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October 26, 1924 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 10-26-1924

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- ---' o o 0'i{ te oohtlls. ,bly smaller, It is rumiored tha, the jlmihe of increasing Ilasphoe run tot~a.lp{@III!IilipIIIIII1p{iip@{{{IlIfIIIIi{@t@{If{1{{pIpiI@i{
[Th c ltz c,1 ' a n~llaieg, i' W (r'ener'a1 director (for so we interpret chiut faied to get resuts. e
1 crnpi ae iiwoald be tit t it ec tteaithe title "President" ) Gardner Cowe.' -
11 C huijrches Bits About Books ant tnmaj. Of course, we shoaul~I A. 2, was aton time connected ale as <a esualt of its wonerulHA L W .
Nwth the Lampoon.{ seasonn rowng, lasts ummer, nclud-HW
,a l e '. "el 1idtA nepoem andl Rep ; in - the Olympiceight -car c 1ha niu on- J A R ~ E I
w. - -'- - - ' ___________________ l - -AanIEtheT
Congregatioal Church I)...LW.,C7 lts bo (New York City) which has fostered ths a 0 Zir olen e=
The student supper and fireside chat (after last season's Kangaroo) i, The I U'T" TLATAIjV-IFOR KT a.
inteB,.rteni ohbr- i i(1 CO( iafCn i o mn timely (-debate, offers on ---
will be held at 5:30 o'clock today Bo in he . ushwriten n 4olabra-(t(a'i s,. Irent)o,. 1 be puinlisA ed in .ocne lscsinoAhus- "inesA l" uia oey
The tonic for discussion is "Is Christ- tion lien: ShouldiliteraturebercensoredRlately3testd in those places whichn
laniynMrechanAnethialiode" ber Ernenovlis.BIoisconernewwih arakerasiabyoJeh 1 eront i on conerwil beErnst!BydNewYorershovaugtil ca
Reverend Jump will speak on "The (a young English boy who comes to live !by na iaid AIliv-, tiight. There will be lhitrin-\ehaee
Christian Church" at the morning with a family of settlers in Australia . r: ! t;:t o./ it d tesi iattr of Maupassant for Knf; whle he Nw YkTimes Mos unsual -ethe witches ai
iorship. At 8 o'clock the motion pi- ___across the ring wilC be'John S..Sum-n"-eual
alma! 00 ].Mg es, all rag, soft si;ed aros herngwil=) JhnS.Su-8Y ffryou the
trsevcwilfaueBetty Comp- DAVID) GARXETT'S popular Lady ~ is liited to one t~os ~er, sertr of the New York So- Gearing ac'., veteran mragr of j', allwe'n"l
son i "Th Whit Floer."Into Fox has been translated into c;Is(sAeia oua d-ciety frteSprsino ie t alw'n1
sonin"Te hie for" Fenheyrnirca.uioi (Aid Te U il tl'OW fr heSuprssonofVie. tthe Philadelphia Athletic, has otltIE . xostme
-- renh b Anre \1uros (rie: Te !ha wil flio,. -p a young nitchring stafl tat gives f 1i i orcsuej
First Presbyterian Church Life of Shelley.) i ddie Roush, of the Cincinnati Reds I~oleo eeoignt u'o.t~-i:, #\ '
The subject fore the morning wo- - "- I 'Fhe IAIARAlI Crimson has enter- le(d the lbatsmen of both the major{ best n the Amnercaa 1L:ague. Baum- _
ship at 10:30 o'clock at heFrs1 BONI and Iiverigt announce a tw,. eouhtue b.ookrvieucing bus1"ine 1 S . A leagues in making three baggers gartner, Gray, Meker, and Burns are . Consultation
people's discussion classes will meet ed to 12,000 Sets andi signed by the first, time this week. As is generalyodwok-orther ivii.1
at 12:00 o'clock. Homer H-. Grafton ,author., A tentaive list for volume t ie'c, se with irst inlrmllers, i, 1 I elen Wills, national and Olympic Teaeo ar~lsi is ntewG E
will lead the Freshman section, speak-'two shows the play, Delcr" Under the pretty leann. For a monthly fsit' ir . tennis The anws ut 9ge fmralsI at nN G E
lug on "The Manhood of the Master"' Elms, as apparing for the first time. shouldrin unmre fat. I owvewr this iage n1 n ct.G. Sh is astofet Yarl(is foereleat einhard (1 s odu wc Phn
The topic for the Freshman women, ____I can H i wct d w\ith 'nti.. The make- the Unversity of California. Tect ii ~lddx it alh n
"Jesus In the Modern Life" will be I lai Jniecxs't after the manner of Thciyasomdwnt rian
le yGaeWlim,'7.Te A SECOND) volume of letters bytwill 1)e necessary to spndtlfour or, W .
Iprcagopled by Hrc ilim,'7. Y.TM James Gibbons luneer has been pub the I,:canary Review aind tihe Saturday utfeltni Ken Williams of the St. five weeks converting the catheelral= +
Clak ildiscuss "How Jesus Met -fished by Doni and Liverig ht. This I~Lve. on tesz i osde-Lns rowns used a much heavier where "Tbe Mi41racle" tok pace into
Celctonskmiedtowillouan bat than usual the past season with a a thetre again. =al191k@d{11@i~@l11111p11@1111111@@
Life Questions." Everyone is invited n seec on, limited atostwo mthoand"
to attend the Social hour meeting at -numbered-cop-es,-coniains items of -A -° _________ --
6:30 o'clock. At 6:30 o'clock memor- more intimate nature than those in ' , __ - _______ - -
SP1.the vlumre ssue d in J922. It is said l (
iaf. serices wil be elthat PinlRthis3 c. HlectienIIUInneker iss

en in conference withi
nid are prepared t o _
latest modes from
nd. Let us make
or you. -
hours, 9-5.
222 Nickels Arcade
Opp. Betsy Ross
aaaaaaatauaaaaaaatn aaaa

Dahber '2Mfound at his bc t-"ga1y, franlk, IRahel-
aisain, sarionic, critical, purely non-
St. Andr c',w's Episcopal Church censi41cal, fh equently s rewdly observ-
There will bo Holy Communion at iag nwon and books, music-all the
8i o'clock this Morning, followed by a seven arts." And, we should hazartd,
breakfast for the' sfudents at 306 N. I not laceking the usuald1-unekerian 01)-
Division. The morning prayer and serviations upen footd.
sermon will be delivered by the Rec-
tor, the subject <bein g "The Collection1
for the Saints." Reverend Mr. Charles I(YLL)END2J. Verlag, Denmanrk, will
of Detroit, will address the Student, bihatanlto fEdaFre'
supper in H-arris hl t6ocok So Big pjresently. (One v innot even
escape i'rna rom t:m window ad-
*- !'tr~eirtiSemn2rtf s!-
1First Nethodist, Episcopa l Church _-
Morning Worship will be conducted STEPHEN AXWEIIs, h ha
at 10:30 o'clock., The Pastor's sub- written a novel calletd Egypt--an Love
ject is "What You Are." From 121 (Doubleday, Pagel, 1?; as wvell (to our,
until 12:45 o'clock Mr. H. C. Coffman,j mind) one of the most fascinating1
general secretary of the S. C. A. will watercoloists of today. IBis rhythmic
regularly lead the upperclass dis-; studies of Fiji tdances are beatifulR
cession on "Christianity and Econ-- de sign, and his Barra cuda Leap, no~v
omics." Other' classes are as pre- being shown at the Deroit Art In--R
viously ,announced. Charlotte Blag- stitute, is a joy to behold.
don '25 will lead teWsea ul
Service at 6 o'clock. Thelsubject rfor FOR TAE~ benefit of those Ylho have
the evening sermon will be "The God j been puzzled by the title of (,eorrge
of the Future." Open house at Wesley1 Moore'%, new anthology (An Anth eleg y
hall from 7 to 7:30 o'clock. of ~r Poetr'Y) xwe urintfte foll ow- N
ing quotation from a tanVerscation in

/ reeTASinis
H ave youordered your
k ~Greeting Cards yet?9
L + You can select formal
*;t cards,, dignified and
'F chaste or gay, color-
ful ones, ablaze with
Christmas cheer. And
J by ordering now you
fr, ewill escape the hurry
and confusion of last-
mitnute orders.
. . MORR iLL9
14-Nickels' Arcade
c t. gcardls for all(Occasions
Tj URNI your' splare hours
into lti'.AL mnoney by Sell-
irlog our high-class line. No Ore-
viou s experie lfncfIe nCf'ssary. We
saive buyers ft I21ito '.
Ilveo y ian yo r lprospact. ~$5 to
$15 a day easily eai'ncdl.

ail The ,art c


ss in gi
That rare knack referred to as the
ability to wear clothes well usually de.-
pends more upon one's tailor than
upon himself, for the very poise wt
which you offer yourself is in a large
sense only a reflection of the satisf ac-
tion in the clothes you wear. You'll
find that satisfaction here.
. tu . -aifare

One lear at the K~iwi Thieiire, .New York
IIA Comiedy of Gorgeous Amlusement"- ew York Time-4~.
R Ilid Now A~'e1

IElbury str(e bletwo(en 2dXooie, John - J
The Baptist Churtih tr elons and WaiterD Onclr: ' .eA!
The topIC Of Reverend R. E. Sayles "My da fNod.Ihaea i0P5l -vaitzn - Plo iln; otk ti;Ci
j plydel- yo rpo t ILen .
morning sermon will be "The Life to lay belore rot!. If you: approve otl ; sr,?. Don't stint yl nrsl'f (an-
Abundant." The musical program in- Ily de 3luiti >n of pure pnet-I y, il> c- esill 1ile aeldhl eoieg..
Write todlayrfor (olnul t'e ttails
chides a baritone solo by Otto Koch. tihing that the po(.teIt i'i3 s outside o01 , Of'fthis remiarkable sSciig oppor- II
Mrs. Cross 'and Mrs. 0. K. Bouwsma l his owls pers ,a.1liy, we mfight conm- tunity.j
will *nlay the organ anld piano prelude, pile a book that wouhl he a real ad- ° &ERICAN MENSWEARc co.
anl air from Haydn's "Creation.'' vancornent in thme tudy of, 1otry--a nl' t S.S ilpti iw
M~iss Wilma Weeks '25M will lead' thle 'rtoog fnr c'rteol
of Ii ' jI;r h nytudents devotional meeting at 6 :30 --
o'clock. 'The subject is "What is
I'oesrWaerman will' meet the iI' qliL 7 X _
c~fudent classes at the Guild house at \ 4QUAITY - C GUR 1aJT I .1 Z1-7S. '1ERVIE
12 o ooc.Lutheran Church cLEAN -NF LA ND S
The morning service at the Zion, ('JE N
Lutheran Church' will be held at +t a
10:30 o'clock. Reverend StellhornST T STET RO RS
v, ill sneak then on "Jesus' Claiin to SA ESR E I .CP
the Power to Forgive Sins." From 313 SOU ., fSTATE l'IjE,
5:30 till 7:30 the Student forum will3
meet for a social hour and discussion * __ _
period. ____9______
Itnitarlan Church'L~V o ro d r ~ pumpkin o
Reverend Robins will speak at the C
Today" a discussion of science and 11,_;.On -
thelogy. Music will be furnished by e
the'male quartette. The evening wor- t aiv or tile i
ship at 6:30 will be conducted by - S1jNin tu
Prof. Brand Blanshard. "Has Evolu- v
tion Settled Everything?" is the topic.
"Back to the Cross" is the subject PE I LITNS~F[ 1U i S
of the morning sermon at the Tiinityk
English Lutheran Church. Ther m-
Student fellowship hour and the forum Fiesh Creamery FteI_ ............................. 3c-i
meeting will be held at the Parish A8el1eafs ofei
hall. Perry1-Hayden '25 will sek ARa ra:4lCfeil.............8
on "Luthern Europe as I Saw It." ! TeFietGeeigApl {itxn Epcily jv o
Memorial Church of Chrst Biaking A ples. d
A social hour for the young people ' r. '.
with refreshments is announced for ' RCdlcos U~A i..n"1c"0
0o'clock. This will be followed by a3
the evening service, the subject of Uity Nut Mrirarine, th be t to 1-e had, 10 .. .. .. .. ..2C
which is "The Magnetic Christ." The ichelIeu brand, dot';-Ic filteredt \\~et CIr~ >-- f everj
topic for student discussion at 12--ery .
o'clock under Prof. A. 1L. Trout will Fresh, new ,Almond Mea t, ,Y.?............ ....... ,75C.
be "Miracles," and that for the morn- of
ing worship "A Victorious Church." Special a~tention gi7,,n th J-e Ctai ~t~eixltsra-
ternilcsand soi-ordies as t , pi ct?, tualliJy and L! Service.,
Read the X ant Xds 8 Lot t L(I i& Nlt.r' b eS ym u 1t((c :t
for food sh pdic~
' s>, a ,r' . .". , 8 -!'f ,°. !" ! . . c . / d . v ..

608 East LiLerty Street

Phone 1713-j





that since the Spedding studio has or mius,. it be because no pa-
been specializing in Michiganen.- Uron of ours ever leaves this
sian portraits, this studio has photo- studio, regardle °s of the cost
graphed more seniors than any to us or of our own opinion,
other protographer? Certainly, without complete and ab)so-
year after year, this is not due tot,
ttite satisfaction.
mere. chance. There must be a
rea son.
East LrbrtyeSt~.

! Ili

When a photograph 6,
the name of Spedding it b
the nave of an institution 1




will sacrilice nothing in vin-
dication of the trust reposed
in it by its patrons. You,
too, will be proud of "a por-
trait that bears the name of




Y-ua I It"
My Photography





' Q

4 1


. -;. ;

^ '. a
A1t L




II That I I I


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