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October 22, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 10-22-1924

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I i

Published every morning except Monday
d uring the uiversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Pubications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
* Association.
# The Asscated Press is exclusively en-
tit ito the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in. this paper and the local news pub
liqhed therein.
Entered, at the postoffce at Ann Arbor.
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postae granted by Third Assistant, Post-
Subscription by carrier, $3.0; by mail,
x 4.00.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
Editor...............John G. Garlinghouse
News.Editor............Robert G. Ramsay
Night Editors
George W. Davis Joseph Kruger
Thomas ' . Henry John Conrad
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor ........William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor.......... ..rena Moran
Music and Drama. Robert B. ;Henderson
Telegraph Editor.....William J. Walthout
Louise Barley Winfield H. Line
Marion Barlow Harold A. Moore
Leslie S. Bennets Carl E. Ohlmacher
Norma Bicknell William C. Patterson
)'erman Boxer Helen S. Ramsay
Smith Cady Jr. Regina Reichmann
Willard B. Crosby Marie Reed
Valentine L. Davies Edmarie Schrauder
ames W. Fernamberg Frederick 14. Shillito
oseph . Gartner Fredk. K. Sarrow, Jr.
anning. Houseworth C. Athur Stevens
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet
Elizabeth Liebermann Frederic Telmos
1-rancis R. Line Herman J. Wise
Telephone 980
Advertising...................E. L. Dunne
,xuvei-tsing...................... 3., Fnn
Advertising..............Ii. A. Marks
Advertising......H. M Rockwell
Accounts....................Byron Parker
Circulation..................R. C. Winter
Publication................John W. Conlin
Assistant .
P.W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
CoronzBurris H. L. Newmann
F. Dentz 'Thomas Olmstead
Philip I~eits 3. D. Ryan
David Fox NT. Rosnzweig
Norman Freehling Margai'et Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. t. Schoen.eld
V. Johnson S. H. Sinclair
L. LI. Kramer F. Taylo
Louis W. Kramer
In these days when thousands of
students throng to stadia and cheetx
themselves hoarse in the support of a
team which is representing their
school, there is hardly a murmur con-.
corning another contest which sur-
passes far, in importance, the weekly
games. At every point on the campus
is heard comment on football, yet
the other issue at hand is scarcely
touched upon. Football games are all
right; they fulfill 'a distinct function
in life and as such are rightly sup-
ported, but how about the national
campaign for president? That is not a
matter of a season. It is .a contest
which affects every student on the
campus and the future prosperity o
the nation.
Michigan is, of course, handicapped
by the fact that it is a state institu-
tion. Hence, its official agencies can
take no stand in partisan politics.
Impartiality is all right, but it does
not arouse interest. It is nevertheless
inevitable as far as these agencies are
concerned. Neither, the administration,
The Daily, nor the .faculty can take
any steps which will lead to candi-
dates speaking in Ann Arbor or to a
discussion of the issues of the cam-
paign by representative authorities.
The Daily early in the year ran a

series of three editorials giving an
unbiased opinion concerning the re-
spective merits and faults of the three
candidates and their parties. In the
second section during the next few
weeks will be published a series of
articles coitcerning the scandidates,
written by competent observers on the
campus. In doing this The Daily takes
no stand; it merely wishes to en-
courage discussion and serious
thought on the part of its readers.
Other universities in the country
appear to have been more successful
in encouraging meetings and addres-
ses by members of the Republican,
Democratic, or Progressive parties.
At Yale, for instance, there was a
giant mass meeting last night in
Woolsey hall under the auspices of
the Republican club, 4ddressed by
two Yale graduates,. Senator James
W. Wadsworth and Lieutenant-Gov-
ernor Hiram Bingham of Connecticut.
It was attended by as many hundreds
of intelligent people as are usually
present at pep meetings at Michigan.
And this is only one of, a series of
such meetings.
The University has a Republican
club which has already done admir-
able work in promoting the registra-
tion of absentee voters. It also has
a Union which might very well appoint;
a committee to arrange for a series of
talks by national figures in politics,
alumni if possible. It is a work which
both organizations might promote

The history of Ireland has been a
history of alternate rebellion and
coercion; it was not until very recent-
ly that there was any atttempt on the
'part of the English people to appreci-
ate. some of the natural feelings of
resentment among the people of the
Emerald Isle, nor any attempt on the
part of the Irish to meet the English
half way. The history of the troubles
began years ago when Scotsmen were
sent to Ireland by the hot-headed
James to settle on the territory which
Irish hearts held inviolate. The his-

creditable to the University of Michi-
gan if such an opportunity should be
-Preston Slosson, Assistant Pro-
fessor of History.

cover that is pertinent to the recent
debacle at Urbana-Champaigne. We
mention it only sort of en passant,
because we intend to run a large re-
view of it in the next issue of this
There's something to dream on, hey?
Mr. Jason Cowles.

.._. _

-- -- - -----w .
BOOKS and SUPPLIES for all
Colleges at GRAHAM'S, (at
both ends of the diagonal walk)

S "



11'Board in Control of Student Pub-
tory of the present troubles, however, ;iBain rolowSuent a
for our propose begins in 1912, lications,' we are aware, is not a
when as a culmination of the agitation particularly catchy phrase to head the
of many years. h o m,e rule col with; but it so chances that it was
w h i c h h a d 1 o n g been the the first piece of printing that hap-
pened to strike the old eye as we
dream of the patriots, was pro- started work. If you can think of
posed. It was then that the religious athnber,sendytuiand we'll
conflict blazed into full flame, and anything better, send fit in andwe'll
Northern Protestant Ireland and use it tomorrow. Or the next day.
Nortern rotstan Irlandand* * *
Southern Catholic Ireland clashed on
the field 9f honor. It was the fear on We print herewith (below, in fact)
the part of Ulster that she would be the first intallment of a gripping novel
forced to support her less pros- composed by ourself. It will be a novel
perous brothers, which actuated Sir that deals with a fella's childhood,
Agar Robartes to move that four coun- next his youth, next with his ma-
ties should be left out of the union. turer years, and finally (in due
e.ourse) with what will probably be

This Afternoon: Tryouts for Comedy
Club at 4 o'cloick in Newberry hall.
Tomorrow evening Madame Jeritza
is to open the 'Choral Union series
which puts everything in motion: after
the first concert the year is on. Jer-
itza, herself, is the sensation of the
hour, and her appearance in its way
becomes as important as the engage-
ment of Caruso. She is radiantly
beautiful, climaxing her luxuriant
maturity, she has a full, fruity so-


T ___. ,

which is irresistable.
The Duncan sisters
dental musical comedy

and the inci-I
is a good pro-
its desirable

duction, worthy
and undesirable

of all

ORa kLUA E:'I A 0 RFI .1', i)
ClIropa dbtOR t apedist
N. University Ave. 1,1;ont. 2652


N gighs - - 5oc to $2.50
> i C Wei d. mat. - Sac to $25
'Sat. Mat. - 50c to 12.00




0CTOBEjR, 1924
S M T w T F S
1 2 3 w 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 .20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 -28 29 30 31 ,.

In January of 1913, Sir Edward Car-
son, the champion of the cause of
Northern Ireland proposed that Ulster
be excluded, but both suggestions
were vetoed. In 1914, after the arming
of Ulster, partition was again pro-
'posed, with the new feature of coun-
ty. option for withdrawal from the
union. Ulster, still, hesitant, rejected
the idea, preferring to cling to the
government at Westminster.,
The war came, and with it, a new
rebellion, in the time honored custom
of the Irish. A new partition scheme
was proposed in the vain hope of
quieting the stirring mutterings of
civil war. The proposal came in new
form, in which neither the scheme of
county option nor the exclusion of
Ulster with its nine provinces, but a
new suggestion that six counties, pre-
lominately protestant in Northern
Ireland, be separated from the rest
of Catholic Ireland. Down, Antrim,
Derry, Armagh, 'Fermanagh and
Tyrone, the last two being catholic
largely. This proposal was accepted
in June of 1916, but came to noth-
ing. In 1917, a renewal of the offei
was blocked by the resolute opposi-
tion of Ulster.
The next important step in the his-
tory of the Irish question came in
1920, when partition became a legal
reality, and Ireland became a Free
State. The pact which separated
Northern Ireland from the South, was
accepted regretfully by Ulster, who
would have preferred to remain with-
in the pale of English jurisdiction,
but the South would have none of it,.
The fight went on with increasin.
bitterness, until the struggle ulti-'
mately led to the signing of the treaty
hi 1921 which brought into being,
the Irish Free State. Ulsterl, was
given the right of voting herself out,
but in the event that she left the
union, she had to submit to a boundary
commission. Northern Ireland did vote
herself out of the union, and for the
past three years, the two nations
have gone their separate ways, Ulster
still functioning under the old act of
1920, the South, braving the dangers
of independent governance.
This brings the story to the point
in the last quarter, when the trouble
broke out anew, resulting in the over-
throw of the labor government. The
details of the difficulty will be dis-
cussed in an issue in the immediate'
future. j

his untimely demise. prano, and possesses striking drama-
We 'are not any whiz at book-re- tic ability. In addition, she has a cer- Ne
viewing, criticizing, etc., but we ven- tain magnetic vivaciousness that Noticej
ture to predict that it will be a bold should work her audience to a sing-
piece" of writing. ular pitch of enthusiasm, similar,
We haven't thought of a title yet. perhaps, to the first appearance of We clean and reblock hats and caps
* * * Amato, when the audience even threw and do it RIGHT. You will appreciate
Chapter One programs to express their satisfaction, having your hat done over in a clean
Arthur had not been in school so to Leginska's debut, Mary Garden's, and sanitary manner, free from odor
very many days before Miss Lamb said or the last recital here of Matzanauer and made to fit your head.
to' him and the rest of the children:--those very few occasions when our
Tod pimeopdlteres fhave affi drk:prim, stodgy audience lost its coll- FACTORY HAT STORE
Today, people, we have Raffia work ctive head. 617 Packard St. Phone 179
Then they had Raffia work, just as More than this, however, the recital (Where D. U. R. Stos at State)
Miss Lamb said they would. tomorrow evening marks the first of i -
Each pupil was given a long, limber a series of artists, quite surpassing -... '~",,,,;"
piece of wood that would be called a in talent the majority of former
pic fwo htwudb aldacourses. Heifitz is one, combining a I
withe if this were an Irish Folk Tale,cr Hf i e o i
but this is not an Irish Folk Tale. faultless technique with a heaven-
Arthur, as well as the rest of the sent sense of interpretation; Cototat
another, who comes in a class apart Let's all wave a Mum at the
pupils, were also given a lot of Raffia, =(
1 lwreas i with only Rachmaninoff and Gabrilo- game-f
which looked like weak Brown paper wiholahmnnf.n ab'o . gm-
that had not been inspected very care- witch comparabale to him; and finai y Choicest yellow mums in town,
fully by No. 364 before leaving the 'the, quiletly reserved, very sin-ere 50c and 75c. ;
factory. It was cut into lo1g strips. Sophie Braslau.ow Po Pon Corsages $100
e iSuch a group represents a unique
holder. opportunity, and the fact that th re A speccal Discount to fraterni-
Arthur did not know what a plate-- are still seats left for the coursea s
holder was for, and none of his ac- would be a disgrace were Hill audi-
quaintances could tell him. He did torium not such a preposterously largeA
not ask Miss Lamb, but worked busily building with its sixteen hundred odd Al i -ror Floral1,
away with his Raffia, instead. He did seats in the second balcony alone.
not finish his plate-holder. Naturally, of course, these few re-C Om pany
That was on a Wednesday. maining tickets will 1) sold by tomo- Phone 1630. 122 E. Liberty S+. in
On Friday Miss Lamb said to her row night, but the student who is not E
pupils as they were about to go home clever enough to snatch this remain- ^- ----" --'
for lunch, "This afternoon we will in chance becomes ridiculous verifying
not have Stencil-work, but you chil- the legend of his conventional corn-
dren will repair to the High School placency.
for Manual Training." * * * Our Business
So after lunch Arthur went to the THE COMEDY CLUB TRYIOUTS
high school, where he and his class- To those who may not have noticed Grow s Ever
mates were met by a rather ugly man, the announcement in the Sunday is-
who led them into the building. They sue, being outward bound from Ur-
trooped into a largeroom filled with bana and the like, attention is called L rger
tables, and the ugly man picked up a for the third "time-always the effec-
plane and'explained how to use it to tive number of repetitions-'to the
square a board. Arthur paid close at- Comedy club tryouts at 4 o'clock this
tention, and was quite sure he knew afternoon and tomorrow in Newberry
how it should be done. Hall.
"Now," said the ugly man, "I want I 'Everyone interested in dramatics beC alse
all you fellows to go ahead and make should and will attempt to gain mem-
a sleeve-board." bership in this organization. It is
"What is that?" Arthur whispered among the three groups of its kind
to his chum John. on the campus accomplishing really
"I don't know," answered John interesting, satisfactory results. The We take special care to
softly. others, as you can infer if you read a -idivid
Arthur sawed himself a piece of thousand things between the lines of pa every ua pat-
wood, and set it nicely into a vise, and an announcement printed elsewhere,Iion.,
then began to plane away at one side are gradually passing to oblivion-
of it. Now and then he would take it only too well-lost, perhaps.
out of the vise and run his Try- * * * You will enjoy
Square over it, just as the ugly man THE FACULTY CONCERTS Th Fountain Room
had. done. But it was never quite Mr. Andrew Haigh, a former grad- eutiful
level. uate of the University School of Mu- Beautiful
Neither Arthur nor John finished sic, who has returned to Ann Arbor
squaring one side of their boards, al- this year both as a member of the
though a good many of the others did. piano faculty of the School of Music
I When they were finally dismissed and instructor of musical theory infriB
for the afternoon (after locking up the University, will appear as the I.7IS[
their work in neat little drawers, and soloist in the first Faculty recital of R
putting away the cross-cut saw, the the season at 4:15 o'clock Sunday
rip saw, the plane, and the Sloyd afternoon in Hill auditorium. SHOP
knife) John said to Arthur, "I would Mr. Haigh has gained a marked na-S
wouldn't you, Arthur?" standing ability, entirely free from I th Ard
"I think I would," answered his superficial mannerisms, and gifted
chum. with an unusual technical ability. His
(To be continued.) local concert will be particularly in-
* * * teresting because it will include, with
A person who modestly signs him- the exception of the Medtner Sonata,
self H. L .R. '27, delivered himself of the same numbers that composed his
the following statement in the Campus program last jSaturday in Aeolian
Opinion column yesterday: Hall, New York city. (
"And in my estimation, our foot- * * * '-
ball team did not lose the game at "TOPSY AND EVA" 4
Champaign Saturday afternoon. It was A review, by John Garlinghouse.
lost by the unhearty supporters that The title of this comedy which has
should have, with a wave of enthus- had a three months run at the Selwyn
iasm carried our men over the top." theater Chicago, is aptly chosen, for
We hardly know what to say in without the inimitable Duncan sisters
refutation of this bold assertion; nor as little black Topsy of sore toe fame
are we sure that H. L. R. Is entirely and her little mistress, Eva, there .=
wrong. He has brought up a point would be nothing. The plot, what there JohnSays.
here that will bear thinking over. is of it, is negligible, the music is
Still, he should be annihilated on fair, and only the pickaninny chorus
the grounds that he is another of those is worthy of mention. It is an ordinary IwYour oneyO==

guys who still think the war is going musical comedy which will live and G4- F t
on ."Over the top" indeed! Pfaugh! die with the Duncan sisters. - Oes IurLhler
* * * The success of these sisters of w 'at the
Mr. Hobbs'statement in yesterday's Cicero fame is difficult to analyze.-a
Daily that Mr. Stefansson is a "re- Their lines are not particularly start-
markable though very human person- ling-in fact they border on the vulgar G O O D EA T S
ality" puts us in mind of Don Herold's and the commonplace. And their ac- -
new book--"So Human," In the first tions are acceptable only because of a a y
new. CoKA >J ruman. are T A i

Presents "The Romantic Age," by A. A. Milne
New Whitney Theatre, Friday Evening, October 24.
Produced by the Cleveland Playhouse.
This is the first of a series of three plas. Patrons of the Theatre
League's plays last year may reserve their same seats until Wednes-
day night, October 22. After tis daie all series tickets will be placed
on sale indiscriminateiv. Cheeks shouil be sent to C'lenient A. Smith,
Secretary, 1706 Soutlh Univer siy A eful. Series tickets prices are:
Yirst fourten rows orchestra, $,00: remainder, $4.50.
First four rows, balcony, $3.00; remainder, $2.25.
Hex office sale of single tickets for "The Romantic A,.e" at the
theatre, Friday, Octobcr 21.

© o.-E.co. The FiskBuilding, New York City
"Designhig in Masses'
HE new architecture transcends detail and expresses
the component solids of the great buildings of today
and tomorrow. Gigantic profiles are reared against the
sky-true expression of structural facts has now come
into its own in architectural design, linking architect and
engineer ever more closely together.
Certainly modern invention--modern engineerng skill
and organization, will frove more than equal to the
demands of the architecture of the future.


Offices'in all Principal Cities of the World

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- - - - - -- - - --

Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of commun
cants will, however, be regarded as C
confidential upon request.
To the Editor:
I should like to call the attention
of graduate students and of upperclass-
men seriously interested in history to
two important present opportunities.
The American Historical Associa-'
tiofi meets this year, December 28th
to 30th, at Richmond, Virginia. It is
the one opportunity existing during
the entire year for all who are in-
terested, in either the teaching or 'in-
vestigation of history to meet their
colleagues from all over the United
States. To make attendance more pos-
sible, the meetings always occur dur-
ing the winter vacation and the rail-
roads offer excursion rates for the
round trip. Membership also brings
with it subscription to the American
Historical Review, the official pub-
lication of our profession. Those who
wish to apply for membership can
either communicate directly with the
Association or obtain application
blanks to mail from my office (4007 1
Literary) at office hours.
The other opportunity is of a more
general character. You will find an-
nounced in The Daily from time to
time meetings of a study group on the
League of Nations. This is not a pro-
pagandist organizatiop; the individual
members of it may at other times and


,A:,; ,


Sweaters for Sport
The cricket sweater still leads the fall fashion race, with
the coat sweater advanced to a close second. Our stock con-
tains all the newest shades and styles.
You'll need something warin and good looking to slip
on under your coat next Saturday when Michgan starts her
Prices range from $5.95 to $10.9.
Twelve Strands of 'Silk and a
Though it sounds like a fr'ag went from Arabian Nights,
there is little less romance in the secret of a silk stocking th'at
knows not the ill fortune of a .er ru.
This is only one fea ture of cur own Ruby Ring Full
Fashioned Hosiery. $1.85 and $2.50.
Thr Li tk Sister
Iiow ickled the _t K St will Ice wh n Big Sis.cr,
away at collcc, rep1nxs n s will one of these cute lale
bears. They will gladl stand efficient guard aver your dress-


- i

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