THE WEATHER L 4br Amer t r t 124.)DAY VOL. XXXV. No. 27 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1924 BAGKTOVICTORY" IS SLOGAN OF PEP MEET TO6MORROW COUNCIL ARRAMGING PROGRAMTO STIR UP MICHIGAN SPIRIT CABOT TO SPEAK Connable To Preside; Ieston, Former All-Ameriwan Iltalfback, May Talk Im brie, Helpless, Stoned To Death, ' Claimns Minister New York, Oct. 22. (By A. P.)- How Robert Imbrie, American consel at Teheran, Persia, was stoned to death by natives as he lay uncon- scious on an operating table was re- lated today by Joseph F. Kornfield,' U. S. minister to Persia, just resigned, who returned on the Leviathan with a report of the tradgey which he will submit to the state department1 at Washington. i J I f, I NAME -UNION OPERAI "Back to Victory!" is the slogan ofI the pep meeting which has been set MIt by the Student Council for 7 o'clock tomorrow night in Hill auditorium on Ralgrim, '2, Chosen Stage Manager; the eve of the Wisconsin battle. The I Austin To Head Costume student body will meet then, to help Divisio wipe out the first Michigan defeat :BROMLEY IN CHARGE for three years, and to send the team through the five Conference ga:nes ahead victoriusly. Chairman and committeemen of the The council committee in charge is Michigan Union opera were appointe arranging a full program, calculated yesterday by the appointment com- to stir up the Michigan enthusiasm mittee of the opera. John Bromley,1 to the pitch of last Saturday, when '25, who was appointed last spring, Illinois rooters said that, they had will be general chairman of the opera never seen such an exhibition of this year. Ronald Halgrim, '25, was, school spirit in Urbana as was shown appointed to the position of stage , by Michigan in backing her team manager in charge of all property through the game. and William Austin, '26, has been Dean Hugh Cabot, of the Medical placed in charge of all costumes used, school, will be the faculty speaker. in the opera. Judge William M. Heston, '04, all The publicity committee will be1 time All-American halfback, member headed by Paul Einstein, '25, whot of Yost's point a minute team, has will be assisted by Paul Bruske, '26, promised to speak if he is able to Robert Mansfield, '26, and Valentine leave Detroit in time for the meeting. Davies, '27. This committee has leaveDrt itmeortheaymedet.Icharge of publicity for the opera in Over the telephone today Judge AnAbradas ttevros Ieston regretted th'at he could not iAnn Arbor and also at the various make a definite statement. Due to cities at which the show plays on his son being Injured in a football its Christmas vacation tour.1 game at Saginaw last Saturday he ofEben Graves, '26, will be in charge game t Sainaw ast at tayheo make-up for the show. The pro,- believed that he might have to stay grain committee which gets out the in Detroit over night but promised programs for the show is in chargee to come out if at all pssible. of Harold Hale, 25.1 Other speakers for the meeting will Edwin Ritchie, '24E, has been ap- be announced in tomorrow's Daily. pointed chairman of the orchestra Alfred B. Connable, Jr., president of committee. The orchestra is being en- 1 the Student council, will be chairman. larged this year to 20 pieces, larger The hand will meet at its headquar- than for any opera in previous years. ters and march to the auditorium at 7 o'clock, opening the meeting with "Thre Victors." Words of Michigan's football songst will be flashed on the screen to aid those as yet not fully acquainted with . u . N tham. Pictures of the team will alsoU be shown. 1]- ________._Definite arrangements have been made to hold the annual Band Bounce IHSCHOO S TIUflfiThursday, Nov. 6, in Hill auditorium. The proceeds of this event will go to HLdefray the expense of the band, and whether or not the band will make I the trip to Ohio depends on the amount' made at that time. free courses of instruction for stu- It is planned to change the bounce deuts of the Ann Arbor public schools this year and to make it an all-campus and of the University high school are affair. The band will ask the var- being offered by the School of Mu- ious organizations on the campus to sic. Two classes will be organized by contribute acts and the ticket sale J. E. Maddy, head of the public mu- will be largelyconducted by the par. sic denartment of the school, one in ticipating groups. In addition there' wind instruments and one in string will be 3 vaudeville acts which have instruments. been given for the occasion by inter- Each class is to be limited to 20 ested members of the vaudeville cir- students and will be held in one of the cuits. side rooms in Hill auditorium. The The band will render the usual classes will be under the personal number of pieces and it is planned to in ;tracetion of M\r. Mddy, who will make this program the best that has be assisted by members of his class yet been presented at a Band in musical instruction in the School Bounce, according to Arthur M. Smith, of Music. '25, manager of the band. Chinese Battle BURTN'S SON TO HEAD I Kls Tou4sands I~~ItEH London, Oct. 22.-An attack o N L 15,000 Chihli (Peking government) troops upon the Muken forces is re- Paul Burton, '28E, was elected presi- ported by the Mukden correspondents dent of the freshman engiigeering of the Daily Mail under date of Wed- class at the regular assembly held nesday. yesterday. The other officers named After an all night battle, seriously were; C. Miller, vice president; Fred contested, the Mukdenites turned the Pickle, secretary; and Ellis Merry, left flank of the Chihli troops and treasurer. The above results were .pressed the right flank upon pre- announced last night by the elections pared mine fields. The, mines were committee of the Student council. exploded, killing thousands. I Burton, a son of President Marion L. Burton and a former member ofthe 3 ' Culver Military academy football GAIIGOYLE STAFF MEETING 'team,eenrolled in the enginering col- lege this fall. The officers elected There will be a meeting of the j yesterday were nominated last week. Gargoyle editorial staff and try- 4jAt that time the two highest nominees Iouts at 5 o'clock today in the I for each office were chosen for the staff room at the Press building. final balloting which took place yes- ^ terday. This election by the freshman en- gineers concludes the class elections for the present year.I HOT TAMALES Berlin, Oct. 22.-Forgers of official papers have become so active here Michigan is going to play football that consuls are skeptical about the in Ann Arbor this coming Satur- legality of all documents until they day. Maybe you intend going; it jhavebeen investigated. I I I SUIT TO CANCEL OL LEASESBEGUN ROBERTS CLAIMSIISAGREEMENT IN NAVY DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS STUART ON STAND Documentary Evidence Introduced, Including Orders of Taft and Harding Los Angeles, Oct. 22. (By A. P.)- Testimony was begun in the United States district court here today in the government's suit to cancel the lease and contract of. naval oil reserve property to the Pan-American Petrol- eum and Transport companies, which E. L. Doheny, controlling share hold- er, values at $100,000,000, and in the alleged conspiracy for the granting of which the government charges Doheny paid $100,000 to Albert B. Fall, secretary of the interior at that time. Commander H. G. Stuart, U. S. N., formerly officer in charge of the na- val fuel oil reserves, at Washington, was the first witness called by Owen J. Roberts, government prosecutor. Robert said that Commander Stuart was placed on the witness stand to prove that a disagreement existed in the Navy department concerning these leases, that the navy officer had not been in accord with the policy and was subsequently removed from office. The taking of testimony was suc- ceeded by offering documentary evi- dence, including the withdrawal or- der of William Howard Taft, by which the Elk Hills oil lands were withdrawn from public entry. The executive order by President Harding in 1921, directing that administration of the naval oil reserves be trans- ferred to the department of the in- terior from the navy department, and other documents bearing on the case. In bringing out tsetimony to prove there was a disagreement' among na- val officials in the granting of the proposed leases, Roberts asked Stuart to relate his dealings with Fall prior to the granting of the leases to the Pan-American interests.I "After it was decided to make the lease, Admiral Griffin and I went to Secretary Fall and told him we had: heard the United Midway was to be given the lease on part of number 1." Stuart's testimony began. "We objected to this and said it was not necessary to drill well Fall said he had already taken it up with the president and met with his ap- proval but did not until later. We left and went to the navy building qnd were then summoned back and shown the approval of the president. Shortly after the leases were di- vided." GERMANS PLAN -AILINE f ROM RUSSIA TO CHINA Urga, Mongolia, Oct. 22.-Repre- sentatives of the German Junkers Company have just completed an air survey to give a regular airplane service between Moscow and Peking, with a possibility of extending it ul- timately into South China. The line will follow the Trans-Siberian Rail- way from Moscow as far as Verkne- Udinsk, and from there will turn south to Urga, and then to Peking by way of Kalgan and the railway connecting southern Mongolia with the Chinese capital. The Moscow government has ap- proved the route, and it is the desire of the promoters to get American capital to bac.c a joint German-Rus- sian Company. ALHANU TO DISCUSSti PARTY SYSTEM TONIGHT !tAlpha Nu debating society will hold its regular meeting at 7:30' o'clock tonight on the fourth floor of the new Literary building. The subject for debate is, "Resolved, that the re- placing of the democratic party by the Progressive, so as to form one major Progressive and one major Conservative party in the United States, would be beneficial." The announcement of the new mem- bers who are to be admitted to the organization will also be made at this meeting. Every one interested in Michigan will not play the dedicatory game with Minnesota. The Michigan- Minnesota game will be the Home- # coming game, but Illinois will ded- icate the Gopher stadium. Press re- ports coming from Minneapolis sub- stantiate this statement. All of the programs issued by the Michigan Athletic association, how-t ever, place Michigan in the role of( CLASHES FREQUENT Party Ca impaign Leaders Explain Ways of ColleCt!ig* Money DET'AILS O' LABOR I SicatorLU. For Drive Officials of the Athletic association had nothing to say yesterdlay in re-f gard to the rumor, otherdthan that Washington, Oct.,22. (By A. P.)- 1 they had received no official com- Intimate (etails of the bringing of munication from Minnesota to the ef- Labor leaders to Washington to hear fect that the Michigan contest was President Coolidge in a labor address not to be the dedication game. and additional light on methods em- ployed to raise money for the Repub- lican party national campaign were furnished by the Senate campaign A SG fund investigating committee. T. D. O'Connor, chairman of the shipping board, testified he had ar- ranged to bring the labor leaders and had advanced the money, about $360, to. pay their hotel and taxi cab bills Shenandonhi' Leaves San iego And in Washington. This sum, he added. Follows Mexican Border I later, was repaid to him by Joseph U ne susth Ryan, vice-president of the Interna- tional Longshoremen's union. He de- CROSES ROCKIES nied that he discussed the matter1 with either President Coolidge or his - secretary, C. Bascom Slenmp, but un- Aboard U. S. S. Shenandoah, (By J der sharp cross examination stated radio to the A. P.) Oct. 22.--Climbing he had taken it up with one White D)IVULG ED Illinois Wi l l SN1 O MT SDedicateNe i EN ETTEE GopherStadium PUSHLS PROBE OF Word has been received a. The r Daily office from the editor of the PN Minnesota Daily to the erfect that YEARiNS EARei YOSTI UOSLE t 5 i : I ,; . I , : . . steadily until an altitude of 3,500 feet House-attache. jIhOn Values of Campus was reached, 20 minutes after cast- Many Testify Life Soff the Island Joseph R. Grundy, a wealthy yarn !__ ingmastat frn Diothe y i manufacturer of Bristol, Pa., and' ing mast at San Diego, the navy di i- chairman of the Pennsylvania ways ACTIVITIES STRESSED gible Shenandoah was fairly started , and means committee of the Republi- ~ on the trying return trip over the can national committee, said his or- "None can lose and like it, but how .ganization had raised $365,000 up to you lose is what counts," Coach Field- Rocky mour.tans at 11:25 o'clock. hI day in 53 counties in Pennsyl- g H. Yost told the freshmen at their The course from the southern Cali- vnia, outsie of the Pittsburgh dis- meeting last night in the assembly fornia city was laid southward trict. W. L. Mellon, a relative of An- room of rho Union. The subject of his towards Tia Juana. Turning before drew W. Mellon, secretary of the talk was "Getting the Most from the the Mexican line was reached and treasury, is in charge of raising dean of men, an(l Thomas Cavanaugh, mounting over Ota Reservoir, the money in that district, he said. n '27L mprenidnt of the nion, also flag ship of the skies circled on a 5 Asserting that he himself had , mile radius, nourting to 4,500 feet to made no effort to raise campaign "You will get out of here just what dry out, then followed-along the Mex- funds but had loaned his name to the you twtut in," Coach Yost continued. ican border to Potrero, from where Grundy committee for what it might I "The greatest values are not repr- the charted course followed the be worth. Samuel L. Vauclain, presi- sented in dollars ad ren1 n Loyal mountain roads through passes t the dent of tie Baldwin locomotive works, friendships are what count, and they desert, then over El Centro and Yuma testified that he had contributed $6,- I are among the things you get here. and to the east. I100 from his personal funds. He told "Here are some ,football axioms also of donating $10,000 of his com- which you must follow if you want pany's funds - to the American eco- to take anytnin away from the cam- nomic league through Julius Krutt- j pus. One is that you've got to begin, S~g~l, UN160'schnitt, president of the Southern Pa- and now. The cam,-us is the place cific railroad, and in that connection to play the game; grandstands were jjinsisted that big business interests ; made for watchers-not doers." In LEAGUE C0NES had a right to employ people to ,in- closing Coach Yost had the freshmen fluence sentiment affecting legisla- repeat after him the Michigan creed. tion. Dean Joseph A. Bursley, dean of Delegates Will Be Gests of Cify Fiery Encounters men, stressed the importance of con- T odry. To Aftend Jeritza ; Nathan T. Folwell, treasurer of the tact with faculty and fellow students.- Concert Tonight Ph'ladelphia manufacturers' club, "You do not need to go to college to -- - testified that the organization had study textbooks," he said "What youj YOST REED TO SPEAK raised $10,000, and presented a list don ned to get there is contact with of contributors. While the committee your instructors." n r ! - t vas inquiring specifically into charg- zThomas Cavanaugh, '271 ,president Engineers .ud officials represent- I s mfynqtmr sperc i. L arg- of the Union, stressed the importance ing many Michigan cities are to hold ; s of Senator Robert M. LaFollette, ,I a ov t n i t oday, tilor , and independent presidential candidate, toft Unio activities as a means of thatenio tdytoorow"ndifepndn getting acquaintcd. Saturday in Ann Arbor. The gather- that a "slush" fund of from $10,000,-1 Following the Mneting, the fresh- ing, conducted by the League of 000 to $12,000,000 is being raised for men went to the rooms assigned to Michigan Municipalities, will hear ad- the support of the Coolidge-Dawes the various grouns, and refreshments dresses by Coach Fielding II. Yost, ticket, the inquiry coyered a wide w;ere served. Class spirit was shown and Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the po- range. It was marked by many fiery following the meeting when the nten litical science department, in addi- i paSsages between witnesses and mem- of '28 congregated before the Union tion to several speakers from their or:-. of the committee and Frank P. and gave their chlss yells. pianist. Prior to 'the opening of the opera season at the Metropolitan- Opera house, Jeritza is making a concert tour which includes stops at Harris- 'burg, Atlanta, and Toronto. She is able to accept but few concert en- gagements before the regular opera year opens. Toured Europe In the past, Madame Jeritza has sung with the Vienna opera company. She has been urged by various di- .rectors to abandon opera for drama I or for motion pictures. In regard to the movies, she says, "It is quite possible that I might screen well, but ever since I was a young girl, I have been co-ordinating vocal and drama- f tic movement on the stage. I can- not imagine what it would be like to portray opera roles in the 'mute' drama.. Yet it has possibilities and opportunities which would appeal to, any artist, and there is something overwhelming in the thought that one plays to an audience of millions, and may appear simultaneously in every continent of the world." Jeritza arrived in this country on the steamship. Olympic early th'is month after a tour of Europe, and im- mediately commenced her concert, which will terminate just before the opening of the Metropolitan opera year for which Jeritza is the leading I soprano. Complete Program The program tonight willI Include Larghetto by Handel and Hubay, and Rondo, Mozart-Kreisler, ,played by Mr. Rose. The soprano will sing Beau Soir, by Debussy, Cacille, by ' Richard Strauss, and "Al, Love But a Day," an American song by H. H. A. I Beach. Other songs ly Jeritza will be the "Song of the Lute," from the opera, "Die Tote Stadt" of E. W. Korngold; "The Answer," by Robert Huntington Terry; "Le Manior de 1,Rosaimonde" (The Road to Ro'sa- monde), by Henri Dupare; an aria, "Suicidio" from "La Gioconda" of Ponchielli; and "La Coucou," Dal- quin-Manen. "Zegeunerweissen" by Sarasate, will be played by Maxnmil- lan Rose. There are a few tickets still ob- tamable for the concert. Craigie, English Expert, To Join own body. Registration opened yes- terday at the Chamber of Commerce. The delegates will be guests of the city today, gathering at noon at the Union. This will be followed by a session at 2:30 o'clock at the city hall, where Professor Reed will speak. The evening program wil consist of at-; "alsh of K.nsas City, special coun- sel for LaFollette and his associates.; Tire purpose of the meeting was to Dromote a real class spirit. It was ,spcnSozrcd by tie un(erciass coi- siitted of the Union, and was pro- Coo ev Intiates I sid.',d over by -William L. Diener, '26. Detroit Campaign By Talk To Women t i 4 tendance at Madame Jeritza's concertI at Hill auditorium. Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of thek A luncheon will be given for the ! engineering college, candidate fer' delegates at 12 o'clock tomorrow in U n i t e d S t a t e s S e n a t o r fr om the Masonic Temple, and the members Michigan on the Democratic ticket, l will be addressed by Coach Yost . spoke last night at the meeting of Tours of the city will make up the the League of Michigan Women Voters afternoon program, to be followed in Detroit.! by an informal banquet, scheduled I Although Dean Cooley is scheduledJ for 6:30 o'clock in the Union. rThe to spend the next two weeks can- address of the evening will be given lpaigning in Detroit, various conven- by some notable speakers to be an- I tions and organizations have asked I nounced later. Professor Reed will ! him to speak at their meetings. Ac- act as toastmaster. cording to his campaign secretary, The final business of the conven- probably the only invitation the Dean tion will be conducted Saturday mor- will be able to accept is that from ning, and the convention will be guests I the United States Naval . station at at the Michigan-Wisconsin game in Saginaw, from whose radiorstation, the afternoon. WADM, his speech will be broadeasts The Municipalities league has been I ed next Monday night. in operation for 26 years. and has cording to Fred Harris, president of i steadily gained since its inception. ac- IILU RIC crigt rdHFrs rsdn rAUTY T T the body. ENGINEING SOCIETY ChcgIaut Chicago, Ill., Oct. 22.-Dr. William T A. Craigie, considered the greatest TOHERSAL OAY authority in the world.on the English language, will join the faculty of the Pof. I. C. Sadler of the engineering University of Chicago. college will preseit a paper on the Dr. Craigie is editor-in-chief of the Great Lales-St. Lawrence waterway famous Oxford dictionary and inci- this afternoon at tme fall convention dentally will take charge of prepar- of American Society of Civil"Engi-lng a "Dictionary of American Eng- neers, -which meets today afid tomor- lish." He was elected professor of row in Detroit the English language by the board of 'Thie subject is of vital interest to all trustees at their last meeting. the states of the middle west, as it will one th'e great lakes to thecoin- niversit Given nerce of the iwoeld," said Professor i 1;Y y . Sadler in an interview. ChevroletM otor The convention proper will be called to odr by arder S. Williams, '89E, Chevrolet Motor Car company of iand after introducing the may~or of Chvot.Mor arcm ny f Detroit, the meeting will be turned Flint has placed a motor in the auto- Detrot, imotive laboratories here for an in- ovcr to the President, C. E. Grunsky; of San Fa so dtI.E k definite time. This motor will be used i for conducting tests and experiments The eeting this afternoon will be It may be recalled at any time by given over entirely to a discussion of the company but it will first be re- the St. Lawrece deep waterway placed by a later model. Thus a Chevrolet motor of the latest model Kansas D is plays will be in the laboratory constantly. Student Art Work M i I GLEE CLUB t ANAGER Veterans Of War LUNCH ATUNION TO il iHold Snioker j"Faculty members of the rhetor --- partment will have their first I ic de- unch-' so you must have a ticket to gain admission. If you are not in pos- session of such means, use the TRYOUTS WANTED I s i In connection with a short business a meeting, the Richard N. Hall post, ee of the year at 12:15 o'clock todayf in room 323 of the Union. This lun- Lawrence, Kan., Oct. 22.- Exhibi- to u u L L L v Y¢ M A 1\ lk"1S.[tz fi" > : i