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October 23, 1924 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 10-23-1924

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Ir TI nnir n Po.JnSndaoftentpulic Six QCompete will be announced at 5 o'clock Friday jCambride, Mass., Oc.2-Hr
blR I V hLl e tatade. hyge nqprtenst. PRA i ~ flIIILC netFn afternoon, Oct. 31, the contest start- yard's cross counrty men defeated tdthe
Saturday morning tle. Tuberculosis' K1n o"e11F na s' __a_4o'lok n-heevnig.jto 33 inom arCenross country
v" association will bold its final meet- 2ytM3AnareetPcosconr
ing at Lante hall. There w~ill be generalILL Inrnil IOUVLI sarntofMna' pem-Ae C n z rv
M LI vMuE V sCussions open toal and numer-, nary xteipore contest six men andA easC m lt n
om uiesmatters will be brought, Halloween will be celebrated on two aternates wereC chosen to corn- Nears__________________!___
State Tuberculosis Society Wifli'.1et up. tho night of Oct. 31 as a community ipete in tte final extempore contest;I
)n tonjU~toll V~ti Mdle l TMion ialn ta1ry Sheah oaa-affair this year according to an an- jwhich is to take place at -S o'clock,'- Mort'kmen have been bs for a
Oraiaintion engaged in fighting tuberculosis nouncemaent made by officers of theOc.3,iUnvrtyalautoim week constricting the new cement
x n s s~pported c,~o i e =ca"C""v cr cii cinnErce. A festival d addt w' loe or iveway between t,. Chemistry
of ChritmTsocPRESIDE: minutes time to speak on some lpase
ofLNDCOhristmas~n~ seal stamps. ?tit aim 13"1iilar to. the Mardi Gras has been oA" qeaon Ntinlbsusan ~ulding and Viaternman gymnasium. I
ateqetoNtoa susadto havye (trainedl workers in eves, ~ji1i u Y'omihso t*ete!oiia Cma "At 1~event the w~ork is about half (doe!
wichigan Tuberculosis association county of IVI ichiran. The Michi,an ChI, .vm a b y cudfial rattesu oLf orthe[ si x i lm in.oe o c m eei at niatoi r httedie a
will 'hldits sixteenth annual meet- I Trudleau society is conppose(1of mind- , a,r'~la rii do lacaif-et~ inlcut~t2.0 ~Dai 5will e Puf f ;bd b the last of next. jrs
lug tonorrow and Saturday in Ann (ita} oaen vwhor are interested in the anvl n aapi lefnlcnotae V ~at,),
Arbor in conjunction with the Michi- fight ,,ain t t auo s n f s ataeirinr have been completed. Gerald . Dykstra, '2, S. Greene, '27, ,
~anTruea Meica sciey. heso-naed fte D. Tumianwl~ ~ Students, townspeople, anid children P. Moore, '25, P. Neitzrt, '27, D. Sohn, v'iL ;cntru~teu tie old diveway
fa T uiea M di a s ci ty h s jtalael ft r r. T 'nlc u +x w g of the tow n w il b f+' '-* betw;,en te gym nasium a'd the lel-
pieties will hold their meetings sop-(the first ina to have santorium I (2be .:-rtw1ne(L by '51, toatrntsae .GboiiabudngwlbedcredI
arately but will have a joint banqunet treatmient of ti, disease. thecatricals, while obnw is'25, aid P. Wolf, '25. The four judges; _____uli_____saledi________,_wchs
at the Chamber of Commerce dining ---- -,.. _. d ghosts, noise and singing ll 1, who offciated were Prof. L. MEih,j"
room at 6 o'clock Friday night. I ee t will gou to make the celebration sue- aadlel S~in pct , ' 2,urto.n Sybly, '27,1 he
a tASThe- Tubercuilosis associa tion will ceru.anlW . io,'26
hold irst 'session at 9:30 o'clock e Several committees are at work on1 The subject for the final cotet
Friday horning :at Lane hall, at which i tir details of the festival. The Ui -________ _____-__-- " - -
Frank U. Leland of Detroit, prosident j vorsity is cooperating wt h ui
of the C)'ganization w ill preside. A r. j . 1 cecv s, of the poli~cai ness mien thXo ugwAlfred onnbse,
that time various reports will lbe iub- sie~x, (Idpa~nkenat, rEtur'ned to Ann i1'25, president of tthe student ounci .P$-ATitdcomtesfrheyaah rbrlFa yranrt ferpau ndtiog RetCiiblln-
pointed, and directors elected. At 1;1 1 ger of the band. t is hoped that
o'clock luncheon will be served and, ing a few -dettys in New York at tSleeyHloaa escdfrte h Boy .-This coming Monday the Barbecue Inn will begin
the election of officers will take place.I anrnual buwinc~s meetin g of the 'advir- camp fires and program. to deliver tnoe pip31ing-hot meat sandichecs-$. 10 chlargedl
in the afternoon five lectures will i ry: hoard of the ,nstittt ef. Plitics. All civic organizations will have a' Dor deli 'cry sandi orders of lX Or more snwce cetd
be given by promfinent health author- h C'.)pctn-loas urthndmigwactiieIth clecatoepted. y' 'r
(ties, following which there will be a tl~ie~i~pasfz i oi~ ~~th ieclrto h y i Y us onc-you'l try us again.
genral(luculio.a were disco a l .aad reguilar busi.- Scouts and the Camp Fire Girls will
M~ emberaldsttsof te Tudausoiey iless was comnplete'l. also have a share in th3 entertain-1 rjU*e he Ne
. h a bkfirst meet at 1:30 Friday in the mied- StidCIIIs cin iinology will visit - -he1~
ical ampitheater at the University Im -'~ amo h eri os oeg usrpin $.0- ~Y 4 ot tt t
Hospital. Several papery will Jbe reaoa ecrreetionr tomorrow, et'i haEable nown ucito. . - y 40su . Phone 294-W.
and a general discussion will be held. ______________ __ ___ _ ___ _ __-1
Friday night the two soceis[ii tlli~il~lllllitiltElif11ieties whi13____________6____________ ________________________________-_ This Oxford has bte
hodajoint banquet at the Chamber,., cnes in fine patent C
of merce dining room. In addition(1-( Calfskin. It is on ofc
ato teetrtimn furnshed by the IE ensunnbes
Wa gtnaw county branch of th( - EI Forhers
four important lectures will be given - A
__-Until 10:30 P Ak 1 a
k ~ . 1 C332 Sta
Airpan Rde - Six of Diamonds c G E te oe
a EerySHOP Sak dr!Sandwiches!
Co mle to Ypsilanmti thi s weep -end E very_______
fo yu arlaerie Tuesday and Thursday
ao yorarlnerd. -From 8--10N 6)0QL LBERTY
' a hte irwroad, just east of I;-___ -i--Fo t ain s;1ervice !
YSll 3.50 each. " Call 129-M. I Woodward and Ada
'. ' # 1 11ll@t~lt6E9 ______i111tfi~ eo ii lll811111gltll3!llli

Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 22. -- One-man
Steams will uphold thme honors of Cor-
nell and Colgate when they meet Oct.
31 to debate on the three major cana-
did ates for President.
?fl'S l

in Style'
W. Quality

r~v Plaza
new broader toe and,
)lt or light weight Dull
our most popular dress

gle by
uod DUN
ite Street
Is on Display




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hi ue *l 0

"s~n So

Just ha ge

fo r

Eloping from Brittany, ,jean and Ma rise lose each other

in the


of Paris. -Years later they meet, hardened

I i

criminals of the Apache underworld-

Ir , ,

L 1fl.L L

The Man Who Made "The Three Musketeers" arnd "B~lood, and Sand" Directed. This Picture

__ _ , ..
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a Distingu~ishied Cast kzIcludinlg

isi 4,
1 (
v . ,
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This isn't the Paris of tourists, nor even that of the Parisians;
it's the dark, sinister Paris that eats like a cancerous growth
through the lovely body of the gay city.
The Keith Favorite





In an Entire Change of Program

The Man With 1,000 Songs


a _ _ r

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