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October 24, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 10-24-1924

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VOL. XXXV. No. 28







dger Fullback Electrocuted; f
Would Have Played Tomorrow
Killed in Engineering Lalrora- Opiz, fullback. Twenty-seven mem-
Shortly Before Team Leaves bers made the trip.I
For Game Opiz died at the University Hospi-
I tal this afternoon from shock and in-
son, Wisconsin, Oct. 23. (By A. juries suffered when 700 volts of
he Wisconsin football squad electricity passed through his body in
light on the first lap of the t'rip ! the engineering laboratory a short
Arbor, where Saturday it will time before.
he Michigan Wolverines. A Opiz, who played fullback and
ignal practice preceded the de- other backfield positions, was to have
., left with the rest of the squad late
team was almost demoralizedl today for Ann Arbor, Mich., for the
sudden dealth of Herbert C. Saturday game with Michigan.

i .

_Iiichign Tuberculosis Association,
Trudeau Medical Society Will
Finish Sessions
Dr. Woods Hutchinson, '84M, will
be the principal speaker at the jointj
banquet of the Michigan Tuberculo-
sis association and the Trudeau
Medical society to be held at 6
o'clock tonight at the Chamber of
Commerce Inn as the concusion of
the two conventions. Dr. Hutchinson,
who enjoys a nation wide reputation
both as author and lecturer, was se-
lected to take the place of Dr.
Mazyzk Ravenral of the University of
Missouri who was unable to be pres-

left ton
to Ann
meet t
light si
by the

Addresses Architectural Smoker at
Union; Gathering Held to
Aid Freshmen
Eliel Saarinen, noted Finnish archi-


Dr. Hutchinson's work has been de- tect, now acting as visiting professor
voted to -the interpretation of scien- on 'the faculty of the architectural
tific medicine and hygiene. Many of olle ast nigt aressedcthe
his articles have appeared recently college, last night addressed the
in the Saturday Evening Post. architectural smoker held at the
The meetings of the two societies Union. This was the annual assem-
will be held separately, the Tubersu- bly given by the Architectural society
losis association will convene at Lane
hall while the Trudeau society will of the University for the purpose of
assemble at the medical amphithea- giving the members of the freshman
tre of the University hospital. I architectural class a chance to be-
Michigan Tuberculosis association come acquainted with the other stu-
will open its program at 9:30 o'clock dents and faculty members of the
Friday at Lane hall when the regis-
tration desk opens. A half hour later coee.
Professor Saarinen acted on the
Frank I3. Leland, president of the or-
ganzaton illprsid ovr te gn-faculty of the architectural college
ganization will preside over the gen- last year but last night was the first
erala i hopportunity for the freshmen to meet
address and reports of the treasurer I him. His address was the leading
executive secretary, and local branch- hfm.uHis tddrenngs teeadeng
es will be given, committees appoint- feature of the evening. Gene Green,
ed, directors elected, and the new who is presenting an act at the Ma-
constitution voted on. At noon the jestic this week, was present at the
new board of directors will hold a lun- smoker and gave a short skit. A
cheon during which officers for the fencing match was also presented.
yedhwill be elected. s Douglas Loree, '24A, president of
year b o lcted. the Architectural society, was chair-'
l2' k h n e man of the smoker and headed the
cession will be held. Fivelectures committee in charge of the arrange-
will be given by well known health
authorities. Dr. Robinson Bosworth, m s f the spea ardor the
exeutie scrtar, avisrycommis- various acts, presented. A large tufrn-
executive secretary, advisory cm i out of architects awarded the efforts
sioner of the Minnesota State sana-o of h chittsr.
torium for consumptives will head of the committee.
the list of speakers on the subject, An eight piece orchestra, organized,
"Mi isota's Experience With Tuber- from members of the society, played
culMsos Sanatoriaen The five ad- before the meeting. Cider and dough-
dresses will be followed by a general nuts were served as refreshments.

Michigan Quota of 15,000 Seats for
Ohio Game Selling Rapidly;
5,000 Left
Tickets for one nome game and one
out of town game are still available
and applications will be received at
the office of the Athletic associationj
in the Yost field house, it was an-
nounced last night by Harry A. Til-
lotson. Michigan's quota for the
Ohio State game at Columbus, is 15,-
000 and as applications for 10,000
seats have been received so far, there
is yet an opportunity to secure tick-
ets for this game.
There are a number of tickets for
the Northwestern game that have not
been alloted as yet and students may
file applications for these seats any
time during the day. As Northwest-
ern's team is much more formidable
this year than any previous years, it
is expected that all the tickets will
be sold before the game.
Seats for the Iowa game, the last
game of the season, have been prac-
tically all sold out.


\S LMadame Jeritza
I C 0 N P I P M I I Plinds That Studtenats lBoth in idt-wFest
TAnd East are Easiest
Jazz is the only distinctly Ameri-
"BACK TO VlC'T ORX" IS SLOGAN ,eritza (pronounced"s ra"
OF STUDENTB ODY FOR ing soprano of the Metropolitan
GATEFllNG Opera company, who made her first
public appearance in Ann Arbor last
HESTON MAY SPEAK night at the Hill auditorium. "More
than that," she added, "it is the only
universal music for it is the only type,
Danii Hugh ('abot Will IteĀ±reenlt which is found in all the countries of
Faculty; Other Speakers And Europe as well as in America."
Perhaps Coach Will Talk "I like jazz music, as you will find
most artists do, she continued. "There
Michigan's student body will gather is something fascinating about it, its
at 7 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium syncopation, its rhythm, all appeals
for the second pep meeting of the even to the artist."
year. "Back to Victory" will be the '"Yes, I find student audiences more
slogan impressed upon the thousands i appreciative. That is why I enjoy
who are expected to attend the demon-
stration. With five Conference games,
remaining on the schedule the Varsity
football team will need the support of
the entire student body. C A O A
Judge William M. Heston, '04, all
time All-American halfback and mak-
er of gridiron history at Michigan will
speak at the meeting if he is able to
leave the bedside of his son who was(
recently injured in a football game. -. 1. C. A. To Work With Associa-
Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical iuon; Canvassing and Budget
school will be the faculty speaker. Will Be Separate
Alfred B. Connable, '25, president of
the Student council will preside. Sev- HENDERSON TALKS
eral other speakers are also being se- -_
cured to fire the crowd and a pepio
meeting the rival of last week's mam- Under irection of Earl P. Sawyer,
moth gathering is expected. If pos- '25A chairman of the S. C. A.'s an-
sible to get away one of the coaches nual drive for finances, the campaign
will talk. organisation is rapicily assuming
The meeting will be opened by the form. A meeting of the captains of
Varsity bard playing "The Victors." ! tha drive, along with the finance comn-
Lyman Glasgow. '25, head Varsity I mittee, was held in the Union, Mon
cheerleader and the five other mem- day night, at which time Sawyer is-
F+Ith fis t inc trntinn_ n sndLa wut )

Van Tyne Will Iltroduice Distngu ish-
ed In 'Economist in Public
Address Here
Dr. Irving Fisher of Yale univer-
sity, the distinguished economist, who
will deliver a public address on "The
League of Nations" at 8 o'clock Mon-
day night in hill auditorium, will be
introduced by Prof. C. H. Van Tyne
of the history department, it was an-


audience as well as to those students
in the east where I am, perhaps, bet-
ter known."
When asked why grand opera is
not so widely known and appreciated
in America as in Europe, the, prima
donna explained that an answer to
such a question would be "a long
story." She did say that opera, which
was born in Italy, has become a tra-
dition in Europe, especially on the
continent. "England, she declared,
"is a little different than America. It I
is an Anglo-Saxon country and has4
only its great choral societies to dis-
tinguish it more than America."
(Continued on Page Two)


Thinks Jazz
American Music
singing to them so much. Of course
it is due to their study and better un-
derstanding of music. This I find to
be true of the middle western LITICAL ISSUES

Attacks 3Mnicipal Ownership of Mail-
roads in Talk Before Chamber of
Washington, Oct. 23.-President
Calvin Coolidge set forth tonight pol-
icies of administration under which he
purposes that the government wili
"maintain peace, promote economy,
provid a protective tariff, assist the
farmers, leave the people in posses-
sion of their property and maintain the
integrity of the courts."
In the last extended address he ex-
pects to make before election and the
most comprehensive he has delivered
since his speech of acceptance of the
republican nomination, the president
declared his stand on practically ev-
ery phase of government affairs. He
discussed campaign issues, in some
instances for the first time.
Mr. Coolidge spoke before the eastr
ern division of the Chamber of Com-
merce of the United States, meeting
here in the chamber's new building
and the address was carried by radio
to almost every section of the country.
Summarizing the administration's
program which he said had "brought
an era of more than average pros-
perity," the president called attention
that despite the "natural supposition




The same afternoon several famous,
lecturers will seak on the prograit
of the Trudeau ical socienyt progra
the medical amphitheatre. Besides
the speeches there will be two discus-
sions, one of them led by Dr. A. D.
Wickett of Ann Arbor. _
ktriday nightthe joint banquet will 'r
be held at the Chamber of Commerce Toronto, Ontario., Oct. 23.-At 9:30
Inn. Entertainment is to be furnish- tonight with 4,406 sub-e-
ed bthe Washtenaw County Branch tion districts heard from out of a total
of the Michigan Tuberculosis associa- of 7,332, the standing in the Ontario
io n Prof. John Sundwall of the liquor plebiscite was:
tin andPof.JhFor the Ontario temperance aict
hygiene and public health department 348,563.
of the University will be-toastmaster. government control 387,714.
Besides the speech by Dr. *Hutch- orThis gave a majority of 44,151 for,
son, talks wil be delivered by Dr. R.1 government control.
M. Olin, state commissioner of health; As rural polls continued to come in
Dr. Bernard L. Wyatt, secretary a short decrease in the majority for
technical board of the Millbank mem- government control was manifested.
orisil fund of New York city; and From 9 o'clock to 9:30 800 polls cutf
Phillip P. Jacobs, the publicity di- 24,000 from this majority.
rector of the National Tuberculosis
Various business matters will be ( .
brought up at the final meeting of Hu n 1WVI ;
the Michigan Tuberculosis associa-
tion Saturday morning. .0
It was announced last night that FMMI
outsidcrs desiring 'to attend the ban- -c
quet Friday night can make reserva- At three-thirty this afternoon theI
tions by calling Lane hall. (freshman literary class of '28, will hold
its first general assembly, with its
ii own officers presiding, in Hill audi-
HII1 WL PEEtorium. Perry M. Hayden, '25, presi-
I I~ dent of the Students Christian associa-
.!tion, will address the class on the
topic, "That Something."
Prof. H. H. Higbie of the mechanical Class Treasurers
engineering department leaves Sat- To Plan Dues Day
urday night for Briar Cliff Lodge, N. I
Y. to attend the eighteenth annual con- C
vention of the Illuminating engineer- Class treasurers winll meet at 3
ing society. Professor Higbie will pre- o'clock this afternoon in the Student
sent a paper on "Predetermination of Council office, activities room of the
Day-light from Vertical Windows" be- Union, to make arrangements for the
fore the society on Monday morning class dues day which has been set by
The papereals with the theoretical the council for next Wednesday. Wil-
and experimental results he has ob- liam Kerr, '25E, treasurer of the coun-
taned on day-lighting from actual in- cil, will have charge of the meeting.
vestigation of factories and models of The method of collecting the funds
buildings. The convention will last to finance the respective class ac-
from October 27, through October 30 tivities and the assignment and loca-
after which Professor Higbie will re- tion of booths for next Wednesday
turn to Ann Arh"'r. will be decided at this meeting.

Alumni Fill
Union, Local
Hotel Rooms
Returning alumni and football fans
will be numerous in Ann Arbor this
weekend if the reservations of rooms
in the Union and the local hotels can
be taken as an accurate indication.
The 49 bedrooms at the Union were
sold out in June for tonight and to-
morrow as well as for the weekend
of the Iowa game.
All the rooms at the Allenel hotel
were reserved for tonight and tomor-;
row a week ago, while the Whitney
hotel is practically sold out, having
pnly a few rooms still available for
Saturday night.
Van Tyne Lauds I
Herb Steger In
History Lecture
For the first time in more than 20
years of service in the University,
Prof. C. H. Van Tyne of the history
department has referred directly to
football during a lecture hour. This
unusual event occurred yesterday
morning, when Professor Van 'yne
took a few minutes of his lecture on
American history to laud the work of
Capt. Herb Steger in the Illinois
The tribute to Steger by the Daily1
Illini, which was reprinted in yes-
terday's Daily, was the cause of this
departure from precedent. "If I were
Steger," said Professor Van Tyne, "I
would value that tribute more than a
victory over Illinois. To be great in
victory is fine, but to be great even
in defeat is far better."
Crirninoligists To'
Visit Prison Farm

leers of the cheering squad will be on '
hand. The new vells which as yet
are not well know will be tried sever-
al times. The meeting will be con-,
cluded by singing lhe "Yellow and the
Blue." The words of all songs wifl bej
projected on the screen.
The council asks that eli "1" 'men
wear their sweaters end "Al" hats to
the meeting. It is hoped that all letter!
men will respondl to this suggestion as
it is di tinctly a tim when the fa-
Smouls IVIichigan "::l" should be worn.
Slides of all the coachesa;d pla-y-
4.-S have been nae e"pCilly fo tC:1
meeting tonight and w)ili be flashed
on the screen before the crowd.


"T1he Romnxanl ic Age" to be Presented1
By Players at The Whitney
Tonight at the Whitney theater, the
Michigan theater League will produce
"The Romantic Age," a comedy by A.
A. Milne, to open the.season. Profes-
sor O. J. Campbell, of the English de-
p nrtmont heads this organization,
which' is to launch upon its second
year of activity this evening. The
purpose of the League is to bring to
Ann Arbor plays of a better orderj
than have been here in previous
years. Plays produced in the Cleve-
lard Playhouse are bought by this
group, an presented in Ann Arbor
after th"'y have run in Clevel,.,nd.
"The Romantic Age" is a satire,'
directed by Frederick McConnel, in
which Elmer Lehr will play th'e part
of Henry Knowle, and Virda Stewart,
who played the mother in Mixed Mar-.
riages last year will act in the role of I
Me ry Knowle, his wife. Phyliss Ty-
ler will play as Melisanae, the daugh-
ter, Daphne Williams as Jane Bagot,
his niece, Johm Edwards as Bobby I
Ccoto and John I'eistel as Centlenian
Last year under the name of the
Michigan Repertory theater, the#
Teegue presented Mixed Marriages,
the Mollusc. Man and Superman, and
March IHTares.
Series ticket prices are, first four-

'-10( e irsL ns rucL Ons, ane~ zonez
Crocker, of the athletic department nounced last night. that every well-wisher of the country
.eocer of hathlecoptent- Uncertainty as to where the meet- would be anxious to maintain tha
delvered a short speech on th'e sub- ing would be held was definitely dis- present established order of things"
ject of "Social Obgations." Ipelle yesterday when President there are now proposed "at least two
Aittee Tuesday, it was decided to ac- Marion L. Burton authorized use of of the most revolutionary changes"-
epi. the suggestion of the Y. W. C. A. the auditoium by the League of Na- I government ownership of transporta-
drive. tions Non-Partisan association, the tion and limitation of the powers of
to cooperate with thzemz in their die
Wl o te tw camaigns areto brie Iorganization under whose auspices the supreme court.
While the two campaigns are to be lD.Fse oe oAnAbr
held ssmultaneously presenting a Dr.isher comes toAnn"Arbor. .i Public ownership, he described as a
President Burton's action was in"most perilous undertaking, both to
solid front to the camputs, there is -
no connection between th"- budgets, conformity with the recommedation the welfare of business and the in-
of the deans of the University, ap- dependence of the people?' If powers
nir wfithr cnvs.ng bproved by the Board of Regents, that of the supreme court were limited as
University buildings shall be open to proposed, he said, "the historian
the interchurch council, captains, and non-partisan speakers upon "matters would close the chapter with the
lieutenants gathered for luncheons at of public interest affecting our poli- comment that the people had shown
the Methodist church yesterday no tical, social, legal and economic in- they were incapable of self-govern-
here theys wer givesstitutions," providing the speakers ment and the American republic had
where they. were given additional in- are "intelligent well-qualified and proved a failure.,
strdctions. Professor W. Dr Henderi onest."Mr. Coolidge said furthei reduction
son adivressec the meeting, recalling The question first arose last fall i in federal taxes was possible on the
stdiv ofi L eshall. mhe n-when the Regents refused to permit basis of the estimated government
Trhecabinet again iet with the George W. Wickersham to speak for budget for next year and he outlined
i ercthurch council last night.At I the League of Nations in Hill audi- as his "common sense" method of
m(ecuc onills gt taxation-
this meeting the plans for tihe first t or urn. Following that occurrence,tatin
hismtin Associins n t eresthe (eans took under advisement the In foreign affairs, the president
"Christian Associations night" wer general problem of use of University'{ promised co-operation in the interests
next University service, when Fred buildings by outside speakers and the of peace; declared for constitutional
B.SithUrecety s ofe thenJohns- ' adoption of their report by the Re- covenants outlawing aggressive war,
B. Smith, recently of the Johns- gents may be .considered to have fare; and reaffirmed his proposal for
LawenfoeCmenteagu and ouhe settled the matter. Dr. Fisher's adherence to the permanent court of
Law-enforcement league and founder speech is the first occasion of the international justice. He announced
of the Committee of 1,000 will be the ,!,,~hngteao, eiin opposition, however, to participation
speakzer. It is planned that the cabi- year invokzing the above decision. opoirn hwvr opatcpto
- Dr. Fisher has been, campaigningby this government n international
nets of the S. C. A. neluding the for American membership in the conferences discussing questions of
interchurch council, and the Y. W. C. ."id purely our own domestic affairs;" to
A. will sit on the platform. League of Nations in Indiana and "purelauron omta is o
Annoncoefltwasalsomad ofI inois for 'some weeksi and he has the cancellation of war debts ow~e-
Announcement was also made of nsfrsmhA this nation, and # o the entrance of the
the appointment to the cabinet of been iduced to stop at Ann United States into the league of na-
Thomas Pryor, '26, who has been on his way East. lie will probably tions.
paced in charge of Campus service. arrive in town Monday morn ng. No other "sound and practical policy
Charles A. Stevens ', wse Monday night he will be the dinner in foreign affairs has been presented,"
nunced- as editor of the "Frosh Bi-i guest of members of the aculty coun- Mr. Coolidge declard, addg that "e
bla" for the year of '25-2. i D H League association, telud- have been willing to assume the res-
ing Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law ponsibility for leading the nation ani
School, Prof J. S. Reeves of thn, pol- the world in this direction, without
tical science department, President I first seeking through a costly, futile
LEmeritus Harry 1a. Hutchins, ProfnC.and unconstitutional referendum to
fl. Van Tyne of the history depart- ;idotwehri ol epplr
I~f DOCLBSLJ ION lieiu ar .HthnPoO I find 'ouzt whether it would be popular.
F mont, Prof. L. A. Strauss of the Eng In agriculture, the president said he
lish department, Prof. 0. J. Campbell I was ready to open the investigation
of the Erglish department, Prof. C. into farming conditions he had pro-
,'r .anent support for the Varsity 11I. CooLey of the sociology depart- posed as a means of determining a
b anten;ts r e ofiesda, sn mont, Prof. C. T. Johnston of the sur- legislative program of aid. This had
atht' dne' mattes uwere di ni veying department, Dean Hugh Cabot been withheld temporarily, he said, at
cted mtwe td- of the medical school and Prof E. D. the advice of farm leadrs, lest the in-
cunsil Wednesday. fThe .n Dickenson of the law school. vestigation become involved in par-
council Wednesday. cthe following tisan politics.
w s also acp radio sta- Recalling benefits he said had ac-
nent a sto institution of learn- DoesStudent Coolidge insisted that without a pro-
tective tariff"American industry can-
ing as a means of strengthening the ! " ,,. .eTY a?
co"nection with its sp ts'the ;Spend U r Year. not exist, American wages cannot be
paid, the American standard of livin~g
"Be It Resolved, that the Student how much do Michigan men spen cannot be maintained."
council as representatives of the stu- white at college? In an attempt to
-I- T~;N n~ t :( o Aflph_ ; dterniithe approximate amount ex- I fu I A fT1fn Tr A 11um1i


I c

Students in the criminology class of teen rows of the orchestra, .00, re-
the sociology department will leave imainder. $4.50; first four rows of thei
balcony $3.00; remainder $2.25. The


Ainn Arbor in allOo USsesWis muruli g' (ent body of the University o ic - I
for Northville, where they will visit box office sale of single tickets for a ug unte R f h ened throughout one year's sojourn
the prison farm of the Detroit house the Romantic Age begins at the Whit- Uiurgeeup the eet Michigan Daily through
of c r e ti ney theater today. Up to this tim e thUee s ~ f m k n
Of correction. nly tue t tave been ths im a finnancial provision which will be IKermit K. Kien, '26, is asking 100 menR
This is the first of a series of tris only course tickets have been sufficient to buy equipment for such for the required information.
that criminology students will take to Single tickets ~r the Romantic san ', In the blanks which are being giva
reformatories, prisons, and peniten- Age are priced at $2.50 and $2.00 for! a sta dtsions out, answers are requested for the A ss
trestruhuthsttinodrthe main floor, and $1.75 and $1.00 The d te for class dues dlay was j All freshmen or upperclassmen in-
tiaries throughout the state in order the alconie. $set for Wednesday, October 29. All monthly, expenditures on the items of
class treasurers will meet at 3 o'clock dnces, movies, sais rbilliarbds tumbling will meet at 10 oclock Sat-
Jmethods of treating criminals. T rdya h tdn oni f ice bacco, barber shops, razor blades, tubigwlmeta10occka-
trMoscow, Oct. 23. - Per ia is ex Friday at the Student council offices books, shoe repairing, and in fact for urday morning at Waterman gymna-
Paris, Ee inhthe forowhichuthin order to form a gymnastic
Paris Oct. 23.-rhe price of bread periencin a financial crisis, says M. C he r r icalleeryt g for whicthe a css will h d
has been increased by one sou be- 5Shouiistsky, Soviet minister to Per- Chre Mria,2,anTo student spends money. Opposite these item Theclswilhdtome
cas fteicesdc~ fwet'sa h shr.ICvanaugh, 27L, were appointed to itm'ntebaki pc o h ings a week, at 4 o'clock Wednesday
cause of the increased cost of wheat.sia, who i- here. draw up a petition to be presented at answering of the questions of how afternoons and Saturday mornings at
Re next meeing of the Board of I much is spent for clothing during the 10 o'clock. Richard Schultz is to
Regents asking or a means of perm- anuary vacation, coach the tryouts.
nptfinania l munnort for the .. f . Tn +1, ne of Amv ,ar +a . t ' I-


Society Will Hold
T7 rlalhmrf 6.or }2!'t?

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