THE WEATHER Addlummo-d FAIR AMN) WARNER TOD)AY .ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUN\DAY, OCTOBIER 19, 1924 Aw 46 Allby Section One " I I VOL. XXXV. No. 24 SIXTEEN PAGES SIXTEE±N PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS RCTIC EXPLOHR TO OPEN LECTURE SERIES TUESDAY! AIca Scientific Center PAE V~rLiI Of W91orld Declares Koit hof P'EW0HK0T STELA'XSSON WILL, SPEAK "ABJOLISHING THE" ARCTIC" (IN "it is now a fact that European students and scientists are coming to America to continue their investiga- tions in the various fields or science, insteadl of Americans continuing their scientific work in Europe," said Dr. I. M. Kolthoff, of the University of Utrechit, I-olland, yesterday. The marked Pdvance of science in Amer- ica during the last few years is re- sponsible for this change. Facilities in this country are much, better for scientif~ic research and study than they ure in Europe ac- cording to Dr. Kolthoff. It is possi- ble to secure expensive and delicate HAD ROMANTIC LIFE! Received Recognition of Contributions To Science From Geograpb lealt Societies Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Arctic ex- pieces 01 apparatus and instruments plorer and lecturer, will open the here much easier and quicker than 1924-25 Oratorical lecture series at in' European countries. TIhe Univer- 8o'clock Tuesday night in .1111 audi- rcte in this country are better torium. He will speak on "Abolishing I equipped with laboratories for carry- the Arctic." The last time Mr. Stef- ing on scientific investigations. 'These ansson appeared here was in Marchf laboratories are located so that it is 1923, when he spoke at a University 1easy to carry on different experi- convocation on "The, Northward m nents along the same line of research Course of Empire." as5 for instance ini the physical and The noted explorer has just re-I chemical laboratories. In the Euro- turned from one of the most success- pean universities the buildings are ful tours on record, a lecture tour through Australia, where newspapers declared that his tour was more suc- cessful than that of 'Mark TIwai,Th V E U A O Henry Stanley, or anyone else who has lectured there. -r r v giveas originallytoaa planned lcue that inh-eIW T NI H nine cities of Australia an'd New Zea-I land, but the demand was so great (Has R~epeatedly Refused M3yorial ty that he delivered more than 54 lec-f Of NaItive City to 110lp Bettier tures in the four cities of Sydney, irLoox er ClIa.s Melbourne, Adelaide, and Brisbane, ___ after which he was called back to R T R this country for a trans-continental } YM..A.SE R T Y tour. The life of Mr. Stefansson hasj Mr. K. T. Paul, International Y. ?4. probabl~y been as full of romance as C. A. secretary of India, will be the that of any other living human. Born speaker of the first meeting of the of Icelandic parents in Manitoba,' year of the Michigan in India club, Canada, he came to the United States whicla will beCheld at eight o'clock to- n I not situated on a campums sent cr1 ins district as a ineinb!et' of IdeIdiana le gisiatiu~re. For many F900 ROPS -94 F~p'tye'ars he servedl the Anti-saloon k ,a-ue ~[OD ROP OFEDI iigte field secretatryship which he held or tenty-saixcites.n hmh- FOB V'US CLE651 DAI . i. (;clolnand lhis wife have, for ______ st year- elinRsiawer II (W, lt, ,Hei worlk. On bis return Oil)p).hey 4'v lhtc t~a Wit Coem- I i :ited many, f i'ronpe', iwa r ridden n a i 3 A I 1 i I ,t .1 i is Jj I NearChampaign 'Delays ootersl, Spe' ial I (The Da ily Urbana, oct. 18. - Eh~teen lhundlred people (nOi't to thie game oa a spe- cial Big Four train Were heold up1 15 ti i len west of ( 'lia~a igo ) at noonl to- day whon the train lefit the rails. P as- oegers on the train continued thei j('rbzne y in lbusses which wuee rushewd to theo scene of, the w reekThf sec-j ic ~n ],:;, ,:iof 9 con Si,"I ~L ubI1 MR 1 hI LhI1Lr 'I'ticlest l +. 1 I lh~iig Tirmm t' ai it 1" . S. I AMUT!~IAE Chincago Oct-. 18. ( By A.. P.)---Leads I vW ic h wNill Italce'l(,eslpecial Sena I i ii v e sigut izig com~imittee into, a ioroetgll oig imv enLiga tion into the cl. r go,- of Sena;tor R obert ]NI. 'La Fol- let t.e that a huge ''slush" fund is be,- I IV "Z,; f )redt(I thre suppor - oftlthe Coo- I li 'oi1. I J s ic~het; Ware liresnted to- ay vv tl:< tbodsy by Frank l'. Walsh, G of aa n Ci y, co11usl for the Ind- Pr uden t jre~sidlenia l cam2itdate. In 1submittinga ass ofet orrespoi- I di uce and other dIata )upona wh ichi the wie rgos are based, at. l-1ast in part.,' Mr.{ \Val~tsh Ad Le v,-oul 'A unde~rtake to ?I rxv that Ihr''e futnils vwcre being colect :-dinl th T lnitcd taes 'one by t he national colluit tee, t he rogu - f . n4'i-------- l'I---1 1 ,n ~n 7h, t ILLII A UISH WOLVERINES BYSCORE. OF 39-14 IN. FAST DEDI1CATION GAME AT URBANA 4I t( I ( 44i I) I : f ; 3E:T TlE T EAM" IihMIg's fi lhting football tc a , (ete atedl for the first time III tw~o years, but still withl the sirit to carry on, will return to Ain Arbor at 8 o'clock this moring via the Michigan Cen- tral. Th~le team was drivel) to Champaign fromi Urbana last night andh left there at 6:25 o'clock. The band will return on the (Chanmber of Commerce special wchwill arrive about the same tiie rc,; tho train carrying the t(SOiii. Diespite Michigan's dis- appo)iintilnt and despite the early hour it is hoped that the students will turn out andl wel- come the men who gave their best for their University. REDOLERTAIBIJEG 6{1 M ECARRIES VICTORY S"TEGER STARS I ! l { i. a ILLINIDEDICATESNEW E IORIALSTDIUMI Ii" dse Play Sini' - Spanigled Banner; (Cannion Siol1utes Fired, As Flag Is Rlaised BLAME WALL STRUEFT Detroit, Oct. 18S. (Hy A, ) -glen.y ford coznsijders the lMuscles Shl a controversy closed. in a statemntn today lie declared that undler no dir- Jji I i E . (( t n ion a conferring with the Ileader 4 ill l~ct' f rolieOe) . l'1)(-u1 Ins ret urn to America ho be,- caine1 associate scr('tlary Of the nau tional council for the prevention oJ wain is4 w'ivi siting Ann Arbor wi~th ahove of goting the i\ielligal.) NOTABRLES ATTEiND) atudeult bo(Iv linking 117'01t he sllb- ject of abolition of war anid eteruial peace. Althloug li the counnuittee in ho'l Hers of tbre UI -. lie) care of by thiC a as a child and was brought up on; night, in Lane hail. The prograin 1s cumnstances would the Ford comipany char g( of arrangemecnts does not knoxx bythe 118i:.nltacturel the prairies of North Dakota. He re-i designiated "World Service Night,' reopen negotiations for thne property fromnc wlit anigle thre speaker will aup- mu_.r ceived his A. B. degree from the Uini-; and is open to the general pubilc. dept the hoe xrse3i(a--:icl i ir ct h attat ei'Wlatlo ~ol l h versity of Iowa in 1903, after which Mr. Paul is a native of South India, us qitere hat feutulre pred osin v ar-p o his ujct, the a plc thabe - Soto Lzol eh, he took postgraduate work at Mar.- I a graduate of Madras Iuniversity,ad wuslquaersithtd tree bpropo ~ilsal ue nr isl~aonce.At pelofe et yard, where he held a scholarship fori later a post-graduate student in lit- street for the opposition which re- his talk: themetn will lecomne ~i~- 1'A d"rurdiestlinat ed one year and A fellowship, for two, erature, pedagogy, and law. He has 'sulted in the withdrawval of the offer 61.1 ndmmbr of the aurlience i slush f'un(' thlat during a part 'of which time he was been urged several times by the lead-t~erocrr hs lda an inaruct~ in athroplogyling citizens of his native city, Bra for the' propert y.'ilh loe oepestei da 0cr~ lb lci Ifis interest then turned from h hif ct theWSt l~Lul "'lstret "Mr 1er sid "oe ad sk;usuio' tteime Chaoirmane. fweha of '9 the MuniciCpaflityr, uama o unciait, oerIrit -i1( 1 or "Po tn'mvet field1 of teaching to that of explora-0- C ol~~n tion, and in 1906 he joined the staff a fiecrepnigt h tfico dMuscles f h'als w icl , colir o e ..C. A., "lint tere haetteil(11)i: of mayor in an 'American city. This til1eJ:q. e , 1of1opinioen.''s1to1 ooa of the Leflingwell-Mikkelsefl expedi- I Mr. Paul refused to consider, feeling would have expIosedf the present pi'ofii a X;51ive(rgenceof opinion'ase10 tion- and traveled north through, Can-ta i okaogtepaathlsteeing and greatly rediuced the cost ho toobtain it. I 1look for some tire e1 "Ic1'thn I ada to the Arctic ocean. The winter ,of powerl." W7 0. inuthe forum feowin; i4lr. weowll presen t time greatest possibilities, and openls , 1!'i ila peh! of10- elvdaogteEkmsI the way to some nieasure of freedom 1 Mr. Ford continued that no big M.Ncoloovl b net Ined ? I- n estanate',n1 of the MacKenzie river, studying for the oppressed peasant class, business could afford the delay neces-' :l~ Pc* il. )lr to rear-h $12.00~ terlnug an adpigter Mr. Paul is An extensive landowner, n ary Gin dealint with the goveiu umint 1Tio support thde coli mode of life. t whose farm is equipped with modern ! and that "it is too hard to find the (lay night. ar Since ,then, Stefansson has spent! agricultural'- machinery, very rare as 'government amnd you c4 n't do busi-!< rprcsno et 10wnesad1 umr nteyet in india. He is devoting bhis time ness with ieoipl you (1do t lknow PaP I]L R IM TEB I in, polar regions, during which time he' and energies to the educating of these acan't Ped"e s dun:iu and Met i has conducted two expeditions of his peoples along the fields of sanitatiomi, I:o vYr iy own. The first of these covered thei public health, up-to-date farming. II [ A;, V ip(rnfiv years 1908-12. fDuring this time he !thrift, and industry,.IHe, is rated by his i F"'aci""'DrveIj.19P[ UOIJ I +tribt oafndt continued his'study of the Eskimosj co-workers in India as one of the l Catis____getfcn l~nl ~le living on Coroniation gulf, often most valuable educators of his coun" 1To oo(I ino e it'l'e a among tribes which had neverbeoetyi se n a w i e m n T e e a e t e s -C a ta ins o t e . C . e.,~ ,.; , I (f11 o i ,- 2 (ti B, r o a1+a y t a o rr- Ie of 10 M' e nit to its seeawhiean Thsearethes- ;- po xn , wllaopn ufea4ce- i uriers club oc called Blond Eskiimos.I Austin, Texas, -Oct. 18.-An injund- drive which will be hoed Novembr ew~n' c; Cml pe te---o- 1ex a m guil lId 10fore sns 2131 3 _5, In 1913 Stefansson again returned tion to prohibit the name of Mrs. ( 4, 5, and 6, will meet for dinnetr ifrom titiewtalag'Miriam A. Ferguson, Democratic 5:30 to 7 o'clock Mtionday u-iglit i :nb iniieid hi it em rli he Fft to the north, thstmvwt''are11 Iit 51)0k on the subject, "The staff of scientists to study the geol- candidate for governor in Texas, room 3111 of the Union when and in- ogy, botany, and zoology of the polar ;fr-om going onr the ballots, was (1e-- formal diseussiom i vd ii 111(1anu 1i AIToo n i en. P1roessor Jefferson regions. During the. next five years nied by the Texas supreme court to- plans; will be discussecd for the con- If:glIed10oetnhemt1))-£ lA he discovered four large islands, i day. duet of the cam1paig n. la'i'ckleSnthcotyam g rvni which he named Borden, Brock, - 'lde(,reti-eiwd cl(eEPldsn c Loingheed, and Meighen, and made( - t ss 'Cross eightI dt urs , r. ar gben ianid ircjuvna i ted numerousng ourelongr he journeys i ecioverpcw Yr iy n ~ie' h-aee could be applied to the sea ic as irl England bad a good effect.'' Thus; Chehmsford, ani old Tory, comes of a ILyninIharold I toug h, of Derot.llith'cl t Oct aI 51(1125 well, and this in the face of protests (id Pr'of. Arthur L. Cross of the hs- noble family." ['These lectuire,,hichd are to hej'the Wviseon in cd of scientists, natives, whalers, anrd tory ,tdepartmienit characterize the I Professor CPros:,Ithen wt-ni: into a e~ otlaepoieIfr ieiitei n ur i hednolllaepoie a yteIi act s uid"other explorers, all of whom declared lAiacDonald regime yesterday when ahe 1 discussionl of tideimain achievement s-II r Mlartin Loiu d rowment fund. t Waco paias, I harris it could not be done. was asked to give heis opinion of proainmd failres of the MacDonald reginue. i _____________'vl'o raced Zit yards This demonstration will probably ent activities in England. "iim the "Th'e greatest achievement," leie ,Iit outi(al go down in history as a greater is lc, tssuvt t1hw*s~ uaiu fa tte a, -tn ~uln~PIl i-h ti't Ii QUO)-L than hiscadiscoveries oft Irunder-Ij b" 1uOuhtth i achievement ta hsdscvrisoEngland, and the whole world too, - stantling with -France. Then tlmeiI ,J, a ' i (illine11, andS new land, for by proving the princi- that. Labor' governmnmt isn't neces- Dawes re pot way; pu±lt into i-filug ( ~nM~ I the left sicde fo>r the ple of "living off tthe contry" sarily a wild affair; and secondly, order. Tphir~ failureip s i tile ovietI IlL III r whichatnwilobehs sibleforwaerbythere has bean a sobering effect omi treaty. pmei de{a (fa conference was UU Li V i aIIYs whic it ill e posibl forlate ex-the party itself, as shown by the type ai good odic, but I 1(o not see howa; plorers to penetrate the area as yet of men Iin the Cabinet. MacDonald, treaty with the Soviet goverrnmenit Members of the Unix ersity PU. ~ unexplored. imnself, although of a poor family, would be! binding to the whole of C. comlll pixies yesterday miorong held G id Since his return in 1918 the go- married a rich wonman andl was thus Russia when ther'e are so) ma-ny con-"a I d( 11811-I mation of infant ry aurims at graphical societies of the world have afforded opiportunilty for accomplishi-1 ter of interest ini that country suchi the Luinaioli (ard range, two miles recognized Stefansson's contributions;int as i-hue Conmmunists." ' south of Ann arbor. The p11 ' po °e of to siene byconerrig uon'him i Professor Cross went on to enum- It was pinmtedl out that wih regardatle(r1ptstodrintit t'f- ther hghet hnor.' He has received erate the personunel of the Cabinet as 1 to its domnestic policy thet Labrm're- l i to 115hinlds (oh guns, ils or hne18 gold medals from the American Geo-I exemplifying the character of the I gi-Ic created an impression that it Iili ri (0), 4 Syl-Ot'mlte Ile, hoe graphical society of New 'York, the Labor meni. "Lord 1-aldane is a mnanI could help uneumployment, hut all it rie )c1;('I 1-tO en firedthe 1 __ Baril , ;r s 1r, Co't-n National Geographic society of Wash- I of extensive legal practice, as is Lord! did was to carry out the plansktlahidn'r , eblure gill) andauitomnatic nh. !I'( iinstlani 1t), ingtonm, the Philadelphia Geographical -1armoor, whose practice is chiefly Imn i (down by those that precetded it. Iii ithr ,e inchi Iili 1002101', 4i5 calibre ai- >inc too 17, Na~vi socitytheChiago eogaphcalso-thte ecclesiastical courts. Theni there I thiis it was a dfisappointmefnt. rhe mad iltintil, -h> calilre revolvt'r and Ihrad1,Hl ciet , the Explorers' club of New is Chlarlems Trevelyatn, the grand-!people ay turnto soimeo tain d irin e u';Ilaion serv2ice 1ifl1i , th30 cal i Brown 2 ,Boton York, the Geographical society of I nephew of Lord(1 Macauley, who is of for a pr'otectiounit policy ini ord~'r-br. I'itt sbusrglIu>n li.o Pai, a d thIo a e gr p i a 0 a notable failly, . Lord Buxton, is a i to fget away froin Friee 'Trado w ili1cittofnre t rit in toh s a so de cenan o aiictbew r, ho ha ha n t ett re tde una-po Wall lhraoglanco np ni ere ab en ( b ei nety eof e dr a B o ri a n H e sary f l s s mulo w oof icr w e , u o b t e e d ire u ( 11 1 1 y~ lJ lt e so f 1182datt( ( ;n ;- 11t_ '.e Il *o i li1Al t ! i~ beeneleced a honraryfellw ofa great deal to do with prisoni reform. situation. ! owr l niigI:o11 ni-L c-,X ~ ign 2 the Americ2an Museunm of Natural i ;u ain:', tmpil a relat ively few min 'V il lan s,, R1,-n- History of. New York and of the . E '~ tle(-u m 8t~ 's~ u'a.I ~ iIs:a~ o Italian Geographical society. I fmli as t'Ione by the i1. 0. T1. C_ Wire-ensun 7, Hint 7_i if~~o -,i( -. a ifo ndi TI-TREEF.NE~W STADIUMS I students*. Pu ci .eartm-hIl 1(".A i S t ytes 14-FA11(1 ta- I.1i il~J i; an~d thle oth~er I Ti'hana, Oct. 1S.-Soleinn cereunomi- vs~~ ~~ an uuins rsmarked the final dedicationi of the e coiiohtee tdi huge IN.fenmoria 1 stadium inimediately ard tol hmn.ove, r ~met'ediug the itchigan-Illinois game huh~lono -l hle Iyesterdlay. As, thmebamnds of both in- I the ain1olunt of stitutions played the "Star Spangled was being ratined Baflnne r," the flog was raisedamnd a' -I, "hen l.he s.!h I ulut ho $4,000,001;I'' anon salute fired in honor of the illinois muorn ,who lost their lives in the by tie TO 7-7 TIE asdedicated. -Wi Ii a m'va-impod ait tie beu,'e to(lai, tr 7-7. AWh14l e tin1 - adr mtmeovl T to c-')''c} onthree in thlle last* hlntl'. nt en >rcausre atem- alt }' a trick hfmr- to L4'o 1i-irnlo, afor an nrou o Towu. rt' si- g tfoot-, 611l to yWi :consin's E eplio'r-- cou nter. The address presenting the great' str-uctuire i-o the university was ma-de h)5 (Gcm-ge 1-Tuff, Idirector of athletics. while Dr. C. P. Nobles, president of the hoard of trustees of the univer- sity, answered in acceptance, A large niuber of notable men gathered by I-the flagpole as the flag was raised. At one o'clock the Michigan band 1 nmarchedl on i-le field and were re-. I ceivedl with enthusiasm. Then, as the band played "Thme Victors," t-he entire Michigan representation, which filled its section of the stanmds to overflow- mg, arose andl sang. ,Following this the Illinois hand entered tihe field 1,-nd theo two ban~ds played in coinc- lion for the remainder of the core- The stladium i;s of red brick con- sitruc ion, wi'-h two (locks of stands. 'TI1C (lapacity. according to Illinois I effi-ials, is 67,000 but i-le throng thai :twitniessedl the contest filled the baowl compxletely "ARIT FOOTBALL MEN ENLISTED IN .R0,ILL 0. 0 Oi thet list of active members of the r serveo of'icer's training corps are- foun d the natues of 15 men pi'ominenitI in athletic circles. Of this niumber It am'e now on the varsity football squad; thmer are: IT. 0. Steel, R. E. Marion, F. A. Rockwell, R.. S. Dewey, G. W. Grupe, IL. F. Parker, R. J. Brown, J: 1-1. Lovette, K. 1=1. I-Telntrye, T. L. Ed- wards, andlIt. W. Davis. Trhe other athletes in the R. 0. T. C. are: S. F. Wilson, varsity. baseball; t. H4. Callahan, varsity track; G. C.{ Weitzel, varsity hockey; and H. F. PiiBrk, captain of last year's varsity basketball team. MORISON TogADDRE5S I NA AU1M ENTODNRENCE ilhgau Afakes Two'w 1 oIue'dowlls Against Powerfiul Defese Ini First Conference Battle By William 11. Stoneman Urbanat Oct. 1.-Michigan Iost he first conference game of the season to Illinois, 39 to 14 lure today, inone. of thue most spectacular battles ever waged on a Western Gridiron. It was the redoubtable' Red Grang bf All-American famie who arrid the Orange and Blue to victory over the Yostmen. "Watch grange" has been the admonition of Michigan's coaches to their men for the paste month and they not only watched Granige but were able to (10 little more than gaze at him as le raced dowi the field. It was Red Grange who caught Steger's first kickof and ran 90 yards through the entire Wolveru'o team for th-I first touchdownm of the contest. It was Grange who receive~h a pass from center when standingon his own 25 yard line and raced through a repetition of his first sensational pilay for the second touchdown of the game. It was range who took the bal on his own 45 yard line while the quarter was still young and broke a(tway for the third touchdown of the g m .I a rn e gam. t ws range who was given i-he ball shortly after Rokusek re- covered Rockwell's fumble in mid- field, late in the fourth quarter, and (ashed 48 yards for the fourth touch- down. It was Grange wo dashed around right end for the fifth touch- down of the game and ii- was Grange who passed the ball to Leonard for the last touchdown o"f the gmtub 'STEG~ER STARS In a word it was a game of Grange plus powerful and almost perfect in- terference who won the game froni Michigan today. There was blittle wrong with the Michigan team isef. The Wolverines nmade two touchdowns. against a powerful defense and had it not been for the startlingrns of Grange the score wvould certainly have been less overwhelming.- Every Illi- nois play seemed to center aboumm' Red Grange and it was Red Grange' turn to take the ball when ever there was a stringent need for yardage. Grange's openf field running was un- canny in its success and wheun com- binled with the great work of Waly McElwain it was too nmuchi for any team to resist. Michigan too had lber star and a- though he failed to scintilat e as brightly as did the elusive Grange e was, good for yardage on almost ev- ery nlay in which he was given the. ball andl it wvas dlue to his work more than to anyone else that Michigan stacked up. a total -of 14 points. Herb Steger led his team in every play and was responsible directly and indirect- ly for both of Michigan's touchdowns. - Britton Ottpunts okell Illinois nearly doubled- Michigan's total of first downs, getting 13 to IMichigan's 7. Britton had the advan- tage in punting 'ovr Rockwell of Michigan and the Michigan teanm fal- ed to get away Nvith tihe number of L passes which she had been xected to. Michiganha ten passes incom- plete, four goodand two intercepted. Illinois completed six out of seven p asses- and one of them was good for a scor'e. The Michigan passes were al- Imost all of the long distance variety while Illinois used a short pass from a running back for her aerial attack. Grange did all of the passing for the Illini. Michigan was practically helpless in the first - period of the game. IGrange's four runs in rapid succes- sion kept the Wolverines in the air and only on one'ocasion in the first pecried (id they look as though they might score, right after Grange's first run. On that occasion -rt~nton made a. poor punt and the ball was returned to the Illinois 40 yard, line. Following that, a pass Rockwell to Millermade' 0 i 2'l1; 7. ce1t 0. ('olio'obi .7. y 1-4. ,. ross 6. IlUnive'rsity 0. 0,11 ;'n 0.a' . gate 7. noneota 7. w" lug Jandmsi-lE. Moerfrion, ci-lt enerdMilrfaeiremoe 7i in)at~rienF. l\Ioi sn andfom pany arm abuck, and St-eger added five on twvo or J i '-'1 lieM ri ndciplmpeak- Isuccessive plays at the line. The ball i' Metzot, ill ti-lie cpa pek was on i-he Illinois 20 yard line wheni cr' at the~ seconid shop manageinent t Rockwell muffed hi pass from center cl(ie't'net'e Xednesday night at i-le anti kept Steger fronm a try at the Kniion. Mr. M~orrison's topici will bej Illini goal from tihe field.. The balh "Itlat, ion of Lay-out to i-he Produictive went to Illinois on dlowns. On the see- IEfficiency of Induistuial Plants." I ond i-le brillianit Grange raced( 65 M',r. Mor-rison hias bad a wide and yards, for his second touchdown. A varied range of experiences from, few minutes froim the end of time qimar- I