" ,...a.,,u,,.r,.rw",,,dr ,"q"w. ,~ w. i' "rrtw rf f
, ,, -
.,, t .
wa as doped~ to disput~e firstplace nosy of the men and tlhefct that they
Ka'thyIkulby, the Badger star. were up against one of the strongest
1st ta l _ OhFINN&I Baler and Captain Shrenefleld in I teamis in the Conference.
th and 10th pxlaces re ipcctively were Professor H. C . Carver -was referee
AM AM 1 0 ", 90 the last twvo men to count for Michi-! wvith 0 _. 0. Furnas of Durduea Dr. May;
.' gan it uwas 1joped tliat tile' heatt of! Yale; EL. Isbell Michigan, aq1judge,,.
(Continiued from Page One.)
on ,the next play Steger called for
almost a perfect repitition of thc
play Which had threatened 'the B~adger
goal line before. ,"A long, pass Fried-
man to Steger was completed within
two yardsof the Wisconsin -goal line
and thie Michigan capta' sprinted ov-
er for a touchdown. The rest of the
period was filled Ayith daring but
fruitless attempts by Wisconsin to
complete passes. Near' the end of the
peiod three long passes-in succession
were attempted from inid-field but
Friedman broke up the attack when
he l~tercepted Lar.nxs long heave o~n
the~ Michigan 2 yard line, shgrtly be-
fort' the end of the qu~arter.'
The third period wa's uneventfull
for the first few miintues. Michigan
forced 'the Badgers back into their
own territory, time and again only to
lose the ball' by kicking wh1en Wira-
consin held.' Rockwell 'gave the 'visit-
ors a big 'scare 'when lie ran. off" right
tackle for. 25 yar1ds givig Michigaa
a first down on the Wisconsn*I35 yard
line but When Friedman intentionally
threw a pass to the ground Niclnim
was: penalized 15 yards and a pas4
failed to make enough ground to pro-
vent the necessity of kicking.
Later ins the quarter Harmon was
forced to 'kick from behind his own
goal line because of a 15 yard penalty
and sent the ball rolling down the
field to Micehigan 30 yard line. Waitln
until the ball was almost dead and With
the Badgers were waiting for him to
fall 'on it, Rockwell scooped it tip and
dashed down the left sideline for, 44
Mille.....LE...... PuldskiIAii AH5 rown vvznshin
Elivardili...,... LT ...... Nelson WI
ISlaughter . .IGL~... ,Biberstein Fsh - jk
fiown .... ,... C.Tcckormeyeor " tiI~ ~~1~J TA i[
Hawkins ...... RG......Mililler UT[9,i4~ ~ lh~ In the second practice run of the
IFloa co1~.. ..T SrauLong______season held Friday afternoon over the
Floa......R4.....Lon Kregular two andF eight-tenths mile
ISteger (Capt) . . Q:.. .... Larson fIf Ann., Arbor Htigh school's chances
Rockwell . . . LI. (Capt) Harris foaStechmiusitisyr freshman course, Brown romped home hiaryonrwith a victory over his 'mates, cover -
" kx svr lo audymrn ing the route in 15:40, fairly, good
f ;~ ing when they fell before Jackson's time for a race this early in the s044'
Scor byquaters I ow'r ., loverhiead attack to the tune son.
1 34 Find Q15 to97.Q .. .lqe behind Brown was Wells, a
M ichigan .. 0 7 7: 7- 21 Yh, pnsot rt in tile +j~ 2 jA-5wfqrnmer Kansas man, who turned in
sIWsosn..0000 of Iplay wlhen Rfinger kicked a' 155 for his day's effort. The best
lielegoat 1twoon the uprights. bye- race of the day was turned in by R.
Slbttltq~: i~~gn-ifore the lo''' knewe" gamle had iil one of the sihaIlest" and gamiest
Ste~fr1wis ~oy i hrdy lxeguu. The Pr'ison city's next ;'meno h qua, who in spite of -his
for Stegoer; Kuniow foi' Edwards; f s ore camne at the beginzning of" the weight and heighth handicap, by dint'
x ~nfr rOiY ~ieIsccoi~zd half when ;a, jp' pass carried Iof hard pulling, managed to finish,
foi lorrlDcoey'or Slauglters h bl phn h An4bo iethird.; Mason was fourth.
Madsn for ilir; Samia~iI ['ar t110ir . tThe, squad finished 'in following
lade'fr1ilr timnforrt se re this year, that a 1:0 el,1:
f r aln a i or RO Ekwell. o tuclionhs enrgltrdagainst
I icn~n~lwre for' Straub- I ionhsbe eitrdI oRile'X:54 row n 1:; "Wells, ner,
the Purple and-Wi hite. Another pass 111 55;Msn 63;Wim
el; McAndrews for Larson;.jinteforhqure!cmlte k-116:41; Swinton; 16:41 1-2; Feinsinger
Blckma for, Log; Iasis~a 1:45;Scheutrman, 17:09; G. Lawson
~ Blckmn fr. Lng;Kasska son's scoring.
for Nelson; Straubel for Sch- 17:45; Hamar, 18:15; Grinnell,18:16,
ntivgr eitl~ o a- ~ trwaps oIisl trwnte1:9 Leith for Straubel;" Stan- thethone qaror tally Caain nWarner,. 18:34; Inskow, 18:36; T-ud-
thedthird quarterrwhenfCaptain son, 18:38; Montague, 18:41; .Jackson,
ris Stne fo Stnnrd,! Wash hrw, pss o Msi, sar18:45; Webster, 1:9 Rear il k,
'Voucrights end for t _e locals, who then car- 19:48; Munger, 19:49.
Friedman, Marion. Points af- ko' itr etr~ tnp go with the time of 16:26; and hid
ter ton hdown: Michiganm- - I them as one of the strongest contend- rapid improvement over last we
IRoekw'e11 3. ers for the State Championship. f lead Coaches Arndt and Davis to be-'
liev that he has the makings of a reala
Officials: Referee: Hackett, RING~ LOST 50 YEARS AGO hl n aemn loehr h
S Armyr; Umpire :' Haines, Yale; C ROWS ON POTATO VINE times were very satisfactory and so:
F l ug: ,ri ,Iln is;'little separated the first and last' man,
j Head lipeernan: Kearns, Do St.nlvan, Mo., Oct., 25.-A gold ring thatth sqa apertob el
1Pauw. lost 5 0 years ago was found by Mr's., balanced.
1potato vinegringon thrd endo Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 24.-Cos-
Evntn,- n~ppolitanisin has dwindled, at. Har-
play' throuigh center, D.' HarmonIEvnt, Ill., Oct. 5.-Preliminary I yard, according to figures given out
added two throuigh right guard. Wis- elimination of the 25 candidates fprj by the Foreign Student secretary,"
fconsin's .ball'on the Miphigan 37 yard the varsity debate team here indi- : Only, 34 countries are represented at
line. Marion 'intercepted D. Harmon's :Cate good material for this year's1 the University this year, as against,
pass on the Michigan 37, yard line, forensic activities. : 43 lastyer
Steger made 'one yard. A poor pass
from' center was recovered by Mlfichi- Columbus, Oct. 25.-The, new geol-- Seattle, Oct. 24.-"Dad's Day,", a
gan. Larson fumbled ,Rockwell's 'puntI ogy library, built in memory of Ed- new, event at the University of Wash-
but Harris recovered the ball and ward F. Orton, Ohio State's first tires- ington will be heldfrl iuthe first* *irn
Ohio State..
Michigan.. .
Von Tied
1 0
1 1
1 1
1 2
1 0
1 0
0 1
0 1
0 0
0 4o0
.Q0 0
yards giving Michigan the ball on the'
Wisconsin '26 yard line. After a pass
had failed on the next plays Friedman
took the 'ball for- a ride off ta.cle,
and reversing his field five yaro Is be-
yond the line. of scrimmage dlashed
over for the second touchdown of the
The last touchdown of the game
came after a long exchange of-vpunts <
Harmon was forced to kick 'from be-
hind his own goal line again, late iii
the perkcfl -and Rockwell returned
the ball 10 yards to the Wisconsin 30
yard line. A short gain by Friedman
aid 4 long pass Friedman to CrubeI
put the oval on the seven yard line
and Dutch Marion took the hail over
in two plnges thrqutgh the fine. T hei,
final plungex wa's n'Ade fromJ'a spreadj
formatoin~ that caught the',, laddersI
complet~ely off gatrd.'
Michi'gan maud~e six first downs to
Wisconsin's four, and had the befit
of the !passing, getting four completed
ont of nine, tries while the Badgers
were gettizlg five out of 18. 'The Michi-
gan passes were Agood for 90 yards
while Wisconsin's netted 46_ yard s.
(Continued on Page^ Seven)W
ident, is soon to be completed. ! November 22.
111'231, ti111C.
_ ; ..
& -
Capt. Steger kicked off on a bounce I
and the ball; wasreturned for anotherI
kickoff. Steger kicked off to 'L. Hiar-',
mon, who wits downed on the Wiscon-
sin f38 yard line. Larson broke
through left tackle for a ,first down
on the Wisconsin 40 yard line. Harris
miade 3 yards through the right side.
of the line. D. Harmon addod 4 off
righ't tackle. Harmon punted out of
bounds on the Michigan 42 yard line.
Marion made two2 through the
line. Rockwell made o4, yard',aropund
right, end. Flora fell on R~ockwell's,
punt on the Wisconsin 45 yardi line.
D. IHarmnmfumbled theball 'when
tackled by Slaughter On the Wiscon-
--in 27 yard line but recovered. Harris
made. three through right guard. L;
Hatrmon1 kicked out ' of bounds on the
Michigan 33 yard line. '
,.aro made two through righ~t
guard. Rockwell ad1ded two throughI
the left side of the line. Rockwell
kicked out of bounds on the Wiscon-
sin 41 yard stripe.' Harris dove over
the l.ine for three yards. ' D. Harmon
bro~a throughi the midldle of the line
for first down on the Michigan~4
yard :line.
Harris.,'was stoppedl at right guard.
Brow n moked dowlHarmn's pass.
L. Harmon punted over the, Michigan
goal line. Michigan's ball on~ her own
20 yard line. ' Steger was blocked by
his own~ interference and failed to
gain at the line.''
Marion made threqe on a fake kich:
formation. Rockwell kicked; to lar-
son, who was nailed by Miller on thez
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