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October 25, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 10-25-1924

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D. + '".


To Lead Singing


t. - ,#


"Y" Invites Women

$Interclass hockey teams have been
announced by Mliss Germ aine Guiot,
of the physical education dlepartment.
The senior team is as follows: D. Da-
~vis, L. Barley, L. Bellamy, M. Sinal-
le Iy, M. Dutton, 0. 'McKay, M. Stewart,
L. Boer, 0. Boer, 0. Verdelin,.0. East,
A. Laddl, L. Weniger, F. Murray, V.
Cr onin, Bl. Rank, H. Boorman, E. Ohl'-
ina Yue, 'M'. IHayes, and E. Smith'.
M .emblers of the junior team are: M.
Lawlkess, AT. Lathban, E. Parrott, F.
Adamts, G. Morris, I. Jewell, E. Hlawn,
N. Barlow, B. Buenting, G. Eastcott,
N1. Clarke, 11. Straus, S. 'Haskins, F.
huf1f, H. Vorheis, J. Caraben, A.
Wheeler, D. Kent, C. Hughes.
The following women have been
chosen for the sophomore team: I.
ricld, MT. Finsterwald, M. McNally, H.
Gerberding, F. Poster, KI. Doster, A.
Vliet, C. J-angraph, H. Donaldson, L.
Walhi, AM. Allhouse, If. Kalter, M.
C . n r, E. M a rsto n , F . K en n e dy , M .I' r1 , T . L i , I . f e a m n ' e -
r~~it, andi S. Shiro".
'['the, freshman team is as follows:
71. Beaiumost, G. Appelt, S. Bonine,
1,. Childe, J. Folsoinz, E. Groff, M,
hawknsV. Johnson, IM. Lawler, M.

To se itcenUnder the leadership of Zora Carn
In an effort to make the Y. W. C.HutofheSolofMscte
A, headquarters more essential to the University Girls' Glee club is plan-
I nver~t ome, akithenhasbenin to lead the women of the Uni-
Unvriy wmn; ichnhsbe versity in all mass singing1 The mem- 1
opened by that' organization at New-:bers of the club are going to try to
berry hail. It will be open every aft- teach all the women how to sing Un-
ernoon for the use of women. Ruth! iversity songs.
Rankin, °'26, chairman of the social
commnittee of the Y. W. C. A., has Don't delay-Pay your Subscription
rent a special invitation to all women today.
to use the rooms, make fudge, have a I
cheat with friends in the new Y. W. C. ;:DtII~tfD1I1DDiililji1iiDiD;ii
A. ,room and make it their beadquart-t
ers ;providing that everything is left ; T~
in as goodl order as when found. Lea- i y B IIU
gue house woibien are particularly in-!If g
vited because they do not have the op- # = HAIR S o PE}
portunitj to do these things a~s women I 1####1!#!####!#!!###### ;i
living in dormiitories or sorority C i1DDDD#D i~iDNiiUD1tN~i
houses. It is not necessary to be a =
member of the Y. W. C. A. to make. use= Shampooing, Hair Dressing, -
of thie newly equipped kitchen. .
The committee appointed for this i Manicui, Scalp and Facial,
wrk i; as f :Mows: Rth Rankin, '26UM,--
Lenc3 Gardner, '27, Loretta Cooper.
'26, Kathryn Wilson, '26, Magr - Treatments, Export Marceiling -1
Eaton% '26, Leola Woodruff, '26, Mar-r
garet Seaman, '27, and Dorothy At-
kins,_'27.__ i- N#~DD#NI~iDDiIDD~li#l
V.A . A. To Entertain Phone 3164 Nickels Arcade T
lWIisconzsin W121o m e n ~nnmu~IuuIn~~won

Make your purchases Saturday, Oct. 25, and
save 10-cents on every dollar. All merchan-
dise except Corsets will sell at. a special reduc-
tion of 10{%.
We have an assortment of sweaters, costume
slips, bloomers, nightgowns, pajamas, silk lin-
gerie, brassieres and corset brassieres.
303 South Main Street

j Z1IfI uht lhIIIID9EE~.il f Iiefli 3 F~tII :Illsh fliHLZI:isI~ig f
4~ In Various Colors and Cc
Poputlar Price Hat S
333 South Main



Doni't Borrow-Subscribe To

Don't Borrowv--Subscribe Today. ,
The Arcade, Pharmacy
I 038-J-The Drug Store Beautiful-1 038-J

ryllllIi 11 II11IIIIi l 1 33IIIiIIII!l9IIEIii91l~iIIIII
r D u r 'i g Y o u r V i
rr~21 South Ma TO
SGives thc BlestofFob
'I Get The~re Before
rIfs i ePlace When(
'.1 I~ 111~ ii 3 s'a"al'if4 ~ lr~ 1 i 16

sxit Here



ow that Sheh is Here With You


-Get Her That Box of

MJ4jOnaLd, 1). Ivorehiouse, E. Nutt, i.
(~,v1orni, Al. lRobhinson, A. Unworth, Bteakfast at the fireplace will be
.fi Co!. WIun1dl1. s the first part of the entertainment of,-
-- fered today by the Michigan W. -A. h
to visiting members of the W. A. A.
MissouIArians Wvill of Wisconsin university.
M eet In Detroit An imrnormptu- hockey game is
schieduled for 9:30 o'clock on Palm-
er field, between a Michigan teamn. and
Detroit, NMi(Ah., Oct. 24.- U. S. Sen-I one, chosen from the visiting group. e~ ni h . h n c f M ;s u i A l w z e)_ w o a e i t r s e r
, i1 address te AMissouri Club of 'invited to comne out and participate inI
. ichig an at the General Motors, the game or the cheering.
ls'iliigt, Fridiay evening, November 7. Several women have offered cars
Ever y formier Mis sourian is invited, ;for the occasion and the game will
f.eservat ions should be made before be fofllowed by sijght :seeing tr~ips
Nyovember 1 to Mirs. GeorgeS. Kimble,
721 cvetoeth ar~e. Iaround the campus and city.
Others; seakers, vocal and musical Evanston, Ill., Oct. 24--The dedica-
oil tetiosas elasdnin r tory' ode read at the dedication of
~on he pogra. jthe Illinois stadium was prepared by
Ev nston, ll., Oct. 24.-Organiza- Prof. Lewu Sarret, of the school of
tioni is being rapidly completed to speech of Northwestern university.
revive thl( iterary magazine of the -
NO. tiwestern university. ~ L 1T--~A1

yo fvilI reaizc
th C''J~~ ROdCi
to offer
IIrOKr l oif




.You Eat"


We carry a complete line, in all sizes, and they are fresh, for
they are kept in a KAND'Y KOLD Case.



-- l

TProve conclusively
S.uality plus %Valu.,~

DANCING 1i~Read the Want Ads

t~e au the 1'V amis : {1U X.11 .A 1£ N-
..................................... ' "' - "Cress &~ Thompson Learn to dance. Start now. Open j
daily, 10 a. in. to 10 p. r1. Adult class
Com!toSlate Street every Monday and Friday.. Fifteen
Cometoh Unvrst TERRACE' AI{I)EN
s ~ j 22 1)AN('1N S UI)10S
12 Vuerth .Arcade Phone 241-R
Tea Itoomiz
fo Di=r- The Arbor FountainfoDinr ,
I2~i0~0OOn State StreetE
Supper 5 :00 -8:30 Bes-os S o
We H--ave the Sa-me Excellent. Cooking as Last Season. InheArad
- - Candies Punch
Get n M-ookThe best Punch
Russell's -Hat Shop Filled with our Delicious i n ro
,Distinctive Styles Call us up.
Hats of Brilliant Color Touches-Feathers and Flowers Cnis Poe19-
HOSIERY LINE -_ Or Waffles:
Pigeon - - Drexdale MI il The best you ever ate.
Fuill Fashioned it~ the New Shades- evdaialhus
Sunset, Tan, Fallow, Gunmetalf Filled to Your Order Drop in for eats.
G.(et your BOKS
dictres of
<11me here.
Wec'll have -
Abig assortment. -
Let us develop
-Ycur films. You'll_
Be , pleased __'___ ___ ____ ___ ___
m 1pith. our,
_ Work.

I 1... ............0 ...... .............
Special Milk Packs for the
Face and Skin


o ..we
Your home will be made more' cheerful this fall if
flowers to brighten tile gloom1-y nooks. Right now
time to bring thc-se brilliantL blossoms into the atzn
the house.

The Stoddard
Hair Shoppe
707 N. University Ave.
Phone 2652

122 E. Liberty St.

l 1 Y Ri

p....,.. ..f iffff lR fffflf

f k

U -. _ _ - u _ . . _ _ - _ _ . . _ . . _




Ma king These Wrap
Most Desirable




It is glorious to possess a luxurious, Fur, Wrap
on a biting cola day. And when the_ fur, is
new and unusual enough to attract interested,
approving glances the pleasure is greatly m~ul-
tiplied.' That your 1924 Fur Wrap may, be
of winter's most charming fur and favorite
silhouette, choose it from this, collection of
William H. Miller furs, on special exhibition
for a week. Perfect taste is emphasized and
that name in a fur, coat has come to stand for
-the finest quality and best workmanship.

R / !







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