THE MICH-IGAN )A~iY .. [IL AT 3 Po44f WANTED STUDS-VT DELIVERZY I fll IN TOflgen , oS the new president of the A Dlvretoayprofteciy5cCleeoSugosISI1LT TUTOR IN Accounting answer box OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS Li U~LI r. harlesMayo 33 Michigan Daily. Utl83 .N OpoieCutH ueA e r s d rfSTUDENT Desires washing andi iron- i PHONE 3591-J {i0 9 H 1 E ing dlone. Address W. E. Klein,____________________ ADfVERTI SING FOR SALE WRQOIIT IRON BRIDGE LAMPS, $3.,!:'At Koch &IVenne, 300 S.' Main. $75.00 OAKLAND TOU CRING, bargain! Splendid mnotor. Top. Sijde curtains and tires in A-I shaipe inievery way: Or will ex;chnge for radio and ~cash. 320 S. Fourth' Ave., ors phone 418-J days. ST17DEBlAK EII-4-Touring 1919. EIx-E Scellent condition. ; good' tires. Very Complete equipmnent. Cheap. Call 2803-IR between 6-8 eveniin gs. FOR SALE Remington Portable Typewriters.. Time payments if de- sired. Geo. Register, 604 E. Madi- son, Phone 1809. F'OR SALE Ford car call 2950-R. 706 Haven Ave. BRAND NEW Set Encyclopredic4 Brittannica, sixty dollar,, part time payments acce'pted or will exchange! for portable typewriter. Call ;;02-J. TlWO R00 M -11For boysi, )a wnewly decorated andI newly Lu ruir hcd home, tnoderIn and va .hn. $3.50-and $4.00 per w :k.70'1. thAve. Pholle 3 ti7-J. LARGE Ffl.ON'r:i1 l urihd Hot water heat and iplenty of hotl water. 315 Pacwk,,rd St. -1241-1~ BEHIND LAW CFLU B doule room, light and warms, sinlel beds. $6.001 637 Oakland. LOST PEARIL 1 B A IEILIT 'Foir Strands in- te~'rnlingle withsilver clasp:,.' One Ssmall strand wa brokenm. Reward. Call :3112-M for 1,. J. Croll. PATRONIZE DAIL Y ADVERTISERS LOST GIRL'S Dark blue topcoat " Straightline. Ribbon trimmed. Call 988-W. GOLD :FOOTBALL Watch fob. Re- ward. Return to A. G. Oliver, Law- yer's Club. LOST OCTAGON White gold watch between Ann St. and Arcade Post office at 4:30 P. -M. Monday, Oct. 27. Please return to 1133 Ann St. Reward. Phone '3183-M. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA 'pin' in the B~arbour gym. Phone 390. PERSON WHO' FOUND Theta Delt pin last spring call 396, unable to locate finder. Reward. LOST Alpha _Omicron Pi pin, name enigraved on, back. Call 2949. IMUSIC 1319 Cambridge, giving rates. USED -'CARSo 'iht hee D y S ecas t MISCELLANEOUS FORL SALE Maxwell touring. In won- Carry ichigani Rooters, 1jderful running ordler. 5i good tires. To Columbus COROA TYEWRIERSCheap. Call 475-iR. WE HAVE the new Corona Four, TIO'I'IS OiSALENOV._ with' standard keyboard,- at $ 60, or' ________________ Corona Three, with three-bank key-I LANDLADIES- STUD)ENTS j Five special trains will be run byl board, at $50. Also a full line of DON'T Overlook the opportimity to the Ann Arbor railroad to Columbus typewriters of, all makes and sup- save on many household necessi- for the the Ohio State-Michiganl plies. Terms if desired. Renting ties at; The Economny Second hI~and game there Saturday, Nov. 15. There and repairing a 'specialty. Store, 209 N. Main St., Phorie 739-M. will b)e two night Pullman trains and 0. D. MORRILL, We sell what you (d0 want anid buy? three day trains, one of which will! Te 17 Nickels' Arcade what you don't want. carry dlay-Pullman accomodationsa. TeTypewriter & Stationery StoreTh faewlbetesm asi Rooms d Forwas two years ago, $6 for the round CORRE SPONDiENCE STATIONERY Roo s ead F r trip. Pullman accomodations on dayj I tai,-, iay e ecuedfor an addi-! CLEARANCE SALE until November A ew Observatory itional charge of $1.95 for the round I 1 st in order to make room for our ! trip. A lower berth on the night lageChisma soc.Rooms ini the new Literary build- trains:,"i;ll cost $3.75, while an upper I O~. D. MORRILL, ibrhwl ot$ ahwy rw 14 Nickels' Arcade. in g, designed for the use of. the Ibe.rtwilcs$3ehwa.A(r- i ng, room may be secured for $13.50.r ,The New Stationery Store. I astronoiny department, are now prac- The two night Pullmnan specials I tically ready to receive equipment. will leave the Ann Arbor depot at JUST'RECEIVE D Fresh shipment ofI Space for the department is provided 12- o'clock midnight, Friday, Nov. 14, l GILBERT'S CHOCOLATES j onr the fifth fBoor. and will' arrive in° Columbus at 5:45- AM ADE PHiARMACYW Two telescope,,one new and the o'clock "Saturday morning. The three Phone 1038-J.f other to be 0%, ns e rred from the day trains will leave Ann Arbor at 7? present observator y, will be mounted o'clocl- Saturday mrorning, arriving in TOXIE'S FORM BRASSIERES and in specially designred rooms. Domies Columbus at 12 o'clock. Madame X reducing garments at co ig jetotIecpshae]C i ickcets for tihe specials "will bei the Quality Shop. Phone for ap- designed so that they will not be placed on sate at the Union Nov. 4,1 pointmnt for fittings. visible from the exterior of the build- ant id 'Wll le on sale for one w~veek.It' T'IlE QUALITY SHOPE ing. Piers, on which the rooms rest, is urged by officials of the. Ann Arbor I 33 S. )ain street. have leen sunk to the ground to eimr- railroa,.l that all tickets be purchaisedl mate vibration. Two heliostats are by Nov. 11 in order that the spiecial AVON INN ORCHESTRA NOW Booke-, also to he installed;. equiipmenrt. necessary to accomiodate ing fraternity andl sorority parties. L Iecture and work roomin for class,- (the crowd m pay be estimated. Call Ed. Greenspan, 3051-Rl. 'Cs in astronomy are also located on 'Chco will' also beo two special the fifth floor. it-ins run from Detroit to Columbus WILL PARTIES Whro witnessed acci- Tire presen~t cobservatory near the over tiie Michigan Central for alumni dent May 24 when oil truck was 1 01sia ilbe (lismnrntledl later, and those, wishing 'to make the ti forced into ditch by sedan please ho;tlwl - -~from Detroit.,ri rcommunicate with Staebler Oil Co. I Havana, Oct. t?9,----A sturdy of hlay- 424 S. Main.I ______________________________________ na as a ossible link: in the proposed UntdSta te: air mail service to C R a te4Aat d Read the W antA stral America has been begn by Jos- j ' 'U I NN [AI lIC ~ON ii Dean Alfred H. Lloyd of the 0i uate school left yesterday for Mir ap)olis to attend, a conference of Sssociation of -American IUniversil whioch w-'ll1be held today, tomor and SaIturday at the University Minnesota D)ean Lloyd, who is secretary of associ _tion wvill preside over the sins of this coniference, returninAnAroMndy Terrace Garden Lanciug Studio. Open Daily, 10 a. m. to 10 p. in. We. teach all modern, fancy, ballet, stage, tango and folk dances for children adults. Class every Monday + riday.i. 7 F":n one-hour lessons, $5.00. j Dr. Charles Mayo, one of the famed Mayo brothers of 1cocniester, Minn., is ?hLL !GILL ESPIE, Soloist and er, thirty year's experience. dolin guitar, banjo, and teach- Man- ' chord Fconsitruction. Telephone 1791-M. O1.D'VIOLINS,;'A fine collection of olW Strad Guarneri, Amati, and Stainer models, Cellos, Mandolins, and Guitars. Will buy or repair old broken violins. 533 S. Main St. Phone 1075-W. WE WVANT a hustling young man to take charge of our Radio depart- ment and Sales. Commission basis. University Music House. WARTED WANTED BY STUDENT Position as chauffeur and care taker of, car in exchange for board. Experience, references. 3335.-R. WANTED Position as cook and gen- eral housekeeper in fraternity house or private home by middle 4ged man. !References. Call 190. Play your Dally subscription. E22V",erth Arcade Phone 2 KNOW,' RESTAURANT FOR ITS- QUICK ERVICE LOW PRICES Conveniently Located at 601 East liberty Near the Majestic .. ----.r..._._. __ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT at the "H T TAVERN" The, Edward Tailoring Co., Inc. Ili WILL DISPLAY AT THEI CAMPUS BOOTERY ON STATE STREET What could be more appropriate? Luncheon, 12:00-2:00 Tea, 2:00-5:00. i 1 G~ood Made-to-Order Suit of Clothes 2 Giood AMade-to-Order Top, Coat 1 Good Made-to-Order 'Tuxedo $ 28.75or $38iPs Dinner, 5:30-7:30 PHONE 2985-M We'll Prove It to You at Our Displays Held Thursday, Oct. 31 .. w.wm I II "yfe'sBrujtus" The Edward Tailoring Co., Inc. 1724 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. II. How Much should you pay for a good suit of clothes? EVERYONE will agree, on one fact- you can't get something for nothing. If you want really good clothes, we say -consider tailoring first; it pays in 'the long run. Good workmanship will n~t be put into cheap fabric, but good fabric is often spoiled by poor tailoring. The clothes we offer you are tailored up to a standard and not down to a price -yet they offer unusual values at prices you will be glad to pay. If you want good clothes -every..way- buy CLOTHES DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR COLLEGE MEN - See the latest English models, the new patterns and shades in these fine clothes at- $3 o$0guaranteed by CHAS KAUFMAN & BROS., te'I~akes VWAG11kCOMPAHY f. J~o hnc, snce 1K4X .:++ .rrw .rssr.,.c r rers ,. :. .rr. ...eria.®fr. .ir.,..s;rir~r~Y...o ^-- .rso rer... .es .rs :..s ,..r.rt. ri..crr. Fam-0-1000 OCO ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION PROGRAM _. w 1w M AF M 0 Uq m AW-9ft m m ILI I mc-Ir, . MAV