WEATHER ABLY WARMEL, TODAY APR 4ir t It I/4 MEMBER ASSOCIATI - I VOL. XXXV. No. 23 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1924 EIGT PAGES PRICE, THREE MILLON IS REPUBLICAN GOAL , FRIENDS," CHAIRMAN . SAYS IS CROSS-EXAMINED' Refutes LaFollette; Coumittee Had No Intention To Anuass Last Minute Funds Chicago, Oct. 17. (By A. P.)-Wil- liam M. Butler, chairman of the Re- publican National committee, in- formed the special campaign investi- gating committee of the Senate today that it is the "hope"and "expectation" of his organization to raise a total off $3,000,000 for the national campaign, presidential, senatorial and congres- sional. At the same time Mr. Butler denied charges of Sen. Robert M. LoFallotte, the independent presidential candi-G date, that his committee would mobi- lize a large mass of funds in certain, states during the last week of the cam- paign. His denial was in reply to ques-, tions by Senator Shipstead, Farmer Labor, Minnesota. "We have no such intentions, and have no such preparations," Mr. But- ler said. "We have no ability to do it. We have no funds for purposes of that kind. There is no ,intention of doing anything of the sort. I want very much to conduct this campaign in such a way that when I get through I will have something to be proudt of." Under cross examination by Senatork Caraway, Democratic, Arkansas, re- garding the budget plans of his com- mittee, Mr. Butler testified that orig- inally he had estimated $2,500,000 a, the amount that would be required for the national presidential cam- paign. This sum was increased by $500,000 later, he added, after it had1 been decided to take care of the sen- atorial and congressional campaigns as well. Calling attention to the fact that vki e 1 leiforo the cos mmittee was1 that the Republican organization al-l ready had collected $1,700,000, Sen. ator Caraway asked if it was exp ct- ed to collect an additional $1,300,000, "Yes" Mr. Butler replied. "What ire your plans for collect- ing it?" asked the Senator. "Nothing except the solicitations. which are going on all over the coun- try among our friends for funds," was the reply. "There is no special plan." C" lege"raining Valued A t $72,900 By Boson Educator Average Max ininmieome of College Nan is $6,00 Yearly, Says Report Boston, Oct. 17.-The cash value of a college education to its possessor 'is $72,000, according to a report made public today by Dean Everett W. Lord, of the Boston university College of Business administration. The report is based on q long study of the earn- ing eapacity bf college graduates. The cash value of a high school education is placed by the report at $33,000. The report places the average max-! imum income of the untrained man at $1,200; that of a high school graduate at $2,200, and of th'e college graduate at $6,000. The total earnings of each of the -three types up to the age of 60 are placed at $45,000, $78,000, andI $160,000- respectively. Dean Lord in his conputation estimated also that while the untrained man at the age, of 50 begins to drop toward depend- ency the college man reaches his maximum earning capacity at 60. "The untrained man goes to work as a boy of 14 and reaches his max- imum income at the age of 30," the report said. "The maximum is on the average less than $1,200 a year. In view of the facts that this income is earned through manual labor, depen- dent on physical strength, it begins to fall off at the age of 50 or even earlier, and soon reaches a level be- low self support.", The figures show that more than 60 of every 100 untrained workers are dependent on others for support at the age of 60. The total earnings for the untrained man from 14 to 60 are about $45,000. Between the ages of 14 and 18 the four years which might have been spent in high school the' young man usually earns not more than $2,000. DEATH TAKES TOLL. IN STUDENT PARTY BOUND FOR URBAgNA TWO KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE COLLISION NEAR BENTON HARBOR FOG NAMED CAUSE Ohio Officialsa Overwhelmed By Ticket Requests Columbus, Oct. 17. (By A. P.)- Harry C. Taylor, of the Ohio State university athletic committe, stated today that he had received to date more than 60,000 reservations for the Michigan-Ohio State homecoming game here November 15. Hotel managers reported practi- cally every room in all Columbusf hotels had been reserved for the week-end of November 15. COOLEY ENDS, TOUR AS STUMP_ SPEAKER' Will Finish Campaign in Detroit and Wayne Counity in Next Two Weeks WOVRINES AWAIT OPENING j WHISTLE: WORKOUTS LEAV SiUCKERS READY, FOR BAT Student Among 1)ead; Four Injured in Early Crash Others Benton Harbor, Oct. 17. (By A. P.) -The death toll in today's early hour crash in which a party of University of Michigan students on their way to Urbana collided head-on with another car was increased to two late today, when Sam Miller, freshman, whose home is in Buffalo, N. Y., died at a lo- cal hospital. Miller had been unconscious since the accident. He suffered concussion of the brain. The other victim was Ed- ward McGrath, 24 years old, who re- sided in Marion, Ohio. fI CROWDS fIL14 URBANA I Urbana, Oct. 17.-This city was thronged today with a ree-j a ord-breaking crowd of 67,000 football fans, who are on handj to witness the Michigan-Illinoisj j clash tomorrow afternoon. With j the arrival of the special trainsj from Michigan tomorrow, in ad- j dition to 16 special trains from- f Chicago, the city will be host to the largest gathering of itsj j history.- A small army of specially im- ported Chicago traffic officers are required to handle the traf- fic which is steadily pouring intoj the city from all points. The en-j } tire town is wild over the com- Iing gridiron struggle, and busi-j nress establishments are a blazej of decorations.j j Vari-colored automobiles ofj all descriptions fill the streets, a large number bearing Michi- gan slogaans.j GRID-GRAPH PLANS HUGHES COMMENDS MO SHW6,PSNTTTUS IMPROVD SHOAIINGRESE. STAUTE COVERS 82 COUNTIES Spedial Wire From Western Union Office to Receive I eports' STARTS AT 3 O'CLOCK# Better service than that given at the grid-graph showing of the Michi- gan-M. A. C. game last Saturday has been promised for the Illinois game1 today by the Alumni association and the Western Union, who will run a special wire to Hill auditorium to re- ceive the returns. Each play will be flashed on the board as it happens at the Illini! field. The grid-graph, which is shown at each out-of-town football game by the Alumni association, one fourth of the proceeds being donated to the band expenses, is completely equipped to show the entire game is it occurs at Champaign. Each play, the man making thel play, the yardage gained and h'ow, the scoz'e, the time to play and the ground.. to gain as well as the downs are shown on the graph by means of lights. The ball, which is represented by a light flashed over the gridiron, will be operated today by Jack Ben-I nett, '27L. Charles Livingstone, '27L, who has charge of the entire showing, will control the board, while Donal I-I. Haines of the journalism depart- ment will interpret the results as they come off the wire. Tickets for the showing today are on sale at Graham's, Wahr's, Slater's, Huston's and the Union desk. They are priced at 50 cents for the down-' stairs section and 35 cents for the balcony. They will also be 'sold at the auditorium when the doors open at 2,:45 o'clock. The game returns will start coming in a few moments after 3 o'clock, it is expected. Livingstone promises that better. service will be given by the Western Union today than was furnished last' week. The delays in the showing were due to the, fact that all the plays were not sent by the company, a fault which will be rectified this afternoon. Members of the cross country team will be the guests of the Alumni as- sociation at the graph showing. Journalists, Will Be Sent To U. S. Ii States That Cheeks and Balances of Present Constitution s Is Suitable SPEECH NON-PARTISAN! Albany, New York, Oct. 17. (By A. P.)-Secretary Hughes, addressing a convocation of the University of the State of New York an address as non-politically, spoke tonight in favor of retaining the original constitu- tional balances established between the Supreme court and congress and between the president and congress. "The constitution of the United States is not a fetish," he said. "Im- partial consideration of existing con- ditions should either heighten our respect for the institutions which- prove themselves to be adaptable to unforeseen and unimaginable condi- tions, or should aid us in securing advisable modifications. Mere pane- gyrics or mere impatience with what- -ever exists are of little value." He said the charge of usurpation of power made against the Supreme court has been "in the judgement of I most persons competent to judge, disproved." It was not a question whether the United States subscribed to the doctrine of judicial review, forI the constitution provides that. The question," said Mr. Hughes, "wasj whether the nation should abandon the doctrine." FRYER GIS SPEECH ON EURDPEAN THRELS Michigan vs. Illinois, at Urbana. Detroit vs. Columbia College, at De-' troit. M. A. C. vs. Chicago Y, at East} Lansing. Wisconsin vs. Minnesota, at Madi- ron. Chicago vs. Indiana, at Chicago. Northwestern vs. Purdue, at Evans- ton. Nebraska vs. Colgate, at Lincoln. Ohio State vs. Oho Wesleyan, at Columbus. Iowa vs. Lawrence, at Iowa City. Missouri vs. Iowa State, at Ames. , East Princeton vs. Navy, at Princeton. Army vs. Notre Dame, at West I Point.1 Yale vs. Dartmouth, at New Haven. Harvard vs. Holy Cross, at Cam- bridge. - Columbia vs. Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia. W. & J. vs. Carnegie Tech, at Wash- ington, Pa. Cornell vs. Rutgers, at Ithaca. Brown vs. Boston U., at Provi- dence. Syracuse vs. Boston College, at Syracuse. Pittsburgh vs. John Hopkins, at Baltimore. South Centre vs. Transylvania, at Dan- ville. Georgia Tech vs. Penn State, at Atlanta. Tulane vs. Vanderbilt, at New Or- leans. Far West Stanford vs. Oregon, at Palo Alto. Washington vs. Montana, at Seattle. California vs. Olympic Club, at Berkeley. Cambridge, Oct. 17,-Allotments to alumnae of seats for the different Harvard games are made by class pre- 1 ; x i II} 4, i I London, Oct. 17.-Two scholarships for English journalists, to be known' as the "Walter Page Scholarships," have been founded by the English I speaking union. They comprise a. year's visit to America for the study of life and politics of the country, and their value is about $2,500. Most of the funds for next year's scholarships are now available and it is planned to send the two journa- lists over in January. The holders will be chosen by a committee of the London branch, and it is possible that during their visit to the United States they will be affiliated for a short time with some American newspaper. Boston Nationals have won the pen- nant nine times since the league was organized in 1876. GET THE DOPE As soon as the game is over down there at Illinois, the G. C. D. will issue an extra, with all in- formation. Be sure and read how Michigan won the game in Satur- Every available seat in the audi- torium of Lane hall was occupied' last night when Professor William A. Frayer of the history department opened his lecture on "Touring in Europe." This was the first of a series of educational lectures which will compose the major part of the season's work of the Cosmopolitan club. Professor Frayer, with a series of slides, held the attention of his au- dience for an hour and a quarter, as he pointedl out the most notable and what he considered the most worth while specimens of art and architec- ture in the :world. "Obviously there is no ideal tour," siad Professor Frayer. "People have their own tastes,, and some would not care for things that others wouldI spend days over." "Unless one considers travel much the same as an university education, he misses the best of the journey," he continued. With this as a start- ing point, and aided by slides fur- nished by the fine arts department he took his audience through Athens and Rome, the Acropolis and Parthe- non, the Olympic stadium, the great churches of Rome, and the towers and cathedrals of Paris and London. PRINCE OF WALES IS ENTERTAINED AT OTTAWA Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 17.-The Prince of Wales, who arrived here aboard his special train last night, was en- tertained at a dinner in GovernmentI House by the governor-general of Canada and his wife, Lord and Lady1 Byng last night.1 Lord Byng, the Honorable George P. Graham, the acting prime minister a +1', fnnhl ar ~t in-.'.+4, Pv ll Edward McGrath, of Marion, Ohio, who died soon after an automobile accident near Benton Harbor yes- terday, and his companion Albert Han- schett of Chicago, were driving an Overland roadster which met, head-on, the Ford automobile in which the five students were going to Urbana to at- tend the Michigan-Illinois football game. Israel Saretsky, '27P, who was driv- ing the Ford, has two broken ribs, fractures about the head, and other minor injuries but is expected to live. The other three students, who were in the back seat of the car and thus sustained but minor injuries, are Sam J. Benjamin, '27, Jacob Schwartz, '27, and Irving Colef, '26, all of Ben- ton Harbor. Cars Demolished In a telephone call to his brother Saul Colef, 817 Arch street, early this morning, Irving Colef explained that, although both cars were going at a low rate of speed, the dense fog ob- scured the road so that neither driver 1aw the th'er car as they rounded a curve' and collided. The occupants ofy both cars were thrown to the pave- ment and the machines demolished in the smashup. The five students left Ann Arbor at 4:30 o'clock Thursday, according tq Saul Colef, at whose home the young men room, expecting to make Benton Harbor early that evening. Car trouble at Galesburg, near Kalamazoo, de- tained them so that they were de- layed until nearly midnight when they left Galesburg. The accident occuredl a short time after this as the car was nearing Benton Harbor, the home of four of the party. Other Injuries Hanschett, who was one of the two occupants of the Overland, has a bro- ken right leg, cuts about the head, and other bad bruises. It is expectedI that he will live. He and McGrath were on their way to Palisades park, from Chicago. All of the victims of the accident were takento the Mercy hospital of Benton Harbor in ambulances which were rushed to the scene of the smashup. ENGLAND LOOKS FoR CONSETIE VIUCTOR London, Oct. 17. (By A. P.)-With the parliamentary elections only 12 days away and the campaign at its hottest no body would venture today to predict the results for -it is gen- erally acknowledged that anything may happen. The government party still pro- fesses complete confidence in the out- come of the balloting but it was as- serted that the hearts of most of the Labor candidates are less bouyant than when the campaign opened. Outside the ranks of Labor few per- sons are to be found who believe that Labor will come back with a majority in the lower house.j In fact, the impression is growing, that as in the last Parliament, the conservatives again will have the strongest personnel. Should that hap- pen the government of Ramsay Mac- Donald, should it again come into power, would be quickly defeated by a combined vote on the Conservatives and the Liberals and a Conservative ministry would be formed. AYNE COUNTY TO ST 11.0 4f pFrl1I HRIFF51 Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the en- gineering college, Democratic candi- date for United States senator, will arrive in Ann Arbor sometime today i after having completed his final tour of the state. For the past week he has been speaking in all of the im- portant cities and towns in central Michigan. Since the beginning of the cam- paign Dean Cooley has spoken in 82 of the 83 counties in the State, a feat i which has not been accomplished by any candidate for a national office. The next two weeks will be spent in covering the city of Detroit and Wayne county, the county which has not yet been covered. One of the important points which Dean Cooley stresses in his political speeches is the question of water- ways. "Probably no question concerns the people of Michigan more than the proposed deep waterways connecting the great lakes with the ocean," says Dean Cooley. "Not only does it con- cern Michigan, but all the states bor- dering on the Great Lakes basin and the vast continent section to the westward which is the greatest food producing area in the world. "In building the St. Lawrence waterway, it is proposed to erect dams at the foot of the rapids, converting them into pools or lakes lown which ships would sail and lock through the dams on their way to tidewater. The flow of water down the St. Lawrence is 200,000 cubic feet of water per second. The dams would enable conversion of this flow into' more than 4,000,000 horse power, the value of which would be 20 to 25 dol- lars per horse power a year at the switchboard and from 60 to 75 dol- lars farther away. The market for this power already exists in New England, New York and Canada. The income for one year would be more than 250 milions of dollars a year. The cost of the canal is estimated at - less than $260,000,000, thus the in- come for one year would equal the cost of the waterway.' For ten weeks Dean Cooley has been campaigning throughout the state, and at a recent meeting of the engineering faculty he remarked that in spite of the long and strenuous grind he "was getting lots of fun" out of it and from a point of educa- tion the experience was to him in- valuable. DEMOBILIZE CHEKIAN TROOPSAT SHANA Shanghai, Oct. 17. (By A. P.)-Plans for disarming and dispersing the more than 16,000 soldiers of the defeated Chekiang province army, now in camp in and about Shanghai, were dis- cussed at an all-night conference be- tween leading Chinese merchants, of the city and Chekiang army repre- sentatives, without any agreement having been reached. In the meantime the Chinese mer- chants, fearing the disgrunted losers in the recent war for possession of Shanghai may cause trouble, are furn- ishing food for the thousands of surly troops. More former Chekiang fighters ar- rived today from Woosung, at the entrance to Shanghai's outer harbor. They are moody and fully armed. Dodging the foreign settlement, they were on their way to the west side of the city and joined the big Chekiang camp' at the railway junction. ILLINOIS SPORT EXTRA Full reports of the Michigan- FEW CHANGES ANTICIPATED LINEUP OF EITHER AGG~REGATION ELEVENS BALANCEI Grange, Star Illint Back, Threnti Defense; Michigan Depends Upon Pass Attack 'Special To The Daily Urbana, Ill., Oct. 17.-All prepa tions for the Illinois-Michigan ga tomorrow afternoon have been c pleted, and the two teams, coacl and spectators are waiting for opening whistle of what promises be one-of the classic battles of Ten gridiron history. The competing elevens, whicht for the Conference title last year, through light workouts at Memo stadium this afternoon, then reti to their quarters, where they will main until after lunch tomorrow no when they will go direct to the fi to dress for the game. The Ilhli squad is quartered at the Champa Country club, while 'the Wolveri are staying at the Urbana Golf a Country club. Evenly Matched Predictions as to the outcome of contest are numerous, with the Su ers ruling as slight favorites. Ho ever, neither Coach Zuppke nor Coa Yost will venture to state how final result will go. Every indic tion points to a great fight, as rival aggregations are evenly-mat ed, and in good physical shape. F thermore, every player is keyed up top notch, so strong is the'desire the teams to wipe out the doubt as the calibre of the two elevens wh has existed since the close of last s son. The. Michigan team arrived at o'clock this morning, rather tired fr their long ride, but full of fight. TI were taken directly to their quarte where they rested up until after lun when they went to the field for a lig limbering up drill. Previous to th arrival at Urb na, the Wolverim were put through a short "skull pra tice" on the train. After their wo: out, the players were again taken the club. TERIMINUSOF TRIP Giant Dirigible Heads Into Strong Winds And Is Unable To Stop At San Francisco RADIO SAYS AtLL WELL San Francisco, Oct. 17.( By A. P.)- The navy dirigible Shenandoah skirt- ted the northern California coast to- day and tonight was over western Oregon. Another day and night lie ahead of it, according to the watches on its bridge, before it can find a, haven at Camp Lewis, Washington, western terminus of its great loop from the Lakehurst, New Jersey, fly- ing field. The Shenandoah' was forced to go by San Francisco in the early hours with only a word of regret that it would be unable to stop here. There army airplanes went out to greet it, but only through ward hi with a st ing it.I later, it miles fro line, its strong w Eighty the Men seen tha again to added c short tir less mes SchileyE is well." FR Londo of thec BritishE BritishI to pass monthsj sult in n producti aid will and the portation With t endeavor taining3 Another a greate English sufficien foreign manufac To K cotton p time, al will be clear la ZR-3 AT y found it. It was scudding Few Changes the thick clouds miles to sea- Coaches Yost and Little have ma gh over the white caps and a few changes in their lineup since trong off shore wind quarter- M. A. C. game last week. Stamn Eight hours and 45 minutes will start at right half in place was spoken off Eureka, 22 Herrnstein, who opposed the Aggi om San Francisco, on an air Hawkins wild replace Kunow at ri slow progress indicating the tackle; and Babcock will start at : winds that beset it. tackle instead of Edwards. r miles south of Eureka n'eam The Illinois lineup will include docina-Humbolbt line it was the regulars who started the seas at the great ship had risen except "Mush" Crawford, who I 1000 feet or more and had been declared ineligible for furt onsiderably to its speed. A collegiate competition. Captain R ne before it had sent a wire- usek and Kassel, ends, will take ssage to the teamer Admiral field, at the opening whistle in sp southerward bound, that "all of the bear stories which have b emanating from the Sucker camp the effect that these two stars w too badly injured to enter the line The problem of the whole gs n i LI i L seems to rest upon the ability oft Wolverines to stop "Red" Gran, [ NCOTTONMAKEIi lfphenomenal Illinois All-Amen halfback. Suckers supporters f that the Michigan epds are not stro n, Oct. 17.-The' governments enough to hold the great back cotton growing areas of the check, and are counting on the r empire, with the aid of the ning of Grange and the kicking Board of Trade, will attempt Earl Britton, the big fullback, legislation during the winter vanquish their opponents. Maizea which, it is claimed, will re- Blue fans point to he fact that snore than doubling the cotton gzfeen Nebraska eleven cheec on of the empire. Most of the Grange, claiming that the Michi be subtsidieost fares flankers are good- enough to acco be subsidies to the farmers plish what the inexperienced Cc establishment of better trans- huskers did. Another point in Mic n conditions. this start the governmentwill gan's favor is the fact that she has rtos stakethe gmpiremself-sus- exceptionally fast secondary.defen to make the empiresf-ts- which will be hard to penetrate, e in the production of cotton. for the Illini star. Britton and factor in the scheme will be Elwain will also be closely watc er control of cotton prices by by the visitors. growers and buyers, and a The Illini, on the other hand, t supply of cotton, without watching for Steger, Tod Rockw buying, to supply the great and the highly-touted Michigan p turies of North England. attack, the three Wolverine weap enya and Uganda, the largest which they consider the most pow roducing areas at the present ful.' loan of more than $17,500,000 The probable starting lineups made to build railroads and as follows: nd for the cotton growers. Marion.........L. E. .Rokusek (Ca Babcock.......L. T...........Br SlaughterG.....L. G.........Mi S Brown .......C..............Un N M E Steele .......R. G. Slinmner or Shiv Hawkins.......R. T...........J Grube .........R. E........Ka Rockwell.......Q. B. ......H. Steger (Capt) .L. H..........Gra A