Published every morning except Monday
ct5-hint the isniversityyear by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
member's of Western Conference Editorial
The Assvciated Press is exclusively en-
titd to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor.
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Subscription, by carrier, $3.s0; by mail,j
O)fices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 276-M; busi-
-ess, -0-.
Telephones 2114 and 176-M
Editor.... ........John G. Garlinghouse
News Edi tor...... ..Robert G. Ramsay
Night Editors
George W. Davis Joseph Kruger
Thomas P'. Henry John Conrad
Kennetha C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor........William 11. Stoneman
Sunday Editr.......... Robert S. Mansfield
Womn's Editor........ ....Verena Moran
Music al brama...... Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Jditor......William J. Walthour
loise 1arley Winfield 1. Line
Alarion Clarlow Harold A. Moore
Leslie S. Bennets Carl E. Ohlmacher
Norma Ilicknell *William C. Patterson
Serman Boxer 1 leen S. Ramsay
Smith C ay Ir. Regina Reichmann
WIllard B.Ctrosby Marie Reed
'Valentine L. Davies Edmarie Schrauder
lame X . Fernamberg Frederick 14 .Shillito
oseph o0. Gartnier Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
arming llowseworth C. Arthur Stevens
Flizaiieth S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet
lizabeth Liebermanr Frederic Telmos
Francis R. Line Herman J. Wise
Telephone 960
University is coicerned are being
alienated by a condition which can
be remedied.
The first and only complete rem-
edy is .found in a new stadium. The
structure is entirely inadequate for
the present-day conditions and should
be replaced when the project is finan-
cially possible. Most people consider
that the time has not yet come when
a campaign, such as would be essen-
tial, is practicable. Nevertheless, a
new stadium must be considered by
the Athletic association to care for
increasing demands.
The other remedy is found in the
revision of the present plan of dis-
tribution. The Athletic association
claims that it has the most fair scheme
in the country-that here the students
are giv'en a better deal than any other
place. On this point The Daily strong-
ly disagrees and in doing so wishes to
cast no reflections on the body con-
cerned. It is no doubt doing its best.
The time has tome when the alumni
and students should have a voice in
the determination of the plan used.
They are the ones most concerned and
logically should have the final say.
If necessary the alumni quota of tick-
ets should be reduced so as to give
more alumni a chance. In The Daily's
opinion they should not be given all
the best seats, buit each alumnus
should have at least a fighting chance
to secure his one seat and if any
are left extra tickets should be dis-
tributed on a fair basis. Students
should be given their share of the
best seats and should be blocked to-
gether in order that unity of spirit,
the only worthwhile feature of the
games may be promoted. In addition
they should be given a fair quota of
extra seats, probably two. ,
The Athletic association and the
University administration have a def-
inite responsibility in making sure
that those primarily interested in thc
'future welfare of the; institution and
upon. whom the institution is dependent
for its very existence be not alienated
by such a trifling matter as the inabil-
ity to witness a football game. A
change in ticket distribution is the
only way of fulfilling this respon
Advertising..............-.-....E. L. Dunne
Advertising.................. J J Finn
Advertising..... ... . 11. A.Marks
dvertising.......... .....H...M. Rockwell
Acrconts.................Byron Parker
irculalionk................. R. C. Winter
Pubhlication............ ..... John W. Conlin
P. W. Arnold W L. Mullins
WY. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
Bo"nlurris 'IT. L. Newmanrn
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
Philip 1)eitz D. Ryan
David Fox N-.R
Norman Freehling Margaret Sandburg
W. L .lamaker F. K. Schoenfeld
l". Johinson S. TL. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
Night Editor-NORMAN R THAL
It won't make much difference to TONIGHT: The Comedy Club presents
anybody, but we should like to pay
tribte o te mmor ofAnaoleThree One-Act Plays In Sarah (a
tribute to he eospap rshAnatoe atwell Angell Hal at 8:15 o'clock.
us to it; but that is their business.*
They have had cuts of M. Thibault THE PLAY PRODUCTION PLAYS
ready to run for weeks; they have Professor Hollister is again pre-
had lives of him lying in their morgues paring through his various classes a
for months. The critics of all the big season of four representative and
papers have been standing by, ready contrasting programs to form his
to knock off high-class obituaries with semester course. The choice this year
lists of Anatole France's works copied is particularly interesting, not too
out of publishers' announcements. One ambtious-fortunately--and in every
foxy journal wrote the whole business way should prove to be his most satis-
up for its Sunday Magazine-just factory group.
Tconsirst f fournuNmberh lgt
gambling that he would die before the The first bill on' November 5, ill
week was up.cossoffunubr-ielgt
We consider all this disgusting. But has grown with every meeting of the
Anatole France was great, and he is class. The program will open with
dead. Little Cowles bends his knee. "Martha's Mourning" by Phoebe Hof-
* * * fman, something of a clever genre
We are informed that a contribu- comedy, with a dying aunt, much gas-
tion was received at this office, that ping and heaving of bosoms, and a
it was intended to reach us, but that final happy curtain. This, in turn, will
it was lost somewhere. It arrived on be followed by a short skit, "For Dis-
the morning after the Oxford-Michi tinguished Service," which chiefly
gan fiasco. We apologize for the in- concerns itself with morals, moral
competency of our assistants, and and unmoral, with the Puritans win-
,humbly petition that the manuscript ning, to splease you in the end.
be re-submitted. The center of the evening. h6w-
* * * ever, will be W. S. Gilbert's "Sweet-
hearts"-the Gilbert of Gilbert and
A I ASullivan. It splashes over with the
1'fpat sentiment of its Victorian age:
there is the pair of lovers, they are
Much less have I in it a part. separated and all the old ladies snif-
But can I be blind, fle, they are brought together again
To the beauty in Nature I find. and everyone sighs to think of the
When hill and valley alike, grand old place the world used to be,
Do at me loudly strike, when females knew how to blush and
And my artless soul invoke, servants still kept their place.
To its most ornamented cloak. As a novelty-even on the face of
And whenplants of all colors affairs it is very much of an expri-
and sadement-a minute sketch called "The
t Do my inermost invade, Impertinence of the Creature" will be
Need I an artist be?' sandwiched between the first and sec-
To be filled with joy and glee? ond acts of the Gilbert play, obv-
II iously to give the lovers time to age
Though I am not musically in- their twenty years.
-ined, The second program tobe presented
And can not put to it my mind, November 28, will be Josph C. Lin-
Yet can I deaf remain? coln's four act comedy, "Shavings."
To nature's musical demain? It represents the typical Broadway
Or can I be calm? success: the kindly old toy-maker,
To the music of the insect realm? patterned after the hundred odd loaf-
- And when falling leaf and tremb- ers from Rip to Lightnin' Bill Jones,
- ling grass, and is frankly placed in the series to
d To me respectfully adress, lighten the succeeding numbers.
t Need I a musician be? On December 12, will come Shaw's
To be filled with joy and glee? "Arms and the Man," the farce from
- J. L., '28. which the equally famous "Chocolate
r * * * Soldier" was plucked. There is no one
e H. L. Spedding, the local photo- like Shaw, andthere is no funnier
s grapher, crashes in with a nice letter Shavian burlesque than the uproar-
s advising us to have our photograph ious, glorious' "npossible, hopeless
taken for the 'Ensan. He would pre- and dazzling tale of the Swiss hotel
s fer, of course, that I have it taken keeper who refused to be made a bero.
e at Spedding's than, say, at bey's or The final production, January 21,
e Rentschler's. But Mr. Dey and Mr. will be Synge's "The Playboy of the
f Rentschler are of another mind. They Western World," a comedy and at once
s crashed in on the same day as the a tragedy, pregnant with a very sub-
y Spedding letter. lime poetic imagery and a bubbling
i1 These three competing bennies are Celtic humor: above all, one of the
- in agreement on only one point: they few very great contemporary dramas.
- all think that student, photographer, After this, there is but one other
e and printer should co-operate with 1 point: the entire course, so uniquely
e the 'Ensian staff. representative, is priced at the very
s Spedding seems likely to win out logical, possible sum of a dollar. The
e with us on account of his tactfully audiences in the past have run into
n worded postscript to the effect that the six hundreds; this year it is ex-
L. he had just engaged an expert gang pected they will mount very near,
- of retouchers-doubtless to take care say, to a thousand.
s of just such customers as myself. You * * *
e never can tell when some guy with THE YPSILANTI PLAYERS
- an ugly mug is going to turn up and The first production of tlle Ypsilant
- ask you to take his picture, now can Players, opening November 10, will
d you? include James M. Barrie's "A Well-
s The good old S. C. A. has sent out Remembered Voice," Louise Sanders
- letters to all the lucky freshmen who "Figure-heads," and St. John Iankin
t got Frosh bibles, asking them if they delightful chatter farce, "The Constan
BOOKS and SUPPLIES for all
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larly, people do enjoy eat-
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Upstairs, Nickels Arcade,
In the Daily yesterday was printed
a communication signed by an alum-
nus of the University in which is
given the attitude of many persons
concerning the ticket situation at
Michigan, and the consequent relation
of alumni and stndents to their Alma
Mater. Many points of the letter indi-
cate that the writqr is ignorant of the
situation confronting the officials of
the Athletic association. In many
ways it gives an unfair and unreason-
ble aspect of the situation. There is in
it 1his much truth, however. Ile isI
agreed, as nearly' all students andj
ahmuni who have considered the ques-
tion must be, that there is need for a
The Wisconsin feature of the situa-
tion is in no way the fault of the
Athletic association here. Two thous-
and tickets were sent for the use of
the University of Wisconsin, instead
of the 500 mentioned in the communi-;
cation. These were put on general
sale immediately on their receipt from
Ann Arbor, no special privileges be-
ing given to students until 1500
tickets had been disposed of. Then the
Wisconsin athletic association tried,
unsuccessfully to get more tickets
than the quota for which they had
originally asked. This represents
either carelessness in the estimation
of Wisconsin's needs, or failure to
comprehend what it means to have
capacity crowds, which is, by no way,
a thing seldom coped with at the
Badger institution of learning.
It is also plain that the alumnus
in question was not slighted any more
than two or three thousand other
applicants whose request for tickets
did not happen to be in the first mail
received by the Athletic association.
.It is obviously impossible to accom-
modate 50,000 alumni and the general
public in 17,000 seats set aside for
these classes of people. His failure to
secure tickets from the Michigan chap-
ter of his fraternity is not remark-
able when one considers that there'
were only five or six hundred stu-
dents on the campus who had an op-
portunity to get as many seats as
were allotted in former years.
The Daily agrees with Mr. hull,;
however, on the fundamental ques-
tion involved. As long as it is im-
possible for the majority of alumni to
renew their ties by returning at least
once a year for a game little can be
expected from that source of Univer-
sity support. And as long as the ma-1
jority of st'udents are limited to one1
extra ticket apiece, they can neither;
help out the alumni nor carry through1
Bums of various kinds and var
ieties among college men have be
come a distinct problem to railroad
officials throughout the country. I
has come to be accepted good fora.
for a student, when he wishes to tra
verse a distance of zany length, eithe
to forge a ticket, ride the rails or th(
tender. Such is the attitude-it 1i
particularly in evidence at the tim(
of football games.
All this is very well. It is any man':
individual business whether or not h
wants to steal a ride as long as b
does not trespass on the rights o
others. Saturday, if the practice is
carried too far there will be man'
students whose. trip to Illinois wil
I be spoiled. The specials will be suf
ficiently crowded with paying passen
gers without the seemingly inevitably
excess number. In many cases thos
who pay for pullman accommodation:
will be depriveld of them becaus
others will thrust their presence or
their friends where there is no room
But this represents only the stu
dent side of it. That, after all, i:
negligible. The crucial aspect of th
situation is found in the excellent ser
vice which the railroads- of the mid
west are now giving the students an(
alumni of the University. The rate
offered make it possible for practic
ally all students to go to the importan
game of the year while under ordinar
conditions the cost would be prohibi
tive. In return for this they are im
posed upon by literally hundreds o
students who want something for
nothing. Often, too, the behavior of th
passengers is not beyond reproach
the equipment and furnishings beini
wrecked by the over-exhuberant cele
___y_ ._.__.__.. __. _._...
After every big game to w'hich
railroads give special service, there
come threats from officials of the
companies to withdraw the special
privileges offered football fans. So far.'
this has not been carried out, but
word has been received from a reli-
able source that railroads are giving
one last chance to students to show
themselves capable of using special
The student who bums, then, must
remember that he is not only break-
ing the law and liable to arrest if de-
tected, but that lie is- interfering with
the enjoyment and comfort of others
and may by his actions render specials
impossible in the future. Those whoJ
are broke may better take to the high-
way, or if they feel the urge of the
steel rails ride outside and permit
other people to get the worth of their
Twenty couples of Detroit's younger
and more exclusive social set received'
bids from Edsel Ford for a dance with
want to become "Editor or Businessf
Manager of the Michigan Daily, Presi-
dent of the Union, Student Council,
or S. C. A. . . . ." and those who
"have aspirations of some day lead-
ing the Varsity team out on the field,
or is your strong suit baseball?" The
prospectus goes on, "Do you want to
become a Varsity debater, make good
in a scholastic way and win a Phi Beta
Kappa key, or just become the most
popular man in your class?"
The way to do it is to come to the
Weekly Discussion Groups in Lane
Hall. What are they, you ask? I quote:
"Are they some sort of religious get-
togethers where a few 'Holier than
Thou' Sunday school boys learn how
to reform themselves and Michigan?
better call them 'Bull Sessions' or
'Pea Talks' because that's what they
really amount to, only that in the
end, because they're led by an older
student who has made good on the
campus, we really arrive somewhere."
Quoting some more: "Those who
have been through the mill feel that
there is no better way whereby a
Freshman can find himself than
through these 'Discussion Groups'."
And then the snappy close:
"C'mon in the Water's Fine."
Dear me, dear me! So it's the S. C.
A. that's been making Phi Beta Kap-
pas where none were before! That
must be it!
Mr. Jason Cowles.
1 I
Lover." The Barrie comedy is among
his greatest, dealing in a striking
manner with spiritualism, and inci-
dentally, furnishing George Arliss at
the time with one of his nost pro-
( nounced successes.
John Hassberger, '25M, who played
the leading role. in the Comedy Club
production of "Captain Applejack,"
will have the part of the Prince in
* * *
A review, by Jason Cowies.
It is time some semi-professional
said at least a word about Paul
Terry's "Aesop Fables," which have
now been running at the Majestic for
about (I should say) two years, The
semi-pro tribute to Mr. Terry's work
is about all that is lacking to make
the campus unanimous on it.
One of these excellent Fables is
even now on exhibition across the
street. (I speak from the Press Build-
ing, of course.)-And it is a beaner.
It has in it a good deal more of satire
than the customary Terry productions
-in other respects it is typical.
Mr. Terry has the gift of suggest-
ing-or rather of caricaturing motion,
In the same way that the regula-
tion artist caricatures a face. I may j
be wrong, but I suspect that accurate
analysis of motion, and equally ac-
curate caricature thereof, is a much
more complicated business than mere-
T'S a triumph-getting rich, fine quali-
ty and newest styles down to a price
like this-and we're frankly proud of it.
Here are suits of selected woolens,
superbly tailored along latest lines,
equipped with extra trousers and priced
at only
Others at $35 to $50
what is their undeniable right-the H., R. H. last night. How many other
privilege of inviting their parents to hundred hearts, do you suppose, beat
the .;nte. These anmp nnrents renre- in unien with the mnmic to which rEd-
ly setting down the outstanding blem-
ishes of Mr. Coolidge (for instance)
on a niece of Whatman's Cold Pressed. I
U I _ II