FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924 _____________ 'THE Mid IJAN DAIL_.Y AT3 N,;_ADVERTISINGAT3PM QOTICE ATTENTION NEWSBOYS DO YOU want to earn some] money? Well come Daily Office about and sell extras for football game. around to1 4:30 Saturd the Wiscor big the da to and '' 111-1: WANTED FOR SAIJE I LANDLADIES- STUDENTS DON'T Overltook the opportunity save on many household nece~ ties at The Economy Second He I USED CARlS MISIO One 190% Chevrolet Touring Car. 1'his MELL GILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- Car is in extra good shape. The1 er, thirty year's experience. Man- motor is very quiet and powerful. violin, guitar, banjos and chord The car has 5 cord tires andv will construction. Telephone 1791-M. E give you new car transportation wt; BUSINESS OPPOLTUNITIES Eused car prices.' Call 813 for dem -___________________ onstration.1 SALESMEN Sell weather strips in One 1922 Chevrolet Ile Luxe jeam, your spare time. Real proposition 1This sedan can be bought for $285I to a hustler. Write Landore & Co.,: Iand is well worth it. Call 813 forj 429 Wayne St., Detroit. Idemonstration. One irate lledel -Reo Roadstder. If! Subscribe for The Michigan Daily You will let us demonstrate this j PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERts car to you, we. feel sure you will ) buy it. It is in very good condition. F. ~ CHVRLET~ * mead the Want Ads' Cor. W. H-uron and Ashley Sts.I I1 CHO0RAL UNION Ticket for sale. WANTE~D Wisconsin Tickets. Phone M lh' floor. Call 851-R. jL. Burt, 1722-W. ,y. " i a WANTD Sngl tiketStore, 209 N. Mlain St., Phone 789-M.r FORD. IN GOOD RUNNINTG Condition. #WNE igetce for Wiscon- We sell what you do want and buy Trsfair. A real buy for twice Sn m.Poe26-.wa o o' at what is asked. Price 3a. call!- Clarene SiinglclckerWANT ED One, two or three ticketsFR IN ( fOr W isconsin gam e, call Crane ___________________--______________________________________ 3Q079-W' 909. SEVEN ROOM House, Dexter, Mich. AkLTO 1,"ESCI-IER Saxophone usied " J Garage, furnace, ,gas, electricity,- four months. Gaood condition. Call ONE OR TWO tickets for Wisconsin + $30.00. Inquire Air. -Copeland, 171 hlm 2967-J, game. Call 2574-W between 11 and1 Huron, Dexter.E T~~iLORING 12 and an5:30. ICLANOi SVITS 1ADEi TO 'itOU15 MEASURE. WANTED Two tickets for WisconsinI $25.0, 30.0 an $3.00 ~, all1024M. UGSSHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. $2.ERM3000and.TI;,.E gme.Cal 124M.OG Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works,I 802 State Street. i WANTED ONE TWO OR THREE Phn50 WROUGHIT IRON BRID:GEI IA'lIS tickets for the game Saturday. Call TYPEWRITING DONE promptly, ef- ficiently and accurately, by Charles $3.45. Af Koch & Ilenne, 300 ' S 61j __________40 E Wshngon Main.____Negber187.Wahnt. _____________________ALL OUR~ FRIENDS to give us a call Call 481-M: Rates 10c a page. . COLD' VIOLLIS: A fine collection ofJ at our new Church, Street Barber STUDENT DELIVERY' old Strad Guarneri, Amati, and Shop. First Class work and court DELIVERIES TO ANY PART O1' Stainer models, Cellos, Mandolins, tesy' to all. JOE SHALTIS 'and ED- CITY 50c. Baggage and trunks and Guitars. Will bu {or crepaoil WA I) BOWEN. 607 Church St. checked free. OPEN TILL 9:00 P. brckren violin>. 533 . ;ma in St.M.ADSN Y.Lihtrc Phlone 2 075-WV . I N SNAS igttuk d ~ IAiI- i t2, Wn i- A tA ing-of All kinds. Phone 3591-J. G. SNAPPY, SERVICEABLE WATERPROOFS 6111t tkeo with College men --- -w- I i i S (! E i , f . ;, FOUND 1 BU XTON Key case with six keys found on Illinois campuslbeiore game. Probably belongs to a Michigan man. Cal1 at Dally of- fice, Lox AP LOST LOST White gold, link bracelet Mon- dlay, probably on cam pus llReward. Call Jean Reichmann 3404. LOST Gold Elgin Wrist 'Watch. Mono- gram E. Y. R.. Frida~y night, Oct. 17. Reward. Eunice Rose, Tel. 251. LOST A small black purse. Initials H. H. Call Miss*I-Heinemann, Phone 18893-M. LOST Phi Kappa, Sigma fraternity pin. Namne Cecil W. Lepard en-. graved on back. Call 1166.1 c UIC YY MIL flUN F. yLeverett, FProp. PianoJz I can improve your style and make you a better player. I can teach you a new style of bass and new syncopated effects. Single lessons or a course of ten. BILL WATKINS DIRECTOR GRANGER'S ACADEMY ORCHESTRA For Appointments call at Granger's Academy or Phone '788. 1 I a cYEL 'W O n O LIV E ') (YELLOW OR OLIVE) AJ TOWER CO. t ' T/i / '. _ _ , f - / r, i / f r; . / I /r , _' ' .. =. ._ // I :- - -- _ ,I BOSTON C NA 5 6 Q b. Ii * C # 1. p NV ri $1 a' 1 LI a . 6I u -0 1 &k r WISCONSIN? MICHIGAN? S 3 i (SEE BOTTOM OF AD.) 0 r - ~ Vests Ldwir eafier Jackets LEATHER JACKETS FOR LADIES AND MEN These jackets come in brown andl grey suede and are attract- ively tailored. No garment is moure useful and attractive for the outdoor girl or man. BREECHES In a variety of materials and in all sizes. These :are all wool. Our stock is especially complete and they are very reasonably priced -at $4.50. SHIRTS Blanket patterns are very popu- lar. We have them in all colors. Also 0. D. Khaki and plain colors. These are the very best in woolen shirts. SHOES High-tops, packs, and hiring shoes for men and women, and in addition a line of good, prac- tical dependable shoes for men and boys. GOLF HOSE A necessity now for either sports or hiking. These are in both heavy and light weight and are priced from $1.50 up. RAINCOATS JUDGMENT I Corduroys, Sheep-lined Vests, Mack- .in aws, Overco-a ts. You'll nced them now. Our stock is complfete. We have. bought onl from the best make rs and can give them to you at reasonable prices. W.t You'll have to have one for the games. AUTO ROBES, STEAMER RUGS andO0.:D. ALL WOOL BLANK- ETS in khaki and oxford 4gray. These blankets serve .many purposes and you'll never regret your investm~ent. Buy -now- the extra use will save you money. e ei~0 s We have also block plaids in all wool blankets, in all sizes. The savings on these are astound-ing. Slickers,i ber coats. will need Cravenettes and rub- Buy one now for you it this fall. R. 0. .. C. Attention! We have Munson Army Shoes, Officers' D~ress and Hliking Shoes (and in addi- tion the outing shoes men- tioned in the column). All- wool O.D. Khaki shirts, leath- er puttees, leggings and breeches. This store is pe- uliarly fitted to serve you. ,Some down and tell us your needs. We can help' you. SWEATERS. -In heav y and light weights, ), rjshedl wool in plain 'and fancy ctyles, wec have a complete line. These are of the highest grade, 'Al wool, . Id range from .$3.150 apl. A FEW OTHER? NECESSITIES " eather brief cases, music cases, drivers' helmets, barracks bags, underwear, socks, camping equipment. Alarm clocks. -SOUR -ANSWER- Ilope out 'lie score if you wish. The chances are you'll be, wrong4 but you can't make a, misetake on our values. You have to walk al little furthaer but you can't make money any easier. SURPLUS SUPPIES STORE "It pays to Ivalk a felt' block$" 213 N.*4th Ave. [Ps FFICE] i U mw