A- OCTO3E 24, 1924 IHE MICHIGAN DAILY ILTA MEW =A-wAn I WN o .s . !' a '. HONOR COUNCIL DISCUSSES PLANS Initiation Service Held for Six Houses In The Honor Council i 1 P I y i I it f 'EEl NEMBE IRW1ES' SE The Faculty Women's C sires to secure the names ulty wives who would join the newly or "Brides' Section." Wives ulty of the rank of instru above who have beenr less than a year are eligi memnbership. Anyone who _I- Mlub de- of fac- l ke to ganized of fac- ictor or married I ble for j owould T 1'A ('TU ' TJI'TTfCTt qcNFlT' l i liketo become a member of this 7 section is requested to notify embers of the Honor Council met IMrs. Ralph B. Fast, 2311-J or Wednesday night at Rey house to dis- 1 University 57. cuss, certain alterations that are to be made in the constitution of the Coun- cil. Methods of co-operating to make the bazaar a success were also dis- I Lurie Appo inted cussed. .Chaitie At present there are six houses in ha es ev ief the Honor Council with' two repre- sentatives from each house rmaking Harry L. Lurie, formerly instructor up the executive committee. Margaret Hr Lhe urie, formentructor Dixon, '25, vice-president of the Wo- in the sociology department, has been men's League, presided at the meet- appointed head of the United Jewish ing and according to the constitution (oarbities in Chicago. While in Ann wiltual president has been elected. At for the local community fund and took the preioseetihasnofted.ounAt an active part in several of the local the previous meeting of the Council charities. initiation services were held.c League houses are eligible to mem- bership on the Honor Council if they The Salvation army has organized have one fifth' of the same member= a home league for incompetent house- ship they, had last year and if they wives-women who love their hus- mhintain a certain scholarship stand-I bands and children but have assumed dard. They must co-operate among the responsibilities of marriage with themselves. They must take part is I absolutely no experience in the man- campus activities. It is now arranged ' agement of a household. so that houses are marked by a point system similar to the point system . Foreign Subscriptions $4.00- pay- used to determine individual activi- able now. ties. All league houses are organized in- -- --.-.-...---.....--..: .. - to zones which makes them more ef- fective for any co-operati-e work or play. Athletics especially benefit by the zone system. If one house is un- ,/ o 0 able to maintain a baseball or hockey team, a zone makes such a team pos-. You will want to look your sible. best for the Wisconsin game It was discovered that a great deal of talent was present among the girls - and the paiiy after. Come of the different league houses and the in and have your hair mar- Honor Council was instituted to as- celled--wke feel that you will sist in bringing out that, talent. The be well e girls are brought together for work -e and play in a way that was impossi- r ble when they were scattered.fa The present Honor Council hopes that there is a large number of other }Fair oop c houses pla.nning to attempt to qualify for membership at the beginning of 707 N. University Ave. next year as a new Council will be )Phone 26> selected at that time.. .. ... .,..... .........t SENIOR CLSS WINS IN INTER -CLASS HOCEY Members of the senior class were victorious over the juniors, and the sophomores tied with the freshmen in the women's Varsity interclass hockey series which was played off I yesterday on Palmer field. Miss Ger- 1 maine Guio4, a temporary member of the faculty of the physical edu- cation department, who is on leave of absence from Western State Normal in Kalamazoo, was head coach' of the games. The seniors won from the juniors with a 3 to 1 score; sophomores and freshmen tied with a score of 2. Elizabeth Ranck and Dorothy Davis . starred on the senior team and Nor- ma Barlow made the goal on the jun- ior team. "The interclass hockey series are conducted this year according to the following plan," Miss Guiot explain- ed. "N .ch class team plays each of the other classes. The teams which score the highest, figured on a per- centage basis, play a series of three games. fIn the same manner the two teams who have the lower percent- ages play a consolation series of three games ." Cambridge, Oct. 23.-A triangular debate among the three political dlubs' will mark the climax of the Presi- dential campaign at Harvard. A Costuming Service for Michigan Women Come in any time and let's talk over your dressmaking problems- cents in the office of Mrs. Byrl Fox Schedule Hockey I Discuss Voters 'acher at the School' of Music. Oth- er women who are interested in the 'Games For Today Slogan At Meeting N otcesorganization can alsobuy tickets, the price of which is $1.50. Helen Newberry residence ill play 't a:( t11 Please, but Vote," the - Members of the outlaw hockcy team Gamma i Beta and Adelia hever .. an of the "Get Out the Vote" Athletic managers of all organized will practice at 4 o'clock Monday on dormitory will centest wj"14 ilel camv;egn being conducted by the houses should submit a list of the lower Palmer field. 1Barbour h isC in the third and fourth M YIign League of Women voters lower Palmr field.aarbour ussusd it thethiretang fourth- members of their hockey teams and games of the inter-house gOCLy nasdist the Ang on Wed- the class to which these members University Girl's Glee club will tournament at .1 o'clock today :on Pa- of the Ann r o r anch met t :3ttdafn hethrdflororganizatio3. Mrs. Ruth Buich - belong to Miss Elsie Erley in Bar- meet at 4:30 today, on the third floor fieldan informaltalk on the of the School of Music. bour gymnasium immediately. The fifth gamne of the wll wor boing done in other towns in be played Monday wh n ,M C egate o.i fiel. Plans were made for the Members of the Student league of Re1A Sorosis will vie with Martha -Cook og:anizing of study clubs during the Matinee Musicale can obtain course Read the W ant AdS building and Alpha Ganuna Delafi v ine in which the college girls tickets for the Matinee Musicale con- meet Zone 4. werbIl have an active part. $6 Leather hats! New, smart, serviceable. To accompanN sports outfits of all sorts. Ideal for wear with slickers. They're in all colors, in cloche and off- thc-face shapes. SECOND FLOOR G OODYEARVS 124 SOUTH MAIN 17' .A J.' ,! to r Agnes McIntyre 222 Nickels Arcade Opposite Betsy Ross Shop '- ., , i a 17' Y"# 4 s j" r pt J T J .. J fY f! Here There is Everything to Complete Milady From William H. hiller, Ileginning To-day I No wonder women adore fur coats-they are so luxuriously warm and [:eautifully becoming. The flattering effect of a black seal coat-the zoftening way of a fur collar-small wonder that women eagerly await the opportunity to select a fur wrap! And when 'winds start whistling and theie's a chill in the air, only a fur coat keeps one warm as toast. Contrast is the keynole of se new fall modes in Fur Coats. Bands of contrasting fur trim coats. Silver Rat skin is a favorite. Raccoon is again popular for the out-cf-door girl, while jacquettes of seal, burunduki, caracul, mole and other furs are popular for walking and such wear. Luxurious capes and long coats gracefully enfold the wearer. Select yours today and wear it to the game Saturday. Our special showing of William H. Miller furs makes it an opportune time to buy a fur coat. (MACK'S SECOND FLOOR) Ii II~1 Golden October days of crisp, autumn aunshine, hours of thrilling fall sports, and a demand for the latest, compels mi-lady to look to her wardrobe. Here mi-lady may find the additions that will make her wardrobe complete. In silk dresses there are Satins and Bengolins to think about. Ensemble Suits, handsomely collared with Beaver and Squirrel have{ become a firm fixture in .women's fashions. All these we have. JACOB0' Where Shopping is a Pleasure F