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October 31, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 10-31-1924

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Playvright Characterizes Suspense
Conflict of Wills as Essential
Qualities .of Drama
Louis K. Anspacher, well known
dramatist and playwright, spoke on
"Drama as a Social Force in a Democ-
racy" as the Oratorical association's
second lecture number at 8 o'clock
last night in Hill auditorium. Dean
W. R. Humphreys of the literary col-
lege, in introducing the speaker, paid
a tribute to the many diversified
fields of art in which Mr. Anspacher
is interested.
In 'outlining the subject of his lec-
ture, Mr. Anspacher endeavored to
show the many ways and instances in
which the drama has been a leading
influence as a social force. He also
dealt briefly with what drama is, has
been, and ought to be, familiarizing
the audience to some degree with the
underlying elements of the drama.
At the beginning of his talk, Mr.
Anspacher stressed the importance of
the element of suspense, the conflict
between the will of the characters, as
being the most essential quality of
the drama. "Conflict is the nuecleus
of the drama. There must be the ele-
ment of suspense, the will of the
characters must be strong enough to
compete against each other in a nip
anfd tuck conflict. Alexander's char-
acter was too great, his will too domi-
nant; he was epic, not dramatic, and
as a result a successful drama could
not be written with him as a central
character. A will strong enough to
compete with his could not be found."
Mr. Anspacher explained.
"Drama is important because It
represents all that history tried, and
failed, to be. The drata of a period
is'the registry of the social force of
that period. In representing these
isocial forces the dramatist must be
more human than any other type oft
Mr. Anspacher also pointed out the
effect of thedrama on history. IH
especially emphasized the creation of
the national spirit of England as dis-
played in Shakespeare's Henry the
Fifth, and in like manner, the crea-
tion of the same spirit in France by
"Still more significant than either
of these two examples was the effect
of Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle
Tom's Cabin.'" he said. "It put anti-
slavery into the hearts of the Ameri-
can people."
Mr. 'Anspacher mentioned Lincoln's
reaction to this book and its effect
upon the spirit of the country. "When]
Lincoln first met Harriet Beecher
Stowe, a woman very small in stat-
ure, he exclaimed, "'Good gracious,
is this the little woman who has made
the great war?,'
In concluding, Mr. Anspacher said,
"The drama is the most democratic of
all arts, the great humanizer. The es-
sentially dramatic point of view is the
ethical point of view. Drama hates the
exceptional individual, it wants its
characters to be as you and I, not
Alexanders or Caesars."

University students will be particu-
larly welcome at the Grid-Graph
showing of the Michigan-Minnesota
game at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
in the Detroit Board of Commerce
building, according to the committee
of the University of Michigan club of
Detroit who have this matter in
The Detroit alumni are using Uni-
versity students to a large extent
in putting on their Grid-Graph games,
the business management and the ac-
tual operation of the board bath be-
ing in the hands of students. Plans
are being made to have a band com-
posed of students at the hall, and
Walter Lustfield, '25, ex-Varsity
cheerleader, will have charge of the
Crowd Cheers As
Varsity Leaves
Michigan's football team was given

Dramatist Sees The Movie As
hIcentive To Legitimate Stage
Welcoming the American movie as is not possible in the movie," he con-
an art of great significance, Louis K. tinued. "That can be presented in the
Anspacher, in an interview following legitimate drama alone, whose only
his lecture last night in Hill auditor-
ium, explained that he did not defend
the movie in the light of drama, but .
only because it was forcing the legit- -
imate stage to be more leg-,
imate than ever. . , r,.>1 rs:} r
"The idea that the movie can never
compete with the legitimate drama is Rt
absurd, declared the dramatist. Noth-
ing deep can ever be presented in the } ' .
movie because it must appeal to the
millions, not only of America but of .:;::}-;
the whole world, and the millions do .r ..
not want anything which causes them <4 >
to think. In fact, that is impossible for s
the average movie audience."f
Mr. Anspacher pointed out that the
drama is a failure when produced '
? in the over-elaborate, magnificent
manner of the average movie because X K. Anspacher
it stultifies the audience, where each
member desires to imagine for him-
self, and not have everything portray- hope in this country lies in the Little
ed before his eyes. That is the differ- Theater movement which is being.
Sencebetween the two types of aud- carried on all over the United States
iences, according to the lecturer. and is rapidly gaining in its popu-
"The austere simplicity of ,great art larity."


Pary Wins





Day, Effinger, Bates, Frayer, Reeves,
and Ilayden Will Talk to

Says Youth Of today Saner Than
Generation Ago and Working
For Better World
Yesterday's program of the Relig-
ious Education conference now in ses-
sion was featured by two addresses
by William Oxley Thompson, former
president of Ohio State university, and
present head of the International
Council of Religious education. Mr. H.
L. Pickerill, of St. Louis, Young
Peoples' superintendant of the United
Christian Mission society, and Mr.
John L. Alexander, of Chicago, who is
with the American Youth foundation,
also addressed the convention. a
Mr. Thompson, in his address be-
fore the minister's fellowship luncheon
at noon, observed that although the
Catholics and other Non-Protestant
churches have long provided for the
religious education of children by+
specially trained teachers, the Pro-
testant churches are only beginning
to do, this.
He praised the system of religious
training now being tried in the Ann
Arbor schools which provides that
each grade school pupil shall receive
each week one hour of religious in-
struction in his own church. Catholic'
and Jewish factions maintain their
identity through systematic educa-j


Senior. and Sophomore Presidents
Name Chairmen and Committee-
men For Year
Senior and sophomore engineering
class committees were announced at
the class meetings yesterday morning.
Waldo K. Greiner, president of the
senior engineering class, made the fol-
lowing appointments:
Publicity committee: J. E. Bam-
borough, chairman, W. S. Hearding,
D. L. Pierce, F. A. Kimmick. Finance:
N. Ely, chairman, C. K. McCracken,
and M. C. Jones. Athletic: R. Moody;
chairman, o. W. Reed, and L. Maeder.
Care: S. K. Hulse, chairman, H. A.
Sheridan, and L. F. Beach. Social:
Leo Cannon, chairman, W. W. Span-
agle, H, B. Ross, and W. S. Herbert.
Class Day: K. R. Keydel, chairman,
A. M. White, and E. M. Fox. Auditor:
jR. S.' Scribner.
Invitations:R. J. Minard, chairman,
R. Van Vliet, L. R. Gare, C. W. Klas-
sen, and L. S. Van Antwerp. Mem-
orial: H. S. Young, chairman, H. A.
Hayden, and G. J. Mack. Senior ball:
W. Kerr, chairman, and C. W. Mer-
riam. Cheerleader: R. A. Hiss.
Harley J. Bell, president of the
sophomore engineering class, an-
nounced the following chairmen, who'
are to select their committeemen from
the class: Soph-Prom: John H. Lov-!
etto and Andrew W. Kramer. Atli,
letics: Ernest T. Wise. Thomas R.
Knig was name chairman of a new
committee for the promotion'of class
acquaintance and friendship.
Varsity Band and Cheerleaders will
Help Make Grid-Graph More
Returns of the Minnesota game jo-
morrow at Minneapolis will be flash-I
ed on the grid-graph in Hill auditor'
ium starting at 3 o'clock. Each play
will be shown just as it happens on
the playing field, a special Western
Union wire direct to the auditorium
carrying the returns.
The organization for running the
graph has been completely perfected
as shown by the results of the Illinois
I contest, which were flashed in detail
to the large crowd that packed the
auditorium. Tickets for the showing
tomorrow are on sale at Graham's,
Huston's, Slaters, Wahr's, and the
nion desk. The main floor is 50 cents
and the balcony is 35 cents. Doors will d
be opened at 2:30 o'clock.
Arrangements are being made by
Charles Livingstone, '27L, manager oi,
the graph for the Alumni association,
to have the Varsity band on hand to
play at the halves and during breaks
in the game. Several cheerleaders will
also be present to lead the supporters
in cheers.
The board is completely equipped
for showing the entire game, each play
being reproducted on a minature grid-

"National Issues and the Political
Campaign" is Subject For
"National Issues and the Political


Complete program of the sixth an-
'nual conference of the Press Club of,
Michigan was announced yesterday
by Prof. E. G. Burrows of the jour-
nalism department, head of the com-
I mittee on arrangements. The con-
ference will be held at the Union
Nov. 20, 21, and 22.
Chief among the speakers wh o will
address the conference will be Her-
bert B. Swope, executive editor of the
New York World; Willis J. Abbot,
editor of the Christian Science Moni-
tor; Dean E. E. Day of the School ofI
Business Administration; Dean John
Effinger of the literary college; Dean
Henry Bates of the law school; Prof.
William Frayer of the history depart-
+ ment: and Professor Jesse S. Reeves
and J. R. Hayden of the politicalf
science department.
Registration will start Thursdayj
morning at the Union, while a lun-
cheon will be held at noon for mem-
bers of the Associated Press, Michi-
gan League of Home Dailies, Michi-I
gan Press association (weekly pub-
lishers,) and the League of Press Wo-
men. At the first general session
Thursday afternoon there will be ap-f
,ointment of committees and the an-
nual address by the president of the;
Professor Burrows will speak upon
"Teaching Theory ' and Practice in
Journalism." Discussion will be held
upon this subject and upon "The
Plan of the Community Weekly in'
Modern Newspaper Development." f
Dean Effinger will preside over the
annual Press club dinner Thursday
at the Union and the University
Glee club will give several selections.
Professor Frayer will speak upon the
subject "The Historian Looks OverI
the Newspaper." "Is the Newpaper
Fulfilling Its Mission?" wil be treat-
ed by Mr. Swope.
(Continued on Page Three;

4 '
f ,


Stanley Baldwin
Mr. Baldwin's' name is being men-
tioned most prominently by political
boservers as the logical prime minis-
ter of England with the victory of the
Conservative party in Wednesday's
general election.

Hobbs Attacks
Fisher Stand
On Roosevelt
A communication from Prof. W. H.I
Hobbs of the geology department is
printed below in which he criticizes
the statements of Dr. Irving Fisherv
concerning Theodore Roosevelt in his
recent lecture here. Dr. Fisher made
the statement that had Roosevelt

Campaign" ill be the subject upon tion, and this, concluded the speaker,
is what the Protestants nust do to
which the seven contestants in the perpetuate their religion.
extempore contest will speak at 8 At the evening session held in the
o'clock tonight in University Hall. Methodist church, President Thomp-
This is the same subject upon which son gave his second lecture before
the contestants in the preliminary the convention, his subject being
"The Present Status of Religious Ed-
contest spoke, but they will only have ucation in North America." After,
the advantage of three hours of pre- giving a general survey of the do-,
paration on their particular phase of velopment of religious training dur-'
the subject, as the topics will not be ixlg the past century, in which he
drawn until 5 o'clock this afternoon. described the growth of the Interna-
Two men will receive awards in this ( tional Conference of Religious Edu-
contest. The first prize is a silver cation, representing 30 protestant de-
placard upon which the Oratorical nominations, Mr. Thompson again
association's seal has been engraved, stressed the need for religious train-
as will the name of the winner. The ing for the children of this country.
second leading contestant will receive ( At this session, the niversity Glee
a book, and the third receives honor- club sang "Laudes Atque Carmina,"
able mention.f by Stanley, and "Hymn of Thanks-
Winners of this contest will be giving," by ,remser, under the di-
ineligible to compete in the Atkinson rection of Mr. Theodore Harrison.
memorial contest which will be open Mr. Alexander closed the session
to the entire campus this year. In pre- by satirizing people who continually
vious years participants in the ex- talk of the waywardnss of the young-
tempore contest were eligible to com- k er g tin Herstate tha the
petein he tkisonconester generation. Hle stated that the
Pete in the Atkinson contest,k young people of today are even saner
The following seven men will com- than teouth of a geetn ago,
pete in the final contest tonight: F. than the youth of a generation ago,
E. Deans, '26, G. E. Dykstra, '27, B. this world a better glace."
A. Green, '27, J. D. Moore, '24, Ernest The convention
Neitert '26 J Roenthl '5 Te covenionprogram for tomor-
Neitzert, '26E, J. J. Rosenthal, '25, row includes morning lectures by Dr.
and David Sohn, '25.hs Goodrich, Dr. Honline, and Miss Flor-
Two members of the public speak- ence E. Norton at the Methodist
ing department, G. E. Densmore and church. Four simultaneous divisional
L. G. Crocker, together with three conferences will be held in the after-
members of Delta Sigma Rho, nation- noon at the various churches, while
al honorary public speaking society in the evening "The Rock," a re-
will be the judges of the contest. I ligious drama presenting the life of
Simon Peter, will be given at 8 0'-
clock by the Pilgrim Playrs in' Pat-
POSTER CHOSENv FOR tengill auditorium.
Membership Drive
A Chinese mask forms the center of
the poster which has been chosen to . Members of the life membership
advertise "Tickled to Death," the 1925 . committee of the Union and the cap-
Union Opera. The poster, which is tains of the teams which will par-
quite unlike those used in the past, ticipate in the drive met at the Union
is completely oriental in spirit and last night for the purpose of organiz-
design and is the work of Walker ing this year's drive, which will be
Everett, '26. His work was given ( held for the first three days the week
first place by the committee in charge j before the Ohio State football game.
of the poster competition, of which Tom Cavanaugh, '25, president of
Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson, of the Fine the Union, gave a short speech on the
Arts department, is chairman. advantages of the Union life mem-
This design will be used to adver- ber, and on the purpose of the drive.
tise tire Mimes production through-
out the country. Window cards and Warn eur s
bill posters will be copied from it, 6'e r
and the Opera program cover will To .1rfado n Tjn



Talk on

Student Liquor Problem
Afternoon at Lane.



Fred B. Smith, vice-president of the
Johns Manville company and chair-
man of the "Citizens' Committee of,
1,000 for Lgw Enforcement," has been
secured to give the second address of
the series of University services in
Hill auditorium at 8 o'clock Sunday
night. He will speak on "Fruits of
Mr. Smith will meet in a closed
session Sunday afternoon at Lane
hall with the members of the inter-
fraternity council, a few campus stu-
dent leaders, and cabinet members off
the S. C. A. Here he will discuss the
student liquor situation as it existsf
in the larger colleges today. Admis-
sion will be by ticket only.
A man of powerful physique and
dominant personality, Mr. Smith has
gained for himself an enviable repu-i
tation as a moulder of opinion and
respect for national law.
He has made several foreign tours,
saw service in the Spanish-American
war, and has written a number of
books based on his experiences among
Burton's DHealth
Steadily Improves
Steady improvement was reported
in the illness of President Marion L.
Burton late last night. He has been
confined to his bed since Tuesday,
Oct. 21, with an attack of bronchitis,
which developed into broncho-pneu-

lived he would have been heartily in
favor of "the League of Nations and
that he approved of Wilson's under-
taking shortly beh~rc his (e.th.
"To the Editor:--
"It must be most distressing for a
great man a.s he a sroaches his emd
to reflect Ehat 0 O. is iew ci-
zens will misre ree es hi> >s after lhe
is gone. An admirer of Theodore{
Roosevelt, was paint, d on the anni-1
versary of his birth as I listened to
Professor Irving Fisher speaking in
Hill auditorium and misrepresenting,
Roosevelt's attii.nie towird the
League of Nat ionls. 1 -Piss over,
therefore, the less important vagaries
of the speaker: the pacifist claim
that we "suddenly created an army
out of whole cloth" when we entured
the war, that war has been abolished
whereever there are courts, that poli-
tics should Stop at the ocean's edge,
etc. Fishers clahi that Roosevelt)
sided with Taft and Wilson on the
League of Nations was, I trust, so
transparently false as to be generallyI
"No one is asked to accept myI
I statements without corroboration, but j
urged to r eAd in full Roosevelt's later
editorials published in the Kansas
City Star. ( Stout, Roosevelt in the
Kansas City Star, 1921,) and the
chapter on "Sound Nationalism and
Sound Internationalism" in Roose-
velt's "The Great A venture," Scrib-1
ner's 191;) dtomapleted ly two C
months before his death. The burn-
ing indignation expressed at Wilson's
preachments about a league of nations
and those of the League to Enforce
Peace, with which Fisher was promi-
nently connected, must be read to be
appreciated. I omit the sharpest crit-
icisms to choose citations which will
f set forth Roosevelt's attitude:
"'The vital military need of this
country as regards its future inter-
national relations is the immediateI
adoption of the policy of permanent
preparedness based on universal
training. This is its prime duty from1
the standpoint of American national-I
ism and patriotism. Then, as an
addition or supplement to, but under
no conditions as substitate for, the
policy of permaneut preparedness, we
can afford cautiously to enter into
and try out the policy of a league of
nations. 'there is no dificulty what-
I ever in prattling cheerfully about
such a league or in winning applause
by rhetoric concerning it prior to thei
effort to make it work 'in piactice;
but there vill be much difficulty in
making it work at all when. any ser-
ious strain comes, and it will prove
entirely unworkable if the effort is
made to unload upon it, in the name
of internationalism, duties which in
the present state of the world will
be efficiently performed by the free
nations only if they perform them
as national duties, * ' * *
"It is the duty of every sincere
American nat riot to lay far more em-

Resignation Of MacDonald Cabine
Expected To Make Way For
Baldwin Hinisry
London, Oct. 30. (By A. P.)-Tho
Conservatives will have more than 400
members out of a total membership of
615 in the new House of Commons,
is the startling outcome of the third
appeal to the country within two
years. The exact figures cannot yet be
given, because in the Universities and
some outlying Scottish islands the
counting will not be completed for an-
other week.
Because of this astounding Conser-
vative victory, it is expected that
Premier MacDonald, who returned to
London tonight, will call an immediate.
cabinet council to consider the gov-
ernment's position. This may quite
possibility prove to be the last meeting
of a Labor cabinet in England for the
next five or more years.
The expectation tonight is that the
MacDonald cabinet will decide to re.
sign immediately, makingway for the
SBaldwin ministry.
There is, however, another alterna-
tive, to follow the precedent set by
the Baldwin ministry after the last
general election, meet Parliament and
wait for defeat on the address from
the throne. One strong motive for fol-
lowing this course would be that Pre-
mier MacDonald has declared his in-
tention to probe to the root of the
Zimovieff affair, and this he would
be in aposition to do effectively only
hile he retained the foreign secre-
taryship, with access to all depart-
mental documents.
Next to the tremendous success of
the Conservatives, who gained ap-
proximately 159 seats and lost some-
thing under 10 to the other arties.
the most striking thing is the sub-
mergence of the Liberal party. When
Herbert I. Asquith, the Liberal lead-
e, announced a bare two months ago
his ntentio-i to move a censure motion
on the government's Russian policy,
ie could not possibility have envis-
aged the fate which has overtaken his
old andl respected party, which 'now
sees itself faced with 'extinction, its
leaders, including himself, routed, and
its members in the new House reduced
to one tenth of the Conservative
Washington, Oct. 30. (By A. P.)-
No radical change in the foreign pol-
icy of Great Britain toward this coun-
try is forseen here as a result of the
rise to power of the Conservative
The state department refuses to
comment, but in its diplomatic quar-
ters it is pointed out that the official
policies of Great Britain toward the
United States since the war has been
those of co-operation in all matters.
There are no indications that this pol-
icy, which was pursued by the Con-
servatives during their previous
tenure of office, will be reversed.
Today from 3 to 5 o'clock is the
last chance for voters to avail them-
selves of the free notary service on
absent voters' ballots offered by the
Republican club, it was announced
by officials of the club yesterday
Ballots will be notarized at the

above hours both at the table in the
corridor in University hall and in
rocn 302 of the Union.
Both notary service and postage,
save for registered or special delivery
mail, are absolutely free, and all vot-
ers are urged to take advantage of
this opportunity. More than 500 bal-
lots have been notarized to date.
Flag Case Placed
In Memorial Hall


also be a replica of it. The secondI
prize was awarded to W. A. Warrick,
F. W. Sevin, '17, of the Vacuum
Oil company, will deliver two lec-
tures before Prof. W. E. Lay's class-
es this morning at 8 and 9 o'clocky
in the automotive laboratories. His
lecture on ",The Lubrication of Au-

kj....' A'~u .Putry

Toni Waring, of Waring's Pennsyl-
vanians, who are playing at the Ma-
jestic this week, was discharged last
night from St. Joseph Mercy hospital,
where he has been confined since an
accident Monday. Mr. Waring was hit
by an automobile and was immediate-
ly taken to the hospital, where his
condition rapidly improved. Although
still in some pain and swathed with
bandages, lie will be back at the piano

Plans have been completod for t
presentation to the University of
memorial filag case to stand in A
umni Memorial hall as a nionument
Michigan's dead in the World Wa
The giftestimated to cost $1,300,xv
be presented by Richard N. hall Po
No. 4, troop 2, Veterans of Forei
Wars of the United States, and N
house the standards of the seve

I)P A V v 1 w


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