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October 30, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 10-30-1924

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ion in the Bulletin is constructive notice 't%, all members of
versity. Copy received by thbe Assistant to th., F" esident until
m. (11-30 a. mn. Saturdavk 4
5 THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 309, 1921 Numbewr 33


morro1,W night1.at 7::;0 in the audiito:rium of Lane Hall. As customary, all
members a' txCre i1'C~St to be prs1n. Leo i7. ~oikPres.
; .hcarsal w\ill1b held ths vniL frem 7 to 3 p. mi,, in the Assembly
Itc _lo om o e lichiganu Union. Membexrs who have not yet made their deposit
can do so <J thisa thie Carl B. Schooin lier, 11anager.
6 dl ,rs for' Lecture Course:
Audli ushers report tonight at 7: 15 sharp at the wcst side entrance to the
-Adtorium. Peaewear ycur bN dge.
F:iEluird vlFord, C hi rmn UnVsher ('oiittee.
Veecr-ans of Feigpn Nfirs':
There will h, very important business meeting of the Richard N. Hall
Post No. 422, V. F.W. from 7:00 to 3:00 Thursday evening in room 303
!Unicn. All mnewbers are utrgently requiested to attend.
Walter 0?. Shiriner, Adjutant.

ing room a quiet

tt Council:,
to second meeting of the Senate Council for the year will be held on
day, November 3, at 4:15 p. mn., in the President's office.
Frank E. Robbins, ,Secretary.
eo first required 'freshman lecture in Hygiene for men will be in Water-
Gymnasium, main 'hall, on Thursday and Friday, October 30 and 31, at
ed 5 p. m; in connection with the regular classes in physical training.
Geoorge A. 'May.
ontore Engineers:
ere will be an assembly of Sophomore Engineers in roomn 348, Last,
ineering Building, on -Thursday, Oct. 30, at 9 :00 a. m.
E. i11. B ryegg.
or Engineers:
ore will be an assembly of senior Engineers in room 323 Engineering
ling, on Thursday, Octobe r 30, at 10:00 a . M
C. F. *Wison, M~entor sieiiorEttgineers.

Work on the aUnion swimming pool
has progressed to a stage. where lock-
ers are, now being installed. About
half the lockers have arrived and the
rest will be here in a short time. It
is planned to place 200 lockers in
connection with the pool.
A shipment of tile which is overdue
by a month is holding up work on the
pool itself and when this arrives
work will be pushed to completion.' It
is expected that the pool will be ready
for use by Chritmas, according to of-
ficials of the Union.
The Pendleton library on the, sec-
ond floor of the Union is almost com-
pleted. When the lighting fixtures ar-
rive and are put in place the library
will be finished. The lighting fixtures
are'to be the same type as those-in the
Present plans are to make the read-


supervsion, IVII I M 11IVI iL1 WILL bU
TO Meet Saturdaya
11___ edica- tion of Culver Mllitar,
M4r. E. C. Goddard and Mlrs. Godh- "Acdey's new Alumni Memorial ~al
dard will-be hosts to the Cosniopoli- on the afternoon of Nov. 2, at Culve
City, Indiana, will draw 25 of the4
tan' club in their home at 1212 hill $Ii ;n ii of thle academy in the Univex
street at 8 o'clock neat SaturT y' sity to the homecoming exercises.
night., This will be the first 'of sev-4 The hall was erected as a tribut
eral meetings which_ will l~e held in to the Culver men who lost thire
the homes. of prominent faculty miem- I lives in the w,..r, and is intended fc
bers. Rensis G. Likert, '26L, presi- iu e exc lus;ively as a club house fc
dent of the club stated: "Wie lhopo!le ~altmni who «visit the school. Th
.hrough bringing the foreign student Icocst is estim~ated at. $25Q,000, and tl
Into closer contact with influential Ibuli5i done completely in Italia
men to promote better understand- style.
ing between the two factions."Th army, navty, the marines, ar
The gathering will take the nature'the air ser vice of this country wi
ref a gonnlfl I-- --,.n,..r-,,.~


Chaiwec May Make
"Tay Pay" O'Connor,
B.rifish Premier

;ors of Freslhmati Rlietorle:
ons for the first Mlid-Semester examination
cenwald Thursday at 5 o'clock in the Rhetoric,

may be obtaincd from
Office, 3222 L; B.
d. V. Johnson.

lasses in Rhetoric .l:
Bring your copies of Adventures in Essay Readting, to class' Friday and
iturday for use in the muid-semester quiz.. 0. C. Johnson.
heemistry Students:
All student intending to specialize in chemistry as a profession are
,rdially invited to attend a smoker to .be given in Room 165 Chemistry
ilding at 7: 30 p. in., Thursday, October 30. Short talks by faculty, members
il be given. This meeting is held under the auspices of Phi Lamdba
s11on, honorary chemical society,.and all members of the society' are re-
ested. to be present. IFgbert K. Bacon, President.
vall Camipus Organizations:
Contracts for space in the 1925 Michiganensian must be signed and turned
to the Organizations Manager before Nov. 1st. The dlummy will be made
at tha~t time and any organizations who fail to turn in their contracts by
at time cannot be assured of space.
- F. XM. Phelps, Jr., Org anizations Manager.
Iorai Ui~uon Concert:
Guy Maier and Lee Pattison will give the following program of two-piano
Lnmbers in the Choral Union Series in Hill Auditorium Monday evening,
)vember 3, at 8:00 o'clock, Eastern Standard time:
Sonata-(Allegro, Minuet, Allegro molto) (Clementi;) Andante and Var-
ions (Schumann;) Scherzo (Saint Saens;) Gavotte and Musette (gaff;)
xc Waltzes (Brahins;) Scherzino (Schuett;) "The Arkansas Traveller"
)ld Fiddler's Tune) (Peattson; )- Waltz (Arensky;) Prelude "The Afternoon
a Faun" (Debussy;) Feu Rouland ("Pinwheels") (Duvernoy;) Spanish
iapsody (Chabrier.) Chaarles A. SIzli, Secretary.
J amber of Commerce:
The Chamber~ of Commerce will meet Thursday at 7:30 p. in., in Room 304
aion to discuss the new constitution. Dean E. E. Day will be present and
d in the discussion. Rali Martin, Secretclary.
)sniopolitan Club:
All foreign students are cordially invited to the informal reception and
cial to be held at the home of Professor and Mrs. Edwin C. Goddard, 1212
ill Street, Saturday evening, November 1, at 8 n. im. Others interested,
the work of the club are also invited. Rtensis Likert, P~residenit.
layer's Club:
It~ is imperative that every member be present at a meeting of Player's
ub, Thursday afternoon, at'4 o'clock, in Room 25, New Literary B~uilding.
of. A. D. Moore, the newly appointed sponsor, will- be present to) discus
-or-ganzation. Junie Knisley Sy.Pson, Vice President.
Ionia Literary Circle;
P'olonia Literary Circle will hold its first program meeting of the year, to-.

Notices to appear i-i this column must
bie ?eft in the box at the Daily office
provided for that purpose before 4
o'clock p~receedinlg the day of issue.
9:00-- oplboinore engineers meet lit
room 348, East Engineering build-
10 :00{-Senior -enginecrs mecet in room
348, East Engineering buildin'g.
l2:15--Ecionuzmcs club lunch, in Unm-
4a(0)-_1 ayers' club meets in room 2#i
]literary building.
4-:00-Junaior engineers and froshli ts
sl)2e(Iball game on field 2, Ferr;
d :flW-G lee club reh~crsal In Unior
assembly hall.
7 : 0-Yeterans of Foreign Wars mneO
in room 306, Union.
7 : 5;--'VeJO and Flange meets in kn.
;hovering society room. .
7:1, 1-Us ers for lectlure course ice'
at Hill auditorium.
7 :3C -Progressive clib meets ii
room 323, Union.
7 :3 -Cheistry smoker lit room 16,)
Chemistry buid (ing.
7;r_. lJ0---(ah ereof Conmnere meets Ir
roomI 304, Union.
8 :30-Locals K. Anspaciher speaks ini
Blill auditorium.

REMEMBER-We always have an extensive stock of
students' supplies. Try us once-you'll try us again.
1 3111 South University Ave. Phone £11 60-R

Walter Eckersall concedes Iowa an
outside chance to beat Illinois next
Saturday on account of the lla wlk-
, eyes' strong line.,

i00 bersij y nigh ranking OtU
pis t the ceremonies, tog ether wit
irepresentative of the allied com
Pay for your Subscription today.
A K Nights 50~c to $
?,t, Mat. - OC tO g
Frederic I~ondaIe'0s SupremecGoale
With Violet Yieanuhzg', E'Wie Whlii
. Arthur Byron, A. E. Matthews

' ,t7

,he IN

'.. ;..
~ . ' V ti


( J1XT'0Il l1w !n :

There is a r ,ioL ?p' :i~t ta



Greeting Catrds
THE Holidays are just round
.the corner. Have you or-
dered your engraved Greeting
Cards as yet? Don't wait until
the last minumte. Our assortment
of beautiful and artistic Christ-
mas and New Year's cards is
now complete, and there is amnple
time for us to give you our most
careful attention and service.

T 1. lay" ULy 'U illo1UFdan ot jFRDA
the house of coon in point of ,.-, ureainl alw'e ai
siervice, .w>if be a( clr liS hosce druce. Meet at church.
.or the 'los't oft:Ii r~mr in ' :1---llonla L1iterary circle meets
,. T , tZ~haayM'A~aad J ane hailauditorium
H ~ as querad~te j:urty mat IWesley
O'Con~,ris he oly rishnatonalst ball for Methodist studlents.
membecr of -l)arcl a;, c;,t. -8 :00-!Extemplore contest at LUniver.
sity hall.

E A^l l v wal cdaiy Subscriptions
November I., in x a " seure C i'
the rate of $3.50) a ycira. ~O
October "l the rate advance(118to
Your S ubscrijption is payable now.:-

37,,i u eripfs for the first issue 01
Whimsies will he received at Press
blding until Nov. 10.
Stenlor pictures are on sale at the
'Ensian office from 2 to 5 every aft-
ernoon until Thanksgiving.
Al: coupu s organizationas,. fraternilties,
sororities, and, societies must have
their contracts for organization
space in the AMichiganensian office'
by Nov. 1.

Permanently on Display at
336 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, 311clh.
-Designed byHA D
MfmoRoi'rr,.N OneRA hoeJs.. om KNcKtiiboc!R BUILOINO
@ W 6+33.922 4NEW YORK b

14 Nickels' Arcade

Greetincg Cards for


h .

PATON : Accounting.a
WILLIAMS& MARTIN: The- Practice of Journalism.
BROOKS: Politic,. Parties *and )Electoral Problems.
SMITH: The English Language.*


. ...

d The Daily

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