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October 21, 1924 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXV. No. 25





Says Principle is Wrong, But AdnIts
Measure a Step Toward

Will Talk Here


League Of Nations Non-Parisa i
Association Sponsors Local
Dr. Irving Fisher of Yale university
world-famous economist and lecturer.
will deliver a public address on "The
League of Nations" in Ann Arbor
next Monday night, Oct. 27, under the
auspices of the League of Nations
Non-Partisan association, it was an-
nounced last night. Negotiations are
new in progress to secure a promineut1
opponent of the League and, if one can
be obtained, Dr. Fisher has agreed to

NI .. ee s-gs ]_w re ntlybe n n -s rlIflfnnir m Eli

Speaks Tonight

ere'cted by the city for the conven-
0.ceo students, st rangers, and
towl spople. Dring the past week
balf a dozen of these signs have been
torn (Io\, n, some of them carried off,
and other left luyin g in the street
Thomas O'Brien chief of police, says;
*students have been seen breakingy
the(se signs off, and if they are appre-
hended they shall receive the full ex-
tent of the law. This spirit of want on
destwlCtin nIust stop anlld further of-
fenders will not only be fired an(,
receive jail sentence, but will also
be asked to leave town"
No expanse ) was spared in getting
the finest steel placards that money
Could buy, and it is the request of
both the council and the police that
these signs be left unmolested.

V targe (Grnndy Witp Abding "Largest
Possilde &'outri)Utionis" of
ashington, Oct. 20. (By A. P.)-
With a rather formidable array of wit-
nesses already summoned and still
others to be called, membere of the
special Senate committee expressed
the opinion today that the investi-I
gatien of campaign expenditures byI
the three maior political parties, be-
gan last week at Chicago, will be
centinued right up to election day,

Those of the group which gather-
ed in Lane hall last night in hopes
of hearing a Quaker sermon for ab-
solute non-resistance torn to shreds^
were doomed to disappointment. Con-'
trary to the general expectation, Dr.
S. E. Nicholson, secretary of the Na-
tional Council for the Prevention of Dr. Irving FisherI
War, spoke on the question of abol- The distinguished Yale economist
ishment of war, not as a Quaker, but will speak in Ann Arbor next Mon-
as a student versed in international day night, Oct. 27. on behalf of the
relationships. Prof. Thomas C. True- League of Nations, of which le has
blood of the public speaking 'depart- long been an able and enthusiastic?
ment, a graduate of Dr. Nicholson's advocate.
own alma mater, introduced the'
"I am not here to criticise the man
who feels it his duty to make the su-
preme sacrifice at the call of his
country. rather to emphasize the
need of mutual agreement between,
nations which will abolish the. nec-
essity of a nation to call its youth ----
to m~ake that sacrifice," said Dr. Nich' -Maxinilian Rose, Violinist, Emil Pol'ik,
olson in opening his talk. Pianist, Will Assist Famous
Urges Conferences f i , Prima Donna
Dr. Nicholson stressed the idea of _
holding occasional international con- TICKETS STILL ON SA LEj
ferenses as issues made them exped-
lent. In this way the nations would1
come to understand each other and Maria Jeritza, the noted Viennese'
heavy armament would be no longer soprano, now with the Metropolitian
necessary. "We have built up a false Opera company, will offer the first
idea of patriotism," said the speaker, n
grogram of the Choral Union series

Villijalmur Stefansson
Vilihjalmur Stefausson, Artic explor-
er and lecturer, who will open the
annual Oratorical lecture course in I


debate the subject with him.LI November 4.1 ine amto II um
The Association is not yet prepared the inquiry will be resi'n l here
to announce where the address will 'Topicf o FnalTContest TOn O T tomorrowwith the rexaminationof 1
be given, but the meeting will be open Wjj r A h' yt -rhn
to the public and the place announced Af officials of the Democratic na:ional
within a few days. j _committee as to contribution to and
More Seeches to Follow SILVER PLACARD AWARD exp diues by the organization
speeches and debates which the 1 01 CHORAL VNION
League association will sponsor Our- 'TNat ional Issues and the Political Jame,- \\. Gerard treasurer, will be
ing the year with the object of promot- napain" is to be the msul;ject of this the officers of the Republican and ilen, Women Will Rehearse SeparatelyI
ing intelligent, non-partisan discus- semester's extempore cont-st which j Independent organizations to submit On Tresday and Thursday For
in intelli ent no-artisan disc- Iwill starit at 4 o clocl today in room j sworn reports as t the financial af-Tirs t Persd
sion of present-day internationamli First Period
questions with particular reference 1302 Mason hall. Approximately forty lairs as of October 20, October 25,-
to the League of Nations and the d- candidates are cXi)ectd A) comnlpcto in and November 1. IS COMMUNITY AFFAIR
visability of American membership the preliminary contest from which The committee had intended to go
therein. Last year the Association number the seren leading contestants stiaight through with tho ,muiry in- Un
r h mr y-ja , .will be chosen to compete in the final I to the charges of Senator Robert M.1 Choralnao im tde
brought former Attorney-General IL" .1.e ht ug sl" been sent out to over 350) students
W. Wickersham to Ann Arbor for an c can:est. LaI{ollette that a huge slush";-
E.WickershachtcononAnnuArnsrgforhR b an( townspeople who will be members
address and also arranged the vwell I "co tnt will be r ired to iind is being raised by the Republican the chors this year according to
attended debate between Prof. William peak on some phase of the subcct, national committee, tthe bankers andCr
atnedeaebtenPo.ilim I spriua oi en asgndt bsesitest generally for Charles F. Sinks (director of the School
H. Hobbs of the geology department hisparticul artoi b ith s s usinsintee stsy
1 . 01'111alI 3 rr,) it n~~t~"1_17 P~f)1, ! 1c11ir)11o1zif o th . ( n~iivnllaxrausi mu .c.


"If we build up a big war machine
we will become proud of it, and in a
short time will be looking for occa-
sion to display it."
Doesn't Favor Leaguef
"I am not Qverly enthused over the
League of Nations. Neither am I
over the Protocol, which 47 nations
signed. I can see no logic in nations
agreeing to go to war to stop war.
However, these may be steps in thej
right direction."'
At the close of the talk, Mr. Nich-
olson answered questions con'cerning
the economic situation in Russia,
where he spent th'e last year doing
relief work. Perry M. Hayden, presi-
dent of the S. C. A., assured Dr.,
Nicholson that a definite, organized
attempt will be made by that organi-
zation to further on the campus theI
work of the Council for Preven,tionj
of War as presented by Dr. Nichol-
Mr. H.'T. Tiemann of the U. S. For-
est Product laboratory located at Mad-
ison, Wisconsin, and who is to speak
here tonight, went in October 1921
to Australia at the request of the Vic-.
torian government, to advise them
concerning the kiln drying of their,
native timber.tHe spent seven and
one half months in Australia, and,
visited many points of interest. I
Mr. Tiemann's illustrated lecture isI
to be held at 7:30 o'clock today in
room 214 of the Natural Science build-
ing. All those interested, particularly!
forestry/ students, are urged to at-
Block "M" Proves
Success At Game
Michigan's block "M' at the Michi-
gan-Illinois game last Saturday prov-
ed one of the spectacula-e featums of

and Prof. Preston Slosson of theils-J
in Hill auditorium Thursday night. tory department on "The 1o Peace tt contest. Th subject or tim final (ticket. Upon his arrival here from Although a large portion of the
This will be Madame Jeritza's first Plan" rmn n contest, taking place Oct. :, Will C Clicago today, however, Chairman members of the organization is stu-.
This.ncwill be Madame nJheraitr-a s First i PlJan. tdents, the admission of local residents
appearance in Ann Arbor, and it is Dr. Fisher comes to Ann Arbor by announfcesr at 5 o'clock in ,he aiter- Borah was alvisel y Joseph R aen I the charait o oa i-t
expectedntst tatoi be8o'one ';hofgvethethecmosterofpocnt-'-
expected to be one of the most popuI arrangement with the national As- in te University hall a orimund tthat the other witnesses from ien i thchras ofta com-
the Pnvriyhl u trin" Ihiladelpihia could not come here be-?trunity affair, which has contributed t
ocar concerts of the year. Jeritza will soation of which he is an officer Th wir this year i hmmuch to its success, in the opinion ofi
he assisted by Maximilian Rose, vio- along with former Justice John R . rThe awads peard>uho the±oI n the director.
linist, and Emil Polak, pianist. Chief Clarke of the Supreme Cort and 1 -1 yai l acaron wih I GrudyChairman of the ways Applicants for membership in the
among. the prima donna's numbers is1 George W. Wickersham. di idoi:( 5O.1t1l~sa ila ' means committee of the Reubli-
a ong f.prhm doLutes frmers Wrote BookIn , an , , m It nae l ca-1 national committee, and who has choral society were tried ut and chos-
I "TeSnofteLt, rmtet h ctzn n under the directon of Farlb V.t
opera "Die Tote Stadt" by Korngold, i Long distinguished as a poltical Iwinner. This contest is open to the written appeals, to the "citizens of ert d V.
and an Aria from "La Gioconda" the economist, Dr. Fisher has in recent lntire campus with the exception 1I Pennsylvania" asking for "largest agr of the School of Music, and di-
Ponchielli opera. years enchanced his reputation by his fieshmeb and members of .he Delta possible contributions" will be a prin- retr of the Chorl no ni
Although no Wagnarian selection book, "League or War?" which has ,iima Rho, honorary publie speaking cipal witness. Senator Caraway, Dem- Aew feature has be Unor rted
appears on her program, it is ex- enjoyed a tremendous sale and which socet. ocratic, Arkansas, said today it was in e s organizarior
i Formerly only the three innerA o his rpose torka nsaintoy i a croewokosseogniain ti
pected that Madame Jeritza will chose is regarded as the ablest argument . y n his purpose to acetaut by cross year in that the inen and women will
as her encores selections from his for the League of Nations yet pu- the a11 and spring ext enpora contest examination Grundy's business in-I rehearse separately and at different
operas, as she has scored her great- lished. were eligible to compete in the Atkin- terests and also as to the truth of times until the ltter par of the
est triumphs in these roles. . Dr. Fisher has taught mathemn;s son contst ; this rule. however, s season when all of the voices will I
She is now on tour before the open- and political economy at Yale for ! no longer in effect andl iarticipatio ors of the famous schedule "K" of therh
in thors of the famous scheduled"K" ofnthe lebrought together for the enisemble .
ing of the season, after which she will more than a quarter of a ce-ntry. le in this contes will not hinder onePayne-Aldrich tariffact. eginning next Tuesday t r '
return to New York and continue her received his doctor's degree from Yale oOnc o ,rtaing in the Atkinson con- ed rar ifact.r , I ening net Tuesday'
in 191 ad folowe It est.Edwardl 'I. Sttesbury, Philadelphia1 the men will rehearse every Tuesday
erformances at the Metropolitan, in8 ndtwith several . l'scontestseang1banker, and Samuel M. Vauclain, pres- evening from 7 to 8 o'clock at the
Iwhere she is the outstanding color- years of study in Paris and Berlins ident of the Baldwin locomotive School of Music. The first rehearal
atura. Besides having an extremely Supplementing his brilliant academic on s r min orS are other Philadelphia witnes for the women will be held October
beautiful voice, Jeritza is said to be a icareer, which had given him ani intr iaion Lws'wre W'riiaix Dxo, rsreohe.Piadlpi wtn
remarkable actress and has been sey- national reputation in his field, Dr- ib Lillian McEachern " and Elner ses. Senator Borah said subpoenas 30, and every following Thursday
erabme ucres byd suc en s Fisher's nama e htasong bees fidei, D .L , '2. ' ~1had been been issued for them. evening at the same hour as the men.
eral times urged by such men as Fisher's name has ion; been .dent, I a omn, "-a
Rheinhardt, to abandon the operatic fied with various progressive rmv- o
stage and devote herself to legitimate iments for reform and the improv ement i e bbs " inksSt flanSSon Isf
acting. In concert she is said to dis- of social and industrial conditio i IM
play these dramatic gifts a swell as including the movement fore pohilii- I F kableB utIHuHan M n
1 in the actual performance. tion, woman suffrage, free trade,
There are still a few tickets to be child labor laws, pure food legishiti'nm jIl1.10II___________
T had which are one sale at the School eugenics, public health legislation, I DL UDInL
of Music. The courses seats are $5, conservation of natural resources and.15 (1 Vilhjalmur Stefansson who is to ventions of the present day social
$4, $3, $2, and the single tickets are various societies aiming at Intern- --- sneak here tonight is characterized I system. Especially is this noticeable
50 cents $1, $1.50 and $2 each. Those tional cooperation and the abolition Ihelen Brown, General (hairniii,I by Prof. W. H. I )obbs of the geology in respect to the so called necessities
who desire tickets are urged to apply of war. Name iCommiutte Wiih Will Idepartment as "a remarkable though of life, food, 'shelter, and clothing.
at once as it is expected that the --Bead imatpigin very human personality." He started Noteworthy of Stefsnsson's achieve-
house will be entirely sold out before -L---out his Arctic exporations using a ments is the making known of 100,000
the concert. BUDGE F $4,500 method entirely different from that square miles of the Arctic. This ter-
i Eagerly Sought used by any other explorer. It was ritory was hitherto unknown and
BrL Novem r 4, ,5, G a 7 h"a""ive b"e always the "opul" r belief that in or- " ong with this discovery he found a
. w t as the dates of the firancial drive 4cr to do extensive investigating in number of smaller land bodies. In
'~-~~~-~x of the 4 x. C. A..which that organ- the far North it was necessary fori the belief of Stefansson these new
GoodCare Of Some freshman never grow up in sation will hold in coijunetion with one to take with him sufficient sup- Ilands and discoveries are destined to
Bnthe opinion of employes of the 11iolhi the . C. A. The budget for this year plies to last while he was gone. Stef- have a great value as landing sta
gan union tap room. Recently a sign has been set for $4,500. asson went into the polar regions tions in future airplane routes which
was exposed on the cashier's - desl The University division of the Y. with only a rifle and a limited quan- will cross the Arctic region.
there reading, "All Frosh get library W. C. A. plans to raise $1,800, the tityof supplies. Ile managed to live That Stefansson was a man of un-~
of Urbana and Chicago Plce admittance tickets here. Today is las work of raising the balance will go for a number of years by hunting usual ability is asserted in an intro-
day. ato outside. heip. ITie whole sum will fandfishing through the ice. Salt ductory article written by Sir Robert
tNever was a band more royally for several ours, ind sent a steay go to the support of the Y. W. C. A. ! was not even carried along on his ex- I Borden, prime minister of Canada,
treated than was the Michigan band rea h rsan a it n is vario iprojec. pedition as e learned from the Es-I for Stefansson's book, "The Friendly I
lastreSaturdaypynight Urbana,"y ith I c itiuxnta, he'learnedlfrom
last Saturdamruight at Urbana" says admit. The drive il be carried on by quimaux that sufficient salt was al- Arctic." lIe says "The results accom-
Rbr~h't (Camnbeplltreasurer of the a,,dttnadlut I earns.M acKellar, '27, and Merle ready in the wild food which they pushed by this expedition would have

"New Lands of ropies and Poles,"
Combines Aretic, Australian
Vilhjalmur Stefansson, who will
open the 1924-25 Oratorical lecture
series at 8 o'clock tonight in hill
auditorium, may change the subject
of his talk from "Abolishing the Arc-
tic" to "New Lands of the Tropics
and the Poles." His desire to give
the latter lecture, which' is a new one,
was expressed in a letter received
this week-end by Prof. Thomas C.
Trueblood, dhead of the public speak-
ing department and chairman of the
program committee of the Oratorical
The Arctic explorer and lecturer
seems to enjoy introducing new 1e-
tures before Ann Arbor audiences.
The last time he spoke here, at a
University convocation in March of
1923, he introduced a lecture that he
had never given before, "The North-
ward Course of Empire," which has
been one of his most successful lec-
tures since that time.
To Give Experiences
As the title indicates, "New Lands
of the Tropics and the Poles" will
probably combine the speaker's ex-
periences in the Arctic and in Aus-
tralia, where he spent the summer on
a lecture tour, according to his let-
ter. Mr. Stefansson also plans to
show some pictures of "the so-called
desert of Australia." It is said that
the explorer has hopes of reclaiming
this desert by education, and of even-
tually proving that waste spaces can
be hospitable to settlers.
Mr. Stefansson's attitude in regard
to these so-called "waste" lands is
well expressed in the following,
which is reprinted from an interview
in the New York Times shortly after
the explorer's return from Australia
last month:
"The worthlessness of any large
territory is imaginary, such a terri-
tory is worthless simply because the
people insist on thinking it so. They
refuse to make any effort to conquer
such regions; the very thought of it
appalls them. The Arctic and the
Sahara alike are dismissed as hope-
less stretches of ice and sr nd because
of the centuries-old traditions that
have existed concerning them. i
Burton to Preside
"A. small area can e so costile as
to make it uninhabitable, but I firmly
believe that no large area as large,
say, as the United States can be class-
ified as worthless for all =time to
come. Any theory like that, I am con-
vinced, will disappear wrhen people
learn more about the history of geo-
President Marion L. Burton will of-
ficially open, the lecture course and
will introduce the speaker. Ie will
be preceded by Millard HI. Pryor, '25,
president of the Oratorical board,
who will make a few introductory an-
The lecture will start promptly at
8 o'clock, and seats thrt are not oc-
cupied at that time may be used by
persons sitting behind them, it was
announced yesterday by the commit-
tee in charge. This policy will be
adopted for all Oratorical associa-

tion lectures.
Mr. Stefansson will arrive in Ann
Arbor at 2:49 o'clock today and will
remain until tomorrow morning.
Few Supporters
Welcome Varsity
Michigan's defeated football team
returned to Ann Arbor on the Detroit
special train at 8:100 o'clock Sunday
Only a handful of Michigan sup-
1 porters greeted the Wolverine aggre-
gation that was so overwhelming de-
feated by the Illini. The poor turnout
was laid to the uncertainty of the time
that the team would return.
The band returned shortly after nine
o'clock on the Chamber of Commerce
special train. After putting their mu-
sic cases on a University truck, the
I hand assembled to play out:ide of the
station. The line of march was up
State Street to the Michigan Union.

the game and the dedication of lt e , "v'-----, d
stadium. The huge human mass of University and manager of the band.
moving yellow and blue forming a "Every man," he says, "is shouting
great "M" was receivedY ith thund- the praise of the Ann Arbor Cham-
erous applause from the Illini stands. ber of Commerce. Every convenience
Twenty-two hundred Michigan rooters Iwas provided and the band was bet-
formed the "M" betwecn the 35 and ter cared for than if it had been un-
50 yard lines in the west stand. I der themanagement of the University.
"The Urbana Chamber of Commerce
Football Tickets did practically nothing," added Mr.
ilCampbell. "The Ann Arbor Chamber
Maied Yesterday through its secretary P. P. Wood-
bridge, took entire charge, arrangingE
All football t'(Kets for the Wiscon- for meals, special cars to and from
sin game te be returned by registered the stadium, and accomodations for
mall were sent out by the Athletic I instruments in the Odd Fellow's hall."
Association last night. The first of It is reported that Michigan was set
these were maited last week and the on having a parade in Urbana while
rest yesterday. I the city authorities were determned
Those to be returned by regular that there should be no parade be-
inail will be sent out by tonight. cause of the traffic jam. A number

hands. ihe catch of t e evening - ,
not, however, in the class of '28. Prs' aei ha o ti o
A junior law student approached ittol and annou that e
the desk seeking information concern- be1 2 teams with I0 women on each
ing library tickets. "Do you have to team. Any woman wo wishes to do1
have those tickets to get in the H- who (10 work in the teams is urged
brary," he questioned the cashier. to get into communicat ion with the
"Yeah, everyone that goes into the Y. W. C. A. at Newlmrry hal. It will
library has to show one of these at he the imsiness of the teams to call
the door." ( on the women in the district to which I
So the ticket was properly signed they are assigned, and explain the
and dated, and the last seen of the project.
E junior law he was disappearing Helen Brown, '25, general chairman
through the front doors, presumably Ims aloited the following executive
i bound toward the library to mal-: comnmitee; Jana Mae Barnes, '25,
use of his ticket. -Mae Kelhar, '27, Ethel Schroeder, '25,
M llrvc~itrt 27, :%r:; Tyler at n,

Rarely in looking over the long
list of polar explorers does one find
a man of scientific Jtraining. The!
exception is found in Stefansson, who1
applied throughout the technic of his'
expedition the theories of modern
science paying little heed to the con-1

been impossible if Stefansson had
been a man of less resource and cour-
age. Ills commanding intellectual
powers, remarkable faculty of ob-
servation, capacity for keen analysis
of facts and conditions, splendid poise
strength and endurance made great
results possible."


- ._,

Urbana Game Draws Largest
Number Of Cars In History
According to officials of the M\hi- Despite the extra-large movement
ar " Central railroa, the largest of trains, railway officials say that
movement of railway cars in the his- j ery little difficulty was encountered
tory of Chicago took place last Satur- with the passengers. Usually in such
day when 21. trains left that city for I a sase, many passengers take the


Briscoe Enters
Trinity College

'26l, Louise Plot e, '2,Fiua Harey,
25, Mderl Park, '25, Jessica Megaw,s
'5 and Eni oitMc'lucin, '7. EBa ri
coimonitt me ember is responsible for


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