Tw the Deans:; There will be a conferencec of the Deans on Wednesday, October 22, at ten o'clock in the President's office. 31. L. Burton. _____ TIHILMICI GAN, DAILY (Couperin,) Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C. (Bach,) "Hymn to the Sun" (Le Coq d 'Or) (Rimsky-Korsakofi',) An Autumn Sketch (Brewer,) Rose Window (MLulct.) Charles A. Sink, Secretary. Botanical Senn itir eets Wednesdery, October 22, at 4:30 B173 N. S. Build- ing. Paper by E. C. Anderson-"Crossing over in triploid Drosophila." B. 31. 1av is. Noice to All .-tvaa-lNescr4-iss: heregular weekly mneting of the University unit will be held in the There will be a closedl private pecrformance for club members only Wednes- dlay evening at 8:15. Admittance will be by membership ticket only. Those who have not paid their dlues may (10 so at this meeting; and cards will bissued to all members who have paid their fees. Ross L. T-laylor, President. Mectingof Romuance Club, toda y (Wednesday) at 4:15 o'clock, Room 302, Union. Plans for the coming year will be discussed. Full attendance desired. OF , PE~iD~lSHEA choosing as hrsect, "AAI n kfOF CE EBERS ~ a ISalvation Army O'flic." A>bi Sfnfi oI III of siIPa cranosolo renderedbylr Homer Grafton, accompaniedl1 ~ L. C. Reiman, community sits;:i; .,u1 Salvation Army day was the special feature at the Chamber of Commerce ± n~ the last two years Con . s luncheon held at noon yesterday in faced about 1,000 farm bills o ,hc the Commerce inn. Alfred P. Smith,} 18 wer passed. captain of the Ann Arbor Salvation!,---', Army, was the principal speaker, and in his talk he brought out the fact; SIl~~~~i~~IN ~ 1 that the Army has a dlual purpose to'___ Iperform: That which has to (10 with Alotfrspebalr\ie religious affairs, and that which is i o o4ococ br ~ya more of a social nature. I ferym 3eld.4oic wet hI O The work in Ann Arbor was cx- haery ed boefor (,r t plained, and tab~les showing the ac- I I 15i Y,1 I tivities of the year were p~resented. Mngr Among other things which the Army' is working for at present is a nlew Mrs.d Alfred P.uSith scaloaspore,-no ligious meetings. LocalSusrpin $3.50--payable .;I:\l )AY OTOBER 2u2, 1924 Loan Connmittee Meeting: There will be a meeting of the University Committee on Student Loans on Wednesday, October 23rd, in Boom 2, University Hail. Students who have pending applications' should appear before the Committee at the following hours: College of Literature, Science and the Arts, 1:45; Law School, 3:00; School of Education, 3:15 and College of Engineering, 3:30. J. A. Bursley, Chairman. Executive Board, Graduate School: There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Craduiaty School on Wednesday, October 22, at 4:00 p. m. A. H. Lloyd. Faculty of the Colleges of Engineering and Arclittire: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of these colleges on Wednesday, October 22, at 4:15 p. in., in Room 411 West Engineering Building. Louis A. Hlopkins. Political Science 121: Then class in American Constitutional Law will meet in Room 406 Library instead of 1213 Literary Building as formerly. E. S. Brown.. Rhetoric 1: There will be a luncheon and staff meeting for the instructors of fresh- man rhetoric in Room 323 of the Michigan Union on Thursday at '12 :15. Waldo Abbot, Freshmen Engineers : Professor George W. Patterson will address the class at the weekly as- sembly in room 348 Engineering building at 11 o'clock. The final voting for class officers will take place at thi s time also. J. C. Brier. Twilight Organi Recital: Mr. Palmer Christian, University Organist, will play the following numbers in "the Twilight Organ Recital Wednesday afternoon, October 22, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to which the general public is cordially invited to attend : Prelude to "Die ;Meistersinger" (Wagner,) Reverie (Debussy,) Lament Your PC s, color ------_____- -- ---- '- held luncheon and staff meeting in icofli 323, Union. WHAT'S G O IM( G IN 17 :30-Veteranls of Foreign Wars ineet N\otices to apipear in this colunin mnot in room 304, Union. be left i 1 > ~i, > > PI *\ :: r!!ila2 ~11t1l1 111ai lt!~~li ~~a6(~aa~ id6 C0 ttdll llt Ei cti 1 l~ tlt.t61ll_ COMPLETE ASSORTMENT AT 1= 9S UNIV ERSITY W A~B O OK STORE j ~WE ARDE MAKING A S PE C IA.L EXHI B I T of l HIGH GRADE IZA.COI C ers on the hield. Kodaks $6.0U up. Sto-- in now for. the Kodak film you'll be needing Saturday. Calkirs-Fletcher Drug Co 3 DEPENDABLE STORES 324 So. State St. Corner E. and S. University Ayes. State and Packard Candies j f Sod~as =. FOR YOUNG MEN 2MADE BY EDERAHEIMER STEIN COMPANY EngishStyle for The last word in correct fashion-straigh~t _ ~English trousers with two-inch cuff and wide waistband-the coat in the popular two button model with half-top pockets. = ~Stop in and see this new line of Fall'I - Suits. And remember that all of these suits are =1 made especially for Tom Corbett.. They - are made right ! Laundry Ann A rbor's Lea ding Cleaners FURNISH THE AND TEACH TO PLAY $6100 University Musioc House FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS well worth garments examination Tinker &Company South State St. at William St. The Home of Better Clothes, Furnishings and 1--ats at Fair Prices. :r. w. i _____ TIOY\C At CAMPUS BOOTERY Today and Tomorrow >7jf 6c HAB4PER DAS4HER Y George Meredith Rep. I 1 \ f//////~' ,'//// d \ 4. -1