- --- - - ~ -- -- :30--La Soclad Ilisjmuica mecets in WXV1 RAT' G 0 1 N ( room 302, Union. Notices to a'PPear in thiS COLIMA VnuSt WEDN ES 1)AY be ef i it]nElie box atIth1e D a iy ohice i T 1 P-Ovided f~r that yp1rpose i3 More 4 , 12:1,')'I athieiatics clubi luncheon at o'Iclc precceding the bay of issue. nion. ______________ - -7:30--Saiprinaiv club meets In room TUEI~lSI)A 304, Union. 1:15---I'lliysics ('dolwinui iteel il 7:41) rofessor Toaikuni addresses rnoom 202, old Physics building. I Economics club in Union. 7:0 -{-'_ eii1)bran( d Blade nieePs in -- ------- rooim 316, Union. ia~l Union. n Aerica" IS'TO 'Et"___ ___I 'rte' * No. party is a success without the proper placard3 and Hal- towre'en' favors. ,\We have an extensive stock ait reasonable~ I- SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT EAT AT RE a kX'S THE CLUB LUNCH, 71 2 Arbor Strtet Wom~r State and Packard Stns. prices. 1 1 11 South University Ave. Phone t 1160-R mu I alm ..- -.____. _.__.._.- - -,... I + p I' IS fl.Sainwflr eamwnflrfmw wsnb wnirw The quality that makes Dey portraits so desirable, is the product of time and care. Your l IIihigan-1 ensian portrait will please you if made by Have your. overcoat cleaned and pressed Co'ld days will soon be here and you'll need an overcoat to keep you warm. White Swan may sage you the cost of a new one. Phone 105 Whiite Sw.an Laundry Ann ,arbor's IiLeiiih ( leaners 11 li BI .;,: ' 'i r'": P hot~rabe 'oEven toclay is not too soon t r rr;c for an yontmcn. November 26tl r 15tie final di te---I- will sdoan Le hm 334 State Street Phone 303-W .0.aea,-,. rWasw,,s~ IA, .s.sS .1 ..S.. w.50,S..ma,.. h,Jn.flhl.fltt, + ~1\4LIG66A N Michigan Favorite Colleg~e Songw45 IIEMORN BO().KS . BANESIL A-KETS.LNN N _4',,, -Y\V JE IWELRY 11' UN"E-KR S 'W ' v~r R S LBOO'K SITRE Ittt~~tt{ttttt~t{{t#{{{{{It{{i{tt{t{{{il~t{lt{{i~{{{'~tlt~~tttt'tttt~t{Hltt~tttttittttttttt{ttttiltHtt~lttt 1 iii a a in' Busy r 111 South ain Sit. de of 30 Fur Tr rne inte 11 MEW c 11 me Amu" Ich Smooth Suedes C'ut M' aterials Rich Velours Soft Boliyias Fine Brytoi as A Ma ny with Fur Collar and Cuffs, Some with Fur Borders also--Majority Silk Lined THE FAVORED FABRICS AND THE CHOICEST COLORS Mostly the silhouette straightline types with 'side fastenings. Some r are flaring, some with deep elbow cuffs of fur or trimmed with bands of fur on sleeves. Tucked sleeves and panels are new style ideas. All are full lined, most all with silk or crepe. Black, brown, cocoa, tan, Kit F°ox and rust arec the best shades. Sizes, ii6 to 46.