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October 26, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 10-26-1924

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VOL. XXXV. No. 39.





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Meeting Under Auspices of League
Of Nations Non-Partisan
"The League of Nations" is the sub-
ject of a public address to be given by
Dr. Irving Fisher Qf Yale university,
internationally famous economist, at
8 o'clock tomorrow night in Hill
auditorium. Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne,
head of the history department, will
preside at the meeting.
Dr. Fisher's speech inaugurates a
series of addresses and debates which
will be given here this year by the
League of Nations Non-Partisan as-
sociation with a view to promtiffg
public interest in present-day inter-
national politics. All the meetings
will be open to the public without ad-
mission charge, the expenses being
defrayed by supporters of the League
of Nations in Detroit and Ann Arbor.
Will Be Dinner Guest
The speaker will arrive in Ann Ar-
bor late tomorrow afternoon. At 6:45
o'clock he will be the guest of honor
at a dinner to be given by the League
association at the Union. Faculty
members invited include Dean Henry
M, Bates, Dean Hugh Cabot, Dean
John R. Effinger, Dean Ed-
mund E. D ay, Prof. C. H.
Van Tyne, Prof. J. S. Reeves
Prof. L. A. Strauss, Prof. O. J. Camp-
bell, Prof. Charles H. Cooley, Prof.jE.
D. Dickenson, Prof. C. T. Johnstpn,
Prof. Brand Blanshard, and Prof.
Preston Slosson. Several students in-
terested in the work of the Associa-
tion will also 6e present.
Dr. Fisher comes totAnn Arbor by
special arrangement with the national
council of the League association of
whil c h forim er A t t orney-Geneal
George W. Wickersham and former
Justice John H. Clarke are heads. Dr.
Fisher has been speaking for the
League in the Middle West for several
weeks now aind his Ann Arbor add'ess
will be his last before he returns
East. He is reputed to be a formidable
speaker and his book, "League or
War?" -has taken rank as the ablest
argtument for American membership
rn the League.of Nations yet published.
EIncourages Progressive
Although it has been in the field
of nolitical economy that Dr. Fisher
has attained his widest renown, there
are few progressive movements in this I
eouptry with which he alas not been
prominently identified. During his 30
years at Yale he has written more
than a score of successful books on
political economy aniM mathematics
many of which have been translated
4nto foreign languages, and countless
articles in periodicals. Dr. Fisher has
also been a leader in the fight for
p arohibition, woman suffrage, child
labor legislation,mpure food l'aws,
eugenics, public health education,
free trade, conservation of natural
""resources and international co-opera-
tion for the purpose of preventing or
reducing the possibility of war. I
The doors of Hill auditorium will be
open at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night.

Speaks Tomorrow
Dr. Irving Fisher
Who will deliver a public address
on "The League of Nations" at 8 o'-
clock tomorrow night in Hill audi-
torium. Dr. Fisher is considered one
of the country's ablest proponents of!
the cause he represents.

Coolidge Names Chief of Weather
Bureau as Acting Secretary
of Agriculturer

O .
I'Radio Communication is Ma Intained
With Land Throughout Flight
Which Started Oct. 7

University Credit Given For
Work Carried Under'


Washington, Oct. 25. (By A. P.)- On oBard the U. S. S. Shenandoah
Henry C. Wallace, secretary of agri- [over Lakehurst, New Jersey, Oct. 25.
culture, died at 4 o'clock this after- (By A. 1.)-A new page in the his-
noon at the Naval hospital, of tox- tory of lighter than air navigation
emia poisoning which developed after was written tonight when the big
an operation performed last week in navy airship . Shenandoah hoveredj
an effort to relieve sciatica. He, was gracefully over its hone hangar at
59 years old. Lakehurst, New Jersey. Completing
Death came peacefully after I Ing its remarkable record breaking 9,000
hours of unconsciousness, and after miles cruise.I
medical science was unable longer to The Shenandoah cast off from the
check the ravages of the disease. At mooring mast at Lakehurst and start-
the bedside were Mrs. Wallace and ed its long cruise at 10 A. M. October
their daughter, Miss Ruth. No other 7. At 11' o'clock tonight; 445 hours
members of the family were in the have passed since the start. In thatI
city. time th'a Shenandoah had been flying
The death of the secretary, al- with its engines running for 267
though expected throughout, the day, hours and 38 minutes, and moored to
came as a shock to officials in Wash- a mast for 187 hours and 22 minutes.
ington, and to his many friends, both' The latter includes 5 days or 120
in the city and the country. After the hours that the ship was being re-
operation Mr. Wallace began to im- paired.
prove, and it was thought that he None of the precious helium, was
was convalescing rapidly. lost by difficulties during the voyage.
Condition Not Alarming All that escaped was valved to per-!
As late as Thursday night the see- mit landing or set free by automatic
retary's condition was not considered safety valves under the expansion of
alarming, and ,at that time Mr. Wal- the high altitudes. For every minute'
lace instructed Dr. Boone that the ag- for the entire cruise the ship was
ricultural department might issue a able to maintain constant radio com-
denial of a recurring report that he munications with the land, frequent-
expected to resign his cabinet posi- ly with stations several thousands
tion about the first of the year. The miles distant. Weather reports, offic-
report had persisted for some time, ial messages, instructions to mooring!
and several friends were prepared for I hours, and thousands of words of
such a step because of the secretary's press messages were sent out and re-
health. ' ceived.
His condition after the operation be- The actual flying time between,
came serious Friday as an infection cities deducting the time taken in lo-
developed and the poison began cating the mooring mast through the
spreading through the secretary's sys- fog 235 hours and 11 minutes. The
tem. Despite every effort of phy- fastest express trains between the
sicians his condition steadily grew same cities make the run in 272 hours
worse. and 30 minutes, deducting the time
Mr. Wallace lapsed into uncon- for connections. The five 300 horse
sciousness in the early hours of to- power motors of the ship ran without
1 day and as the morning wore away, a stop during sailing hours. The
I physicians although still clinging to shortest voyage between cities was a
a feeble hope that a change for the 36 hour period. For most of the
better might occur announced that ! cruise the motors were turning over

Syracuse 10, Penn State 6.
Iowa 13, Minnesota 0.
Holy Cross 13, Fordham 0.
Army 20, BostonUniversity 0.
SAlabama 14, Georgia Tech. 0.
Nebraska 14, Kansas 7.j
Rutgers 13, Lehigh 13.
Notre Dame 12, Princeton 0.
Yale 13, Brown 3.
Layfayete 20, Washington and Jef-
ferson 6.
Penn. State 27, Virginia 0.j
0. S. U. 3, Chicago 3,
Northwestern 13, Michigan Aggies 9.
Illinois 45, Depauw 0.
Cargenie Tech 6. Pitt 0.
Washington and Lee 0, West Vir-
ginia Poly Institute 20.
Missouri 14, Kansas Aggies 7.
West Virginia Wesleyan 10, Navy 7.
Georgia 3, Vanderbilt 0.
Colgate 49, Hobart 0.
University of Detroit 13, St. Louis 7.,
Dartmouth 6,- Haryard 0.
Columbia 27, Williaii
University of California 20, sh-
ington State college 7.
Stanford 3, University of Idaho 0.
Women Will Be Solicited During An-
nual Finance Campaign;
! November 4.7
Adopting as its slogan "Better
Michigan is greater Michigan," the Y.
W. C. A. is to start its annual finance
campaign in connection with the S. C.,
A., November 4, 5, 6, and 7. The cam-


West Park has delinliely been chos-
en as the site of the b!E Mardi Gras
I Hallowe'en feistival to I c held in Ann


Friedman Pierces Wisconsin Defense
By Off-Tackle Plays And
Forward Passes



Extension credit courses, under the
auspices of the University Extension
division; are being organized in most
of the larger cities in the state. These'
courses are numbered as the regular
courses which ,are given in Ann Ar-
bor, thesame. ' professors are in
charge, and University credit is given
for the completed work.
Tv',elve courses are being offered
to tie people of Detroit. The classes
meet once a week for two hours. The
Det ,ot high schools are used to fur-
nish the classrooms. The extension
courses have become very popular in
Detroit. Every class is well filled
and many have an attendance of fif-
ty or more.,
Grand Rapids, Flint, Lansing, Sag-

Ghosts, Gnomes NE PSmO W ;
Fierce Frolic 50, 000 WATCH GAME

N ,


Arbor on the night of Oct. 21. Due to 'BY I. I.,SlnenĀ«3n.
the difficulties whikh would be ex- Michigan won a football game
from Wisconsin by a 21-0 score yes-
perienced in lighting Slcepy hollow
it was thought best to give up the terday afternoon on Ferry field.
idea of having the celebration there, Briefly, that is what happened, but
and to center operations in the park in reality Michigan did more than to
on the west side of towni. beat Wisconsin yesterday afternoon.
Plans are rapidly maturing for the Michigan proved herself a real team,
progam whih aisto be marig ou. a team which can be knocked from the
program which is to. be carried out.pinnacles of footballdomn one week-end
e pageant of Sleepy Ilollow and onlytorgithssaeegtst
thee ad ean ofsinnwl ea-s to regain those same heights at
the alesshorseman will be enact- thnxtopruiy
ed in a reality, special lighting ef- the next opportunity.
et ing realitygsecial ltin f-By her victory yesterday against a
fects being rranged for this event. heavy, hard-fighting team, with all
A midway lin with fortune-tellers' the confidencein the world, Michigan
abodes, and w ith oblin caves, w ill thi sproved enll tht w rdab uhg r
add o th mytery d hlariy o disproved all that was said about her
add to the mystery d hilarity of! last week after the Illinois gam~e
the occasion. It is reporte that-up- when she wasdubbed "weakkneed"
ples will be passed out free, in fact by a number of critics. Today lichi-
every thing connected with th'e cari-gan stands forth as a great team,
val will be free. capable of "coming back" after one
Stunts and talent from the Univer- of the greatest "come dovns" in fot
sity are under the direction of Al- ball history.
fred B. Connable, '25, president of the It was no glaring individual work
Student council, and Robert Camp- that won for Michigan yesterday. It
bell, treasurer of the University, was the work of every man who en-
heads the committee which is in tered the game which made possible
charge of the band arrangements. It a victory. After the first quarter in
is planned that the Michigan band which both teams seemed to be get-
shall lead the parade to the park. #ting their bearings, Michigan put up
Everyone is expected to be dressed ' a great brand of football. Line
for the occasion, goblins, witches, smashes long runs around end, deadly
fairies, and gnomes being the vogue. accurate forward passes, and great
work on the defense gave Michigan an
edge on the Badgers that could not
Endless Lines help but result in victory.
Re-orga nIze Team
Of Cars Carry The Michigan-Wisconsin game wal
a spectacle. Close to 50,000 people
uFaans To Gwitnesd the ae 1 d heered on
th ir respective teams. Both tean
- - wr) urged;on every I M 4t j
Cars, cars, and more cars! gaune by their supportes knd even
Cars from "Wisconsin, bearig ban- Iaftet the battle was over, and their
ners, letters and slogans of red and I teamA defeated, the Wisconsin people
white, streaming down i M-17 in an remitdned in the stands and sang their
endless processin on their way to "Varsity." There was rone of the
"Michigan or Bust." 1wrangle after yesterday's game which
Cars from Detroit, Saginaw, Lan- followed the close contest between
sing, Battle Creek, and Grand Rapids 'the two teams at Madison a year
-from hundreds of cities, towns, vil- iEago and both teams dipplayed clean
lages, and hamlets displaying the though keen rivalry on the gridiron.
Michigan colors of maize and blue. Michign's team went into the game
Cars from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, an entirely re-organized outfit. Six
and Wisconsin bringing with them players of the eleven who originally
students and graduates of the rival ',started the game were in new posi-
universities which were to meet on tions. There were two players on that
Ferry field in the gridiron clash. team who had not been regulars be-
Streaming in from every direction fore. Those two players, Friedman
in long single lines, the cars came and Flora were among the most out-
! together in a swirling mas3 about the standing performers of the day,
street corners of Arnn Arbor,. all of Captain Herb Steger playing his
them were bringing thousands of irst game at quarterback used
visitors to see two rival Big Ten foot- stra1.egy worthy of Irwin Uteritz, and

paigns are simultaneous but entirely
separate in character. The women
will solicit money only from women
students as has been the custom in
the past. The amount to be raised
this year has been increased from
$1500 to $1800 thus making less .de-
pendence on outside subscriptions for
raising a total budget of $4,500.
Miss Daphne Dodds, field secretary
for the Womens' League, Mrs. John
Sundwall, chairman of the advisory
committee and Jane Gibson, '25, pres-
Sidl ,t oft the student Y. W. C. A will



inaw, and Wyandotte have been vis~ his constitution wsas weakening rap- at 1200 revolutions per minute.
ited by Mr. Keena of the Extension Idly.
division and extension courses orga- ' Appoints Successor
nized. The classes will meet for orga- Shortly before noon it was said
niziaion and to begin work immedi- Ihis condition could hardly be more
ately. In Detroit, where the courses unfavorable and it was feared that it !
have been offered for the past sev- ?
eral years, a variety of subjects are his h ar stionw slth lout.ng
offered. The proximity of the city his heart action would hold out. I
makes it convenient for instructors it was thought that he was dyingn
to teach their regular classes in Ann but each time the secretary retained!Prof. W. 3). Henderson sIpeaks in Ab-
Arbor, and teach one night a week at his hold on the thin thread of lifey t sense of President Burton at
Detroit. I until he passed peacefully away. i Union Meeting
Extension courses give a person in Pri en Cooideaey toay.
President Coolidge late today ap-c
degr e. It ischacessary to putoward pointed Charles F. Marvin chief of .! OFFICERS ELECTED j
additionl time at the University but the weather bureau acting secretary-
aeetonaleime byttaki exsionu of agriculture. It was pointed out At the closing session of League of
courtesnhs ciy tking con on hthat the appointment followed a are- Michigan municipalities Saturday
ursnhis , ty p n cnnctdon oIt cedence established in the Wilson ad- morning, John F. Farley, city attorney
his work, a person can cut down on ministration during the absence from of Flint was elected president and
the four years' time which is re- Washington of that department. Margaret Johnson of Ludington, vice-
quired to earn a degree.r
However, Howard M. Gore, assist- president of that body. The following
{ ant secretary now absent from the were chosen league directors: Sidney
returntWashingtonD. Walton, Detroit; Henry K. Sher-
SW arthin Leaves city, upon his retun tog man, city manager, Saulte Ste. Marie;
{jin a few days will become acting see-mactmngeaueSe.Mr;
C. W. Ham, city manager, Pontiac;
On ecture Tipretary.
Trip re___y__Roscoe Bonsteel, city attorney, Ann
i Arbor, and Fred R. Harris, city mana-
Prof. Aldred S. Warthin of the ' rn nger, Escanaba, and retiring president
pathological department of the Medi- "" IuIu-iiriof the league. .
cal school left yesterday for Spokane, j Du to the illness of Pres. Marion
Washington where he will deliver a R 'fLeroy Burton, Prof. William D. Hen-
I series of seven lectures to a group of ; NOMBIR 4 70L,00,31 derson, head of the Extension division
60 physicians from Spokane and f of the University, was the principal
neighboring cities. New Yor?, Oct. 25.-Nearly one half speaker at the session of the league
New,,rkOct.25.Neary on halflihe PrMke tUI

enLui M LUU1 x, v. v. I-. il
be the speakers at the opening ban-
quet to be held Tuesday evening, No-
vember 4, at the Congregational
church for the women working on the
finance drive. Instructions will be
given the women on the teams and
the plan of campaign will be explain-
ed more definitely. Speeches will be
made during the week at all of the
dormitories and organizations of wo-
men that meet during that time.
Wednesday, November 5, a lun-
cheon will be given for the captains
of tihe Y. W. C. A. and the S. C. A.

Stevens Returns I
To Home On Coasts
Dr. A. B. Stevens, dean of the phar-
macy college from 1917-19, who has
been visiting in Ann Arbor since Au-
gust has returned to his home in Es- I
condido, California. Dr. Stevens has
written several books on pharmaceu-
tical subjects.



College girl, In Mountains
Of Armenia, Teaches Farming'

Djalal OgIv, Armenia, Oct. 25. (By{
A. P.)-American newspaper readers
will scarcely recognize the date-line
on this story, for Djalal Oglu does
not appear In any gazetteer or geog-
raphy. It is 0 town of 6,000 souls de-
tached from the outside world and'
buried in the heart of the mountains
of Armenia. It doesn't even boast.
of a telegraph office, newspaper, au-
tomobile or trolley-car. But there is
a Vassar College girl . here, Miss
Phyllis Brown, of Poughkeepsie, N.
Y., who is teaching the Armenians
Aminerican methods of farming.
Mis.; Brown,who is connected with
the American Near East Relief, not
only has made two potatoes to grow

duced the "project" system -of farm-
ing in Armenia, which proved so sue-j
cessful in the United States during!
the World War. She began her work
here by giving instruction in agricul-
ture to classes of destitute Armenian
orphans. But now she is conducting
several large model farms, which, at-
tract great numbers of farmers eager
to increase their knowledge of agri-
culture. Miss Brown has produced
vegetables of such superb quality and
size that the natives think she is sup-
ernaturally endowed. They were amaz-
ed when she produced sweet' potatoes
which have never been seen in Ar-
When the correspondent arrived in
Djalal Oglu, after a ten-hour trip in

the voters in the United States fail to iuin riiaay ngt.mle
perform their duty as electors, accord- Henderson took as his subject 'T
ing to John Hamlin, director of the mn Nature and Public Service."
Republican national committee col- The main functions of the colleg
lege bureau. The total stay-at-home aid, " e frsttto teach thoro
vote aggregates 25,705,063, a large per- pus; and second, to render the lar
centage being chargeable to absentees, possible service to testerth a
accodingto M. Halin.possible service to the state that
according to Mr. Hamlin.pssbe
Swenty-four states now permit "You are public servants, and
ua fie voters tem rariy s such, you are vitally interested
from the state 'on election day, to scyuaevtlyitrse
I ~making improvements to your cite
vote by mail at both primaries and'ma rt mnsyo yo d
y The hardest thing you have to
general elections. These include: Ala-
bama, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, with is the thing called hu
Maine, Michigan, Minnesota Mississip-
pi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina,
North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South State School Head
Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont.
The usual method for voting by mail Addresses Socie
is for the absentee to write during the-
thirty days before election sto the Phi Delta Kappa; honorary edi
county clerk or county auditor of his I tional fraternity, was addressed
home district and apply for qn official {Thomas E. Johnson, state supe
ballot. An affidavit blank and an of- tendent of public instruction, a
ficial ballot will be forwarded to him, luncheon yesterday noon at the G
whi'ch must be filled out in the pres- Tree Inn. Several prominent ed
ence of a notary. tors attended the luncheon bes

ssor f
age, t
t is
in I
at a

at Newberry hall, when the progress ball teams battle for supremacy. Dutch Marion who was shifted to full-
of the drive will be discussed. Fol- Exhibiting fewer slogans than us- back from left end was a consistent
lowing this the Y. W. C. A. will give ual, the cars played tag with one an- gainer at the line. "Trod" Rockwell,
luncheons for their team members on other along the incoming routes, first abifted from quarter to left half,
Thursda and Friday at Newberry one and then anothe: shooting ahead played one of the best games of his
hursday adrid t Neberrs in the race to see who yovfld got here career, and Jim Miller kept down the
hall. The chairmen of the luncheons first. Some of them bore the colors of gains around his end.
are Juna Mary Barnes, '26, and Mary gwhile on others the banners , Friedman Stars
Tyler Louthan, '26. "Go Get Michigan," "On Wisconsin," Michigan's three touchdowns came
As the campaign for the budget has f and "Beat 'Em Wisconsin" declared in the last three periods of the game.
no connection with membership affil- s the allegiance of its occupants. 4 The first quarter failed to uncover
lation with the association there is One Michigan supporter drove over any scoring and was taken up by a
opportunity for any woman student 400 miles from the Upper Peninsula punting duel as both sides tested the
to make what contribution she wishes. to see and lend his support to the opposing strength. Michigan punted
The budget falls under three head- team. six times in this period while the
ings, the first including salaries and After the game, and on through the Badgers booted on five occasions.
upkeep of offices and rooms, the sec- hours of the night, followed by clowds Wisconsin had the ball in Michigan
ond having to do with religious edu- of dust and distinguishable by the territory for the greater part of this
cation, social service, and similar ac- honks of horns and the shrieks of period and made two first downs
tivities, and the last including a sirens, these same cars were leaving, while the Wolverines were failing to
world service in connection with for the battle was over. j make any.
friendly relation with foreign stu- I-In the second period Miclhigan
dents on the campus and support of I riiirr started to show her strength. It was in
the National student department of iIthis quarter that "Tod" Rockwell
the Y. W. C. A. retrieved himself after his failure to
___________ tlnnn~n erform up to standard in the Illinois
Haigh WiII Open iL U;It was also in this period that Ben
aerFriedman, Coach Little's choice for the
Members and guests of the Ameri- right half back position, ran his way
can Society of Civil Engineers, who into a regular position on the Michi-
Andrew Haigh, of the University have been convening in Detroit 'gan Varsity. A sophomore with com-
School of Music faculty will open the Thursday and Friday, arrived in Ann praratively no experience in college
Faculty concerts of the year this aft- Arbor yesterday morning to visit the football he ran the Badgersvragged
ernoon at 4:15 o'clock in Hill audi- buildings and grounds of the Univer- with his startling off-tackle drives aid
torium. sity. After the tour of inspection the soredha touhdown edntoe oem.t-
He will present a piano recital in- engineers lunched at the Michigan tias he offhes he ept
eluding such numbers as the Bach Union and in the afternoon attended libenothe canes wtenothey rwr
prelude and Fugue in C sharp minor, the Michigan-Wisconsin football game. himsinto the lineup to do the forward
the Liszt 15th Hungarian Rhapsodie, The trip to Ann Arbor' concludes pA.fter three minutes the quarter
the Debussy Reflets dans l'Eau and a the program of the society's fall con- had elapsed Rockwell punted to Wis-
group of Brahms. This program is vention. While in Ann Arbor the Ann eosed Rocywel une o Wim-
practically the same as that given by Arbor branch of the Detroit Automo- consin's 15 yard line. Leo Harmon
Mr.IHaighrecentlyin Aeolian allbile clubfurnished transportation for then punted out of bounds on the
Mr. agi recently i Michigan 48 yard line. Cn the next
New York city. u the visiting enginpr lay, almost indentical to the one
The general public is invited, but AA- which beat the Aggies two weeks ago,
is requested to come promptly on Allegan, icen., Oct. 25.--A skeletoni r e athe wagieg to teger
timene ta timm awill he '1cled dur- whiich had evidently been buried 1xin we rnur rlnn no igP,, gi* t.,

t' :.


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