THE WEATHER CLOUDY AND WARNERR TODIAY Y 3kr 4:,ahI33 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 31 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS POLITICS KEEPS AMERICR OUT OF LEARUE-FISHER ADVOCATES REFERENDUM DRESS AT HILL AUDITORIUM IN AD- I Special Persian Envoy To Confer On Imbrie Death Washington, Oct. 27. (By A. P.)- fsen an "extraordinary envoy" to the United States to explain and eluci- date to the state department that gov- ement's attitude regarding the mur- der of vice-consel Robert W. ,Imbrie by a fantical mob in Teheran, and to relieve any tension between the two government's due to the apparent fail- ure of the Persian authorities to car- ry out sentence of death against all the chief instigators of the crime. Badger N. Kazemi, charged affairs of I the Persian legation here, tonight in- formed acting secretary of state Jos- eph C. Grew of this decision of his government. ninrn'rnnv rn nrm PUBLIC CONFUSED Points Out That Winning Bok Plan Was Carried By Large Majority "Why' is it that the League of Na- tions question has not been settled by American as the other countries have settled it? For today we find ourselves practically alone In the world on this subject. Practically the rest of the civilized world has joined both the World Court and the League of Na- tions," said Prof Irving Fisher, in- ternationally famous economist, in his address on "The League of Nationss last night in H-ill auditorium. Profes- sor Fisher's address introduced the series of speeches and debates plan- nod for this year by the League of Nations Non-Partisan association. "The real explanation of the riddle- the real reason why America has come to a different conclusion from nearly all the rest of the world, or more properly, came to no clear conclusion at all, is that politics entered into the question in America as it did not enter elsewhere," continued Professor Fish- er, answering his initial question. "In Switzerland the subject was con- sidered apart from politics, in a pop- ular referendum. In America, in the election of 1920, it was mixed up with every kind of political consideration. The worst result of politics entering into the question has been to confuse the public mind." Instead of having a correct and ac- curate picture of the League, we have had many different pictures-some grotesque caricatures. And with, these "any different pictures came many different alternative projects for maa- peace. "Somepeople want us to enter the League as the other nation s have en- tered-without reservations; others propound reservations of one kind or another; .others say: Drop the League and create a. brand new "Association of Nations;" others.,suggest that we join the World Court only; others that we create a new world court. Just as long as we continue to dissiapated our energies in these contrary direc- tions, just so long shall we continue to talk instead of to act." This confusion prompted Edward Bok to offer the Peace Prize, Profes- sor Fisher pointed out, and the win- ning plan proved to be that of Charles I H. Levermore, who for four years past has written the Year Book of the League of Nations. This Levermore plan was approved by 88 percent of the half million who voted upon it. The economist continued, "The goal ) sought is a referendum which -would take the question from politics and consider the question upon its own merits." WILL STIT WORK N 'ENSIAN DRIE MONODY; Fall campaigning for subscriptions to the Michiganensian will start on Monday, November 3, and last for the remainder of the, week. Persons who sign the pledge cards at this time and make payment before the Christmas vacation will be charged only $5, while those who do not make payment' before the holiday will pay $5.50. All those who do not sign for the 'Ensian during tUe campaign '%wil pay $6, for the yearbook. Three tables will be placed on the diagonal of the campus, one at the engineering arch, one in front, of the library, and one at the State street end. No money will be taken at these tables. For those who wish to pay cash there will be a table placed in the entrance to the library.I Riga, Oct. 27.-Twenty-one died when the motor driven vessel Bolind- er sank in a gale 50 miles north of here. CARMAGNOLE May be the name of a French War Dance and it may be a rendezvous for the intellegentsia, but the proposition is where to have your wants satisfied. USE THE Tl TTr TA flCTrrfTW1-% JnfT.TTy.KXTCI LOFTIN6, AUTHOR OFSHORTSTORIES, IL SPEAK TODAY WRITER OF 1"DOLITTLE TALES" TO TALK AT 4:15 O'CLOCK WHIMSIES IS HOST Received Award of Newberry Medal For "Voyages of Doctor Dolittle" Hugh Lofting, well known author of short stories and creator. of "Doe- tor Dolittle," will talk at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Hill auditorium un- der the auspices of Whimsies, student literary magazine. He will speak up- on present day literature. The Dr. Dolittle stories, which have come to be considered among the greatest of present day books for children, center about John Dolittle, M. D., the eccentric physician of Pud- dleby-on-Marsh, and his adventuresI in company with his following of ani' maIs. This series of stories has placedF Mr. Lofting among the most popular writers of children's stories since I Kipling's Jungle Tales and Lewis Car roll, according to Hugh Walpole. In 1923 he was awarded the John New- berry medal for his "The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle," judged as "the most Percy Haugh ton Famous Coach, Dies Suddenly New York, Oct. 27, (By A. P.)- Percy. B. Haughton, heal football coach at Columbia university, founder of the famous "Haughton system" at Harvard and generally regarded as one of the foremost exponents of the gridiron sport, died this afternoon at St. Luke's Hospital at 5 o'clock, one hour after he was stricken with acute indigestion at Baker field while di- recting the work of his squad. His sudden death came after the Columbia eleven had administered a crushing defeat to Williams college, which, was taken as a proof by critics that Haughton was destined his for-{ mer success at Harvard. Haughton came to Columbia in April 1923, taking charge of the spring training of that season. His contract was said to have been for $16,000 a year. TO TALK THURSDAY, Noted Dramatist is Second Speaker On Oratorical Association Lecture eries "DRAMA" IS SUBJECT I Louis K. Anspach'er, dramatist, 6. 01P. LAUNCHES SCOUNTER ATTACK ON FUND INQUIR EXPENDITURE OF "ENORMOUS SUMS" DY LAFOLL.ETTE IS CHARGED PLAN TWO PROBES Walshington and Chicago to be Scenes of Rival Investigations by Both Parties Washington, Oct. 27. (By A. P.)- Thirough' counsel, the Republican na- tional committee made today before the Senate campaign investigating committee a counter charge of the ex- penditures "of enormous sums" on behalf of the LaFollette-Wheelers presidential ticket and not accounted for through the Independent national political organization.. Frank P. Walsh, counsel for Sena- tor LaFollette, author of the charge of the use of a Republican "slush'" fund in this campaign, said he would be glad to have this matter aired, but he interposed an objection to the in- terruption of the present inquiry into I the LaFollette charges, stating that1 his witnesses already had been sum-i mnoned and should have "priority" on the witness stand. The committee did not rule formal-j ly on the issue, which was the subject of an in t0001! r n to hn rnnn ncnol Prince Bids Sad Adieu To America0O As Olympic SailsApfhr oriri New York, Oct. 27.-Plowing her way across the Atlantic ocean, the liner Olympic is hearing the Prince of Wales back to England with sou- venirs and memories of his Ameri- can visit. He was a little wistful as he looked for the last time at the jagged skyline of New York. A score of reporters boarded the vessel at her pier soon after, the prince and his staff had hurried up the gang plank. He bantered with them and posed for ph'otographers willingly. DEBATE WJITH OI --------- . 01 ' I I . I I I 1 i, 13 11 1 IIUILUTULUIILLIJ OF 2,50 STUDE NTS U IHLUIUflTIU L READY NEXT WEEK Work Delayed To Walt For Faculty Phone Numbers in New Buildings COPIES ARE LIMITED Printing of the 1924 student 'direc- tory has started and the directoryI will go on sale early next week. Work on the book was held up because of the many members of the faculty who har d o r-tailnm *-t-- Third Contest Oil' Dec. . i l 1Break 1 ESI(1NATlONS OF WARIFIELI, iNAST FIOM FACULTY ACCEPTED LEAVES GRANTED Professors Pillsbury, Campbell, and Woody Appointed to raduate Board At a meeting of the Board of Re- gents Saturday, called to replace the regular monthly meeting which was scheduled for last Thursday, degrees and certificates were granted more than 250 candidates recommended by the various faculties. The Board also accepten two resignations, made eight appointments, granted three leaves of absence, and accepted several gifts. Resignations of Professors Louis M. Warfield and Alfred G. Nast, both of the Medical school, were received and accepted. Leaves of absence, start- ing with the second semester, were granted to Dean George W. Patterson and Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, both of the engineering college, and to Prof. George E. Myers of the School of E&d ucation. Professors Walter B. Pillsbury of the psychology department, Oscar J. Campbell of the 'English department, Tie; One Win, One Loss, Is Record of Past TWO TEAMS APPOINTED Affirmative and negative teams with their alzernates for the annual Wo- men's Debate to be hold with Ohio State university December 5, were an- nounced last night by the faculty of the public speaking department. The affirmative team is composed of Merel Parks, '25, Elizabeth Van ,al- kenburgh, '26, and Beata Wagner, '25, with Constance Clark, '26, and Dorothy Cline, '26, as alternates. Members of a no receive numbers for their.,distinguisued contribution to Ameri- I ,'------I aL neL nh gt aCaage teaween counsel t! and Clifford WOdy of the sool of telephones in the new buildings. The can literature for children in 1922." philosopher, and lecturer, will give Ihe but it did decide to conduct two in- Fhe nega team are Clara Lau, , education were appointed to the ex- FirstAttemptsmber on the 1924-25 Ora- quiries simultaneously, one here and Irence ith. '5 ad ram 01- cutive board of the graduate school. work of compiling these numbers was (toiFirstcatonletuAttempt 8 o, 7,wih heatenaes Mr The first of the Doctor Dolittle association lecture series at 8 the other n Chicago, beginning Wed-1r. Theophile Raphael was made an completed yesterday and the book octor ,, o'clock Thursday in Hill auditorium. nesday. Chairman Borah and Sena -arette Nichols, 27, and Dorothy Ni' .assistant professor of psychiatry, and '27.oassistant professorDoftprychiatry,,and went to press at on e. was published shortly after Mr. Loft- His subject willbe "Drama as a So- or Shipstead, Farmer-Labor, Minne he oen's Debate on December o itr Fraternities, sororities, house clubs, ing's return from war service in 1919. 'al Force i a Democracy. sota, will leave tomorrow for Chi 5 will mark the third intercollegiate Carvey were appointed instructors in and league houses are listed in the ! The latest of the series, illustrated by. Mr. Anspacher spoke here last year cago, while Senator Caraway, Arkan- contest with Ohio State university. In narwpathology. k thimself, will be published this fall. A the Methodist church on the Wes- sas and Bayard, Delaware, Democrats 1922 the decision for both sides of the Dr. W. . McCracken was placed in bac fof the directory instead of in Mr. Lofting's first attempts in the leyan Guild lecture course and was will conduct the Washington end of debate was awarded to Ohio State but charge of the dental clinic of the Ann . literary field were short stories for so well received that, on the request the investigation. last year the Michigan teams won both rbor pubc schools and 1r. erman the book is grey. The telephone list adults, but at that time it had not oc- of many who hear'-. him, the Oratori- Samuel Untermyer, of New York, a in Columbus and in Ann Arbor. The ID. Mast was appointed to the same is double that of last year, every sweet aut, u tthttmei aInto- and house number being brought up;curred to him to make his own illus- cal board arranged this lecture. I Democrat who has been associated contest this year will break the tie. lositon in Ypsilanti. Among the gifts tateh trations. The war and his necessary The speaker has a large number of with Mr. Walsh in the hearings here, Members of the ieams for the debte received were some conveyor parts Thisyear those students who failed separation from his children led him "stock" lectures, most of which are will accompany Senator Borah and were chosen front an intercollegiaa iromC the Jo sfrey Manufacturing com- tohgiser thirlocl sddrenss who to write illustrated letters and tiny upon specialized subjects. Among Shipstead to cross question witnesses debating class which La been at work pany ofColumbus, 0., and some valve t gve their hoetown ad aesu will stories, and eventually to the making these lectures are series on "The I who will include William M. Butler, since the orening of school. The de- from the Darlin Vaive and Min- gvthihoetwaninm willI .7',"aj.,Ifacturig comany of Wiiiamsprt, be included in the list. Previously of Dr. Dolittle and extraneous draw- Philosophy of Frederick Nietzsche," chairman, and William B. Hodges, bating class was chosen from a num_Ia these names had been loft out ings and cartoons. "Goethe as a leader of Modern treasurer, of the Republican national her of applicants last spring, and the The ''nt ga' 1h fo-'in In Caring-the listcard n be hildren are not the only ones to Tought," "The -hope of Im iorality," ommitt, and probably the Republi- ;inal teams were picked by the faculty rees, as recommended by the fa- seven, which Is filed with the Dean of enjoy the whimsical and nonsensical "Epoch Making Views of Life," "Lec- can state chairman of Illinois and of the publI speaking department. Students from the registration blankt adventures of Doctor Dolittle, accord- tres on Ibsen, Russian Literature, Ohio. Mr. Walsh will remain here to i-colleges. Is used, From the time they are turn ing to reviewers, one of whom said, . "The Modern Drama," "The Gods and prosecute the case before the other T Literary colege--Bachelor of Arts: ed in at the office they are gone ovIr "Not since Lewis Carroll continued Their Titans," and several others. section of the committee. ui arriet Ackley, Katy Amonett, harold fourteen times in the work of alpha- 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' I Among Anspacher's better known IT. Augustus, oroty .Bacon, Claude betizing and proofing. Mistakes l has an author responded more suc- published works are "The Washerwo- jBaker, JosephC.Bamgartner, Co which appear are generally due to the cessfully to an encore." Mr. Lofting's man Duchess, Our Children," 'Ihe A II E F D UL T.Benson, WelOn G. Bettens, essin illegible material turned in by the second book presents Doctor Dolittle Unchastened Woman, Th at Day, J. Roley, Menson R. Bolt, Francis J. studgile ats ial urnein his increasingly straightened fi- and "The Dancer." His poetical . .tBrettle, Jr., Edward E. Brown, Robert Evueryyerts.dretoyissod. u nancial circumstances at Puddeby- works, "Tristen and Isolde," which .LuvilO.2.GneaWI . Brown, Marvin M. Burnside, Gladys before al s tshe one demaon-darsh and on his trip to Africa to was published in 1904, is also well LIracie B. Haldeman, commander-in- J.Caldwell, Joseph M. Caldwell, abe o uythircoy.Th dmadcure an epidemic in Monkey-land. 1 known. chief of the Confederate veterans,I Manuel D. Capargs, Andre A. Carn- has always far exceeded the su pply- Other Books { At the present time Mr. Anspacher -died late today .t a hospital at ochan, Helen M. Carpenter, Helen E. and students are advised to purchase The third of the Dolittle creations is on a tour of the country, some- Setii-Anuilal Meeting of Religious In- Churchill Downs where he was taken Carr, Raymond Cassidy, Horatio N. their directory as soon as it goes on is "Doctor Dolittle's Post Office," Itimes giving lectures on the drama, stitute Arranged b'y S..C. A. Chen, Blanche M. Clark, Daniel A. Coll, which was followed by "Doctor Do- sometimes on philosophy, and some- Deartet immedately after being stricken after George L. Cooper, John W. Croushore, _._little's Circus," which, like the other times speaking for the League for watching the races. Gne:al Halde- Margaret Daskam, Margaret Demmon, Dolittle books, was illustrated by the I Political Education. IV DNER T RR W man was 78 years Old and at one Gwendolyn J Dw, Stanton E. Ellett author and will soon be placed in sale. l_________ IEDN E T M RR W mn'a 8yasodada n (as of February 1924,):Carl 0. Eran- th nw sn p e s -time was part owner of the Courier son Baxter B. Fair,lke, aA alk ofthis wonot limit himsel tc O ION II II Six courses will be offered by the Journal and Loulsville Times. Gen- William Fleishcake, Thomas H. characters as the pushmi-pullyu and .tenth semi-annual Religious Institute, eral Haldeman lied only half an French, Marionne A. Frink, Virginia Nthe Polynesia parrot, but will also which will be held under the aus- hour after being stricken. M. Gess, Henry G. Gildner, Lillian thN oPOWER OFrot CONGRESSso T QNrLE IOLAORS ''1was dwhacdhiwilllicbed hevad Gmaridersn reghye Kuset talkon matterssomewha remote I IIIcsfhdR iA native of Louisville, .Haldeman Girard, Nathan R. Glass, Frances, L. frlonhs olttlerasionshat remote iIK OE 1011!1 U R pices of the department of Religious was educated in public and private! Graham, Helen Gregory, Kenneth Members of the Adelphi house of from his Dolittle creations. Education of the S. C. A. on the fiveIschools lee until the ivi War. eHoag, James F. Idema, Richard A representatives will hold their regular Last year Mr. Lofting appeared be- I meetingtat 7:30 o'clock tonight in fore the Detroit Board of Education - Twelve students were found to have Tuesdays between Oct. 29 and Deci 2, left school to join the Confederate Jackson, Dorothy Jones, Robert E, the Adephi room on the fourth floor and was received so enthusiasticall misrepresented their class to obtain in Lane hall. Lionel Crocker of the army and served as a menber of the Jones, Manmatha N. Kar, Philip Kerk- of the new literary building. The de- that the Detroit board made arrange- tickets for the dance last Saturday public speaking department and famous Orphan brigade. Later he be- er, Lela G. Kessinger, Marion Kolb, bato r the eningy wuill. Tbe d th nts to scedule hi r mad rern night at the Michigan Union. These Homer H Grafton, associate secre- came a midshipman in the Confed- Wilbor G. Kraft, Walter C. Ladwig, quetion, "esoved, that Congs ten en t his Nvehmer t men were asked to go before the house tary of the S. C. A., are on the com- I erate navy. Two daughters, Mrs. LujRan Lane, Georg E. Lewis, Han- question,' Resolved, that Congress engagement this November- ann Lyon, RcadH crt el should have the power to over-rule Tickets for the lecture are on sale committee to offer explanations. No mittee which is conducting the In- Annie Estehain of Milwaukee,' Wis- MencLr, Eia . alcney, o a Supreme Court decisions on constitu- at Graham's and Wahr's book stores definite ,action 'has been taken as stitute this fall. consin, and Mrs. Clara Bonnie of Mercer, lla C. Maloney, Robert P, tional questions." yet. The opening dinner of the Institute Louisville, and Mrs. Lizzie Offutt Abigail R. Nelson, June D. Notley, Anyone interested in public speak- Under the constitution of the Union. will be served in the Baptist church Haldeman survive. Abial R.pelson, June . otley, ing and debating is welcome to attend !fthe house committee may deprive any- tomorrow evening at 5:30 o'clock, -al E.pee, ary . 'Rer, these meetings, which are held every one who commits this offense of their when Dr. M. A. Honline of Pasadena' atOers H. Quaintane Robert G. Ram- Tuesday evening, dance privilege, of their membership California, who is here with the Sun- sayWater H. Aansobrt .e Ham- _for a given period of time or it may day School convention, will speak on Rice, Gladdis E Richards, Amar N. take away membership indefinitely. the topic, "What Is Religious Edu- I Ga ddis A. Rars, Rna N. yasses Pay I is intended for the remainderot f cation?i JLI Iti II II W Schenk, William C. Scherrer, Miriam Dues Tomorrow At the request of University highs the year to check the list of those The courses offered by the Insti~I A. Schlotterlieck, Daniel M. shannesy, school officials, a physical examina- securing dance tickets and violationsitute, without fee, relate to various Sof the rule will be prosecuted. When jue ihu'fe eaet aiu Dear R. Smith, Ralph L. Smith, Edith !1 (, mpus Booths lion identical with the one given to {fterlewl e rs1te.We phases of Church work.'Mrs. Herbert Cleveand, Oct. 27.-Twentyfiv L. Spaulding, Arthur E. Spencer, Jr., Atapusting eniit theen tsI one class has the preference for a cer- Mallory of the Psychopathic hospital I representatives of the Great Lakes Elsie L. Stevens, Alexander P.Strauss, i neigUniversity freshmen was ,ti ih ti Ioainframm Class dues wil be paid tomorrow 4 given the boys and girls attending the er to write the wrong numerals on will conduct a course for women con- Harbors Association met here today Darrel A. Swan, Ester M. Taylor, between 8:30 and 4 o'clock at the var- high school during the past two j his card or to use the card of an- cerning the training of children; Rev. to tighten up the battle lines for the Jessie W. Thompson, Lyle B. Torrey, ° ~~weeks by Dr. Emory W. Sink di- IR. W. Sayles of the Baptist churchI Robert C. Trotter, Herbert .H. Tin- ious class booths distributed about rrector of the University health ser- ether member whose class has the will review recent books on religion; pending Supreme Court fight, Nov 11, ing, Edward R. Vandervoort, Lalah E. the campus. The booth for the junior I vice, ahd Dr. Margaret Bell, a mem- preference. in rofessional schools problems in Sunday School instruc- against Chicago's alleged diversion of Van Sickle, Daniel VanWoerkam, lobbry ofs Uniersityall , wled the Iher of the health service staff. who expect to receive a literary degree tion will be handled by Prof. James lake water for sewage disposal pur- Arthur F. Vyse, Jr., Edward S. Patter- sophomore Uits will collect their dues Among the 52 boys examined, Dr. in June will be considered as seniors I B. Edmonson of the School of Educa- poses. A similar meeting is scheduled son, Paul E. Watzel, Virginia Wheeler, in the lobby of the new Literary buid- Sink reports an "unusually large and will come under the senior pref-. tion; Homer H. Grafton will consid- for tomorrow in Chicago, Ohio, Michi- Thaddeus A. Whitaker, John IH. Wil- ing Sophomores must pay theiry dues number of normal children is respect erence er the group method in religious edu- gan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New son, Wellington J. Youngs, 'owell in order to attend annual class social i to their physical condition." The most cation. Prof. Leroy Waterman of the York, Pennsylvania and Indiana are Zook. I nearly normal situation was discov- Semitics department will consider the in the fight against th'e diversion. I Bachleor of science in medicine: event, the Soph Prom. erect in the testing of the eyes, in teaching of the Bible; and deputation Chicago, it is charged, was granted Charles L. Hirwas, Lester J. Johnson, Russia, 27.-Six which normal eyesight as reported LUU I work by students will be discussed by permission in 1899 to use 4,167 feet ofe ca o .Mon sons have been sentenced to death for in 47 of the 52 cases, or nearly 95 T TAlbert Sawyer. water a second to flush her sewage of science in forestry: Floyd W. Corey, the murder of Malinovsky, a newapa- per cent. Similarly, 47 of the boys ( j j V if UII Fifteen minutes at the beginning of through a 26-mile canal, but since Y showed no sign of defect in the chest f each Tuesday night session will be that time Chicago has increased PulkR,. evin, Bartley L, Koien- per correspondent. . ._____ kiewiz. Bachelor of science in dem-' while only. 5 were listed as having Ijgiven over to foreign students in the the flow to 10,000 cubic feet. The lake doubtful signs. In these five instances Students of criminology Friday vis- University who will challenge our re- level, as a result, has been lowered (otinued on Page Two) PHOTOGRAPHERS further examinations will be given, ited the prison farm of the Detroit ligious thinking, and after the class six inches, it is held, and damage to { I I probably accompanied by X-ray house of correction at Northville. .sessions, the whole institute will be municipalities and shipping interests Speakers Discuss All those interested in photo- studies. This was the first of a series of trips addressed in Lane hall auditorium by caused thereby runs into millions. R I ;i'anhing meet at 4:15 o'clock to- I Over 40, or about 80 per cent of the that the class will take during the religious specialists. Superintendent __--_____Etem poe Ruies R: '