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October 16, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 10-16-1924

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1 blish ed every morning except Monday
during the Uniersiy year by the Board in
Control of Student 'ublications.
Mlembers of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
tit;, d to thcetuse foqr republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor.
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mnaster General.
Subscripion by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
--ess, 9-0.
Telephones 2414 and 1760-M
Editor...............John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor...........,.Robert G. Ramsay
Night Editors
George W. Davis Joseph Kruger
Thomas P'. henry John Conrad
JKenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor........William '. Stoneman
Sunday Edlitor........Robet S. Mansfield'
WolncE's Editor.............Verena Moran
Music and irana.....Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Lditor.. William J. Walthour
Iouire Barley Winfield H. Line
Milarion Barlow Harold A. Moore
Leslie S. Bennets Carl E. Ohlmacher
Norma Bicknell William C. Patterson
llerman Boxer Helen S. Ramsay
Smith Caly Jr. Regina Reichmann
Willard B. Crosby Marie Reed
Valentine L. Davies Edmarie Schrauder
l ames WV. Fernamberg Frederick IT. Shillito
oscph O. Gartner Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
anning lIlouseworth C. Arthur Stevens
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Marjory- Sweet
E'liabh Liebermann Frederic Telmos
Francis R. Line Herman J. Wise
Telephone 960
Advertising....................E L. Dunne
Adrvertisinig.............. ....... J. 3.'Finn
Advertising.................I. A. Marks
Advertising................II. M. Rockwell
\r.ounts............Byron Parker
C irclatA01n................R. C. Winter
Publication.................John W. Contlin
T. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
Ad i t' RVast

hibition and moderate drinking are to forget her much-hearlded and
concerned, such an argument has no hypothetical economic and political
foundation in support of drunkenness independence when there is real need
in public. The good name of the en- for her service in promoting world
tire student body is affected. The pub- peace.
lic comes to believe that each and Americans took a prominent part in
every student is as weak as the per- forming the Dawes plan. Indeed some
son reeling up the aisle of the stad- British newspapers declared at the
ium. time that if Secretary Hughes had not
Granted that all the above is true, arrived on the scene at the crucial
however, discussion and commisera- moment the London Agreement would
tion, will be of little avail if no rem- never have been completed. Americans
edy is found. No amount of mere talk- are assuming a commanding position
ing will change conditions. The real in its execution. In fact everything
trouble is that of that majority which j tends to deny the stand taken by
can conduct itself properly on public isolationists.
occasions, very few have the courage There are some of course who will
to take a stand against drunkenness. agree with Mayor Hylan, of New
It a student does not make a practice York, that the cooperation of this
of becoming intoxicated he is more country in the compact holds the
than likely to assume an air of easy threat of war in event of default. Some
tolerance, even of commendation. The persons find threats in anything, even
house drunkard is placed on a pedes- in the protocol of the League of Na-
tal as a person of exceeding exper- tions. Nevertheless, the United States
ience in wordly matters, of great people have shown their sentiment In
sophistication, when he should be the matter-they are anxious that our
ridiculed as a person of small judge- nation give of its enormous resources
ment and inferior intellectual capac- material and political in order that
ity. It is time that those who have Germany and Europe may recover.
principles in the matter take a stand
and make it known, that the capacity
for drunkenness become a matter of CAMPUS OPINION
sorrow instead of humor, that the Anonymous communications will be
ability to imbibe to excess lower disregarded. The names of communi-
cns will, however, be regarded as
rather than raise social standing. confidential upon request.
The position taken by the Student
councils of Illinois and Michigan, the A LITTLE RED SCHOOL
honorary societies and organizations To the Editor:
of the formerIfentirely Defenders of the "little red school-
sincere, is highly commendable and house" object strenuously to the at-
should be cause for elation. among tempt made by its enemies to confuse
intelligent students. If more leaders the most important state issue this
and other respected persons will come fall. Theseforces organized and un-
out and say what they think, the ex- organized are trying to make the
isting tolerance for excessive drink- voters of Michigan believe that their
ing will soon be eliminated. When this liberties are at stake and that those
is achieved our homecomings will no favoring the public school amend-
longer be causes for anxiety, our
games will cease to be occasions for ment are narrow-minded bigots.
The amendment is not anti-any-
the exhibition of the worst side of thing. If it passes, and it looks now as
the University student's character. ;hi+nIiA X1, nd --i1"- mill

1__BOOKS and SUPPLIES for all
A review, by Marion Barlow. Colleges at GRAHAM'S, (at
It is a question why Marguerite !b t n s o h o a ak
19tdan es ea~ guboth ends of the diagonal walk)
Goodman has not appeared more;L
often on our stage here, if we ust
call it a stage. Platform is more to-.-.-- ------ --- --- ---- ____
the point. For Marguerite Goodman
as the "Woman who was Acquitted,"
is altogether convincing, though she
fails to demonstrate the baby face ac- -
corded to her. Her sobs and shrieks, --. ----- ---_..-._ -.-._. ._._.-. -.-
and generally dramatic tone are stim-
uli for shivers unequalled.
"Bowler Hat" is English for non- For Unibersity Work You Need A SEAL Founzain Pen.
chalant derby we assume. Harwood APen Which Has A Re1iabie Ti
Bright in this hilarious farce was un-
assuming after his first appearance,
but brought the thing to a funny cli- Rader s a
max after everyone h'ad forgotten
his existence. Ie' wears his quaint
head gear at a most attractive angle, or Jusines }len
and on the whole makes a better MADE RIGHT HERE IN ANN ARBOR
movie director than judge.A,
Almost everyone else, we felt, will And used by thousands of Michigan students, is serviced on the shot by Rider himself.
do better with age. On a professipnal This is the pen which satisfies.
stage, with fame in the balance, and It holds from five to twelve times as much ink as other makes (25o drops) and will outwear
the weight of years upon them, they several pens of any other kind. Ask to see a Masterpen and have it explained.
may all overcome the appearance Sold Only at
they have of being constantly pre-R'
pared for cues. So prepared they are,
in fact, that their acting is a leap Pen Specialists 3
ahead of the information at hand. _02 Stte Stret I
There is something collegiate about
the bearing of all these young bloods ~ l~ ~ ~!~~~~i~
which is charming, but not stagey. O C T 0 BE 11 1 92 4 HO
Something which is promising, but S M T W T F S'
underdone. .. .. .. 1 2 3 4
The very famous actress, Minerva 12 8 14 15 1 17 18
Miller, '27, possesses a voice of a 20 21 22 23 24 25
peculiar tone. Her exhibition of it 26 27 28 29 30 31
was not extensive enough to arouse
any other feeling than curiosity._ __y-
Margaret Effinger, the very earnest,
,Very simple matron, who allows her
husband to be stolen, was always a I i1C-
little previous with Iver action, and ComC in for a Turkey
even a bit graceless now and then, or a StCak D r
though her facial expression could We clean and reblock hats and caps
well be judged as of one who had and do it RIGHT. You will appreciate after the WI.-
lost a husband, to a wicked woman having your hat done over in a clean ;
who paints her cheeks, powders her ant sanitary manner, free from odor = ;co in game
nose, and blackens the lids of her and made to fit your head. w.,
eyes. FACTORY HAT STORE 5 South itate St. Phone 1306-R
It will not do to be too polite to Packard St. Phone 179
the columners themselves, but we (Where D. U. R. Stops at State)
cannot resist a word of approval for -.______________________illilill
Valentine Davies as he acts non
plussed, and for Robert Henderson f
being wicked. The love scene in the SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUTON
"Man with a Bowler Hat" is a bit EAT AT REX'S ONF N U
strained. It is difficult for two young THE CLUB LUNCH
people to appear to be in throes of 712 Arbor Stret
ecstacy in order to while away the Near State and Packard ts
time as action goes on across the'
stage, when they are hampered by PER
University conventions in drama, TON
more strict than any ancient rule ofL DELVERED WHILE iT LASTS
artistry. None of the three plays class GR\I0A riD AND) RiWGISTLARED
literature.But the "1\an with thc nB
Bowler Hat" was funny. EtTE
T1 WIEtOM IIAE N. University Ave. Phone 2652

W. V. Ar usst 1. r. a5
Cordon Burris I1. L. Newmann1AT,10ATRUSTT
F. Pentz Thomas Olmstead IA,1!ArlUrf
Ph1ilip Deitz J. D. Ryan Some time ago The Daily published
David Fox N. Rosenzweigedtraflin
-N(rman Freehling Margaret Sandburg an editorial flaying the Buildings and
W. E. hlamaker F. K. Schoenfeld Grounds department--or whatever de-
V'. Johinon S. 1-. Sinclair
L 1. Kramer F. Taylor partment it is which is charged with
Louis W. Kramer ,_the responsibility-for failing to sup-
ply the new Literary building with
coat hooks. It is not the policy of
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1924 The Daily to criticize destructively any
more than is necessary, and it was a
Night Editor-JOSEPH KRUGER painful editorial duty to flay the al-
ready over-burdened B and G. It was
'OLEI{\TION AND DRUNKENNESS deemed, howbver, that the matter
Coincident with the appeal of,-repre- must be brought to the attention of
sentative organizations at Michigan the public; it was felt that a condi-
and Illinois for temperate conduct tion, long annoying, had become well'
on the part of students at the dedica- nigh intolerable.
tion game Saturday, comes a feeling So much for the first editorial.
akin to shame that such action should Today we are publishing another,
be necessary. It remains to be seen for an obvious reason. The reaction to
what effect the movement for a "dry the first was a flat zero: not a peep
homecoming" will have, but even if was heard from the B and G; not a
it succeeds entirely, which is doubtfuli single sentence from those who knew
the fact that it has proved necessary was forthcoming in explanation of the
to urge supposedly intelligent students 'extraordinary dearth of these tiny but
to remain sober while attending a necessary articles of hardware; not
football game is a reflection on Amer- a hint that the editorial had even
ica n universities. j been read by members of the Buildings
It should be made clear at once that I and Grounds department. Today the
Michigan and Illinois are no worse walls of rooms in the new building
than an hundred other institutions are as barren as ever, unrelieved
of the country when excessive drink- even by the sign of a hook. The hails
ing is concerned. Indeed it would present a smooth and, uninterrupted
seem that in these schools the situa- vista, unblemished by a single coat
tion is not entirely discouraging in hook. Not the slightest move was made
view of the definite stand taken by to provide for the comfort of coats
student leaders. In urging Michigan and hats during the coming winter
to cooperate, the Illini wanted it months.
made clear that no slander on Ann Must this situation be endured?
Arbor students was intended and in Must the students be forced to put up
such a spirit has the movement been with this discomfort? The answer
carried forward here. The fact that seems to be "Yes."
a considerable minority of our com- The Daily intends, by a ruthless
patriots in the field of learning feel it editorial campaign, to hold this ques-
essential to their happiness to lose tion continually before its reading
their mental balance entirely during public, to keep the campus in a con-
football games is simply a condition start state of turmoil and agitation
which every honest American educa- until something is done about these
tor must recognize. coat hooks. No stone will be left un'
In the United States there are vary- turned, no plausible argument left to
ing opinions as to the justice and lurk in obscurity until the mighty B
p r a c t i cabili t y o f t h e Eighteenth and G is broken, until the closed
amendment. Recently the University trust evidently behind this per-
was fortunate enough to hear an in- nicious scheme is forced to bow its
teligent discussion of opposing view- head in acknowledgement of defeat.
points on the question in the Oxford- j'Is it a trust of coat manufacturers
Michigan debate. Supporters of the which is behind this plot? Or is it a
amendment enunciated the principle coalition of hatters? Who is respon-
thtat th(e wish of the majority should sible for this sinister plan to combat
control the conduct of the minority. the ideal of cleanliness and good
On the other hand was emphasized health which should be a part of
the basic necessity for maintenance every red-blooded young American's
of individual liberty. The Americans creed? Perhaps it is Golman brothers.
painted a panacea of decreased crime At any rate, The Daily intends to
and increased saving's deposits in f1pursue relentlessly its self-appointed
banks; the British poked fun at our task of agitation in favor of more coat
law enforcement, and eulogized in- j1hooks until, finally, the whole staff
toxicants as the inspiration for all of the B and G department is mus-
that is greatest in art and literature. tered and marches, with downcast
Neither side was able to prove con- faces, to line the walls, not only of the
tlusively the justice of their position, new Literary building, but of all the
and the equity of Eighteenth amend- buildings on the campus with coat
ment has little place in the discussion hooks, coat hooks, COAT HOOKS!

it it woui, all normal ctiidren will
as soon after next summer as pos-
sible be required to attend the public
schools until they have reached 16
years of age or have graduated from
the eighth grade. They will be re-
quired to attend only five days a week
for the customary school year. The
home and the church can have the
children after school hours, on week-
ends, and the whole summer. Certainly
this other time should be the lowest
minimum of real American training
for every potential American. .
The Public School Defense league
has appealed to Americans as Ameri-
cans to vote yes on the school amend-
ment. If somehow it has beca'me a
religious quarrel the opposition is toj
blame. I know that league desires to
make it a patriotic issue.
If the voters consider carefully the
amendment and vote according to the
best light they have the Defense

league does not fear as to the result.
-J. W. Knight, . The Michigan Theater League-.the
-J.___ W._K__ g__ t, '. name has been changed again-has
just announced its series of plays for
110W THE FRESHMEN FEEL the season 1924-25. Three productions
To the Editor: of the Cleveland Playhouse will be
We, the class of 1928, are gradually presented at the Whitney Theater.
recovering from a period of wears- Katherine Wick Kelly, who played so
some uncertainty, attendant upon get- splendidly here last year in "The
ting settled in the University. We ! Mollusc," "Anne Peddersdotter," and
have found it necessary to carefully "Man and Superman;" Carl Ried, who
( sift out the best of the great quantity starred as the Father in "Mixed Mar-
of good advice which we received. We riage" and as John Tanner in "Man
have likewise found it necessary to and Superman;" Russel Collins, the
pick with critical consideration the remarkable drunken priest in "Anne
best from the multitude of opportuni- Peddersdottcr" and other favoriles
ties which awaited us. This has been will appear.
a slow process, a somewhat painful The first production in the seriesj
one, but we feel that we are gradually will be A. A. Milne's "The Romantic
regaining our equilibrium. ~
We great appreciate the help g Age," which ran successfully several
us bygora fresanb the praise- years ago in New York, and will be
us by our friends and by the praise- presented Friday, October 24, at the
worthy oirganizations, the Union and Whitney Theater. The two subse-
the Christian association. We realize y
qutent plays will be chosen from the
the value of the advice given us by following: "R. U. R.," the fantastic
these friends, especially by that ster- melodrama by Karel Capek, and one of
ling character whom we know to be the Theater Guild's greatest sue-
a true friend, President Burton. cesses; "Icebound," the Pultizer Prize
While the first few weeks are be- Play of 1922-23, as well as the drama
ing concentrated on studies we are in which Phyllis Povah gained her
entering heartily those activities t recent metropolotitan repuation-
which we have chosen. We hope soon Claire Kummer's farce, "Rollo's Wild
to be able to, make a name for the Cai;" Kummer'sf "yglon" il
clas of 28 t Mihiga. Oat;" and Shaw's "Pygmalion" or,,
class of 28 at Michigan. "You Never Can Tell."
Finally we are glad to be here. We The dates of these two later per-
realize that we have come to an active, formances will be announced at least
progressive school, one where the best ten days in advance and will be
of opportunities are offered to those tengd in advace an wi h
who ae wiling arranged so as to avoid conflicts with
g to put their best ef- such settled dates as those of the
forts into their work. The freshman Choral Union and the Oratorical As-
class is united in a resolution to sup- soclation.
port the traditions and further the in-~I Season tickets for the three per-
terests of the University of Michigan, formances at $6, $4.50, $3, and $2.25
and we hope that we will leave it a are now on sale. Applications should
better place for our sojourn here. jbesent to C lementSmith S t




We Call for
and Deliver

Women: We re-tint and restore
to original colors silk dresses,

-A Freshman.

1706 South University Avenue.

of the deplorable situation in our uni-
versities and colleges. Prohibition has
assumed a definite place in our life
and seems to have brought with it a
feeling of bravado concerning the ex-
cessive indulgence in the forbidden
beverages. The principal problem for
us is found not in the fact that stu-
d ents drink, but that they get drunk
n nlaes where tir -onnduct is both

As has been predicted, the United
States portion of $200,000,000 Ger-
man loan was oversubscribed, and
i there is every indication that other
nations of the world will take care'
of their quota. In this fact there is
nothing very remarkable, considering}
that the nlan has sho h'ikinr t theI

it takes years of dietary indi crejIMR. HAIGH
tion to harden an artery, eternity to Andrew Haigh of 'the University
soften it' School of Music faculty will give a
piano recital Saturday afternoon,
A good many laws that "have teeth October 18--this Saturday-in Aeolian
in cu" should have the teeth X-rayed Hall, New York city. His program in
detail will include the following num-
I Prelude and Fugue, C sharp minor....
Regular office hours will be. ................... ......Bach.
maintained from 4 to 5 o'clock Andantino and Variations...........
every day by the Student Coun- .... Schubert-Tauslg
cil in their new offices located..s.................Schubert-Tusag.
in the activities room of the f apillons..............Schumann.

waists, hose, feathers, slippers.
Colors matched to sample.
Colors guaranteed. Ask about it
White swan



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