R 15, 124' HE MICHIGAN DAILY L 52- O MVAVAM M ds Poor Class CONSERVATION In Central EuropeA ANNOUNCE INTRAMURAL TENNIS TOURNEY GAMES Drawings for the intermurals ten- nis tournament have been completed and the results are announced as fol- lows: Alpha Omicron Pi vs. Delt> Gamma, Betsy Barbour vs. Adelia Cheever, Kappa Alpha Theta vs. 11 Beta Phi, Helen Newberry vs. Gam- ma Phi Beta, Aluhi Phi vs. Kappa Delta, Alpha Chi Omega vs. Zone 1, Zone 4 vs. Alpha Gamma Delta, Kap- pa Kappa Gamma vs. Alpha Epsilon Phi, Chi Omega ys. Theta Phi Alpha and Collegate Sorosis vs. Martha Cook building. The first of the series of- games will be held at 4 o'clock on Monday. Con., testants in the initial game will be announced at a later date. FACULTY MIMB AVISES "Accuracy in judging distances is one of the first problems which pre- sents itself to the amateur tennist player, " Miss Germaine Guiot, of the physical education department, said yesterday when interviewed on the technique of tennis playing;. Miss Guiot is a new member of the facultyI of the physical education department.l She was formerly with Western Statef Normal in Kalamazoo. z "P should advise the beginner in tennis to make use of the practice hoard which is erected on Palmer field for that purpose," Miss Gulot said. "One of the simplest tests for measur- ing distances correctly can be made by attempting to hit the ball so that it will strike the board above the white line and bounce only once. Practice hitting the ball above thea white line for 10 times, then limit yourself to the back-hand stroke and4 try that for 10 times." "Efficiency in using the fore arni, swing, the fore arm drive and the{ Loffard stroke is the ambition of all tennis players. Beginners should strivertoward perfect control of the ball rather than being primarily in-' terested in points and the winning of1 the game." Freshman Comes I To Rescue Of Co-Ed Ai V.["+~assar Iomen I men of Vassar," says this Vassar )their ac Amic work. The student. time really comes from the f N ot sStress Athletics I -01 colleV women do n o n Nvotices And pe ksdiide their timec. As Nis And Dramatics MissHtntSPeakso ginrlod budg tOfWo nMc uetan' they wouldthn ha "Athletics and dramatics are iiculty in taking work Women who are interested in work- stressed at Vassar," says a former ing at the candy booth in University student of that school who has re- Miss Nora Crane unt, of the hall are requested to communicate cently entered Michigan. Hockey is School of Music, says she h::s about All women are invited to at with Dorothy Nix, phone 3237, at the favorite sport, and in dramatics as many students taking music an "W' Party t 4:30 o'clock tc once. the girls produce their own plays; with their colle-: work as she hasy , .y .cng the scenery and lighting effects be- students . iaresr. gular iflem e s of A. ocsa h main u0) The next regular meeting of P ing made entirely without the aid of the s chool of iarusie. itcrh e 0)ci ll hounlc(t Un Wit Lambda Theta will take the form of the faculty.sr a picnic which will be held at the Vassar has no Women's league. In- Thre arc few students soio(,iz- work. Fireplace, tomorrow. Members will stead, her campus activities are di- ing in piano work who take a full meet at 4:30 o'clock at Martha Cook. vided into four societies. The Ath- . e tU--.-a.s, .-- State Convention of the Child Con- servation League will be held October 29 and 30 at the Michigan Union. Dr. Theophile Rapheal will give a gener- al discussion of the facts to be con-r sidered in connection with conduct and abnormalities of children. Dr. Barbara Bartlett will speak on The Physical Health of the Young Child. The state president, Mrs. Burton Browne, and the state vice president, Mrs. H. Mallory will be present at the convention. Further program ar- rangements will be announced later. Iota Sigma Pi will clock tomorrow in library. meet at Martha physical education department, Miss B. Louise Patterson, a member of the faculty of the department, and Mar- Tana Smalley, president of the W. A. A., will say a few words to the as- sembled guests. Stunts, orchestra music, and dancing will be features of the afternoon. Refreshments will be served. Vote by Absentee Ballot, on Campus. Do Your Duty, Be Sure and Vote. There will be a meeting of all jun- !or women interested in writing mus- ic for the Junior play at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Barbour gym- nasium. This date is definite. Oct. 25 is the date set for the last Junior play manuscripts to be turn- ed in. Any junior woman writing a play is advised to call the general chairman immediately. Mummers' dramatic society will hol( Itryouts from 3 to 5 o'clock Thursday and Friday in the middle parlor in Barbour gymnasium. Frau Eugenie Scihwarzwai4 The task of feeding the impoverish- ed middle classes of Europe has bee.i one of the problems of the aftermath of the world war. Frau Eugenic Schwarzwald, of Vienna, has been called the "out- standing woman of central Europe" because she has successfully estab- lished a chain of restaurants where five cent meals are served to the mid- die class Viennese. These restau- f rants support themselves with no deficits, no tips, clean linen, flowers and service are 'included-without the charitable label on them. In Italy, Switzerland, Southern Germany, Norway and Iolland Frau Sehwarzwald's. name is known and revered. And not only for her work in solving the food problem but especially for her scheme for sending 20.0,000 children for free holidays to Switzerland during the war-out of Vienna, famine, worry and fear. From her window she had seen long lines' of women waiting in the rain for milk to feed their children. ?They told her that mar, of them had been in line since seven of the evening before and it was then eleven in the morn- ing. And such .a pitiably small amount could they get after these hours of waiting. W. A.A. To Entertain University Wo men University women will be enter- tainted by members of the Women'sj Athletic association from 4 to 6 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. The party is the initiall social function undertaken by the or- ganization this year and although its purpo;e is to welcome and acquaint its new members the association ex- tends a cordial invitation to all women on campus. Dr. Margaret Bell, director of the Pay for your Subscription Special Laundry Service WEEK END SERVICE that will appeal to everyone. A call will CONVINCE you. HAND WORK MOE LAUNDRY m 204 North Main Street Phone 2355 --- 16.95 Newest sweaters are trim, m nish, straight-lined affairs ribbed brushed wool in ma different colors. V - shap necklines. Comfortable. Sma SECOND FLOOR G OODuYEAR 124 South Main President Marion L. Murton made the statement Sunday evening that there was a great variety of students at Michigan. We aro inclined to agree with him. However, it is easier to confine oneself to a particular class when illustrating a point. In the branch post office at the end. of Nickels Arcade a co-ed was writ- ing out a money order and found to her great embarassment that she had forgotten her pocketbook. A general chuckle was heard throughout the of- fice as the girl attempted to explain her mistake but when the man of '28 an- of ny red art. 'S r Buy your collar | 1attached shirts in stepped forward, introduced himself, half-dozen lots. and said "Here take this $5, a loud j We have a special price on lots of six roar of laughter broke forth from the ' that cnble I you to make a substantial crowd which had gathered. | sairmg( O utiis imlp{)rtant item.. ______________I AN 0BEN, t'1ESS & THlO)ILSO~ Have You Voted? Apply on Campus. LN. S- i 1 6. -j COMPLETE SATISFACTION AT TUTTLE'S. LUNCH ROOM 338 Maynard -- - It w 9 v S ' 1 I ® . C 7 1 r r C Ild I - i 11 There will be a new Drug Store in Nickels Arcade Convenient, right in the center of y' the direct lane for foot traffic be- I By the Light of the Moon Fashion Gleams i 7r tween State and Maynard streets, the New Arcade Pharmacy will The orchestra plays and here and there under twinkly lights you catch fleeting glimpses of fashionable women, exquisitely gowned. A slim, sleek woman in an evening gown of black lace starts you dreaming of Spanish serenades. A graceful woman in a cerise velvet gown caught at the side with a flashing rhinestone ornament attracts many eyes as she dances by. Just entering the ball room is a beautiful woman in a black velvet gown with a tunic effect of metal embroid- ered on net. All these smart evening fashions spotlighted for the new season you will find at Hutzel's. Priced from. $35 to $85. open soon. nouncement. Watch for the an- I 11 ./ r 1