THE WEATHER (ENERALLLY FAIR; COOL TODAY AE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, -WEDNESDAY, OCTiOBER;. 22, 1924 IA MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 26 EIGHT PAGES EIGET PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS OPE RS ASKS AlD Burton Heads C In Initia 0 0 1 I RRD P T Chimes and its "enterprises"ar with us for another year. The initia edition, an endeavor of some 72 pages 4.1 ~i ttJJcontains\ interesting articles,on a var SAYS G. 0. P. AND) DEMOCRIATSiety of subjects, many of them of merit SA NDN FO N EAPRIVILEGE but the art work seems to have faller ONLY by the wayside. President Marion L. Burton quit ISSUES MESSAGE fittingly heads the list of contributor with "The Fr3shman's New Posses- To Headquarters of Labor ns," whi h contains valuable Federation Ater Absence thoughts for the first year man and OfraioAfterfor all students on the campus. He Of 6 Months does not instruct; he advises, and his advice is worthy, not alone of reading, Washington, Oct. 21. (By A. P.)-- but of serious consideration. Samuel Gompers, president of the Religion comes in for discussion, a American Federation of Labor, has decided innovation in Chimes, in two addressed a message to organized la- articles; one by Dr. Merle Anderson bor defining the issues on which he aries oe by "H. the Cndrson urge suportof he L~olette'"Tee-carries the title "Has the ChurchA urged support of the LaFollette-Whee- Function In A College Community?" ler ticket and declarng it was the while the other consists of reviews of first time in the country's history local sermons. Opinions on these ar- that "such a tremendous and deter- tiles depend entirely upon the in- mined opposition has arisen against dividual taste. the sinister influences that have con- Another innovation, "The Campus trolled our government." Credo" by Frank Deans, '26, is in- The message, issued on Mr. Gom- teresting in addition to making sev- pers' return to the labor ,federation___________________ headquarters here 'after an absence of more than six months, will be read, 'Y E It was said,t at everty trade union political rallies conducted by organ- ized labor this week. 111 "Through a remarkable campaign i z d l b r t i ,w e .91"h o g a re a k b e c m agn 1922," the m ess age said, "the non- partisan political campaign policy of the American Federation of Labor Yost, Bursley and Cavanaugh Will was helpful in the election of 170 Speak; Activity Groups to members of the present Congress Organize which has been more responsive to - the wishes of the people than any BAND TO OPEN PROGRAM other in many'years. But the Supremor Court and the chief executives for! the last fourtyears did and have main- Fielding H. Yost, director of inter- tained a steady trend toward greater collegiate 'athletics, will be the main and greater reaction, which is so speaker at a meeting of the freshman much desired by the privileged few.Jsekraametnofhersmn "The Republican party isowned class which will be held at 7:15 o'- and controlled by the reactionaries, clock tonight in the assembly room of by those who in order to give special the Union. Coach Yost will speak of privileges to the well-to-do, would " Getting the Most from the Campus." place heavy burdens on those least able to -bear them. The Democratic Dean Joseph A. Bursley, dean of party is controlled by the same sinis- men, and Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, ter influences. The fact is that Coo- president of the Union, will also lidge and Davis were nominated by speak. The varsity band will be on the same ulterior influences. "There was no protest possible un- hand to open the program with some til a forward-looking statesman from Michigan songs. After the meeting, out of the .central west entered the which will be short the freshmen will political contest for the purpose of meet in their respective groups. bringing the Governor back to the people. Millions of people dissatisfied Letters have already been sent out by! with the trend in governmental a- the underclass committee of the fairs sought leaders who could be Union, informing each member of the trusted to make the strenuous battle class of '28 to which group he has necessary to regain control .of the been assigned. Plans for these group Government by the people. They chose activities will be formulated. Senators Robert M. LaFollette of The purpose of this meeting is to Wisconsin and Burton K. Wheeler have each freshman meet as many of Montana. other freshmen as possible and to "For 30 years Senator LaFollette promote a real class spirit. William has led the struggle for better gov- L. Dieer aincasesofrte pro- ernment. If there had been no Sena- L Dener, '26, is i charge of the pro- tor LaFollette in the Senate there gram would have been no Teapot Dome in- vestigation. If there had been no Touchdowns M ade Senator Wheeler in the Senate the Grange great mass of corruption in the Gov- By Shown ernment would not have been exposed, A 7%T- Ma 'e tc and Messrs. Daughtery, Denby, Fall and Forbes undoubtedly would still be Government officials. Those who did not follow the team to Urbana Saturday, and others who c : n ,i s, r :t . p I fl t )ntributors I Issue Of Chimes oral excellent points; the author en- tertainingly blends farcial campus be- liefs with others of a serious natute. "Political Bogies," by Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political science de- partment, discusses the illusions that envelop voters in the present raceafor the presidency. The article is strictly impartial; it simply gives a basis for true judgment on the nominees. Sports articles predominate in the issue. They are, as usual, either "dope" stories or temporarily enter- taining. Coach George E. Little deals with football; Albert 13. Adams, '26, traces the evolution of the sport; Wil- Ham Stoneman, '25, discusses the val- ue of the smaller institutions in the Big Ten conference. Martin Codel,j who represented the Detroit News at £7505 00 ISGOA FO DE BCATic SHAVER, ~NATUIONAL (NflAIIRMAN, APPEAIS BEFORE S)ENATE EXPEC T DEFICIT Laollefte Expenditure Will Aiount To $260,00, His manager reslifies Washington, Oct. 21. (By A. P.)- With a total of $548,440 in contribu- tions in hand to date, the democratic Barristers Add Giant Dirigible Twelve Seniors Moored To Mast At Initiation AtSanDiego, Cal Twelve members of the senior law class of '25, were admitted to the Barristers, honorary senior law or- ganization at the formal initiation held last night at the Michigan Union. A banquet preceded the ceremony atj which Laurens L. Henderson, '25L, responded for the Barristers, Carrol B. Jones, '251, for the new initiates, and Prof. 11. F. Goodrich for the faculty. Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law school, a faculty Barrister, ad- dressed the organization at the con- clusion of the banquet. The following members of the law class of '25 were formally initiated: Fred R. Allaben, Cyrus E. Churchill, Carroll B. Jones, Edward C. McCobb,' George T. Townley, Harry B. Grundy'. the Olympic games during the sum- national committee expects to con- Joseph W. McAuliffe, Leland H. Not mer, discusses "The Collegian in the elude the present campaign on a max- nagel, Alfred E. Lindbloom, Ben S. Olympiad." imum outlay of $750,000, the Senate Wendelken, I aurence A. Masselink, The art work is weak. The cover I i .vtay ommittee was tol t and Robert M. Porter. design executes poorly a good idea; dn estLShaverIchaitmanwasd toI the inside illustrations, with one ex- day by Clem L. Shaver, chairman, and ception, are poor. The exception is James W. Gerard, treasurer. "The Omnipotent Frosh," by Walker Expenses thus far have agregated Everett, '26 $597,119, according to statement put TWO 0 URI N OSTjNjJ into the records by Mr. Gerard. Of IF« U IIUsI$w he na t [this sum $461,8Ol, have been paid, the statemI Bent showas. There is an existing Boston, Oct: 21. (By A. P.)-The deficit of approximately $48,000 on the transportation system of this basis of this showing and chairman Is , EIP NC (Shaver said he anticipated a deficit !fite, tunel swa and elevated- campaignfails,; for nearly two hours this mor- at the End of the campaign unless . . contributions came in more rapidly. nif when traffic is normally at it Council Will Appoint Committee At the previous hearing officials of heighth and half a million persons Composed Entirely Of First- the Republican national Committee were forced to walk, wait, or beg rides Year Men testified to expendtiures of $1,700,000 from motorists or to pile on congested with an estimated maximum by elec-rt ftion day of $3,000,000 .John N. Nelson ferries and suburban raila system. It TO HANDLE ALL CASES manager of the LaFollette independent' was the most expensive tyup in the organization, told of collections agre- cities history probably, those during For the first time in the history of gating $190,000; expenditures of $155, street car strikes having been dis- Michigan, the freshman class is to be 000 and said he expected to wnd up counted enough to provide some meas- allowed to handle its own cases of the campaign on a total cost of ure of substitute service. This 'ef- discipline. A committee for this pur- $260,000. fected area included points in greater pose, composed entirely of men of the The examination of Mr. Shaver .and Boston 20 miles apart. It delayed busi- first year class, will be appointed by Mr. Gerard consumed less than an ness, created a telephone peak that the Student council when it meets at hour and as no other witnesses were! almost swamped that service, anld 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Union. available the inquiry was adjourned created unusual scenes with thous- The freshman discipline committee over until late tomorrow when the ands of persons trudging along main will have the power to deal with all LaFollette charges of a Repulican arteries on the way to work. violations of traditions and customs slush fund will be investigated furth- The cause was clogging of water of which the men of '28 are found or. Only three of the five members spply to the l Boiers of the main pow- guilty. The ,plan has been initiated as were present today, Sen. Borah, e- er plant at South Boston of the Dos- the result of the decision on the part publican, Idaho, Chairman and Sen- to- elevated railway, which operated of the council that the freshmen are atars Caraway, Arkansas and Bay- all tractions lines in the city. capable of handling their own cases i rd, Delaware, Dc.mocratq. Scenes of semi-hysteria were report-I of discipline without outside aid. The r a eedmfrom thesDorchester tunnel where importance of observing Michigan tra- women in cars crowded with rush ditios is recognized by the council, AEST UOIMT f[ hour traffic became excited. Windows I and, In the opinion of Alfred B. Con- VIL S were smashed in the haste to gain nable, '25, the president, bestresults EIST IN mn T iT rr' ventelation n le 25,athdpbrsidet, est esuls O the street, the white posts were will be obtained by putting it squarely' '''I ~Onthsrete up to the first year men. iIsWIareAyl centers of crowds, relieved only as I The exact number to be appointed motorists picked up some of them or has not yet been decided, but Henry Maj. W. T. Carpenter, head of the as they joined the columns of march- Grinnell, '28, recently elected presi- Military Science department of the ers. On Commonwealth avenue, these dent of the freshman class, will be one University, has just received word of numbered thousands. On other princi- of the members. a number of vacancies for appoint- pal streets they number hundreds. ment to cadetships at the United It was not until 9:50 o'clock that the States Military academy at West Point. company was able to say that service Vacanciese npracticallyeas normal GNTstate in the union and :re to be filled. Sbyentrance examination to be held i I f lhI AGINST Iel INTERESTS in March, 192, the successful ap- LJUIIU II ULI1UUI pointecs to be admitted to the acad- emy July 1, 1925. I Los Angeles, Oct. 21. (By A. P.)-- Candidates must, at date of ad~mis- RITISH, 980HPIRT The opening session of the govern- sion, be between the ages of 17 andR ment's case against the Pan-American 22, and must conform to the physical London, Oct. 21. (By A. P.)-Polit- petroleum and transport company, to requirements. Graduates of prepara-- ic-al cam naign is selling itself down tory schools or puaic high schools to a rather tedious process "of dis- cancel the Elk-Hills naval reserves accredited by the U. S. Mili'ary acid- crediting and belittling the "oppos- oil leases granted the E. L. Doheny ! emy may be admitted without a men- m ing party." This is due to the advent interests, crowded Federal Judge J. tal examination. of any great question of principal to McCormick's court here today, out- The following Senatorial and Con- stir the minds of the voters. There nmbringthseattendgt e ay -gressional districts exist in Michi- is, nevertheless, an overwhelming tinalrina trs edin Ls sn- gan : the first, fourth, fifth, seventh, flood of oratory.I tional criminal trials held in Los An- eighth and eleventh Congressional Marquis Curzon entered the field geles in the past several months. districts. for the first time today with a speech I The government's amended bill of Further information in regard to in the city of London. Ae natural to a complaint charges conspiracy be- these appointments may be had from former foreign minister Lord Curzon teenlbrt BhFal l forsrc e- Major Carpenter at his office in the I devoted his speech to denouncing the tween Albert B. Fall, formersecre- . . T. C. bulding foreign policies of the Labor govern- tary of the interior, and E. L. Doheny 1m___ent, especially the Russian treaty involving the payment of $100,000 by which he characterized as astonishing, Doheny to Fall which was followed fChange M ade In and respecting which he said: "the by granting of oil leases in the navalEs whole annals of our country contain E ucoflomifcsiRoomHs; nothing more humiliating or more dis- Swhose ovalue inthepossibleen profits have - graceful than this treaty." been estimated by Doheny at $100,- Changes in the rooming plan of the Premier MacDonald's health is im- 000 000 economics building, which now houses proved and he is again touring the Owen J. Roberts stated the govern_ only the economics and sociology oe.. country in an active campaign. There mscase briefly. partments, have been made this fall had been some rowdyism at Bristol, medt's ---e din one or two instances. Room 201, Norwich and other places, leading to Thvenefendatelcomssedtea ngeati last year's reading room, has been the arrest of many disturbers under of venue and expressed great satis- refitted and is now used as a lecture a special act of Parliament passed in faction that the case was out of the room, -while the economics reading;10, when suffragette disturbances Senate and before a federal tribunal roomnor whieteeooisrais10,we ufaet itihne aontndorakJ.dHoanriaroom for this year is room 3027, new were rampant. This is the first time literary building. I the act had been invoked since that San Diego, Calif., Oct. 21.-(By A. P.)-Safely moored to the 100 foot mast expressly erected for the Shen- andoah, the great dirigible docked here after a swing north as far as Seattle, swung lightly tonight while her officers awaited for a favorable weaher report in the eatern section of the United States expressed the be- lief this evening that the Shenandoah would not start back to Lakehurst, New Jersey before Thursday. The dirigible arrived over San Diego about 4 o'clock and swung down thm- lower California coast and shortly after daybreak headed back for San Diego. The landing was made at it o'clock and 45 minutes later, after 300 blue jackets from the naval air station had hauled her to the mast, she was safely moored. Officers of the dirigible declared that the Shenandoah had not been damaged in its rough trip down the Pacific coast and that only a few minor repairs would be necessary to fit the airship for its trip back east: Commander Za rachy Lan sdowne said le would decide tomorrow whether to take the Shenandoah direct to the east or to stop at Fort Worth. Gas- oline, helium and food were taken aboard this afternoon. TIEMANN GIS TAlK ON AUSTORALAN FOESTS' H. T. Tiemann, of the U. S. forest products laboratory at Madison, Wis- consin, was the speaker at a meeting of forestry students last night in the Natural Science building. "The Forests of Australia" was the subject selected for the address, but in order to make it more interesting, Mr. Tiemann gave a travelogue, il- lustrated by many slides he obtained during the seven and a half months he spent in Australia in 1921, at the request of the Victorian government. He touched upon the forestry prob- lems of Australia and mentioned the queer varieties of trees and fruits found there. Pears of solid wood, and cherries and native plums which have the pit on the outside are among the more remarkable of their fruits. Mr. Tiemaun is a Yale graduate in forestry, and has been directing most of his attention to kiln drying, on I which subject lie is an authority. 4 Rooms In Union Are All Reserved~ All the guest rooms at the Michi- gan Union have been reserved for this week-end according to officials of the Union. Reservations enough to fill the rooms were received by the Union last summer. The reserva- tion list is also full for the week- end of the Northwestern and Iowa games. To aid alumni who return for the game a list of rooms availa- ble near the campus has been com- piled and may be consulted any after- noon from 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock at the committee booth on the main floor. Club To Present Private Program The production of "The Hero of Santa Maria" by Ben Hecht and "How le Lied To Her Husband" by Ber- nard Shaw, announced for public presentation this evening by the Player's Club in Sarah Caswell An- gell Hall, will be open only to mem- bers of the organization upon presen- tation of their membership cards. A private performance has been made necessary through the illness of several members of the cast. A pub- lic performance, however, of this pro- gram will probably be offered Novem- ber 12. - Opera Orchestra Needs 6 More Men Six more men are needed in the orchestra, for the Michigan Union opera. Fourteen men have been picked so far but a 20-piece orchestra is to be used this year, the largest the opera has ever had. The instruments yet needed are a flute, clarinet, drums, French horn, trumpet, and bass viol. Any students wishing to truout for the orchestra may do so at 7:15 this evening in the Mimes Theater, where Mr. Shuter, the director will meet them. FIRST ON COURSE Speaker Makes Sport of Popular Ideas About Frozen Country; There Are no Snow-Houses "Some of the terrors of the Arctic are really there, but the real ones are such that they can be conquered," said Vilhjalmur Stefansson, famous Arctic explorer and lecturer, speak- ing on "Abolishing the Arctic," in the opening lecture of the 1924-25 Ora- torical series last night in Hill audi- torium. He was introduced by Pres- ident Marion L. Burton, who official- ly opened the course. "It is impossible to go beyond the flowers, the butterflies, and the bum- ble-bees unless you climb a moun- tain," the explorer said in conjunc- tion with the statement that there are 140 varieties of flowers within the Arctic circle. "There is nothing so fundamentally believed by the average man as that the tropics are always hot, the temperate zone al- ways medium, and the Arctic always cold," he added. Mr. Stefansson opened his lecture 'ith the statement that about 450 years ago there lay to the southy of Portugali a "boiling ocean," and to the west a "sea of darkness and of terrors." Prince Henry the Naigator and Christopher Columbus abolished these ideas, "even as far-seeing men are now trying to "abolish the Arc- Weather Really Temperate (The speaker then told of how the ancient Greeks had believed that the polar regions started at the Alps, and of how that supposedly frozen regio gradually retreated through France and Germany, Scotland, the Scandi- navians, and Russia until today "e think we see a frozen land just be- yond our own horizon." He said, "To- dcay I am a great hero for doing in the Arctic what as a boy I did daily in going to school. It all depends on the advertising you get. "The United States has had a weather bureau on the nortiern tip of Alaska, 300 milex above the polar circle, on and off for 40 years, and the lowest temperature ever record- ed was 54 degrees below zero. In the summer it is 90 degrees above zero in the shade every year, and some- times 95 to 100 degrees