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October 12, 1924 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 10-12-1924

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Modern Methods
Prevail In China
Says Miss Wong
Chinese colleges .of the present
time are not greatly different from
those in America, according to the
report of Priscilla Wong, grad, who
has come from Canton, China this.
fall to take special work in sociology
at this University. She is a resident
of the Adelia Cheever house.
Miss Wong is a graduate of the
Canton Christian college. This, like
most of the large schools in China,
was estalished by missionaries, and
most of the work is given in English.
Several of the colleges encourage co-
education, although this custom is not
followed in the secondary schools.
Athletics have their place in the
curriculum of a Chinese school as
well as in the American school, and a
Michigan student who visits China
need not be lonesome for the sight or
a game of basket-ball, base-ball, vol-
ley-ball, or football,. Dormitories are
also a feature of their school life
Miss Wong states that at the schools
where she has been, the living quar-
ters are somewhat similar to those
-of our own large dormitories, with the
exception that, in the secondary
school dormitories, there are often
three or four girls in a room.
These modern conditions prevail in
the schools in the region of Shanghai,
Canton, and Pekin, but are found less
often in the interior. The contrast

Students In Japanese University Minnesota Woman Strange Costumes
Drawn From Middle Class Homes To Try Her Skill Puzzle Wome
On African GameI
I Adjustment to the size of Michi- Miss Jodai pointed out the. diffi-
gan and to the difference of University culty experienced by the Japanese Interesting women on campus this!
life from that of a small college are children in the primary schools in ; year include several from Helen New-i
two of the few (ifficulties met by Miss first learning to draw and understand berry residence. There is one Wom-;
Tano Jodai, grad., since her arrival the great number of characters in the an from England, one from Southi
this fall. At one time Miss Joda: language. The drawback could be Africa, one from China, and one Nvho
spent four years at Wells college, an eliminated if the Roman letters were attended school in iVenna and Dres-
institution of 200 women students, so substituted, a plan which has been a den.t
she is acquainted with American col- . topic of much discussion. i For all except Aiiss Chu, '27, co-
leges. She has spoken English for The study of the English language eciucation is a novel experience' and
years. is compulsory in the Japanese schools I Miss Ossenbruggen, '26, of London
'I teach in the Japanese Women's and the language is used extensively confesses that she still hesitates toI
I University at Koishikawa", Mists in the middle schools, high schools, go into a classroom full of m0en. Miss'
Jodai said. - "American literature I and universities. Miss Jodai speaks Van Ossenbruggen is of Dutch Engj
one of my1 courses. The university Japanese to her classes but she says ;ish parentage, and was born in Brus-
has been in existence for twenty-five it is a little difficult for her as she sels. From there she went to Englandf
years. There was a great deal of 1 has become so accustomed to English where she attended the Grey Coat
opposition to its establishment, but it Occidental music is a favorite with Hospital, the oldest girls' school irI
has flourished so that now it has a Miss Jodai. To jazz she says she " .England, having been established in'
waiting list three times the size of has paid little attention, but she is 1694 by a royal charter. Miss Vai,
its enrollment. The students there fond of the classic and instrumental ' Ossenbruggen was impressed upon I
come from midle class parentage. music. "In Japan," Miss Jodai her arrival here by the fact that so,
The wealthy clays either are not states, "I find I miss your music many students work their wayi
serious in their studies or else they more than anything else. Once in a through college and that there is not
are educated under private tutors. ,while we have splendid opportunities vacation assignment here. In Lon.
The schools in Japan are not so differ- of hearing great artists there and I don, students work pnly at their
ent from those here as one might take advantage of these opportuni- studies and. do prescribed readlinbt
suppose. The atmosphere of study is ties. I heard Kreisler and Zinibalist Mrs. E. L. King, champion woman during the vacations. Miss Van Os-
the same, especially in the higher in Japan." 1 shot of the Northwest, is going to try senbruggen is still puzzling over the .
institutions. The first six years are Miss Jodai arrived September 26 out her marksmanship on bib game. fact that here people wear light-
compulsory. The middle schools to take un her studies in the Univer- She is on her way to British East weight clothes and live in warm
compare with our Junior high schools, sity. This is her sabbatical year and Africa with her husband and son. houses, while in England the people
and the high schools there with those she was sent to Michigan as a Barbour They hope to bring back some worth- 'dress warmly and live in cold houses.
here. A .university requires three or scholar. For her short period of while adornments for their home in Miss Pauline Bridgman, '27, of Cape-
four years for a degree, though the residence she feels at home, and says Minnesota. town, was amused by the mistake,
study of law or medicine occupies a it is a pleasure to return to the Am- conception that American people have
longer period." erican mode of life. Graduate Assumes
re S Q C, 1Hope Hampton, will essay her first
(French conversation has been .arrang Y SJecrearysh p musical comedy role in the title role
French Colleges ed under her direction. "I have heard of Leo Fall's viennese opefetta, "Ma-
so'much American French that I Ruth Deemer, '22, has been ap- dame Pompadour," which has played
Emphasize Work hardly know the difference between Ipointed associate secretary of the Un- with much success in Paris, London,
the way you speak our language ano iversity Y. W. C. A. Miss Deemer, ' Vienna, and most of the other Euro-
"French Universities and schools do the way we speak. Of course, a real whose home is in Freemont, Ohiohas
not have the spirit or the social life Frenchman has a different accent been for the past two years member-
that American universities have so but American students speak pure ship and publicity secretary at the Navy coaches are facing the pros-
there is not the memory afterwards," French." llartford, Conn., association. She pect of developing an entire new back-
says Marguerite Steinfeld, grad., who ecmdies here to take charge of the field this year, Cullen, Barchet, Dev-
comes to the University of Michigan puiblicitdy and finance committee and ens, and McKee being lost by gradua-
from Alsace, France. Miss Steinfeld, i to do work i sociology as well. tfon.;

s Of Americans Chinese P
i .A
a Of Other Lands Begin I
On I
concerning Capetown. She states that "American new
in her school, the people were main. superlative. Chin
ly English and Dutch, and although more truthful but
there were always many negro ser- lieve everything ev
wants, they were well educated and Wu, grad., says in
not jungle tribesmen. Social activi- can journalism w
ty characterized her life in Africa to can cour m
a greater extent than it does in Ann Most of the Chi
Arbor. University receive
Different settings form the back ularly from China
ground of Miss Hang Chu. She is ac I queer maze to an
cu-stomed to the co-education of the 'who understand t
Southeastern university of China ta n "all the news
which is a government school. Co- They are smaller
education there is relatively young Thid the lae
and social activities form a small eight pages. The
part of the students' life. pages are devoted
Miss Hasseltine Bourland, '26, an vertising and the
American girl, who has studied fog on the inside of
two years ii Dresden, contrasts the reads from leftt
well-ordered existence there with the of news run hori
restlessness of American life. The page. The Chines
university work, which women re- and little display
ceived there, is mainly cultural, cor- "There is not m
responding to the course in the liter- in this paper," sait
ary school here. Social life there is a Shanghai journ
stressed to a great extent and dances about movies."
are not an end in themselves but a least then, Chine
means to a delightful cameraderie. I very like our own.

Ill News
nside Page
rspapers are too
ese newspapers are
tYou must not be-
ven there," Yi Fong
comparing Ameri-
ith that of her na-
nese students at the
e newspapers reg.
a. They present a
American but those
hem say they con-
that's fit to print:"
than our papers
rarely runs over
front and back
Sexclusively to ad-
ereal news starts
the back page and
to right. Columns
zontally across the
e use few headlines
uch room for news
l Miss Wu, showing
ial, "half of it, is
In one respect, at
se, newspapers are

.i A., -

Approved Accessories

was described by Florence Chang,
'26, also of the Adelia Cheever house.
Miss Chang is also from Canton, but
she left China for America ten years
ago when the old system of education
was still practically the onlyone in
China;. Miss Chang obtained he
early education in a small school for
girls, conducted in a temple or some
other public building where the stu-
dents were even required to furnish
their own desks. Most of the time
was spent in learning to read and
write the Chinese characters, and to
Both of the women expect to go
back to their own country as teach-
ers becase, in the words of Miss
Chang, "Over here there are so many
who are well equipped, and one should
give to one's country some of what
one has learned."
Foreign Students
Michigan is a hard place in which
to get acquainted, because it is large,
but for that reason also it has more
to offer, in the opinion of the six for
eign students at Betsy Barour house.
Three of the six, Taus Jodai, grad..
Yae Tanaka, '27, Hide Shohara, '26,
are Japanese, and the otherthreeI
Anna Lan, grad., Imay Jong, '28M,
and Hsiao Lu, '27 are Chinese. Most
of them have taken a leading part in
student activities in their native col
Some of their customs, they explain,
are noticeably different from those of
our country. In gymnasium work
more stress is laid on calisthenics
than specialized athletics. The wom
en find it very difficult to get ove
their nervousness in playing hockey
which seems a strange game to them.
Church customs also seem differ-
ent to them. "Nothing is quite the
same as we have ben taught but we
love to hear the singing," one of them
said. They cannot understand wh
most American students take re-
ligious matters so lightly. To them
the churiwh is the most important
thing in their lives.
All of these women believe that'
they should retain the characteristici
life of their nationality because it is
most natural for them, but they are
anxious to learn all about the Amen
can social service work, schools and
public health work. Americanization
work interests them a great deal be-
cause their. population is born to the
soil and they have no such problem.
Betsy Barbour 'is an ideal place to
live, they think. There a foreign
woman can become better acquaint-
ed with American life and ideals ana
fell more at home than at college or
church functions.
Explain Chinese
Familiar Names
Cho Ren, '27M, and Yi Fong Wu,
grad., come to Michigan from Ginling
College, China. Both expect to get
doctor's degrees before leaving, Miss
Ren in medicine, and Miss Wu in
"We had heard many nice things
about Michigan before we came here
but it is better than we expected,"
Miss Wu says of the University.
"Everyone is friendly, but I guess
our names bother people." Chinese
children, she says, are not given
anything but a pet name until they
are of school age. The name a: child
receives at the age of five or six is
the name he uses outside of the fam-
ily for the rest of his life but the
familiar name is always used in the

Spanish Shawls

Fashion is showing a (lecided
tendency toward things Spanish and
on the wings of this Spanish mode
comes floating in this large Spanish
Scarf. Fashion designers for months
have studied Spanish life, Spanish
customs, Spanish traditions in search
of new inspirations and the Spanish
Scarf is one decidedly fruitful result
of their efforts. $6.75 and $7.50.

still in her teens, expects to receive
a master's degree in social science
next June. She received the bach-
ellor's degree from Ohio university
where she spent two years as a gov-
ernment student of the Franco-Ameri-
can exchange. Previous to that time
Miss Steinfeld studied at Lycee de
Jeune Filles at Strasbourg Bas-Rhin,
in Alsace.
"Foreign universities are only for
graduate work-perhaps that accounts
for the difference in foreign and Am-
erican university life," said Miss
Steinfeld. "There is no social life at
foreign universities. There are no
dormitories, no sororities, no fra-
ternities. Any clubs that may be or-
ganized are for intellectual purposes
only. A paper such as your Michigan
Daily is not necessary; an officialj
bulletin of an entirely scientific na-
ture takes care of important class
When Miss Steinfeld was told that'
she would not see the representative
Michigan spirit until she witnessed
the demonstration at Ferry Field dur'
ing a big foot-ball game, she said
she didn't expect to see any of the
games. "They are too exciting for
me," she said, "I get too nervous."
Miss Steinfeld is living at the Mar-
tha Cook building. A dinner table in

Attracts Students
Students comerto Michigan from all
parts of the world but it is decidedly
unusual to see on our campus the
native costume of the Hindu woman.
E. K. Janaki, grad., comes to the
University from Malabar, in south
India, to do special work in the nat-
ural sciences. Miss Janaki holds two
degrees from Madras Christian Col-
lege, Madras, South India. She says
college work in India and at Michi-
gan cannot be comparced because it is
very different but she comes to Michi-
gan for the wide opportunity it offers
to do research work in her chosen
line of study.
William T. Tilden II, who is about
as good a tennis player as there is in
the world today is to leave the courts
for the stage. The latest reports have
it that he will join Stewart Walker's
company sometime in November, al-
though before that he was rumored
to be headed for the movies.
Johnny Lavan, former infielder for
the St. Louis Cardinals, will manage
the Kansas City club of the Ameri-
can Association next year.

Season's Loveliest Frocks 11


. 1

In all the fabrics favored by
Paris-bengaline, satin, char-
meen, twill, rep and many
smart new corded materials.
The designs are very clever--
and of course we are also pre-
pared to fashion your dress just
as you wish it.
Remember that we have moved
from Nickels Arcade over to
308 Maynard Street.

Take Fashion by the Throat
In line with the Spanish leaning are these snappy
new scarfs-the kind that whirl the breeze-long and
slinky. In vari-colored stripes and Scotch Plaids.
Prices are $3.5o and $3.95.


And now the boutenniere
appears in all fashionable
colors to set off that dull old
suit or dress with a (lash of
color. Even the Parisian
lady of fashion endorses its
chic. 7 5 and $i.oo.

Wonderful new handker-
chiefs in all the new border
effects. What more accept-
able present is there than a'
beautiful box of handker-
chiefs and a clever little vial
of imported perfume?


rogue ShoppQ



308 Maynard Street


Arcade Braneh

II ,
III ICI \ ..
i 's
1 " . "ti,
-. '
,. " t
I f
{ - a
x J NYC a ..

To Please The
Most Exacting
Possibly you will like our
suggestions, or maybe you
will not, but anyway we are
desirous to please you in
every little detail. Come in
the morning-and you won't
have to wait a bit.
Arcade Barber
6 Nickels Arcade


_ - _i


i* .. Sai. . . . . . . ..*l..ilaii~aiaiiail..........a iiiiaii..liaii.. _











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