THE WEATHER GENERALLY FAIR; COOLER TODAY Sitr i a n"1. a t l MEMtE ASSOC I VOL. XXXV. No. 22 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1924 EIGHT .PAGES __...._. MAD AME JERIT IA WILL SING HERE N EXT THURSDAY NOTED CO)L ORATUJIA ASSISTED BY MAX311 IiAN ROSE AND E'IL lPOLAK VARIED PROGRAM Bursley Asks Cooperation In Dry Plansj DR, MEIKLEJOHN SHEADS PROGRAM AT, CONVOCATIOTI "I hope that all students who are going to Urbana will cooperate with the Illinois Student Council in their endeavor to make their home-coming a dry event, and I do not believe that our students will do anything except that which is fair in this regard," was the comment of Dean J. A. Burs- ley, yesterday afternoon. "Students who go to this game are representatives of the University and not individuals who have the privilege of going down there to get intoxicated or permit themselves to indulge in any conduct which is not becoming a gentleman. Such an action would not only create a bad impression up- on themselves but would be a serious reflection upon the University itself, after the appeal which the Illinois Student council has made asking for the cooperation of Michigan," said t FAMIEII IhiCGATlOR WILL1 BE PRlINCIPA1 SP'EAKER AT CONVEINTIVN THE Concert of metropolitan Opera halied as Musical Event; Few Tickets Left Star Madame Maira Jeritza, who is to appear as the opening attraction of the Choral Union series under the auspices of the University School of Music in Hill auditorium, Thursday, October 23, will be assisted by Maxi- milian Rose, violinist, rmd Emil Po- lak, pianist. Jeritza arrived in this country on the steamship "Olympic" early this month, and Immediately commenced her concerf tour prior to the opening of Metropolitan Opera season with her husband, Baron Popper, and manager, F. C. Coppicus. She appear- ed in Portland, Maine, October 6, and subsequently her itinerary includes Reading, Harrisburg, Roanoke, Ash- ville, Atlanta, Daton, Ann Arbor, and Toronto. Madame Jeritza is the foremost coloratura soprano of the Metropoli- tan Opera company. Since her debut with this organization two years ago she has been the leading favorite of the season. As often as she appears, and her schedule is heavy, the house is packed to capacity and she is the recipient of an ovation. The limited number of concert engagements she is able to accept before the opera sea- son opens are looked upon as among the year's most important musical events. Few Tickets Left There are still a few season and single tickets on sale at the School of Music. The course seats aro priced at $5, $4, $3, and $2, while tickets for the single concerts are placed at 50 cents, $1, $1.50 and $2 each. Complete Program The eomplate program, which has just been forwarded, iwil be as fol- lows:{ (a) Larghetto........Handle-Hubay () Rondo. ......Mozart-Kreisler Maximillan Rose Aria, "Divinites du Styx" from Al- ceste"................ . Gluck Madame Jeritza1 (a) Widmung ( Dedication) ........ . ..............Schuhlann , (b) Song of the Lute (from the opera, "Die Tote Stadt") ... E. W. Korngolds (c) Cacilie (Cecily)......... Richard Strauss Madame Jeritza Intermission7 (a) Le Manoir de Rosemonde (The Road to Rosemondo .. Henri Duparl (b) Beau Soir (Evening Fair).......! .... ...Claude Debussy (c) Ah, Love But a Day.......... 11. H. A. Beach (d) The Answer ................. .Robert Huntington Terry Madame Jeritzaf (a) Andante..................Lalo (b) Ls Coucou....... DTlquin-Manen (c) Zegeunerweissen .......Sarasate Maximilian Rose Aria, "Sucidio" from "La Gioconda" ........... .Ponchielli Madame Jeritza SOPHOMORE ELECTRICLS TO HEAR CORP OFFICER5I Prof. A. 11. Lovell and Lieut. R. T. Schlosberg will talk to all sopho- mores taking electrical engineering as well as any freshmen who contem- plate electing work along this line at 4 o'clock today in room 438 Engineer- ing building. Both men will discuss the relation between electrical en- gineering and work in the Signal corps.q Professor Lovell is also a colonel in the Electrical Engineering corps and Lieutenant Schlosberg heads the R. O. T. C. Signal corps. Sophomores wishing to obtain advanced credit in the R. O. T. C. through their work in electrical engineering may get in- formation on the subject from either Colonel Lovell or Lieutenant Schlos- berg. GRID GRAPH If you are one of the few who are going to fight for Michigan here ,at home on Saturday, October 18th, 1924, the Dean. Any cases which are reported to the University of drunkenness or ungen-I tlemanly conduct will be taken up byJ athe discipline committee and treated in the same way as similar case oc- curing in Ann Arbor would be handled! Gid-Men Giveni Rousing Sendoff' By Loyal Group "I have full confidence in every man," said Coach George Little just before the Varsity was to leave on the first lap of their journey to Cham- paign," and although I know MichiganI is to face a great football machine I expect the boys to give their best regardless of the odds."j About 500 students were on handf at 8:45 last night to see the team leave Yost Field house for Milan, where they are to meet the train that is to take them to the scene of Sat- urday's conflict with the Illinois elev- en. Cheers were led by varsity cheer- leaders from a highly decorated Ford that was run upon the walk in front: of the main entrance to the field house for the purpose. Senate CounCil Salct ions Two Campus Drives Permission was granted to the Stu- dents Christian association and The Young Women's Christian association to hold their annual financial drivesl on November 4, 5, 6 and 7, by the Ad- visory committee of the Senate council which held a meeting yesterday after- noon. The committee also granted a ro- quest by the Glee club to give a con- cert in Monroe on Noveniber 6. Thej purpose of the concert is to raise money for the University of Michigan1 League building. Permission was granted to Peers, a houseclub, to be- come affiliated with Tau Kappa Epsilon. UTRECHT SCIENTIST ADDRESSES CHEMISTS' Dr. I. M. Kolthoff, of the University of Utrecht, Holland, lectured on "The' Use of Different Electrodes in Neu-I tralization Reactions" yesterday after noon in the Chemistry amphitheater. Dr. Kolthoff is an authority on the theory of indicators, electro-meteric methods of analysis, and the methodsE SUBJECT UNKNOWN Schoolmasfer's Club Will Mold. An. until Conivenution at -1111 Auditoriuni Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, late president of Amherst, will be the principal speaker at the University convocation which will be held April 4 in Hill auditorium during the an- nual convention of the Michigan Schoolmaster's club. Dr. Meiklejohn, the subject of his talk not yet being announced, is a famed authority on education. Some time ago after being practically asked to resign from Amherst because of his modern educational tactics he became the trustee of a fund of money to be under his control and for the purpose of founding a univer- sity on liberal ideal. 'He has receid degrees from sev- eral colleges, notably Brown, James and Elizabeth in France, Cornell, Wil- liams, Mt. Holyoke and University of Vermont. He was on the faculty of Brown university being professor of logic and metaphysics there from 1906 to 1912. and Dean at that col-I lege from 1901 to 1912. Leaving Brown in 1912 he became president of Amherst in that year and served until 1924. He then became, I involved in an educational misunder- standing with heads of the school and was asked to resign. He is al member of the American Philosophi-f cal society, the American Psychologi- cal association and Phi Beta Kappa. The University convocation at the time of the meeting of the School- master's club has become an estab- lished custom, a man prominent inI the countrA being asked to speak at the meetings. Last year Stuart Sher- man gave the principal address.. The Schoolmaster's club is a statel organization wichef meets fibre every year for the purpose of discussing educational problems. UNION WILL LIST ROOMS Persons wishing to secure rooms for friends at any of the football games this fall may use lists which are be- ing prepared by the Michigan Union rooming committee in charge of Karl Crawford, '27. The lists will be avail- able next Monday and it is requested that landladies having rooms they wish to rent at these times phone' them in to the Union from 2 o'clock to3 5 o'clock any afternoon or from 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock Saturday mor- nings. The list =will tabulate the name of the householder, the address, the kind of light, heat, bath facilities and general remarks in regard to the' rooms. It is urged that anyone having' rooms phone the Union as soon as possible in order that the lists may be prepared early enough for use next week. HAOMlAKCONTINUES E in~rr111 uinnnrnriwrmn ,i i COOIDGE GSHEETS No Coat Hooks! Executive Minds Confess Surrender 9 1 3[H C 5"For ten years we have been wrest- accomodate one quarter the number ling with the .problem of hw best to in many of the classes. At the same care for student's wraps in the class- time there would always be conges- room," Dr. J. F. Shepard, supervisor tion at the rear of the room when the of building plans said yesterday in period ends, resulting in loss of con- NAVY TO RENAME GIANT CRAFT, telling why coat hooks have not been siderable time. SENATOR WILL RE CALLED TIE placed in classrooms of the new lit- "But we have thought of other RE "LOS ANGELES" erary building. "We have tried sev- planstoo. In the general library, be-R eral plans, but have found none to be fore the war, we went so far as to successful," he said. provide coat hooks of the type which WILBUR TALKS "The corridors have been suggested allowed students to lock their coats MAN as a place where hooks might have and hats on the hooks. Within six Wilbur Calls ZR-3 A Symnbol of Peace been placed, but this we did not do months, keys from more than half the LaFollette Between The Builders, Owners because it would give the corridor a hooks had been stolen rendering Demno And Other Nations littered appearance. All too often them useless. have we been charged with sacrific- In two or three rooms of the Nat- Washington, Oct. 17. (By A. P.)- ing beauty for utility, and we did not ural Science building, as an exper- The ZR-3 was declared today by Sec- care to do so in this case. It has ment, we provided compartments un- Chicago, i retary Wilbur, speaking in behalf ot been our experience that coats are der seats where wraps might be Republican the Navy to be "a symbol of peace stolen repeatedly from hooks placed placed. These are scarcely ever used, mittee ha and friendship between her builders, in the halls. This alone makes imprac- and there has been no request to ex- $1,714,317 her owners, and other nations." tical the plan of placing hooks in the tend this feature to other rooms. To better define her role, he said, corridors. "It is only in the professional LaFollette the ship would be rechristened Los "In the classrooms, particularly schools that we have found coat had collec Angeles when the government form- in the larger rooms where we have hooks feasible. There the groups is $155,062, ally takes possession. our greatest problem, only the rear restricted, and there is a professional given toda Mr. Wilbur's announcement was wall could be used for hooks, and this spirit which makes wraps hung on of the spe na e in the course of a speech at a would not provide enough space to hooks safe. In the new medical build- gating com Sluncheon to Dr. Hugo Eckener, head ing accordingly, hooks are being Senate. of the German Zeppelin company, placed on the walls. Complet and several executive officers of the I PH N "As result -s all tos, we have of the De aingon.Th"pa" r th r vs t todayctoe [Afound the most satisfactory solution zation wer 1 ahicue n The r t oda yIreceivedIH1 to the problem to be that of allowing Dixon, ma by President Coolidge who retereated the student to care for his own wraps. quarters, t e d n th e on r a latio n s h e Z a t lg a k -" T h e sa m e p lan ' is fo llo w e d a t tio n h a d sp (1s ondhe arra ofr e wath LkeIL Ipractically all other universities as 10, of wh hurstand after a conference with the n- far as we have been able to deter- has beenf national advisory council. for aeron-~ hU t111Adtru iiSo mine,"Dr. Shepard concluded. committ e. autics, returned to Lakehurst, New Chart At Hill Auditorium Will Shom o Jersey, tonight to resume supervision Complete Play-By-Play Account personal c of activities at the field . Of Struggle BrennanD . Announcing his selection of "Los tteI VrI un Charman B Angeles" as the future name of the DOORS OPEN AT 245 (({."oeIIdaho state Shenandoah's consort, Secretary Wil- finance off bur i Completeplay-by-play returns of expressethehe hope that it "will tional com not only be a constant reminder of Chi pyy y1s1hIW a Dom the angels song, but also that on each morrowaningms tbig game on p .bD.nH iChristian eve from her place in the mrorrow ranki>ng ts the bigt game on publican n heavens the song may again be broad- . s e eams s year, Arrangements ko r Transportation senate nv cast to the world; 'peace to men of tion o tl e grid-graph in shluiauic- Completed Through Chamber total contr good will." tiom asteagrid-yrakp laudiot Of Commerece . campaignh The visit of the ZR-3 was of great i as each play takes place onthe dividuals a I T e v s t o th Z R 3 w s o g r a l ni f e d a C h m a g.sig n ifican ce th e secretary said, assu r- c ontni fie ditbCtaiongn r ickets for the showing, prived at AID IN DEDICATION contributio ing the German officials that the flag 35 mum of $2 'which would replace theirs on the shipg3 cents for the balcony and 50 cents tinal dre Sship for the downstairs seats are on sale Final arrangements have been in ti forpeak would be that of a nationi at the bookstores and will also be on made by the Chamber of Commerce 535 reeive I honestly desiring the prosperity an sale at Hill auditorium when the doors for the transportation and entertain- comefrom ateradressia thera people, open at 2:45 o'clock. The game is ment of the Michigan band which cadviso coun- eded to start at 3 ocock Ann leaves for Urbana on thC of C rbutors cil D~r.,Eckener predicted the "cer- IAbopim.secatan t,'ococ ong upwad vwl I-Arbor ime. .p a " tam dvlime"c.transoceanic Charles Livingstone 271j is in I$2,000. ano transbyorhetion 3aln hanes one- tpeilharg hchwilcarry $ 1000 each eerspby tatiR-.o n an ertheli es-ion- ge of the graph showing for the the band and business men to the l aufc tions he said that type of ship was lumni association and is beg as- Illinois game will be made up of 14 other bank the logical carrier for the new trade Jack Bennett, '27L, will operate the cars and will leave the M. C. depot tributors in because of the measure of comfort a- ih ntebrdwihrpsns at 9 oclock Central time or 10 can andP forded, its safety in all weather, and light on the board which representso a clock Ann Arbor time. Numerous I, the ease of improvements along nec- the ball, while Livigstone and o'aclr o enn rbrthwi.numsofeus1 Wrigley, J3 ie es. Donal H. Haines of the journalism de- 'lcaid posted in the windows of the as the on ssary lines. -artment will direct the operation o train will announce to the world that much as f the board. W. E. Lustfield, '25, of the the occupants are from the Ann of Idvansto cheer leading squad will lead the Arbor Chamber of Commerce. gave $20, crowd in yells. Streamers of maize and blue will be came from HEachplay, the yardage, the man given to each man for use in the pa- Mass., New making the play and every ether fac.. rade which will take place in Urbana. son, a man tor necessary to a complete showing Arrangements have been made with and Arthu of the game will be reproduced in Hill the Urbana Chamber of Commerce to York City, Present indications are that three auditorium on the board. Members of have special street cars to meet the special trains will leave 'Ann Arbor the reserve and freshman football Michigan train and carry the band to tomorrow night at 10 o'clock, A fourth squads and the cross country squad the Lodge rooms down town where train may possibly be added if nec- will be the guests of the association meals will be furnished. A parade ofj I essary. The second and third trains at the grid-graph entertainment. the Illinois campus is planned for will leave as soon as possible after the morning, and participation by the '1 O L the first. Representatives of the Michi-' band in the formal dedication of the an Central railroad urge that care be stadium wil take place at 1:30 o' taken in boarding the right car. The Dr. Arno 'first train will have the following D DEAN trist of P Pullmans attached: M1, M2, M3, M4, T 1speaking Mf, M7, M8, M9, M10, M5, M11, andt tinalCou M12, in the order named. Indianapolis, Oct. .(1y A. P.)-rday eveni The second train will have Pullman Radio will connect "pep" sessions challenged number M4 , M42, M43, M44, M45, M46, doIndwllcnncpe"sesosob-rn uM4 r M4, M2, M 4. an4, M5 '4 Friday night of the students of But- ofstandpoint M47, M4\,M52,dM5, M49andM50in lercollege, Indianapolis and Centen- Dean Edmund Day, of the School of carryder named. Train nu y3 w74, 1ry college at Shreveport, Louisiana. Business Administration, was the ing of two M75, M76, M77, M78, M79, and M80. Justice Paul, athletic manager o speaker at the meeting of the Uni- omic valu It is necessary that the Pullman Butler announced today. Paul said he versity Chamber of Commerce held at Jacoby. bearing thenumbet had received word to arrange for 7:30 o'clock last night in room 304 of Prof. Jo taken. No stops between Ann Arbor Butler students to listen on the radio the Union. This was the first meet- school quc and Champaign will be made by any of to the cheering of the southern insti- ing of the chamber this year and was Judge Joh the special trains. tution and immediately started plans open to all those interested in such leniency g to broadcast the "Butler serenade" an organization, students taking eco- fulness of to the students in Dixie. Butler meets nomics rnd business administration that had h PHRMAY ATCentennary on the gridiron here Sat- being especially welcome. position h urday in an intersectional football ; Dean Day spoke on the "purpose two boys t game. of the University Chamber of Com- considered NIVES FIRST AID TAF.merce." R. A. Martin, '25, chairman youth. The EDUCATIONLof the organization,. announced that ment was other well known speakers from Ann in prison Dr. II. C. Cooper, of the firm of °L iUUL.IIU Arbor and elsewhere will be secured 'greater op Bauer and Black. Chicago, spoke on for future meetings of the chamber. during the "Pharmacy and First Aid" last night to live th in the Natural Science auditorium. CTo Gwho migh The lecture was of special interest to i orandlauetudGntitheIn regar phaSeniorsandenunior studentssinothe pharmic student and druggists for School of Education elected class of- Football Returns stated em he explained the intelligent way of ficers yesterday in Tappan hall. The fit to rem handling drug store merchandise. following officers were elected for the Grid-graph reports of the Michigan- was not-sa Dr. Cooper gave some interesting class of '25: William Strong, presi- Illinois game will be given at the Maj- Swell as D experiments showing the form and dent; Muriel Fox, vice-president; estic theater tomorrow afternoon.proceedi qualities of dressing goods. He Hilaegarde Beck, secretary; George Play by play progress of' the game showed how a druggist can make his Baker, treasurer.i will be indicated on the grid-graph Send own experiments on absorbent cot- The officers elected for the class of ! board as details are telephoned in ton and such things to insure buy- '26 were George Hacker, president; from Illinois stadium at Champaign. ing the genuine article. Mable Branch, vice-president; Russell The board reports will be supple- The lecture was interestingly illus- West, secretary; Elsie Ralston, treas- mented by announcements made by Student trated by lantern slides of the in- urer. I the theater's special telephone man, nautical e terior of the Bauer and Black factory, who will report the plays step byF a telegran showing all the stages through which Evanston, Ill., Oct. 16.-A plan for step as the board indicates the move- Hugo Ec the raw cotton passes in the making the use of cross-word puzzles in ex- f ment of the ball. This year the the- ZR-3, at of absorbent. A short moving pie- aminations for children is being de- ater will have quicker service than in afternoon --0oln nn~ih#nr 0,n~ricr1 1 '-" L11,+ M -. Ate!f- rnllhae uiken rice t# nfhninatrnoonyr.,ls Oct. 16. (By A. P.). a national campaign d collected and exp up to October 10, an Independent organi- ted $190,635 and dish according to testi .y at the opening se cial campaign fund in Imittee of the United : e figures as to oper mocratic national o. e not obtained, but Li nager of the western estified that his orga pent $32,500 up to Oc ich sum all except furnished by the nal The other $5,000 ontribution from Geor Democratic national from Illinois, he Borah, representative d that he would call icer of the Democrati mittee later. edges, treasurer of th ational committee toll estigatora that the ibuted to the Reput had come from 16,90 and organizations wi ns from $10,000 to a i 5,000. John M. Nelson ctor of the LaFollette fled that the total of d by his organization approximately 72,000 n sums rangingro (Ithy rone, ontrlutl' tlrer of $x,000 aIit Curers and investment erewere the principal large sums to the R Mr. Hodges said. Wi r., of Chicago wasI ly person contributin $25,000. James A. P In, Illinois, a grain d 000; $15,000 contrib Harry Payne Whitn v York; Aldrich A, ufacturer of Camden, r Curtis James of Hodge testified, -LEOPOLODVERI ld Jacoby,- official ph )etroit's recorder's t t the meeting -of the nty Medical society y ig at the Michigan I the validity of the Le ks trial at Chicago fro, of the vast expel ni effort to effect the boys. "I question the e of such a trial," sai hn B. Waite, of the ding from the statem n R. Caverly regardir ranted because of the: the two defendants, he been in Judge Ca e would have sentenci o hang, and would no I leniency because of reason given for this that he believed that the youths would h portunity to effect an e 40 or 50 years the an would the older t occupy the same p rd to Leopold and L( phaticly that they we ain, in society, and I afe to segregate them. r. Jacoby characterz gs in Chicago as a fa Telegram To Zr-3 s and Faculty of the engineering departmer ,m of congratulations kener, pilot of the d' Lakehurst, N. J., ye: . The telegram follo Forces crat Finam .Not Com1 ete [NT $1]7 BORtAI'S CEIVES COMP FIGURES Y CONTR L !I for eliminating errors in volumetric analysis. ' NV VVB trif u In the introduction of hs lecture he pointed out the principles of po- Aboard U. S. ship, Oct. 16.-Shen- tential metric titration. Besides the. andoah by wireless to the A. P. via well known electrodes oxygen and Orange, Caligornia. hydrogen, he explained the applica- Fog from the ocean and haze from tions of new electrodes, such as lead the mountains, enveloped the Shen-. peroxide and antimony electrodes. andoah as she sailed north between1 Dr. Kolthoff, who has been lectur- Santiago and Los Angeles today. ing at a number of colleges and uni- Headwinds of 10 to 12 miles an hour versities in the country, plans to re-' kept the speed to 35 miles an hour. main in Ann Arbor until Monday ,Commander Zachary Lansdowne when he will continue his lecture made the course 5 miles off shore and tour. 2000 feet in the air. The coast was Dean E. H. Kraus, of the College of followed to San Pedro, where it pass- Pharmacy, entertaned Dr. Kolthoff ised over the fleet then headed for Los and Dr. H. C. Cooper, of the firm ofI Angies and returned to the coast to Bauer and Black, Chicago, who also I continue northward. is a guest of the University, at a din- The weather is raw and chilly. ner given in their honor last night at the Union. Members of the facultyl/Ma tinee Dance At of the College of Pharmacy were also' invited toattend. Union Tomorrow Union Gives Out Freshman Union pins may be se-' cured any afternoon between 4 o'- Freshman Badges clock and 6 o'clock at the Union by I members of the freshman class who The second of a series of matinee I present their Union card and treas- dances to be given throughout the I urer's receipt. A large number of the ..1..,., h. ..r., n] nnr7xr }1.nnri r2icfrihnfnrl