THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1924 , .+ a , , . . . r : . German Railways Bfegn T6 Function Under U. &4Plan yard Inc Michigan was penalized 15 yards for balding on the play, and It was the Wolverine ball on their own 12 yard line. Rockwell punted Leads Varsity i i. Y . -_ _ ------------_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_------------------------.-- German railways have begun t j function under the reparations plan formulated by Owen. D. Young and Charles G. Dawes, Americans. The board of administration is seen at its f irst session. Front (left to right): S ir William Acworth, British delegate; Edouard Arnhold; Herr Kloeckner. Dr. Carl von Siemens, president, of board. Dr. Oesor, minister of communications, and Dr. Stileler. Standing;(). to r.): Herr Sarter, traffic director; Herr Wolf; herr Fischer; M. Saare, of France; Dr. Ott; Mr. Miller; Jules Jadot; M. Back, former premier; M. '*Leverve; M. Ma 'get; T. J icr'i. BADERTEAM FALLS THIS TCLHOS COLUMNLASS F L -O LOESCOSS BFOREAEDVERTISING (Continued from Page Six) JEEST RECEIVED Beautiful silk returned it to the Wisconsin 41 yard lingerie, both gown and chemises line., STUDENT DELIVERY very reasonably priced. Also the Time out. D. Harmon went through DELIVERIES TO ANY PART OF new circle sash to be worn as a the left side of the 'line for twc CITY 50c. Bagage and truiks yirdle. Yards. Harris jumped through righi checked free. OPEN TILL 9:00 P. THlE QUALITY SHOP guard for three more. Wisconsin's M. AND SUNDAYS. Light truck- 303 South Main St. ball on.their own 49 yard line. Lar- ing of all kinds. Phone 35i-J. C. Ison failed to gain at center. L. Har- F. Le;erett, Prop. FOR RENT mon kicked out of bounds on the CORONA WIEONMichigan 44 yard line. Steger made ' RAVE t Yew RITraS Our, vER GOING ,AWAY Will rent 'two at left ,'ard. Steger made one 1'1HiAVE' tha new Corona Four, ' very reasonable to responsible cou~ yard at right tackle as the quartei yadddat r right0 taklr": h qare to Larson, who caught the ball on the Michigan 47 yard line, and after running into Harris" was dropped in his tracks. A long pass, D. Harmon, to Polaski, was grounded. Another long pass, Harris to Long, was also incomplete. A pass from D. Harmon to L. Har- mon put the ball on the Michigan 441 yard line. Dutch Manion made a shoestring tackle on L. Harmon on; this play with a clear field ahead of. him.- Leo Harmon kicked out of( bounds on the Michigan 20 yard line. Picking his holes carefully, Fried- man gave Michigan a first down on: their 43 yard line. Marion went; through the line for six yards. L. i Harmon intercepted Friedfaan's pass and ran it back:to Michigan's.43 yard line, where he was forced out of bounds by Slaughter. D. Harmon made a yard off leftI tackle. A 30 yard pass by Larson fell to the ground. Wisconsin's ball on the Michigan 45 yard line. L. Harmon's long pass over the left side of the line wvas knocked down by Flora. Larson's long pass was intercepted by Friedman on the Michigan 28 yard line. Friedman made six yards at left tackle. Marion made first down as the half ended. Score: Michigan 7, Wisconsin 0. . Third Quarter, Schwarze, a 260 pound sophomore, replaced Straubel at right tackle. . Friedman kicked off across the Badger goal line, the ball going into> play on the Wisconsin 20 yard line. Harris plunged through right guard for *two yards. Steger caught Har- mon's punt on the Michigan 35 yard line, and returned it five yards, giving it to Michigan on her own 40 yard line. Marion plunged through left- guard for two yards. Breaking through right tackle, and shaking off tackler after tackler. Rockwell gave Michigan a first down on the Wisconsin 35 yard line. On the next play Friedman purposely threw a short. pass to Polaski for a gainw of six yards. McAndrews' pass was grounded. Leo Harmcn punted over Mio:higan's goal line, the ball being . brought out to Michigan's 20 yard line. Gregory made four yards through ceniter. Mar- ion made a yard through center, 3-Herrnstein substituting for Gregory. Rockwell punted to Wisconsin's 25 yard line. McAndrews was thrown for .a ten yard loss, covered by three Michigan men. L. Harmon punted to Michigan's 35 yard line, Rockwell re- turning the ball to his own 45 yard line. Michigan was penalized 15 yards on the play, placing the ball on her own 25 yard line. Time out for both teams. Grube was substituted for Flora at right end.. Herrnstein failed to gain through the left side of the line. Mar- ion made a yard through the right side. Rockwell ,punted to .Wisconsin's 35 yard line. Straubel going in for Schwarze. L. Harmon threw a pass to Pol.-Aki, who brought the ball to Michigan's 47 yard line. Time, out for Wiscon- sin.- Leo Harmon's 25 yard pass was grounlled. McAndrew went through right tackle for htree yards. Harris's ten yard pass over the center of the line was incomplete. L. Harmon kicked out of bounds on the Michi- gan 24-yard line. Grube fell on Rockwell's punt on the Wisconsin 28 yard line. Rockwell intercepted Harmon's pass on the Michigan 42 yard line, fumbled and then recovered. Rockwell's punt 'was downed by Grube on the Wisconsin 7 yard line. Harmon kicked from behind his goal to Rockwell, who re- turned tho ball ten prards to the Wisconsin 30 yard line. Friedman made a three yard gain around left end: Lietl went in for Straubel who was injured. Friedman's long pass tot I In B]est Form I i f L 1 O kt " S e e) e. :T Herbert Steger , Whose splendid fighting spirit was one of the mainstays of the Michi- gan team. Herb held down his new position at quarter in a brilliant man- ner, gudiing the team in a heady fash- ion .through the ha'd fought contest. "Butch" Slaughter One of the greatest mainstays of Michigan's team this year has been Slaughter, veteran guard, who yes- terday played one of the greatest Y t -. t 'viui s anuara ieyr UUIas ,L v, v 'Corona Thiree, with three-hank key- board, at $50. Also a full line of typewrites of all makes and sup- plies. Terms it desired. Renting marl r nnirinsr .l c fs.i-al t O. D. a p Ly. M\ORRILL' a R a F- 'A :. ,4 :{ 4 17 Nickels' Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store CORRESPONDENCE STA'TIONERY CLEARANCE SALE until November Is-t in order to make room for ourj large Christmnas stock. O. D. MORRILL,j 14 Nickels' Arcade. The New Stationery Store. FOR SL ALTO BUESCHER Saxophone used four months. Good eondition. Call[ HIolnm 2967-J. I I i) I i I f WROUGHT RON IIDGE LAMPIt $3.45. At Koch & Ilenne, 300 S. Main. FOR SALE Old violins. A collection of old Italian. violins, cello, mando- lins and guitars. .am-s Coon, 533 S. Main. GLEE CLUB MEN Two full dres coats with waistcoats, sizes 37 and' 40. Excellent condit ion. Call 1560-W before 7:30 A. Zi'. or after 7:00 P. M. ple, without childcren, 1104ProspectI ended. Score: Wisconsin 0, Michi- a pass to the ground, and Michigan St.; furnished. gan 0. was penalized 15 yards. It was Michi- UTSED CARS Second Quarter gan's ball on the 50 yard line, second UlE_ _R l tW sdown. . Rockwell 'punted to Wisconsin 35 Friedman made three off left tackle. gane 1923 Chevrolet Touring Car. This yard line, Edwards tackling Larson. Friedman passed over right end to Car is in extra good shape. The D. Harmon made 4 yards trough right moo i ey\qie n8pwrf gard. Harris made three yards Rockwell, who ran out of bounds on mnotor is very\ quiet and powerful. g lef. uarsmd.Streeywas-the Wisconsin 38 yard line. 'The car has 5 cord tires and will through left guayd. Steele was sub- Larson made a fair catch of Rock- give you new car transportation at stituted for Hawkins at the start of well's punt on the Wisconsin 17 yard used car prices. Gall 813 for dem- he second quarter. line. Harris dove, over right tackle onstrationD. Haron was smothered by the for three yards. Wisconsin's ball on One 1922 Chevrolet e Luxe Sedan. entire lft side of the Michigan . her own 20 yard line, second down. is sedan can be bought for $285 Harmon punted to Steger, who ran L. Harmon's low punt went 57 yards the' ball' bnck. five yards to Michigan's and is well worth it. Call 813 for the0ball aFie y s before it rolled dead on the Michi- demonstration. 30 yard Yin.- Friedman made i gan 15 yard line. -One l aIe Mo-del Reo Roadster. If yards through right tackle. Marion Gregory replaced Captain Steger in you will let us demonstrate this added one yard through right guard-. the Michigan line-up, Rockwell tak- you illletus emontrae tis.Steger went through. Michigan's right car to you, we feel sure you will grg ing quarter, while Gregory went to tau t. -iTis in very good condition. gu-ard t chigan's 3 neleft halfr E. & . ('IEVROLET- SALES CO. Rockwell punted to Wisconsin's 15 Rockwell's punt went off to onc yard. line. - L. Harmon punted Wls- i Cor. W. 1Iuron and Ashley ts. yd. side of the field, Larson fumbling but consin's 48 yard line. Steger was recovering on the 36 yard line. MUSIC :thrown for a three yard loss. Fried- __________man madie three yards around Mich'- { Larson made one at right tackle. M1KLL GILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- gan's right end. Friedman passed 'Harris's pass bounced off the fingers er, thirty year's experience. Man-I to Steger, who ran to Wisconsin's two of a Badger into the arms of Fried- dolin, guitar, banjos and chord i yard line. Wisconsin took time out man who returned the ball to the construction. Telephone 1791-M. after the pass was completed. Mar- Michigan 47 yard line. Gregory was ion added a foot through the center stopped at right tackle. Long stopped j A.L OUR FIENDS to give us a call of the line. Rockwell failed to gain Friedman at the line. Larson made through center.' Marion failed to gain a fair catch of Rockwell's punt, the at ur w Church StreetBarbe through te line Fourth dwn, one ball going to Wisconsin on their own Shop. First Class work and cour- foot to go. Steger was stopped in an 37 yard line. Doyle Harmon failed tesy to all. JOE SHALTIS and ED- 1 attempt to dive over the goal line. to gain. WARD BOWEN. 607 Church St. 11Both sides were offside on this play. Slaughter stopped Harris for no 'TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Call Michigan failed to score on the gain. Wisconsin's ball on her own 195-M after 5 P. M. fourth play, Sand were stopped on 38 yard line, third down. Harmon the Wisconsin six inch line, Steger kicked to Rockwell, who received the 1 WANIE Tuxedo size 36. Call 3535-J carrying the ball. L. Harmon punted ball on his own 25 yard line, and re- and leave phone number. to his own 35 yard line, Steger signal- turned it to the 50 yard line. Gregory ling a fair catch. slipped and failed to gain at right SIDELIGH 'S Friedman passed to Steger who tacdle. crossed the goal line, after a fake 111w-e Rockwell kicked to Larson who ihty. Rockwell added the extra point was downed on his own 27 yard line. Sc{irstquarter resolved itself in- after touchdown. Score: Michigan 7, Doyle Harmon was stopped for a to a puating duel, neither team seem- Wisconsin was pen- img to he able to make sgbstantia Time out for Steger. Harris kicked alized 15 yards on this play, placing gains in running the ball. Wiscon- off to Rockwell who returned the ball the ball on the 9 yard line. sint made two first downs as com- pared t o fr Mcin in time from his own five yard line to th'e 46 Harmon kicked from 'behind his pared with note for Michigan in the . goal . to Rockwell, who, picking up the ball on his own 30 yard line, dashed through a broken field down the south side line 44 yards to Wis- consin's 26 yard line. Friedman's long pass to Miller was, grounded. Friedman, taking the ball on the next play, dashed off taekle, re- versed his field and shaking off a liumiber of ta(cklers, went over fer itichigan's second touchdown of the game. Rockwell Ieled goal. Score: Michigan 11, N1isconsin 0.1 McAndrews, one of the fastest l sprinters in the middle west, went j into the game replacing Larson at quarter for Wisconsin. Blackman went in for Long at right end. L. Harmon kicked off to Rockwell, : who returned the ball 17 yards to the Michigan 25 yard line. Marion dove' through left tackle for four yards. Kasiska replaced Nelson at left tackle for Wisconsin. Friedman made! one yard at right guard. Rockwell punted to Doyle Harmon who was nailed by Flora on the Wis- consin 35 yard line. McAndrews made two yards at right guard. Kunow re- I placed Edwards at left tackle for Michigan. L. Harmoni's pass was incomplete. L. Harmon failed to gain when he was forced to run in an attempted pass- play. L. Harmon kicked 40 yards out of bounds, the ball going to Michigan on her own 19 yard line. Polaski nailed Friedman for a five yard loss at right tackle. Gregory y was shoved through for four yards as the quarter ended. Michigan's ball on her own 21 yard line. Score: IMich'gan 14, Wisconsin 0. then recovered.. Rockwell's punt was downed by Grube on the Wisconsin 71 yard line. Harmon kicked from be- hind his goal to Rockwell, who re- turned his ball ten yards to the Wis- consin 30 yard line. Friedman nitade a three yard gain around left end. Marion made two yards through the line. Stamman, who replaced Mar- ion, made two yards on the next play. Rockwell kicked out of bounds on the Wisconsin 20 yard line. Wisconsin. was penalized on the play for hold- ing. Leo Harmon kicked 35 yards to Rockwell, who returned the ball to the Wisconsin 3 yard line. Your subscripticn payment is due. lZatcrg & We are open now. Private lessons daily, both modern =and classical, Adult class every Monday and Friday. Fifteen 1-hou class lessons for $5.00. Free dancing, 3:34 to. 10 p. m. Enroll Now. TERRACE GAl)ENDANCING 22 Wuerth Arcade Phone 241-. Grube put the ball on the Wisconsin games of his career. It was the cen- 7 yard line. Marion made two thru ter of the line that stood up in both the line. Stannard went in for Leitl. the M. A. C. and Illinois games and Iuteh Marion plunug0d- through cen- yesterday it was, practically impreg- 'er for five yards and the third nable. touchdown of the game. Rockwell kicked goal. MichIgan 21, Wisconsin 0. Baker went in for Rockwell. Fried- Time out. Dewey replaced Slaugh- man's pass was intercepted by Har- ter at left guard for Michigan. Mar- mon on the Wisconsin 17 yard line. ion returned -Harmon's kickoff to the Final Score: Michigan 21, Wisconsin 0. Michigan 25 yard line. Madsen went in for Miller at left end, Barnum Nogales, Sonora, 1Vex., Oct. 2.- replaced Harris at left half for Wis- Orders for immediate deportation of consin. 12 Chinese arrested in Gucyamas re- Grube fell on Rockwell's punt on cently in connection wilh alleged tong the Wisconsin 28 yard line. Rockwell ,ldisorders were received from Mexico intercepted Harmon's pass on the City by the mayor of Guayamas Fri- Michigan 42 yard line, fumbled and day, ac'cording to advices here. o _,. : t i LOST Phi Kappa Siga fraternity Pin. Narme Cecil W. Lep,rd on-- graved en back. Call 1GG.- LOST Pair of bo:e rimmed glasses corner of William St. and HamiltonE Place. Finder please call 85-. LOST Black leather notebook taken; by mistake from lower readiing room, Union, T'hni's day P. M. Note': r I Fourth Quarter Rockwell punted to Wisconsin's 40 j yard line. Doyle Harmon brmoutbt the hall back to Michigan's 48 yard line. D. Harmon failed to gain through the left side of-the line. D. Harmon threw| t .- a 4O .. g. I1. valuable to owner. 1554-M. Kindly call initial lperiod. F, rc lm n's pass to Ste2er which, PEARL BRACELET Four strands in- --7-~ Pmallstrand wa orstans scored the touchdown for Michigan te: mingled with silver clasps. One s , Reardin thme second quarter went 33 yards. smllstan wsbroken. Rwr.; Call3112-M for . C RrI In the second quarter, Michigan at- p 011C -temptedl three pastes, two of which _ were completed for a total of 56 yards. LANDLADIES - STUDENTS Wisconsin attempted eight passes dwr- DON'T Overlook the opportunity to ing the first half, completing but one save on many household necessi- 'for a total of six yards. Two- were ties at The Economy Second Iland intercepted by Michigan. Store, 209 N. Main St., Phone '789-l. We sell what you do want and buy Michigan made three first downs what you don't want. while Wisconsin made -but two in the first half., SOPHOMORE LITS Get on that fu- ture (lass champion Speedball team. After playing the "Yellow and Blue" Report to Bill Warrick at the field before the Michigan stands, the var- on Friday and Saturday. sity band faced the Wisconsin stands I to play "On Wisconsin." Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 25.-Letters ,ReW X antjwritten by Anatole France to M. Henri Readt As Gonod, one time member of the French- cabinet, are on exhibition in the Wide- nor Library at Harvard. "What awhale of a difference Just a few cents make!" fiji A2 .sue The, Best BusinsCareer I S what every ambitious senior is thinking about at the .present time. Life insurance is one' of the best, one of the most desirable, and one of the most satisfactory as a permanent calling. In assets and volume of business, life insurance is one of the three leading businesses of this country, yet the field is comparatively under- developed. O'nly 7 per cent of the economic value of human life in the United States is covered by insur- ahce.This gives an idea of the big field still to be worked, especially business insurance for firms and corporations. As to remuneration: Reports of college graduates who have entered business indicate that life insurance is at the very top as a source of-income. Now is the time for you to consider what you are going to do after gradu- ation. If you are ambitious and wil - ing to work hard and are interested to know about life insurance, address Agency Department M/e 4 , . . ".# r.. u~° y, °' t°" i s , , _ f ,. t 4 Silk, Flannel and roadcloth SHIRTS Are Laundered to Your Complete 11; i RIn