TED OTOBER 28li7:trnl~. ., 1924 TH-E MId I IGAN DAILY Nqrth Sea Tu~nnel Nears Reality a" ....T L! ,. ttw olcaio Tin; 5 ~~~~~~SPECIAgL POLICE CALLED) 1,.61F~' i L A 1 E'COLMN__-_ CLSS,,' ON*X ADVERTISING AT 3 OOTALLTOAFIC " !'() 111,' j't MDy ____________________________-~the police last Saturday to insure of- ! - ' l p: re(atls n 10 t ken FOR SALE FOUND WpROUT IKON 1 :fl..JIDTkr LAMPS. I PUT) gmc5,,..11 qnm of nngnt $3.15. At Koch & Hlenne, 300 S. AMain. FQR _SALE Old. violins. A, collection of old Italian violins, cello, mando- linsr and guitars. James Coon, 533 S. Alain. 'GLEE CLUB MEN Two gull d1 essl coats with wvaistcas, sizes 37 and 40., Excellent condlition. Cajll 1560-W before 7:30 A. Al. or after' 7:00 P. M. FOR SALE Full dres5s s'Iit. Call: 61t2-W.. LOS T r-kj U .V U ,.JlaJJ.Sulu . ji.Lluk1 *JyJvii.Louuw 'St. Saturday following game.1 Phone _Bob Kipp. 909. ONE CARRIER to deliver sandwich- es in the evening's. Good pay. Call at Barbecue Inn. 440 .5. State St. I N~OTICE LANDLADIES-- STUDENTS DON'T Overlook th~e opportunity to save on many household necessi- ties at The Econom~y Second Hand ;Store., 209 N. Main St., Phone 783-1N. We sell, what you do want and lauy whiat you don't want.,r USED CADS. F'OR SALE Ford roadster. Good con- ditioni, 45>Call 25971 IS~QR SALE Maxwell touring. In won- derful running order. G good tires. C.. heap. -Call 475-R._ nient nanallintlIg Uof111heC1()wis gu t-i e red for the Michigans-Wise onsi'n foot- iL.#a i hall game. In addition to the1 entire AnnArbr frce. pecal ateI~acc15--1-1loiur Class Lessons, Ann ~ frce ~J, ,~I ) c ~3~0lC0$5.00. Free Dancing 8:30 to were sent to Ann Arbor and eight of- I0 P.i. ficers were called from Toledo. ENROLL NOW A squad of dletectives from the DXIMndyad rdy t73 'tcaroi sueu eo ando ( )tct h fvate Lessons Daily, 10 A. M. sclesadpick-tpocke?.: ;.Only two! to 10iP. M. e ases of the former offenders andi;I'RC 4A E DNIG nnof the latter were reportea how-, ST U)l ever. ettaxoid hn 4- Although there were numecrous 1oth rcdPon21R small automobile collisions, traffic on the whole was handlled more expede-j tiously than in similar previous oc- casions, accordlin g to Thomas O'Brien,! chie" of police. There were no ser- ions accidlents and no0 injuries were reported1./ IDon't delay-Pay your Subscription today. iIi i 4 London, Oct. 27.-- Pans fr con , strnictior of a1 railway tunnel under the E ngish channel linking EP.ngland Ao.to rance lPgvy been revi ved and there is a Letter chace,~ than ever be- fore that the work atually will be begun. Great B ~i' uneruldoy len prob- J ;leit2, a c stantt sourcef of irittion to ti ~e i and aI]the pope at ,,large since ithO N ord war ended, is ,one oif the lrncila rea ons for the ,.evival of the old projet at tiis par- ticular time., The work, if undertaken, would give ,,employment to mny ablehodied men now without means of earning a liv-I ing. It would roquire years of labor and a great outlay of money, but its advocates, believe Oht the money would be well invested and that the 'tunnel would _Pay for itself within a Scomparatively 'hot time. The coct of the ,)roposed tunnel has 4 been estimated as approximately p30,- 0O00,000. In comparison to the money invested in railroads throughout E1n- jfand and Europe, and in consieration ,of the value of the tunnel to all the ~continental lines for both f iebt and ~passenger traffic, tbi Sr-;flri. consder- 'ida dsroporJisnate sumP_. pv All the countries o2 Euirope, exeeptf- flng Russia, Spain gild Portugal have a track gauge which is the same as Othat of England's tra ins and trogh tccoache , could be oerated between a sondon and the other e c a.~ls of the The use of e;lect ne mower would t aeajt sp fl without ventilatio prob- lems, for the movement of fa t: trains "wv4ld effo tively koe., the air in cir- cuilation, and there wold b,, no gases n r-moke fromh fuel combustion to con- S edwitb. Danger from fire would eeliminated by the use of steel car- 'A drainage tunnel ol si t'blo fro- f ortions could be built to make as- t uran e doubly szure in te imat(. of i Should it ever become advisable to t ut the tunnel out of ('omalli~ol in tulle event of hstilis between Eng- i Land and the continental countries a little water here and there--and very 4lttle, when electricity is the m- , flg power-could mae it of no value j bps a highway for the transportation 4b rtroops lEa t.Stand Sees ~ Firt Use In Game Without the formality of a dedica- 4hf n. the new cast stands at erry tleld were pressed into service for ,rhe first time ye~trday.. These wood- ~n stands give an aditional seating ;tpacity to the stadinin of more than ,000. They consist of five sections, ~R to XX, and close the "U" of the %t~diunl. The scoreboard is now loca- "" ed at the top of the new stands. Re;. the Want Ads Oratorical Assn. Program LOUIS K NPCE t. ,Subject: "Drama as a Social Force in a. emocracy." Oct. 30. o'clok, Hill Ad. Intramuralftems (Continued from Page Six) I ma Delta team conquered the Kapp Nu eleven, 18-9. Wilkoff, Mayer an Kruger for the winners and Fein singer and .13. Segall for the losers were the outstanding performers The teams follow: Phi Sigma Delt,: Mayer, Shure, Godhiener, Zev, Weiss Paley, Wilkoff, Olian, Codel, Kruger Koplin, and Sheris. Kappa Nu: A Segall, B. Segall, Feinsinger, Blaun- er, Holzman, Seidman, Rappaporte, Kirchner, Marx. Beta Theta Pi won over Phi Lamb- da Kappa in the final_ contest, 11-3. The victors were sure in their kick- ing and their passing proved superior to that of the losers. The teams fol- low: Beta Theta 'Pi: ;R Roth, Travis, Moore, Arndt, L. Roth, Lawrence, Reinke, Warrick, Lutes, Gable, and Rice. Phi Lambda Kappa:- Friedman, Hlardfck, Eisenberg, Sklover, Silver- stein, Teversky, Brand, Chatlin, El- conin, Booky. CLAS S PEDIBALL IFirst games of theInter-class Speed-! 1lball tournament starts this afternoon at 3:30. The number of classes par-' ticipating in this tournament exeeds the number entered in former years. The~ race should be intersting this year as the Seedal tournaments of the past four years have been domi- nated by the Senior Literary class of 1924. The Medics, runners up last year,f have entered a strong team and should be a contenider in the race. The schedule for this afterngo is as follows: 3:30 Court 1, Senior Laws vs. Soph. bits; 2. Junior Engineers vs. Fresh I ILi ts. 4:30. Court 1, Senior Lits, vs. Soph Engineers; 2. Senior Ringineers vs. Fresh Laws; 3. Junior Laws vs. Fresh Engineers. IIANABALL Handball players are already flock- ing to the handball courts in Water- msn gymnasium in anticipation of the inter-fraternity handbal competition, which is scheduled to start Thurs- (lay, October 30th. The entries closel todlay at 5 P. M. At the prese't time fifty houses have entered which is tfxe largest en-! try list in, the history of, th Intra- mural department. With such a large entry list, this event promises to be OUR BUSINESSI EVER LA R GE9 because We Strive to Improve Today On Everything We Served or Sold Yesterday You Trill Enjoy the Fountain Room Beautiful i : _; s " E ,} , , . - . , !i ' . ; I one filled with plenty of action. The rules which will govern this tournament are : 1. Each house must enter four I men consisting of two singles and a doubles team. 2.. Tournaments. will: be run by strtaighit. elimiation. Each round Nil be published in the Daily and a time limit will be esta~blished. by which all matches in 'a particular round must I be played. The pairing, for the first round will be published in the Thursday's Daily.,. N'OTRE DA MIE HUM BLES PRINCETON ONCE AGAIN (Continued from Page Six) Crimson 'supp orters who were making advance statements of what their team j would do to the Big Green eleven. La-j fayette tumbled W. and 3. out of thle class of undefeated teams by winning decisively, 20-6.. The brilliant work of Walter Koppisch enabled Colum- bia to do the same to Williams, the, conqueror of Cornell, early in the. season. The score, was 27-3. Lehigh and Rutgers, tied, 13-13, and both_ teams stayed.in. the charmed -circjle. LOST a pair, of black shell rinimed' glasses :soinewhere between Forestj and Oakland and State andl I-iLIPO.' Cull 2431.., GIR~LS 'ran plaid sport clgat, in West stand at 'Wisconsi.n gam17e. Please, call 1029-.J. Reward. PEARlL BRACELET Four, strands .in-* !tcrmn ogled wvith. silver clasps. O0ne sm' all strand wa3 broken. Reward. Call 3112-M for L. J. Croll. LOST SATURDAY Phi Rho Sigma fraternityr lin. Initials ; H. B. M. Return to 300 N. Ingalls St. Reward. H. 1B. ettel. CORIONA TYPEWItITERS j WEAV, "P. thre new , .Corona F our, With sta~ndard -keyboard, at $60, or Corona Three, Witji three-bank key-E board, at $50. Also a. full line of typewriters of all makes and sup- piits. Terms if desired. Renting I and repairing a specuialty. LOST Gold Eversharp pencil at Wis- 0. D. MORRILL, consin game. Thiel, 317 South Di- 17 Nickels' A-rcade w vision.. 3526-J. ! .-Tie. Typewuriter-& Stationery' Store LOST Kindly return gray leather 1 CORRESPONDENCE STATIONERY jacket taken by mistake from coat CLEARANCE SALE9 until November' rack near -prescription, laboratory 1st ins order to make room for our, in the Chemistry bldg., Calll large Christmas stock. 89 9-IR. 0. D. TVIORRILLA, I 14rk Nickels' Arcade. GREY SQURREL choker lost between Th;e SainrySoe Reward. Return to Betsy B~arbour! RUGS, SHAMPOOED. qr (dust cleanedi. .house. i Artn Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works, BOY'S WHIT' SWEATER red, an~d .______ _ __- -blu~e .trinmmecd on the triangle, MIUSIC Washtenaw andi Cambridge, Rd. Sun -I'ELL OGILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- day. Reward., Telephone 3313-M- er,: thirty, year's experience. MJan- dloliin guitar, banjo, and ,chord IfAVE YOU SUMI URP_) ET? I construction.- Telephone _1791-MW. Syracuse added to her string by win- ning from Fenn State, 10-6. Down - 1cS~wce-O ~ EIEi 1 South, Vanderbilt lost a close one to - From 9-I-tiC1tl:D.rLV. 2Y iGeorgia,. 3-0.. The game was further, 1a Dog, Corn Pouf?, 1Hart] c~r - nlt) s Cold DIrinks marred for Vandy fans by the serious njury of ILynn Bomar,Al-mrcn St ilm.lordwis se.ihausecied ablw n he ~ 1ecse~, ikmetc Cheese', KOSHER DELICATESSEN spn hch cue aralysis of his - .. .. ., left side. He Is in ,arcritical condition. Tongue, Bologa Pastroia 340 HAVEN PHE O- Georgia Tech_ fell before Alabama, 14- 9, in the other big southern-contest. , '-- - aMy fo xubseription-- All subscriptions of $3.50 not~ = = paid by November 1st advance to $4.00. After the 15th1 of N o- s _ r vember all unpaid subscriptions will be stopped andl billed at the rate of five cents a copy for the -r - papers delivered Please Send Check for Each Subscription orb - - Pay t the Daily office in the Press But'dine -- 8 Flowers will give life to our room t;