TWO ~ ~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1924 -- - TAPPING LEAVES TO START CLUBS1 Do They Look Alike To You? BRAD-FUTE ATTACKS. CHILD LABOR BILL Amendment Would Deprive Farmers Of Help During Busy Season Says FArim [ead CHORES CALLED CRIME India~ SArt Shown By PlatesII In General Library Exhibit!BIEIII Organizes Will Groups In Lansing, Niles; Visit Chicago, Befoit, Rock Island PLAN ILLINOIS BOOTH Illustraitioins Show Work in Tiling, tile pictures of Indian figures, and of Painting, Gold, and Siver elephants, camels and fighting bulls. Craftsmansuip. The plates showing jewelry are among the most beautiful in the collec- Plates illustrating Indian art are on tion. There have been no people in Xhibit this week at the general library. the world who loved jewelry as the The arts shown are tiling and mosaic Indians, and they regarded the adorn-1 work, tapestries, painting, and jewelry ment of the women of their race with and sculpture, and the exhibit is fur- precious gems as a religious duty. An ther aided by a display of books on Indian woman is never supposed to Indian art. appear before her husband without The illustrations of tiles are mostly her jewels, and i his absence, or taken from th6 brilliant tiled wall of . after his death, she discards them. T. Hawley Tapping, field secretary of the Alumni association, left Ann Arbor Sunday for a two-weeks trip. through Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan 'for the purpose of orga- nizing new alumni clubs in several cities and conferring with the direc- tors of those in several others. le left immediately after his return from a short trip last week to Niles and Lansing. The field secretary went directly' to Chicago where he spent yesterday and today. Tomorrow the University of Michigan club in Beloit, Wisconsin, will be visited and Thursday Mr. Tapping will be in Rock Island, Illi- nois, returning to Chicago ,Friday night for an alumni banquet and dis- trict meeting. before the Illinois- Michigan game Saturday. An alumni registration booth will, be maintained at Champaign the day of the game. On Monday Peoria, Illi- nois will be visited, while other stops on the itinerary will include Cold- water and Ionia. Return will be made to Ann Arbor for the Wisconsin game, October 25. At that time, an alumni registration booth will be pperated in the Union for all alumni. Thursday night Mr. Tapping orga- nized asclub at Niles, 48 alumni be- ing present. J; W. Wood, 'OOE, was ti z 3 i Chicago, Ill., Oct. 13.-"State legis- M-. y .lators have shown much wisdom in ::>'turning down the proposed child-la- bor amendment to the federal consti- tution," was the comment of Oscar E. Bradfute, president of the Ameri- can Farm Bureau federation, upon the action of five state legislatures which have refused to ratify the amendment. "In spite of the fact," Mr. Bradfute continued, "that every state in the Union prohibits labor in the factories and mines by children under fourteen . years of age, the amendment gives congress thze power to step in alhead Hoosiers see a marked resemblance-in physiogomy - between Ed- t tti'he vard Jackson (left), Republican candidate for governor, and (right) ofmhetates It prove ta t, Robert M. La Foilette, Wisconsin's independent candidate for president. Congress shallhibittthe o lit, Jackson is Indiana's secretary of state. regulate oder eightetn years of age.'l We have the word of some of the fed- Gentle Sarcasm eral officers themselves that the pur- pose of this amendment is to regu- Against Faculty late the employment of the boys and L In German Sign "Rafification would thus permit regulations for farm children making "Golden Words of Famous Men" is it a crime to take part in the lighter the translated title of the German ! chores, aid in the harvest at times (Continued from Page One) I when it is impossible to get any other ity in your friendships gives rich- Poster that attracted so much atten- help, or prohibit them from becoming ness and quality to your life. Anytion in front of the literary building members of the Boys' and Girls' qualty ny yesterday afternoon. A rather liberal {clubs. organization or person confining its translation of the placard is: "Truly," Mr. Bradfute added, "The scope .of associations to one class, "For what do we know and how new generation on the farm, if .prop- t f I i . 'Y the Lahore fort which is 500 yards in;The illustrations of Jewelry show neck- length and 16 in height and constitutes laces of enamel set with pearls, of the most remarkable series of tile pic- bracelets and ivory armlets, of clasps, tures in the world. These tiles and the mobuckles and earricgs, all of them of works at Lahore which are decorated the most delicate and intricate work- in the same manner all belong to the manship-. second quarter of the seventeenth The Indian knowledge of metallurgy century. The illustrations show, in dates to the most ancient times and uaint angular drawing and soft colors, the exhibit contains many plates show- ing craftsmanship in gold, brass and silver. There are pictures of Tibetan teapots, of daggers, salvers and sculp- WHIAT'S GOING ON "tured lamps. The exhibit closes with a number of Notices to appear in this column mast illustrations of Rajput painting, which! 1e cleft in theIbox atit he Daily office provided for that purpose hefore 4 flourished up to the nineteenth century, o'clock precceding the day of issue. and of sculpture of both free-standing and bas-relief figures. TUESDAY 12:00-Captains for S. C. A. Financial Columbus, Oct. 13.-Second quar- drive dine at Green Tree inn. ter rushing at Ohio State universities 4-:00-Health lecture for fireshman wo- is being discussed, because of alleged men, Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. failure of the present system. 7:30-Cerele Francais meets in 200 South Wing. Do Your Duty, Be Sure and Vote. 7:30- Adelpli meets in new rooms on fourth floor of the Literary building. 7:30--Culver club meets lit Union. 7:33-11 Circolo Italiano club meets September Report indicates Increase Of Nine Percent Over 1923 Figuxes. EASTERN CITIES AHEAD Seasonal skrinkage in the number of new buildings permitted for during the month of September was slight, ac- tcording to figures from 146 cities re- cently compiled by Pradstreet's. Per- ruits issued number 3.1 per cent less than those for August and represented an increase over last year's figures for September of 9 per cent. Considering that September is a shorter month than August, building in general may still be said to be gaining. Value of building permitted for at the 146 cities in September was $207, 615,945, as against $214,458,698 at the same cities for August and .$190,335,374 recorded for September last year. The largest gain at any one place was noted for New York, with a total valu- ation of $38,360,429, and an increase of 34 per cent over August and of 11.8 per cent over Septemnber a year ago. Remaining cities show a total decrease of 8.9 per cent from August, but an increase of 8.4 per cent over Septem- I ber, 1923 New England cities have the largest collective sectional gain, which is 50 per cent for the month. The third quarter of the year ends with the largest gain ever recorded for that period, Bradstreet's states, and brings the total expennliture in build- ing for the past nine months to $2,:5, 592,038. marking a 5.9 per cent rise above the 1923 ie months ak. V o t e b y A b s e n i t e B a l l o t , o iiOcti n Oratorical Association Program i S '09L, vice-president;i and Miss Mar- type or group of identical hlcritages far do we do"we g;et with all our know- guerite Johnson, secretary-treasurer. cannot achieve its highest goal." He ledge! The reason of man and the Other members of the board of gover- explained that while it is not neces- reason of God are two very differentI nors are: Nathaniel Bacon, '91L, and cary to seek too diligently for friends, things. It is not always well to touch Dr. Robert Henderson, '78M, since many arrive casually and unan- upon divine secrets.-Goethe (in the More than 160 alumni attended the nounced that the best and most valu- year 1823), organization banquet at Lansing Fri- able associations are formed other_ 1How modestly does this intellectual day night, at which Coach George wise. Deliberate choice is most suc- giant speak here. How immodestly, Little was the principal speaker. The cessful and one should be on the con- does the little spirit speak.I following were elected to the board stant lookout for men or women who The identity of the person who of governors, from whch the officers come up to the individual standard. tacked up this sign is unknown, but of the club will be elected: Edward Philip E. LaRowe, '25, began the according to Dr. F. B. Wahr of the; Saier, '15L, r. M. W. Shaw, '92L service with the organ prelude, "An- German department, it is evidently. Amr ,IR .V.Sa, , R someone who wishes to direct a blow Walter Foster, '00, Nina Bristol, -93, dante-Sonata No. 1," by Borowski. t somedisstisfied pron M, ry N. McKay, '99,. Margaret C. The hymn, "O God Our Help," by St. at the faculty, some dissatisfed person I3artholemew, ' Bruce Anderson, ex- Anne, followed, Wendell Vreeland, Igiving vent to a prejudice against some 14E, Paul Eger, '16L, Dr. F. N. Fuller, principal of Jones school, leading the imagine or real professional pre- 68M, EdmundC. Shields, '96L, V. I. singing. y u Probabl its nnded Pattengill, '11, and Ard Richardson, Prayer was offered by Rev. S. S. !only as a lesson in philosophy and re- '00E. Robins, minister of the Unitarian ligion, flavored with a bit of subtle Church. Miss Nora Crane Hunt, of;sarcasm. tl~ Scoo of11Zzsc, olost sazg '. The poster, written in the Germzan Do Your iDuty, Be Sure and Vote. the School of Music, soloist, sang language, was rinted inStuttgart, P. Scott's, "Peace Be Unto You, with Germany. :III1iIIHtI1inm11 III111 u;,I1j1i111111I:: wthe organ accompaniment by Mr. La- THREe Paris, Oct. 13.-The sudden and of t re niPrsityoServ es, L co hirnee, extensive rise in the price of foreign ticwheat appearing suspicious to the .-acted as presiding officer. Government, Premier Herriot has ~~~~~-- ' o:dered a judicial investigation. -EIthaca, N. Y., Oct. 13.-Only five I teams have signed up for intra-fra- Springfield, Mass., Oct. 13. - rTh Established in 1899 I ternity soccer at Cornell this year. first snow-flurry of the season in .M-Western Massachusetts was reportedI «$Vote by Absenee Ballot, ln Campus. from Mount Washington. -. ...~.L,~k 's ~ -Per Week $6.00 for Two Meals, . .- - Breakfast froze 7 to 8 Lunch from 12 to 1 ! Dinner from 5:30 to 6:30 Single Meals "TASTES LIKE HOME" I 1 iiiii ill l lillill l ' IIIIlIsilIlIJ 11# erly trained and given sufficient amount of Red literature could be de i~ ndod u onn to increase the tl i a upelle UponL tIC socialist army by many thousands, es- pecially if they could be kept indolent during the period of their physical and mental development." in Union. 7:45-League of Nations Non-partisan association meets in 318-20 Union. 8:30-Mathematics club meets in 3003 Literary building. WEDNESDAY 4:10-School of Education juniors and seniors elect officers in 206 Tappan. 7:30-11 ircolo club meets in Urnion. vvneni iou vvant Flowers Call 115 Cousins & Hall Berkeley, Cal., Oct. 13 -Women at S:W0-Graduate English club meets at the Southern branch of the University Newberry residence. of California are planning to organize V. NOTICES a class in football. Under the direction Freshman discussion groups meet3 of Coach James Cline the co-eds will in Lane Hall, Mondays, Tuesdays, study the rules and general regulations Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 7:00 of the game. and 7:30. Do you keep GOOD notes? Surely a hands noteboob is very necessary. We are able to supply you with any i'ype you may i a desire. 1 111 South University Ave. Phone 1 160-R 611 E. University GET YOUR TICKETS We will take care of order promptly and teously. your cour- Remainder of Season Tickets Go On Sale at $°,00 Rate Hill Aud. Tuesday, 1:30-5:39 Hi4 LINDENSCHMITT - APFEOL & CO. ANN ARBOR'S LEADING CLOTHIERS "Exclusive-Btt Not Expensive., 209 S. MAIN ST. . . ...._. ..........._, .___,..o.._.. . ._... , SANDWIChES SMOKES COLD DRINKS i Featuring FREE DELIVERY Fron 9 Till 12 P. M. BARNEY'S Kosher Delicatessen STEIN-BLOCH Smart Clothes MICHAELS-STERN Value-first Clothes High Grade Furnishings 640 Haven Phone 208-M 11111, I'll, ._._ _- r ,. has ., .. ,; . ,.. ., . .,. ., .. . OUR BUSINESS NNW sung A TO SINC AT CR0WS STOFFLE, EVER, LARGER I I because PhonLe Sr Today at 2 p. m.1 we insist on absolute sanit- ation at all Records Doodle Doo Doo Big Boy The Grass Is Always Greener Too Tired Oh Gee Georgie Big Hearted Hannah . r times. ., ..r ° . o . ~.. Il../.~.~. ".. *}rP~I .I. /". 9. ,.f.~ "° "~./J".I"'..I"~, 1dJY :'//".!. ,/" A'~,®./, .// ". ?". . P""" ". . - - - - . You Fountain twill Enjoy the Room Beautiful 11 DANCING At GRANGER'S 607-9 East Huron St., off State St. Tonight and Every ARlts Ross Shnn Tiiesdav-Tilursdav FridavStirda ,I ,,- - u - a I luiii lwyIII IIy I111 III 11