'" UlA20,11,I)o 'Avas"IL-11T, 'iHE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE~ i _s 4 lit VAVA='U IMFEVA Purpose Of E W. CA, To B e Dramatized -~ "What does the Y. W. C. A. do?"k i g .EINVITES WOMEN TPARTYTTOMORROW AlMembers of the Wornen's Athletic <. associationi will be hostesses to all l~l F ; Univer(ity :-li flbetween 4 and f So'clock t 4.k y :227 G __0_.Qf4. * . 110')'V20T i j( I fl I :$. la. e}_.u Sent out to all new mem-" r ;; of the association lut women %Vh') are not memnbers of the organi- zation a7 also invited to attend. 'I his ,palty is the first social fine- -t cn mu~nderaken ly the W. A. A. this yea . Is lUriosCis to establish2 ac- rjnintncsli~~) btweecn old and now memer;7cr and to) foter a spirit of o,,,,aiizal~t 7n and 1cooperation. sti3nt.', several spelakers, music and r.ancing will be features of the after- " r:n. n, Rfry 17nts will be served. sn dce the Womnen's Athletic asso- ..tion is rthec third oldest org niza- Lien for womewn on the campus ant actiive membersh,;lip) in it is a decided alseutoevery University, woman ac- cdigt,) members of the physical edun Londeprtn ct.All women are i~r'd oated FILE LIST OF CAMPUS ACTIVITIES OF WOMENI 'Mrs. William Mcivillan Adams, only child of Joh'n W. Davis, the Demo- gt ~atic p~residlential candidate, As at his side, after traveling more than 4,000 miles to give him her moral support in the campaign. She lives hi Copenhagen, Denmark. She will not tale the stumnp. A f11~41/1"A' /1 A.I .A ing. Since this is the first social wc- each cabinet member is to dramatize ,The regular Thursday, meeting of tivity of the association this year it; her work in the form of dialogue or Portia wil not be held this week. All is hoped that every University woman 1pantomime as she is introduced by the mnenmbers are expected to attend the will be present president, Jane Gibson, '25 tryouts which will be held at 7:15 Olga Verdelin, '25, is the general Cabinet members of the Y. W. C. A. o'clock tonight in room 302 Mason chairman for the affair. She will be are as follows: Jane Gibson, '25 presi- hall. assisted b~y Marguerite Ainsworth, '26, dent; Rosalea Spaulding, '25, vice-pres- andr Dorothy Ogborn, '26. ident; Geraldine Truscott, '25, treasur-- The next regular meeting of Pi s er; Cynthia Smith, '26, Secretary;j Lambda Theta will take the form of OKEllura Harvey, '25, under graduate k a picnic which will be held at the 1 E URE11~j Uff N1OL1V p re-representive: Rosale Spaulding, Fireplace, tomorrow. Members will H 2R'e va All; ser nesn, 25, ' meet at 4:30 o'clock at Martha Cqok.I ED ONTE LO HES opital ; Rv len 2,Americaniza- 111W O g L0 in; Marcia Snow, '25, publicity; Brl Schaeffer, '25, world fellowship; Lillian !Wetzel, '25, meetings; Helen Brown, Oratorical Association. Program Members of the Ann Arbor branch of '2,fnceRuh ani,'6soal th Nedeok5ulfAmrc r AdenanPe;te R ason, '27 , la esocin-' th Nedeor Gid f meia reAeln etron '7 ladrsi crG ET YOUR requested to call the director of their ,mission; Louise Pennington, '25, club group immediately and send the arti-:lead ership; Bertha Kiel, '25, house; TICKETS Iles they are donating to her, prepara-x and Gertrude Friedrick, school of tory' to the public collection to be made ,music Remainder of Season Tickets the last week in October. Attention GoOIaea is directed this, year to the need for $.0Rt infant's and children's wear. Prac-,$.0 Rt tclgarmente are desired, especially1 { bi'D ~ U'lll Aud. Tuesday, 13-53 stcigbtntbakoe o n U T C A r"11fants. Black bloomers for girls up to the age of 10 are always welcomed. Stress is laid on the necessity for,. leaving price marks, size and the place Bo xed G it. of purchase on the clothing in case an Fine_ exchange in :size is necessary. Every -in thing given should be in pairs exactly I A alike. A snortment '. The donation of two new articles of clothing or household linen constitutes I[a membership in the Needlework Guildat"f of America which is the only organ- ization in the world that annually col-'Atro} lects new garments and linen to be c~ '-" Arcade given to hospitals, homes and other Across from Sub-sta~tion charities. Women desiring to become members may call Mrs. Junius E. Beal, Tae secretary of the local branch. _________ales_______ tneuttur~u~tre.r. ..................at tsttttttettrtttur6211Lettetrs tfifr Telrl"el Smiles Bnikt ela oDrheath nSapiee Mi,,-s.. Je. an L riggs, '25,chima fJ +Lz(i&(+RL 111ttV1 .1 UJI&11A tle point committee of the Women's, To Hold Tryouts L(,:gt -, is at %work with her commit-]I toe of It menmbers compiling statis-- tic (,n the awount of campus activity Tryi-outs for membership_ in the -iA ork womuen are Gloing. 1 Portia society and in the Athena so- T:he wvork cois:ts, of an elaborate! ciety well be: held on the same night fiin sseminwic ee-rir o that all women who wish to the c npuxs lhas a card. When reports i fr'omitihe various cam71pus organiza-4 may try out for either or both of the lonhs come in conicernxing people, who1 societies. The tryouts will begin' at are aicti%,ely engagecl in that organi- 7:15i o'clock.. Tuesday. Portia society zationi, t;'2,activity is listedl on the will hold it' rot nro 0 pror crd hbene