WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEIr ;,22, 1924 T4 IiIIA AL PAGE SEVEN OllN C S S IFI68iSSBrA ..ADVERTI SING At PM MAY BRING I0T EXHIITKansas Given CMRHANTS GIVEPRIZES OF VIE rNNA i lll N' oif "Chapter, jr Ig Nil i [N ru[ Ruuw Give P'svc!zclogy Efficiency Tests' i~. 'Lawrence, Kans., Oct. a -5.~. At- Tlai. KENNEDY from Los. or trade* Rudy at 3( FOR SA1L. uO~SL~;_-______LOST IRO N j LTM I O LAMvPS, I PEA1RL BRACELET Four- strands in- Koch & 1ienne, 300 S. to riingledl with silver .clasps. One sinall strandl was broken. Reward. RADIO Newr. iteeeives Call 3112-M for L. J. Croll. Angeles to New York $65 LOST SATURDAY Phi Rho Sigmia forTmr ajo Calfr aI'rnitv lan.Initials rH. B, .M.v. 091.' Return to 300 N. Ingalls St. Reward. Thoroughbred A irdaicl . .Iieel Plans are being made by Prof. Emil Lorch of the architecttural college_ to bring' a, very noted exhibit of apt work done- by schoolchildren -of- Edrope and a lectuierf to speak on this work, to Ann- Arbor fi the -near future. The x- hibit wilIl be :open toy the general pub- lic. M. " , The exhibit depicts the art and- handicraft taught in, -the grammarj schools -of Viewfta, Austria:. In. sog.far as there ii a, large interest amj6ng ed-j ucators -in this .country at present: up-j onthe- que tion -of'how the sartistic side of a youtag child-. -hould be de-- veleped, this exhibit showing Europ- ean, rmthads is : arousing much at- tention in this country.- -- The exhibait and lectures will be braought' thr6*gh. the -D troit societya of Arts and Crafts. A study of the work of tae Viennese schoolchil ren,- which is reputed as being of. very high; grade,, will be made by the Stu- dents of the architectual college. pups. A ddress 2t6 Observatory. Phone 2w3-W. $75.00 OAKLAND ''OUIiNG, bargiain! Splendid motor. Tope. Side curt:A ns and tire s in A-It pIi veiywy Or will exchange for r'aio and cash. 320 S. Fourth Ave. JA.,) Sr Kindly return gray leather Packet taken by mistake fromt coat rac.-near prescription laboratory in the Chemistry bldg., Ca'l lRI!-Y SQURl REL choker lost. between B-es arbour 1-ouse and Mighty. T',' ? 1r 11 t. n. V ~ v..T+,R'. ter of the nattonai nooiLU of Coif has been aw arde school of the University 1Membership in the Ass, American Law Schools is site to, the establishment ter of this honorary soci the 58 membership schoc have chapters. The Kansas chapter, wh es the number to 17, is t] chapter to be added in eig: CONFIRM APPOINI OF ICTOR Mid Conf rniation was accor pointment of Victor M. Ma: Detroit Edison fellowship ineering -college for the yi at the :meeting -of the Bo gents Monday. Mr. Mazuri( uate of the Case School Science, specializing in n 23.-A chap- , U 11I I AflLLU V L11L LL11 ! Tests in visual imagination and "-! raysociety Mr. ficiency are being conducted by the - fe heLw ..oethan 100 przsaet epsychology department under the di- of Kansas. given by local mierchants at the Ila- +rection of Prof. C. H. Griffitts. The ocation of lowe'en celebration to be featured by first. four were given Monday after- a, prereqlti-th city on the night of Oct. 31 in! noon in the Law building and the re- of a chap-_i West Side park. The Chamber of I mainder will be given next Monday. iety, and of Commerce is in charge of the festival, Te'sts similar to these in the past ols only 16sr have shown that the lowvest graded and its offices are already receiving; senior engineer is better than the best Mich increas-cotiuinwhcartobaad- literary student, according to Profes-' hie only new jedl for the" best and most striking sor Griffitts. This is due to the fact, ;ht years. costumes of the evening. that engineering students are trained Booths operated by various civict in visual imagination, while the lit~- organizations will line the midway in' crary college does not call this facul-t MENT Ithet park. The Women's Business club ty into play. adteY.W.CA.hv already - The marks received in these tests AlIIEmade application, for booths- from have been found to correspond with' whic topas- ou cany ad dogh-those of the same students in physics 81 nu ts, while the Kiwanis club will dis-' andI the other sciences, but not withC pense apples an other organizations grades in sociology, philosophy and led tearIwl operate surprise booths. similar subjects. zti ote Teprdwhich will be headed __________ :in, he ngby the Michigan band, will form atI Pay for your Subscription today. ear 1924-25,17 O'clock in' the open space back of oard of lie- the Ann Arbor high school. Its coursej le, is a grad- will be down State Street to Williams, R.II. GRIFIT~IHIS of 'Applied west to Main, north, to Catherine, and netalluricaltehstotepakIndiint, ployed until tow:nspeople and students, crowds As- tolling Mills from neighboring districts will at-IISTO RING SUN1111 >t. tend the occasion. T H IET nental work es of metals Seattle, Oct. 28.-The St. Paul base- ball club of theo American association, defeated Seattle, Pacific coast flag winnersr in the opening game of the interleague series which is to decide the minor league baseball champion- shimj. New Haven; Oct. 27. - Halfback Henry Scott, of the Yale eleven, was temporarily# crippled by t t injury to his right arm in Saturday's game' with Brown. Rica4. the beauty ofthSeitTnp Rea end BStak COo bination e.Trade Mrk . at. cfie HAVE A FEW TM!ichigan -W, -ui:i'n -! V t1 U flu1.UnIto. IWLiy Babiour football programs left. If you wvish I S~ one for a' souvenir se-rel1h'oonie, ~Q GIRL'S.. Dayr blue taipcoat ' 752 Packard Ave. T~el. 2074-. ~ gltn. Ribbon trimmed. CaIl STUI)EBAKER-4 -Tour ing; 1919. E- ; 988-W.- ceilent condition. 5 good tires. 'GOLD FOOTBALL Watch fob..:Re- Very Complete equipment. Cheap.F ward. Return to A. G. Oliver, La*- Call 2803-R between 6-S evenings. ~ Cu. - - --:- ATTRACT'T~J TT A1.NDLERR -wol IntramuralItems a r t c A .t S. 1 s si.la4: . s -s 1R.G L l.ltaiv IJ S..a.u sti sLV y itt Li413TT Dispatch. Perfect miechzanically. FOUND. Will sacrifice for closed car. A real FOUND Smiall. sun ,of money _o#,,IState, bargain. .Call 2953-W evenings. .St. ':Saturday -.-followng, game,. FO.tR SALE Remington Portable I Iho eRob Kipp. 949, Typewriters. Time payments if de- OVNE.R of Mand~cohin_- left . in. Postal :ired. Goo. Register, 60-1 E. Madi- statio-L in Nichel'-s Arcade can-. have son, Phone 1F 09. , 1 !nidentification -and .paying NOTICE for -advertising.- - - engineer-ing. He was cm- (COntinuf~trom P Cge Six) recently at the American R vs. Alpha, Delta .Phi; Alpha Sigma company 'as a metallurgist Phi v,. Delta .Sigmna Phi-; Phi Delta He will conduct experiin Theta vs. Phi Sigma Delta; Pi Kap-- to determine the nropertle pa% Alpha vs.; Tan Delta Phi; Delta at high temperatures. Chi vs. -Nu Sigma Nu; Delta. Kappa Epsilon. vs. Eta Theta Pi-; Delta A1~- Freshmen Give "pha Epsilon v}s. Trigon; Alpha Rho p Chi vs. Sigma Phi. - hysical d. The-" following, houses. draw bys and _ will play in the second round next Dr. George A. May of tl week, Theta Xi, Alpha Chi Rho, Sig- F education department aI ma Alpha Nil, Phi Mu Alpha, Phi gaetegmilse h Kappa Psi, .Sigma CliiHermitage, perieegwithcphsical Phe Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Nu,- Phi day when one- half of tl+ -'Kappa Tau, Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma ranth50yrdab& Alpha Epsilon', Phi Sigma Kappa. tnhined0tyardedash,.br of each individual were ca CLASS SPEEDBAJJL corded. The other half cf The schedule for class speedball for was instructed in the art res the physical nd his aids ;ir first ex- ests yester- e members FOR DESSERT TONIGHT ANN ARBOR DAIRY ICE CREAM, Insist on It Because It's Superior TYPEWRITING And also transla-- .,MUSIC, Phone 423 PIVTFLL GILLESPIE,.,Soloist, .d.teach- done at h ome. Phone 195-M after 5' P.M. -I er, thirty year's experience.=:.Man- ________Idolin guitar,, banjo, and- chord LA. NDLADIES---- STUDIENTS I onmtru-tioin. Telephone- 1791-M. DON'T- Overlook the aopportunity .to " VOLNS A.fie olecio1 Save onl many household necessi- GoI Strad - Gu;.Ar.fneicoAmation of ties -At The Economy Second Hanel ° dSrdGurei;Arat n Store, 20.9 N. Main St., Phone 789-M. 1 ain~er models,:-Cellos, Mandolins, and Guitars. Will buy or repair old We sell what you do want a-nd buy Ibr oken violins. 533 S. Maim St. what you don't want.Phn105W _____ _____ ____ _____ ___ jF Pho ne SS75-W.ii1E i_ ti )ad jumped,- The recordsI arefully re- A the class ANN ARBOR DAIRY CO. -i Home of Pure Milk Th'ursdlay is as follows : 4:00 Senior, Lits vs. Senior Laws; boxing by Dr. May.1 -Just before the period ended, the . ..,_ CORONA TYPEWRITERS F_____________ WVE HAVE thea new Corona Four, WE WVANT a, hustling. young man to with standard keyboard, at $1,0, or Ftaike charge of our Radio depart- Corona Three, with three--bank key- ment a-nd Sales. Commission' basis. board, at $50. Also a full line of Ilujiversity Music house.. typewriters of all miakes and supD- .-- plie3. Terms if desired. Renting Z1WANtiLED and repairing' a specialty.WATDB SUEN Potina 0. D.MIIL chauffeur and care taker of ear in 17 Nckel' Aradeexchange for board: - experience, The Typewriter & Stationery Mtore (references. CORRE~SPONDENCE, STATIONERYJ WAN~TED STID T thlemk CLEARANCE SALE until November bedsin retu-nTr tgod omke 1st in order to make room for our o32 large Christmas stock. 32._____________________ 0. D. M4ORRILL, -PriOt 8 on o en 14 Nickels' Arcade. Beln c.2.= on o en -Th Ne SttioeryStoe. storff, former ambassador to the s, o"pt r* g v. oo'-pn z its;O Junior i'ts freshmen were taken outside on the llttttlt14ipllilftlt 9Sfidflll II6![tEEitl 1ldEflt d vs Senior Engineers. cinder track and were given a chance ; t.4:45. Junior Engineers vs. Fresh to show their ability in the half mile. i- FISH! FRESH FISH! -I Lits.; -Junior Laws vs. Dents.' As long as the weather permits, Dr.4 prpon *A-l Freshman- Lits- wishing to play }May intends to gv-i cagsa- a1ea4frsh p6h "iiie. leive t on th'e Class Speedball team call brisk run. ~njoy alralrs ih i~ic.W eie oay har iIL -Johnson 3273-W or report at the field of the city. Wednesday, afternoon.- Paris, Oct. 28.- Edcuard HeriotT D YS SE IL aeyopidpremier urged France to take up the resh TcriOA 'SSP CILS: Haeyo ai Du aily Susrp task undertaken by Wilson in the = rs IJern ....... 14C White Fish, 1b.........29c Lion? League of Nations.:*Ifl ue Pike, l°b............ 17C0 Salmon,. lb..... ffa aPerch, lb ........ .. . . 0 l l b t b ...... ... .3 c . F - II~illlllllllll[II IIIIIIII~fil IIIIIIL "lr .0..'Front, 1 lb........ ',......2 c Haiul......... C j Re arn.. AI N IP bNSecl ia1 llhy' low pI-rices for oy'sters by thi- n -it, -quar-t or -allot, PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS 2 also a: variety of d iedl fish and canned goods. = D 2Phone 3504-N1 Ri h - -w I A SeilCourse fradvanced d 4/ -f ihiw students who plan to teach CANAD IAN FISH CO. - Upnolstering % piano is also offered. 1'We arc as near you as ouii phone!Cl 0 e: i tet 12 Studio-614 E. Liberty St. 'Xe_ alwvays do the best of ----o-At ___________________________________________________ . , or-adt =-eaonbl EMMA FISCHER CROSS ; pric. 1% fornmerlY of University School of lllllllllillli tttlll lltltlt1llil.11llllllltllltll 1'C.,-{Music, head of piano department\ - at The University of Washington P. . H R D ad Bellingham State Normal. 2 ani fVw ui of Leschetizky, Vienna. 11 218 E. Huron St. Phone 381-W Phone 2183-J .. MRegister Now - r- POPULARITY SPEAKS 1 FOR nwA It's Rplacing t Old Pen SThousands This NeverFatiling,NeverkilingDuofold Jewel-Smooth, 25-Year Point and Over-size Ink Barrel TO compete with classmates on Teven terms--to feel the thrill or work well done and done on the dot--to keep your mind on your subject and off your pen - replace your old pen with this new crea- tion of the New Age. C It's a pen that aids your hand toacquire the speed and char- acter that win with the world. I Alluring to write with-sym- metrical fit, balanced' swing, jewel-smooth, point. Handsome to carry-=Chinese lacquer-red with smart black tips.. An economical pen to buy, for j we guarantee-the Duofold point. for 25 years' WEAR. At all good pens counters. Step S in and get it-today.' I THE PARKER PEN COMPANY Parker Duofold Pentib to mth the pen, $3.50 Factory and General Offices JANESVILLE, WIS. ikecU plbal fluofold Jr. $5 'Lady Duofold $5' same except for size With ripe for chateine RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned.l Ann- Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works,I Phone 50. STUD)ENT 'DELIVER-YI Deliveries to any part of the city 50c -OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS Until 8:30 P. M. Opposite Court House P1-ONE 3591-J JEWELRY 1y E VANITY FAIRI Thee Gorhani, standard electrotype ;ray finish tableware has arrived. - A. H. ARNOLD State Street. Jeweler Ann Arbor, Mich.' USED CARlS FOR SALE Maxwell touring. In won- derful' running order. 5 good tires. Cheap. Call 475-R. PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS1 to the Reichstag. Up to the Minute Modes-Just the Thino-for, Michi- gan Wom-en. Simple F rocks- Party Dresses- The latest word in, Women's Wear Iilllililllilif Sys Agnes McIntyre 1LUNOR ROOM * Irk which to -pa'y for Opposite Betsy Ross 222 Nickels Arcade Phone 3059 for Appointment 338 Maynard S'ubscript~ionWv All subscriptions of $3.50 not I , I .., t1. -.4t..-- ~ht -' S > > - - =1 11 ,.. . - O- I-i 0 paid by November 1 st adv~ance %1M~fsider the if Between the best laundering; and the poorest, there may be many shades. ande 'degrees of difference, but you wvil r find it. universally rue that the most outstanding factor in the contrast ~rill be that essential element"'of "personal care -a care which is the outstan ding' chara'cteristic of our work. - ~ What is more personal than the clothes you wear? They deserve d - personal Care . - to $4.00. After the 10th of No- vember all unpaid subscriptions will be stopped, and billed at the rate of five- cents a copy for the papers delivered, 11 Please Send Check for Each Subscription or Pay at the Daily 'Office in .the -Press Building 11 the i * d. I A s ... 11 li A IN ® ms-" - .