THE MICHIG A N DA CANIJIDA TES Don't Borrowv-S-ubscrib Today. p UIIUVIII I I ISTRATION Read The ,_;,_1 Will I Sa~giilces-10C After Final Count Estim alpe Place- Total Includinig Summer andt Extension at 12,000 LAWS INCREASE ~Registration figures for the year 1924-1925, which were issued at the, of e of the registrar yesterday aft- erpoon bas>ed~ on the annual October co lt, show a slight dcreasec ove:r t official cout which w;as taken a 'the same time la A year. The en-- rc lrnnt Ifires for this year tottal 8A57 students as compared to 8.882 o last year, slowing a decrease of 25. jt is estimated that the g rand tIotal iz tudintg the Summer se";ssion and thej " dents enrolled in the Kxtension d 41,,ions of the literary college and tl "School of Education will be near- lv 12Z000 students, about the e as 1, <'year's enrollment of 11,932. 'h~e greatest decrease in any col- ico Hof the University is notedl in the lo'ss of 132 students in the engineer- * g-college. This college has a reg- is ation of 1,616, against 1,748 for ityear at this timoe. The MWd- is 1I school shows the next greatestl dI rease, wtih a loss of 60, wit h anI eitollment of 534 as comparedI to 594! he literary',college, with a total er olhunent of 4,S00, shows a de:icease, o fone over the registration of 4,801 IaI year. The pharmacy college, with ad enrollment of 72, shows a lUss of' 3s compared to thereittono 'he School of Educatjion showrs the' g ates9t gain of anly school of 'h UI versity wi. th an enrol lment of 3I1. stuents against 244 of lastyear,l" 81iwing an increase of 67. The Law,,, Se ool; in spite of the fact that theP st ndards were raised last year, sihows; a eistratiorr of. 528 students, a gain .of59 over the enrollment for 1521-t -qT A f Hot 1)og, Corn Beef, i1:hrd or "oft °aami. Imo pt e Siss Cheese, Domesti.cbCeese, l f r e e 1) e I11 o Fr omut 9.12 1.3 Sluolies told 11 HA IVEN l Five Big Factories Gll.0 R. Kinney Inc. The Latest in BradToe j !: r. .3f 0 a o 7 BEFORE and AFTER Shaving. Shoes 'hi'i i< hotos, the, most recent of the presidential ndat, show how they tare wi thtiandring the cam paigix wer and.1tearr. Left to right: llcbert iv!. Lai'koilette, Jobn W. D~avis, Calvin Coolidge. Wolvrine, Firces Of nima Is, Engages Tricky Badger Today "''' ~dcswillme the Wol- rhe reemblance to that animal is vcr]l . i lc 1''l e'S'Ofield Sat Lurday," the ' lose inl sfoeparticulars. Its color 7'wpai1r:eaine.s, sayr. Since t hc i i a mixed brown and black. IRVIsity v1(Mchiga has en rep- rIts iclaws are long, sharp, and rzsenteditb- :a t. i upon t tei.,.; i , hookred, the legs arc stout' and hair'y her jlayers hlave b1een kn~iownv1) the:(ike hose of the bear. The hind Wolvrins. 'ew eope kow ny- essa .c Ixrticularly 'significant, of thdig about the nam6i and its ;Sinailr; il th bea-, which enables it to climb ance. ,!tre,'es as that animal does. In; the window of one of the local ThI'is beast, though not large, was - U)U fL'rpf 1. XV U 6 a tii lt VY U rairVcZ'1 I fC7, "'7'' ra n"Its"grea strength an Before shaving, an application of Mifflin Alkohol will soften your beard and remove the skin oils and greases which defy or- dinary lather and water. Then, after shaving, Mufflin Alkohol is soothing and refreshing; it'relieves the dryness and drawn feeling; it makes for' soft, smooth, glowing shin!g And Miff lini Alkohol has a dozen other daily, uscs, too! After bathing, a Mifflin rub-down is cool- ing and invigorating. After exercise, Mifflin Alkohol relieves tired muscles and many "~sore spots."~ Mifflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for external use. {College teams and many other athletic organizations use Mfflin Alkohol regu- ~.arly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. Grain ILeather Black or Brown Oxfordsr Barbour Strm el Tv4EN'S E , C r 1! ! 1' try 2 o 013 0~~. St in; to III TlIhe 'Graduate schbool,whh report- hebenplaced. It is hv a this animal; ferocity, made it a terror to animals . extraordliniary gain in its regis-I from wvhich the athletic teams of the Ilger than itself. This is the name tion during the early part of theI University have derived their pseud-- by which the other schools in the ~olltient period, shows a gainl of onyms. It is supposed to have C oniference know the Michigan ath- ~stdens vertheenollentofabounded in great numbers in this letic teams, and which upon many L with acount of i532. hento state a hundred years ago, but at occasions they have found to be cor- yea the present time this; animal is al-; rectely called, for though smaller, tao ol e rNreach how ahgain most extinct .Occasionally one is dis- they have displayed the ferocity of 11 students over their en1ro11llmnt covered but it is very rare. spirit which has turned a contest from Xas yar,1'1G letaicott r~ he,; These animals were most numerous- defeat into victory in the face of the ,ellmen year. T dhe ta clrlehainl the regIon of Lake Superior. They odds which were against them. enollrmres of352n1 te2rinn measured' from three to four feet in. Today they will have a chance to Ihe ne-%v Business Administration length from 'the tipt of the nose to the display that ferocity against the tricky Fool reports an enrollment of 18 extremity of the tail. The tail was Badgers. dlents. Many of the students who from 6 to 10 inches long andl extreme- endl to enter this school ar- now ly bushy. Th~e hair was coarse, but, Foreign Subscriptions $4.00- pay- lled in the literary and engineer- long and bushy like thiat of the bear. table now. < colleges, where 11;it sneesayto thle first twoyears of terwork htlis combined course LfW~ ~AIi~~iWB IJACK MULAL and E DNA MURPHY --in- * reshman hygiene lectures will'be- 66 " 'on TVhrsdiay, Oct. 30, according toy2 'eorge A. May of the physical e0~_---y- 0ndepartment. Three lectures will RICHARD E. E1NRIGHT 'iven then and will take the placer rhe regular gym classes. They are Police Comrmissioner of New York City ek and will be repeated the next je ieh l ir!"on . din ,..t the samle hours.K nn t tva on u i a,. former zyears thlehealth lectur "DIT 66 Da given before the starting of'he( }1a11 tat t classes but this year they vwillP 'eevery few weeks at the regular rs for the classes. Beside-, the ________________________________________ hmen whose ttendlance if;con o ry, all s~ophomores and up 1''1 OS;mcn wbo failed to appear a f f U Mifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. les Agents: HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO., inc. 171"Madison Ave., New York' Toronto Sydney fWellingtonz the external lonic AT ALL GOOD DRUG S!1ORES t1ktN MIFFLIN r- KOHO a t 1' 117 South Malnnft, - MUSEHV ~E T PF-A-AP0 Last T-imes Tonighit 7:(l i& She Fell In toA }~i for Then Tidgs .egai to Happen ADOptiZiNQR 3'J-with-AsX gi1 D1, of scl fry pal ,T()l)AY ONFLY" DOITMISS A- f.xk S f3- Comedy '~Liie U~biisn orkscreiv" TOM MOQ And 4Great Cast I CWSU"NDAY______ LNTRTANEto100 PER CENT PLUTS A, Picure,.,Poigiant, 'POierfi Trenmendous In Its Scope 14 th4 rec ohI tr no 1 No 'Ensign Picture "wo--thir'ds of the campus organiz - L, fraternities, sororities, dorm-i- eand classes are rimhnin; the uce of 'having their pictures left of this year's 'Ensian because ofi .r failure to signl contracts for pe, according to those in charge. Ws contracts must be signed and! II'ned to' thle Michiganens:ian of- on or before Nov. 1 in ordear that size of the various organization Lons for this year may be deter- l ed. ny organization wehiche failed to' lyie the contract imited to it imay in one at the Press bu ,i lding. The ian office will receive signed con- ts from 2 to 4 o'clock every after- ,n except Saturday. Et I All Streets Lead to the Lamed Hard- IN V LILAC; ware, where we carry a Full Line of Alarm Clocks,............. ...$1.25 to $4.00 Electric Heaters.............. ... ,$5.00 to $8.50 Electric Toastecrs .................... $2.00 to $8.04 electric Student Lamps.......... ......... .. .$3.50 fE-lectric Curling. Irons.................. $2.0!) co $7.50 Electric 'F lat Irons ............. .$5.00 to $8.50 Electric Pads ............... ...... ..$4.00 to $8.50 Electric Hot Plates.................... $2.00 to $8.00 Electric Percolators.................. $10.00 to $12,50 'Electr ic Vacuum Cleaners ................. $45.40 L--arge and small flash lights .............. $1.25 to $3.50. v ARomantic Dan ra .of Buccaneer' : i )DOLPH ZUKQR~ J ~ESSE LILASKY A bg in ,seaculEr pr Idd d. tuction afraom the "Creen's W®io To Serve Buffet Lunches Inorder to accomodate the large crow~Td which is expected to fal the Mi+higan Union today, officials of'_ the Union have arranged to serve a lig0ht buffet lunch of sandwichies, cake and co!$ee in the reading room on the sec-' njfloor. This lunch may be secured frm10:30 o'clock in the morning uni-' tiltthe game starts. A portable soda foufntain will also be placed in the' rending room so that ice cream and dr Aks may be obtained. Days On the Spanish Main!. UE PLERSO'NALLY SELECTE Df/PVI Bkk))Y AAEP .J ;L SABATINI ToPLYtJjfI OE.I I' i II II 11 yE D O - FHR I 11 LARNvED HARDWARE, SLA' ATE CC mm- k a rI- 1I h2 I 11