TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1 _ _. . F EHlMiN CYm CLR E S wil e ive cnecin ih h I i the ne 4ure room on the suoaed WIL BEIN OMUROW floor. ___L. Freshman._ gym classes will begin B fr e rig tomnorrow afternoon according to Dr.! George A. May of the. physical c m..- Fehe cation (epartment. Attendance at ~ Frhen f the Unvritlr opnig s xtemiyiupo~tur ged to attend the Z+rresluan as- opeing ,,stso s xtrmel imorti semtly to 1)e held ;at 7:15 o'clock, ant as Dyr. May will snake general re-; izedyct2.Wn..Deer marks and instructions regarding the ~~dwdy (.2.Wn ~ inr character of teya'wrathehe(, M c al rii of the underclass (de-yersw use of' Watermnan tepartmit~n will pnres>ide over the mteet- Names of students will be called :lbg, at wh71ich lDeain A. Blarsicy will ad- avcl places, to stand will be assignd i dregs the yearling.,. The V~i rsity band at the firsit meeting. Dr. May wse will protvide mosic for [be afi'r. ac ma to h v hi gy sm ciiand be. ready for work as thero will Taalri~i flith [ iversily golf touirn- be an outdoor run on the new cinderamrit will 1w rlaeyed off oay aft- tracwk if time permits. c jaioncV,:a'3')8 oles oca tk e Ann Ar.- T1his year the six hygiene lccturc 1; b :zglf 6011:13(11 Architectural College I Recipient Of Valuaibleifts Several valuable gifts, which. camn soave portfer"; }i eente'l to the collgoe f) i eused for exhibit purposes, have by Eng lish r~airoaa{1 . The :Elnglisph been received by the architectural roads beal ; e in lAvcrtising inl a highx colleg e and will soon be placed Oil class manner and itheir posterCs are display in that. college. rjho fist of the work of c, pcI'J.eed artists. T he has sent the architectural college a I gaits inciudes a beautifully carved muaho~any screeni, given by Edmiunds cofmpany of Chicago, which is= a partI of the original (designin ade lby Lewis ILI Sullivan for one of the Cicago: buslines trtrctures, and is, undoubt - Sedly one of the riceiest pieces of woodI carving done in thie United States re-I Gently. E~rnest Wilby of the colleg:e of arcll- itecturo on his return from England, -whaere he attended an international conferemce of archiite cts, lbromgli architectunra1 c(allI. e ha-,,lore tulan thirty o iepo ers, Which will be uine la lu models for the (Ira-rifl,; (:lasses. York vvJ' 1re wo-'Li eito (ho colie~c la ys I(Cass Ciire ri r be ar h ilec'of I hat, sI ut i e. Ehre i ewigswillI form part of 1Owit ; A f('O iC!i 1.Ia1a c on- ( 'rl n!"; archdi[ciace in the Michiganensian office by Nov. 1. To Get Course Tickets, rice $2.50 at Boy~office I-ll Aud., Tues. Oct. 21 1 :30,.5:30. "qp 'P' ' T'"J } y , , Z Y"4 J [ me. NW i.'- 7 ; tr ' i ( n'0 I 0.. ~ ~l ~ i~ '>u k A wl . .-. . v,.-..+ .,,..-. . ... .. ..... .. ...+ ..:,.'v yrr+-' w..:+w ..w xswr.+an aw.®xavasawmi+a'i1W64)a1 ,t tiA{ VA.; t xF e ::. cd .! rh' d J1. Yi !i(a' t + t ,i6vr ,A G Zvi tIt} rv.i+f . y kcM1i :: 'Aj,' "y e' 9 ! } ,r I ... ....r._........ ..--- --I Sea)-"Story, Of Att Ia d TODA,: NOW L A'Y 114 G - THE, PICTURE. YOU 'VE/. 7 EW m "I W AITING FOR A i AN VEN ' ,doom R 1 T 3KO . f?9e;T a~ ll, 'A WK I LA Af- k ,x g.. i f F ' ti : - % r ' ,, r L ", 4 ,v/ C i ' r .. l " ' .t Y 4 . f ' , ..tom: . ""Y F , jo J iVt, " i)1 1 L; lol i omanic y 3w aeerDay WITH JEM y I . ("' v ,ti { A R . . ' Y . F tree WARR R'm PERSISONAILY J.SELECTED BY RAFA ELj TO rMr~~j.PLAY .' I' I. A - ,2 ' R-le"ll "Captain Bl!ood" is a story of those adventurous anld ronan- tc. days of the l ate seventeenth ce.ntury when men wereCOP.- lemnned as slaves K 111 crufel King. jalnnfn2, and bc~nes terrorized the colonists of tte Nce t 1blclics and mechainL vessels Dn the hig,-h seas. It. is a romnce of the sea in days when buccanecys ruled the Spz~niI, Main, written by one of the greatest living authors, ~t auth or of those tremendous spectacles "Scaramouche" and ( crSea H.'awk'-".. Raf ael Sabatini, the Modem r Dumna. "Ca ptain 1B1ocd'" is Sabatini's greatest novel. I v S~The Wuerth Concert Orchestra iN. 1). FALCO L, JDirector Pres enting The Original MIusleal Qcore Used by the Astor 'theatre, Newv York City. for "Caitaiin Blo: g6 g f M1 R . 4 Y a. a " 7 . jr jeQSyyeyyyy Y IDr. Frank Crane Says- r1 "I do not hesitate to say that this is the best story I have readt sizrcc '1The Count of Monte i. ri'o.'* * I count it one of the greatest books of the -Scglhedule of Shows- Sunday 2 :00-3 :40-5:20-7 :00-8:40 r Wmeek Days----2 :00-3:30-7 :00-8:40 THE SPLENDID CAST INCLUDES JEANPAIGE-ALLEN F E1-"VS' --TIS iA AN- CHARLOTTE MERRIAM BERTRAM GARAS' V-J E3 ~IS N and WILFRED NORTH TO !NS URE GOOD SEATS THE MAN- AGEMENT REQUESTS THAT' YOU STAR I COMEDY CHARLES CHASE -Ipn- 66A 00 TI 17nnl59! POPULAR PRICES Week Day Matinees, 35c Sundays and Evenings, 50c Children, 20c 1 ultjq Avx l aaj/a as ala AI - II I r Y t