r .TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY ---- -- A History OfTeStl-t nd University Michigan Tne arliest Known for. their material Crary and Pierce slowly andl with infinite care and foresight evolved the skeleton of the first great state university. The Old World contributed ,the general frame- work, the comprehensive idea of a university in the fullest sense of the word, embodying all branches of knowledge.'- The New world gave the . - A. Permanent Wave Whit SetleentT Te Present Ti mel Editor's Note: This is the second of a noires of articles dealing with the history ofT the University and its b7ackgrorid in State history. Further articles in thke series will appear from time to time in this section. By Philip Leonard "Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall for- ever be encouraged." With this state- mient the Ordinance of 1787, applying to the Northwest territory, initiated the miovement for heigher education in! the new region which was rapidly vbeing developcd and from which later the great Northwest states were formed. Two years preciously, in 1785, dur- Ing a survey of public lands Lot 111 of every township was reserved for ~the- maintenance of public schools within said township." Thus was a souti~ce o1: revenue provid4d which would cnable the people of the terri- tory, and later of the states, to sup- port educational institutions. In most cases the land was sold at much be- low its real value and the funds de- rived were only a fraction of what should have beon realized. Michigan fared a little better and sod her lands for approximately, half a million dollars. With this fund at its disposal the convention which met to frame Michi- gan's constitution embodied a com- mittee on Education and the constitu- tion inl its final form proved that a university be established as soon as Michigan entred the Union as a state. Gcnoral Isaac Edwin Crary, a grad- unto of Trinity college in Connecticut, was named as chairman of this com- nittee and cntrukted with the task of outlining an educational program for the state-to-be. Clei. (rary's schemec of public in- struction, which he soon completed, provided for a Superintcndenteof Pub- lic Instruction. A a matter of -fact just such an office had been in exi- tynce for quite some time with John 1). Pierce, a graduate of Brown, as the incunibent. Crary and Pierce, both far-sighted, publc spirited men, then worked together formulating or- ° f;an zation -plans for the University. That their plans were comprehensive i,3 evidenced by the fact that half a ccrtury later they had not all been The quesion arises, "what was the a 3nteri:al with which these mnen had to work?"~ There had been forerun- 1.ers~ of his univerity for which they weirr pl inning, and there were al- wayc the long established institutions in1 the Old World and in the Eastern section of our own country from which to draw ideas. Let us conidr then what use Crary aind Pierce made of this material. First they must have turned to the first "University of Michigan" to see what it could contribute towards founding another institution to bear its name. For there had been another University of Michigan even before the time when there was an immediate possibility of Michigan becoming a state. Going back 20 years before 1837 we find this first University lo- cated in Detroit. Detroit in 1817 was still a frontier village, a primitive settlement on the edge of the wilderness. Its scanty population of only about 1,400 white people and a few Indians still was composed largely of hunters, trappers and tradlers. The picturesque French frontiersmen, so soon to disappear be- fore the advance of civilization, still came down the river in their canoes and marketed their furs at the trad- ing posts in Detroit or "drove their ° heavier vessels out into the lakes and supplied the settlements with lake food. The memories of the War of 1812 and Perry's exploits were still fresh in the minds of even the younger generation and there were some whro remembered the 01l1 days of the In- dian wars and the battles with the Fol' sh, military science and in- 1212eXIJ 'a i sn :tl, tributary ; .vc, 1mg > c e telertal s(cience.va buied beneath the concrete. Up thie; Judge Woodward provided for thel nc rie cai the Indians and traders uphoep ofrhIs niversity by istitut- ion in their primitive craft while n('avby ing a fifteenperent increase in state, thre studlents devoted thsemselves to the taxes and establishing a lottery the i tcass.Iwsa etnrtlnleedY o u r "M S u b sc ri t o classcs. t wasa seiora a re renue from which was to be used contrast bhotwecim civilization11al u for the same purpose. This first U7ni- savagery,.vrsity only survived for four years To ;odgeA$uutus li x~ouwarad dring that time there were but Mhl'ro eccenic jurist, gU s - th o"': dr'raY, ings of the lottery. I redit for (,-abili ig lPhi-s i r t in- At tip{emen of tie four years another " stitution. A Judge of tho'e 'ritovial nst itii, very imilar in nature,. Supreme court \Vodw.ard r4 P. ,instru -- 5;eed the ('atholepistemniad. ThefM mental in mainy of tiroe jroreSSi- ehiet dd ~ierentce between the new uni- movements of ~i ehimm an' aly dars., rily and its predecessor lay in the -The most lasting exampnile of his, wo^. exeanztive power being transferred is the elaborate city plan of letroit, fromn the president and didactors to a the main thoroughfares branching out ternito ial commiittee, corresponding' - fronm a snuare en 11he "Campuis Mar- to iii(, present Board of Regents. The tims." Erilaily elaborate were his ran iaion }clan was also grealyA lsu crpin of$ .0 ot ad byN v m e plans fear the University. There yre ;suipli,1 and Enrglish' terminologyAlsu crpin.o$35,otadbyNvme to he thir'teen prolessorsips, the pro- snhst ltued for the Latin., s d a c o$.0 A trte1 t fN v m e fessors to be known as "didactors. 'bis insitutioni flourished in a very The adniinistrF.tfl of the University i~:'lest wayJ and gave Creary and 1' ___________------------__ -_ , I 1, 4QUALITY. 1 r m .,. .. , ..,. e .A,. al Il Tv"(: or three flash- -bout <-bhout thie house arili keep your 11om1e saie fr:nt the fires that start so easily froin the far burnt match drioppd in the night. And see how little a flash light costs and how handy it r eally is. lioast to t or abl , VIA h/o anti c // l z O Jiffy ll, 1 ; "t Ior th ork lke I l ightfo m'1thso, (oil. orthos In thics sea o n t)'an11 a u (l gra fi'11t 'it l i o:0 dO's1 c _i o are :1'1 n th platin steel o;_e, ''UALI'FY. F a r~f0 5 A Ri f.)TI VE; t{{ I Toy tr- Ott rca mat I . i i 1 i ,a I . 1 : , , ,_ all unpaid subscriptions wil1l be stopped -and billed at the rate of five cents, a copyfor, the papers delivered. Please ,send check for $3.50 for each subscription or pay at the Daily office in the Press Bldg. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Rijn avit t wo eOf out, 1111 House Mangrs Now is a good, time to. get this account I 11 I 11