THE MICHIGAN DAILY L S FIE t41~ COLUIMN CLOSE AT ' Pam Asked To Act InI Boundary Dispute ADVERTISING I. I . FORt $ALE CHEAPER TITAN RENTING Five room stucco house, all modern, oak floors and trim, large lot $6,500, $500 down.. Five room bungalow, new, all mod- ern, oak floor, $ w6,300, 600 down. Ca ll Mr. Sergeant with CHARLES BROOKS 215 First National Bank Bldg. Phones 315-3552 Evenings 783 FOR SALE Paramount tenor banjo Style B. One year old. Good condi- tion. Call at room D35 Lawyers Club. 6 DISTEEL WHEELS For Ford, com- plete with hubs, bearings, drums and carrier, nearly new. 1208 Wells. FOR SALE Remington Portable Typewriters. Time payments if de- sired. Geo. Register, 604 E. Madi- son, Phone 1009. DODGE SEDAN $225 for quick sale; lots of pep; five good tires; paint good;f excellent mechanical condi- tion; a comfortable inexpensive enclosed car. Owner leaving city. Try it for yourself. 424 W. Huron Street. OLD VIOLINS; A fine collection of old Strad Guarneri, Amati, and Stainer models, Cellos, Mandolins, and Guitars. Will buy or repair old broken violins. 533 S. Main St. Phone 1075-W.- THREE FAMILY Near campus. First class investment. Income $150 monthly. Price $11,500. Terms. See ANN ARBOR REALTY EXCHANGE 7 Savings Bank Blidg. Phone 866 WANTED LOST PARKER Duofold Fountain Pen. Large size. Phone 1665-W. C. D. Wright. LOST IDEIJTA ZETA pledge pin. Call at room 101 Betsy Barbour house. VWRIST WATCH White gold, initials 1.1D. on back.Also fountain pen, printed with namve. Reward. Mar- riot Donaldson 904-R. MISCELLANEOUS DR. W. S. MILlS Osteopathic Physician 616 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 321 F-1 JIHERTAN TilE TAILOR Suits made to your measure $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00. Herman the Tailor. 802 5. State St. L '20F1 E S FOOT THROUGH ACCIDENT B. J. McDonald, '26E, had one foot amputated at the ankle late Sunday afternoon as a result of blood poison- ing which affected a cut received in the overturning of his Ford on the road to t11' Dayton air races last week. The accident occurred about 4 o'- clock Friday morning, a short distance out of North Baltimore. A sharp, un- marked curve negotiated at too high a speed sent the car rolling over into the ditch, and it is thought that McDonald caught his foot between the pedals and the floor board, inflicting the wound. His companion was un- injured. NSEYHOLLLTRY U xfords f SleepyFollowh, been chosen "Nationl Is s - d t-he Pr i j t e N w Pattern the site r the biMa GasH al Campaign is to be the suct o loween festival celebration under the Ihis semester's extempore conteCst auspices of the local Chamber of Con~ which will start at 4 o'clock next mere. Plans are already well un-1'uesday in roam 342 Mason ball. der way, it was announced yester- rhus(far there r appronhia'ly ; day by P. P. Woodbridge, secretary of tryouts from which the seven T ad- the local Chamber of Commerce. .ng contestants will be chosen to A committee which was appointed compete in the final contest which by Pres. W. H. Butler, of the chamber, will met yesterday and appointed commit- o the fiac cts w b n A cut out Oxford tie in dull frtefnlcnetwlliinavnetees to manage the celebration. r s 'ed ine aadnc e. r kido andiCuban thought that not only the children, T aad this year is to be in the d and patent. Cuar heel. butsalso the townspeoPle and a t- form of a silver placard upon which - All leather lined. A it dt i ethe Oratorical association's seal will has been planned. be ngraved, as will the name of the street shoe. A serpentine parade will start the winner. This contest is open to the cerem nies and a huge bonflre ill be entire campus with the exception of built to present theatricals and page- feshmen and members of Delta Si-= antry. Alfred 13. Connable, '25, pres- ma Rho, honorary public speaking ident of the Student council, will be societr. Prced atn in charge of these activities. Last fall's contest winners, speak- Capt. I. C. 11olm, who is to be gen- ling on the subject, "United States - r Strec is to Select From H H i I $9.50 .. J eral chairman of the Halloween cele- Immigration Laws," were William t ration, will give the legend of Sleepy Dixon, '26, Lillian McEachern, '24,1 a tioS elo re - Hollow. The Universtiy of Michigan and Elmer Salzman, '25. Sir Lynden Livingstone Macassey of band will play, games and contests Ulster, is reported to have been asked will be staged, and carnival equip- Local Subscriptions $3.50-payable- Down Town 108 South Main by the British government to act as ment -0ill add to the ivliness of the SHosiery, Too third member of a commission which scene. Prizes are to be given for the will decide the Irish boundary dis- best costumes in the parade. Boy HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED YET? "111fitIIfI llllill II lliIliil111111111111111111111111111111111 pute. Scouts, Camp Fire girls, and the civic clubs of Ann Arbor will all take part ll i g1111tI1 1tH t 11illt lilltakeipartitI iM12 li ti 11i111I t11111111111111111H 111111I 1111i 11111I d parently ready to embark upon the in the general program. crusade to Urbana. The majority of these cars were Il lRL from this state, while others camet!ui^ from as far East as Massachusetts, T ECORATlONS New Jersey, Connecticut, Marylai\D, New York; and from the West as far as Nebraska, Iowa and California. I - _ N _rs ____an__ na President Marion L. Burton de- COM PLETE ASSORTMENT AT livered the address of welcome on be- Student attendance at mathea- half of Michigan and the University tics classes was the main problem to Dr. William A. Valentier, who re--T^ discussed by the mathematics faculty ently arrived from abroad to assume of the literary college yesterday. The 1 the offices of director of the Art in-U meeting was called by Prof. J. L. stituteatDetroit, in that city Wed- B/IK T0R Markley of the mathematics depart- s ig T addr nient for the purpose of discussing nesday night. The adress was given this and other difficulties encoun- and Crafts society.soe ats1111111111111111111111111111 tI111111#111111-11- tered this year. a Ralph Booth, president of the City Art commission, gave the welcome in Don't delay-Pay your Subscription behalf of the city of Detroit. Among 1 today. the guests of the banquet were, Eliel :aarenin, lately appointed visiting professor of architecture here, Mrs. Read the Want Ads Ierof.E ofh Lorch. WANTEDI BOYS TO SELL MICH. DAILY Extras. Apply at Press Bldg. across from Majestic Theater. ALL OUR FRIENDS To give us a call at our new Church St. Barber Shop. First-class work and cour- tesy to all. JOE SHALTIS and ED- WARD BOWEN, 607 Church. STUDENT GIRLS washing wanted. Will call for and deliver. Phone 3004-R. RkOOMI For mother of a student, over weekend of Wisconsin game, pre- fer southeast section of town. Box R. D. W. Michigan Daily. WANTED One, two, or three, tickets for Wisconsin game. Phone 377-J. WANTED Experienced shoe salesman for afternoon and Saturdays. Cam- pus Bootery. WANTED Two tickets for Wisconsin game. Call 2756-M. WANTED Four Wisconsin tickets, to- gether or in pairs. Arcade Jewelry Shop. Phone 152-W. MUSIH MELL GILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- er, thirty year's experience. Man- dolin, guitar, banjos and chord construction. Telephone 1791-M. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Corona, Remington and Underwood Portables; have you seen Corona Four, the greatest improvement in, typewriters during twenty years? Other typewriters accepted in part payment. Renting and repairing a specialty. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arvade. Pay for your Subscription today. Student Cars On Increase Dispite Curb Of Faculty Students continue to drive their au- tomnobiles to classes, and when the University officials prohibit them from parking on the campus, and the city decrees that they can park on but one side of North University avenue and State street, they nark on adjacent streets and walk the rest of the way. More than 1500 cars were counted around the campus yesterday after- ncon between 2 and 3 o'clock, which is double the number counted just one year ago yesterday afternoon. These ca-:s were of all shapes and colors, ranging from "arks" and "wrecks" to Cadillacs, Lincolns, and Packards. Several cars were decorated and ap- Te rrace garden E ancing Studio Open Daily, 10 a. mn. to 10 p. m. We teach all modern, fancy, ballet, stage, tango and folk danceh for children and adults. Class every Monday and Friday. Fifteen one-hour lessons, $5.00. 22 Wuerth Arcade Phone 241-R WILLITS Dining Room Is Open to You. 50c Noon Luncheon, 11:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. S .""_ . " 1 SANDWICHES SMOKES COLD DRINKS Fi . FREE DELIVERY From 9 Till 12 P. M. BARNEYS Kosher Delicatessen 640 Haven Phone 208-M .._..., JUST RECEIVED- w , n. o :i ii: . ;; , ,," ti :i , S .. :_ a: M c .; ; ' jj :i:S ij"::: . i i;. j's4;i;i .f.;: . l!i;y3 . ..:, ::4aii:jijii; ::;: h 1 ''.,V ,.. t :: .. :.. ':!. ;; . . ;! ;. ; ,,,; ., , : !f± >": ;,, s,; :: ; ,: , ;::: = ..::: f '.j i.i °E';' {j i i ia1;;' r ' 'l:.: ^ ?i '"k 1. ;Mq: i i,. ,: , . . : ' ; ' : . it -. tii@ : ; ii l3; _ ,_ i . ' 5= ii fine line of designs in Aprons and Pillow Cases or Christmas Gifts, at PALMS ROYAL 109 West Liberty A SIpecial' Week End'Sale- (WALK-OVER'S FIFTIETH ANN1VERSARY Walk, Over '_ tltl~l~it111t1 1t~i~1111t~11111~te~ Salads """""" """""""""""""Lunc Upper Room Bible 75c D Class ,1.00 Stea .to 2 Brand Blanshard OnSu Speaker to2 - = - Saturday From 7 to 8 P. M. no ill11l11 lill ilIl;111111il !li t!!!t!!1 ' , .. .-- s, Sandwiches and Light ches. inner, 5 to 7 P. M. Invisible but efficient - i i the gore! Special Dinner, choice of M. ak or Chicken, 11:30 2 P. M.; 5 to 7 P. M. A. Sunday we serve from 12:00 2:00 P. M. $1.00 Dinner Only Tucked away behind a bit of ornament at the instep is a gore. That is the secret of the clinging style of this new pump. Step into it. There's no bother with fasten- ings. You can hurry away to the scandal over the tea cups, or the gregariousness of business, without even a minutes tdelay. One of the many beauties of Walk- Overs is that they do fit. They are made to fit the shape of your foot, and they keep that shape. CLARK a ..Black calf is the mode. This now shoe is a Fifth Avenue favorite. With side gore and lattice front. Price $8.50 Silk Dresses- TW0 DAYS MORE Since our opening on October first our store has been crowded with eager patrons, taking advantage of the very excellent offerings in dresses. As a result of this success we are continuing a week end sale covering Fri- day, Saturday and Sunday of silk and snort dresser- the indispensible to every woman's wardrobe. Specially Prieed at $25.00 Our winter overcoat selection is also sufficiently full to warrant your early inspection. These include penny browns, greens, rusts, sport and fur trimmed coats -new shades and new materials. Glad to show them to you. All ___ izes 11; e 173 315 S. State St.I .,or II _ _._._ WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU VAN'S LUNCH 1116; Snuth University Ave. 11 k __ _.. ® - n:. Where Shopping is a pleasure t iWaJL ASAR% TraM M ARK a 1u.vMtorF., 612 - 614 Easst Liberty St. r, 115 S. Main St. I l1 { . 1 1 ~ {.lig vaxra~aaa. s s ...raa~Ifln El L w~