D AI LY OFFICIAL BO /ally and accompa LI TINm T14C MICHIGAN DAILY anied by a guest. Make this tihe biggest meeting we have baJ W. A. Gibson, Jr., Chairma-u. } Gymx For Freshmen To Staort Oct. 20 H~ave You Voted? Apply on Campus. Vote by Absentee Ballot, on Campus. THEMIHIANDALYWEDNESD:AY, OCTOBER 15, 1924 ,. . ... IPublication in the Bulletin 'is constructive notice to all inembers of the University. Copy received by ;lie Assistant to the President until I3:30 p. ni. (11:30 a. in. Saturday) Volume 5 WIED-NESDAY, OCTOBER 15,1921 Humber 2.. I I I rxr & :I. , V i't ll'q j fL 1 I Not iceto afpep.r in this column must he left in tie box at the D~aily office prov ided fo~r that purPose 601e 4 o'clock mrceedilng thoe day of issue. space in tihe Mchigancnsian office by Nov. 1. i'rv-lim-ani discussion groups meet in Lane hiall, 'Mondays, Tuesdays, Wed- nesdlays, andirfTursdays at 7 and 7:30 o'clock. Heads, Memorial To The Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, October 15, at ten o'clock in the President's office. M. L. Burton. Uente Ctunel Meetings: The Senate Council at its meeting of October 13 approved the following dates for the regular meetings of the Senate Council for 1924-1925: Novem- ber'"3, December 8, January 12, February 9, March .9, May 11, and June 1. F. E. Robbins, Secreary Senate CounciL Regular Meetig~s of the University Senate The Senate Council at its meeting of October 13 approved the following dates for the regular meetings of the University Senate for 1924-1925: No- vember 24, January 26, March 23, and May 18. F. E. lRobbins, Secretary Senate Council. All freshmen in the Literary College, who were granted the privilege ot applying for advanced credit for post graduate work in high school, should make application at the office 'of the registrar, Wednesday, October 15th, from 10-11 a.,. and 3-5 p. in. A. G. Hall. Biliography of Members of Faculties: Requests have been sent out to members of the faculties for the years 1922-24 for the biennial reports on scholarly publications by members of the faculties. Prompt and careful attention to these requests is urged. Extra blanks may be had on application to the office of the Graduate School. The period covered is that from July 1, 1922, to June 30, 1924. These dates have to be taken literally. Alfred H. Lloyd. School of Education Students To Elect Officers: The students of the Junior and Senior classes will elect class officers Wed- nesday, October 15, at 4:10 p. in. The Juniors will meet in room 206, Tappati Hall, and the Seniors in room 203, Tappan Hall. George E. Myers. Freshmen Eugineers: The regular weekly assembly will be held in room 348, 11:00 Wednesday, October 15. All freshmen are required to be present at this meeting. There will be the election of class officers and a brief talk by a member of the student honor Committee. J. C. Brier, Mentor 'Freshimen Engineers. Naval Reservists: All Naval Reservists and students interested in the University Unit of the United States Naval Reserve Force will meet in the R. . T. C. drill hall be- tween the Economics and Engineering buildings at 7: 30 p. n., lWednesday, October 15th. Ensign Herbert C. Lee, Comnmanding Officer.' Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University 'Organist, will play the following program ii Hill Auditorium, Wednesday afternoon, October 15, at 4:15 o'clock: Allegro moto vivace (Tschaikowsky) ; Prelude in D. flat, Op. 28, No. 15 (Chopin) ; L'Arlequin (Nevin); Improvisation (Karg-Elert); Rhapsody (Cole); Evening I Enow at Fuki Klawa (Marsh) ; A. Young Girl in the Wind (Marsh) ; Mdita-. tion "Thais" (Massenet) ; Marche religieuse (Guilmant). The general public is invited but Is requested to come on time as the doors will be closed during numbers. Charles . Sink, Secretary. Varsity Glee Club: Several sophomores are needed on the Business Staff. Office hours from 4 to 5:30 daily Room 308 Michigan Union. The highest ranking tryout will make the Spring xTrip this year. Carl B. Schoonmaker, Manager. 11 Circolo Itallano: There will be a meeting of the "Il Crcolo Italiano" this evening at 7:30 p. in., in Room 202SW. All interested are cordially invited to attend. All of- ficers are requested to be present. J. B. Plastino. Researchi Club: tThe first regular meeting of the Research Club will be held on Wdnesday, October 15th at 8 o'clock p. in., in the Histological Laboratory. Election o officers. The following paper will be read: The Presidential Election of 1824-5. by Professor E. S. Brown. The Council will meet at 7: 30 p. in. T. 11.lHildebrandt, Secretary. University of Mlelg.%T1 Band:_ Regular rehearsal will be held tonight at seven o'clock at the band head- quarters in Morris Hall. The mhen who are to take the trip to Illinois will be chosen from those present at this time. Arthur M. Smith, Student Manger. C1osniopoilan Glub: Illustrated lecture, "Touring in Europe," by Professor William A. Frayer' of the History department, to be given Friday evening, October 17, at 8 p. m.,1 ins the :Auditorium of Lane Hall. initiation of new members will occur im- mnediately following the lecture. The public is invited to Professor Frayer's lecture. Iensis Lkert, President. Roim d-Up Sjuker and Get-Together: The Round-Up Club will hold a smo ker and get-together for its members Pend their gguests at the Union on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. in., in Room 318. Each member is requested to make an especial effort to be there person- W1EDN ESIAY 10:00-C(oniference of (leans1 in the President's office.. 4:1 0-8chool of eduicat ion jhunilors and, seniors elect officers in 206 Tappan, 1::15--Organ recital i i 1ill1auditor- ium. 7 :00--IHand rehearsal1 at 1Motris lli. 7 :31;-lteund-Up, smoker ill room 318, Union. 7 :3 0-1l Circolo Itallano meets in room 202, South Wing. 7 :30-Naval Reservists mieet in Rl. 0. 'T. C. drill hall. 7:30-Pep meeting in H1ill auditorium. 7 :30-The Round-Up club will hold a~ smoker and get-together in room 318, Union. S :00--iesearchi club nmeets ill histol-" ogical laboratory. 8:00-Graduate English club meets at Newberry residence. S :30----(mmedy club phi vs-Sax-nh Cas- well Angell hall. THURSDAY 4 :30-OWe" meeting of Y. W. C. A. at Newvberry hall for all women. 5:330-8S. C. A. cabinet meets at home of B.. C. Coffmnan. 7 :3@-Christian Science society meets in auditorium of Lane hall. U-NOTICES Senior p~ictures are on sale at the 'Ensian office from. 2 to 5 every aft- ernoon until Thanksgiving. ,AP, catmpus organizationis, fraternities,I sororities, and societies must have their contracts for organization More than 90 per cent of the fresh- men required to take gym work have already sign(d up for classes, accord- mny to Dr. George A. May, of the phy- sical education department. Approxi- matel 950 literary students, 370 en- geers,.and 25" pharmacy men will be inteclasses and the great majority are all set. The few who have not yet reported will have to do so by the end of the week as gym begins on Oct. 20. Prof. H. IH. Bartlett of the botany department is planning to go to Os- coda this week-end to secure living plants for the botanical gardens. This is thne time of year for transplanting and for this reason the botanical gar- den is being replenished now. Have You Voted Apply on Campus. A Time Saver in Study Hours Those quest ions about words, people, places, that arise so fre- quently in your reading, writing, study, and speech, arc answered instantly in the store of ready information in WEB-STER'S COLLEGIATE The !J3est cAbridged'aPirinary--Based Upon WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL Hundreds of new words like dactylogram, electrobus, flechette; names such as CabellI, Hoover, Smuts; new Gazetteer entries such as Latvia, Vimy, Monte Adamello. Over 106,000 words; 1700 illustrations; 1256 pages; prined on Bible Paper. See It at Your College Books tore or Write for Information to the 'publishers. Free specimen pages f you mention this paper. G.. & C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass. do S F / _..r lroo Ii . - - i Damon,- "What did Professor Smith mean tis. morning w~hen he told you thait no man could ever make a silk purse out of a sow's ear?" Pythias- "He meant that I'd never be able to do good work with a poor pencil. Guess I'll have to get a Dixon's Eldorado. Old Smuity says it's the* best drawing pencil made." 1he z74Stedmi gPe~wr M7 leads--alt dealers Jor Youn rg AMen There is nothing like a4 I HlaeDI mithian1 Hloke Donithian, of Harding's homre' town, Marion, 0., has been appoint-! ed chairman of the executive commit-I tee of the Hlarding Memorial associa- tion. He succeeds the late Charles fll. Sawyer. Foreign Subscriptions $4.00-- pay- We'~ now. i STETSON OST young men today % know the importance of looking fit. Good ap- pearance counts much in the game of life. The yomrng man who dresses with taste has a decided advantage. But--it is surprising how little thought the average man gives to his hat. It is his crown, yet he seems to stop dressing at the neck. Be careful in your selection of your headwear. When you buy a hat, select a Stetson. Its style is right, its quality means long wear. DRUG S KODAKS' JZYW HD TS E5 WA N WOMEN! Your silk dresses, hose, slip pers,'feathers tinted to any, color you desire. Faded articles restored to orginal beauty by a modern process. Sat- isf ictio n guarantees.. Ann Arbor's Leadig Cleaners Phones 165-3238 White Swan Laundry l I' CAN DY C~olgate's Shown at Watch Case Compact Our Toilet Goods Departments You Will' Like It Come in and inspect our stocks. Calkins - Fletcher .Drug Co. 3 DEPENDABLE STORES -3 324 South State St. (11h. EAST AND) S. UNIVERSITY AVE. CO.R. S. STATE AND) PACKARD LA'S. SODAS I,- .... . ll LEFAX Your Data Boiled Down to Immediate Accessibility Complete stock of Lefax Data Sheets and Fillers at I W ALIR' UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE 11 MADE BY EDERH'EIMER STEIN COMPANY r - - .w - we .w l. - D on't Fail . ,F.Fs~, stagh ngih rusr ith two~ ihcffs n wd wit "' band-the co tFi the popular two button«{; model with half- iii,; « toppoket..ndrmembe;F i~rii r 'that all of hse utsaemd 116Eat Lbety1 Wh pcee.GoodrClomhes re Slat lRftesnablesPresmae. ., i Ask Us. Anything About Music .everything in + Ii BOOKS Anything- anything anything! at We are hkere to assist our patrons in every way a completely equipped music establishment can- and to assist them gratis. Staler's University Music House +N BOOK STORE EVERYTHING MUSICAL William at Maynard Phone 1799 1 * IHI