnig stem' ork. The offi-cers chsnfor thie year are: Alice Kelog, resdet; Jean Green- sh3ciesirain Susan Storke, sec- rotary' . iEui~ice Northrup, of Uni- - est 1 g col will direct the girls his yer andRena A. Pavitt Fify-oe irls were chosen for mremte (rsh.iip in the .club, t the try- out3s held e(arlier in thle semester. We~kiymnentng~, a which practice singingi done, ar" held every Moi- da; y in,lie pa''3lou!i-of P.arhmoum gymn- 7:aSt1um1. Arglrhouir !has, nu"t leen decidied uona yet, but until fur- (h7wr,1n.fice they will take place at 4 o'clock.C Ethe Banymoie, it uous cOes The latest Wo men's word W ear in Agnes McIntyre opposite Bctsy Ross 222 Nickels Arcade Phone 2059 for Appointment -j -- -~__ New Fashions H1ave Arrived thle pre'senit U. S. Sonator from Virginia. West1 1. aiiy iL'$sil>eos ro i .upcrior iResul-, COINNIE'S MICHIG-U(7'AN lMEN 'rlday fo eri h a P ar 1'o' Emggine~ (all 284 WeCometc h ae° just cived a new spiofMarinello Coin tics and are now in a posi !Lion to satisfy your needs. I I:Permanlent Wavingy, Mar-1 jceiling, Shampooing and' Manicuring. TheStoddard H air Shoppe f !1 707 N. University :Ave. .hn 25 A Clothes Shop, You'll Like Many of the best dressed lUni- versity men buy their clothes at the Herman, Mandis C& Bog in Shop. For they have learned that here for $45 to $75 they can buy clothes which "match up" with those for which a good tailor must charge $100 or more. All, we ask is an opportunity of showing you just how true this is. Will you come in? Illustrated -a Pomfloar Univer-sity M~odel, tailrrd "soil" for icomfort. for the intr eason / i .{ ;) 'A " lr "( * r i , + '. , , n ' t. t EV aIfYWI4ERE, BUT T CLUB LUNCH .712 Aatov Sttej IN'J-"r f: $e:,rd. Packard Sts. / November days are fast ap- proaching and, are demand- ing a change for the winer the Holiday seasoni, which' brin 's her devotees 1.1 from the link's and drives' an leads theme into a. round of receptions, club m-eetings and many other informal and formal occasions. - Suiits . Overcoats.. Dinner Suits.. $;45 to $ 75 .$45 to $110 $67.50 to $ 30 7417 N.~ Ti~er'sit A,%e. I'hon 2 652 Entire Fifth Floor--28S E. Jackson Boulevard Corner Jackson and Wabash - CH IC A GO , ..;- .,., :,. .: :: , r .- .i r . - '> ' .' : '" . r w'.n.w 3,5O - $5.00 a Pair! 'That's all you h-ave to pay here for genuine Quaker quality pule thread silk hose. Colors are fawn, almond, pearl gray and black. Rich looking. Service- able. Telephone I1,000. BASEMEINT 6 OOIJYEAS 124 SOUTHI MAIN At Today at 4:30 P. M. In JBarbour Gymnasium may see the latest in Fashion's decree: to attend. You Plan Given by The Women's League The FashionS ho x A special offering of Felt and Wool Velours I ;LW Linma 21. Togerty 's Specialty Hlat Shop 117 Last Liberty Street East Liberty Just off State s . .. ...... 11 a. k';..d:*;;. ..°... 9 ",J.''".""~,r''..,r"°..."'1. v "r "".d.."." "..1. ~'.'"./'", d". ':, .. ..' . ",r ., %I '. '. +°. t°. °. ' ' , . "'. "/.A. "".. . ..I"'rr°s. .0"../'; .d. . ".F . ..P.re'. . "". , . . 1 ,". ".f . a" 1.. .dimr"". ". .f1./J1"l~1JJ, . . /.d"J. "J1./"r ".I. l e " ". .I°1", ., ..a"'. . ". . . .!"' +"«d". "v . ,".:P', "°wr" "~, " 'I ance T . - ® ^. " _ _ - _ ® Ap 0__ _ - .