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October 12, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 10-12-1924

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t~c~iIt a





Many Speakers of National Repute To
Appear Later In

Grid Results
Columbia .35, \Yeslcyan 0.t
Cornell 7, *Williams 14.
Navy 3, Marquette 21.
"Harvard 16, Middiebury 6.-
Purdue 41, Rose Poly 3.
Syracuse 24, William and Mary 7.
Georgia 6, Yale 7.
Colgate 41, Clarkson 0.
Pennsylvania 25, Swarthmore 7.
Army 20, University of Detroit 0.
Indiana 14, Louisiana' 20.
Illinois 40, Butler 10.
Chicago 19, Brown 7.
Ohio State 0, Iowa 0.
Norte Dame 34, Wabash 0.
Penn State 26, Gettysburg 0.
Dartmouth 38, Vermont 0.
Wisconsin 7, Coe 7.
Minnesota 20, Haskell 0.







"College Friendships" will be the
subject of President Marion L. Bur-
ton's address at the first University
Service of the year to be held at'7:30
o'clock tonlght in Hill Auditorium.
Wendell Vreeland wil act as the
musical director, Miss Nora Crane
Hunt of the School of Music will sing,
and Phillip E. LaRowe is announced
as the organist. Rev. S. S. Robins,
mm ier o the Unitarian church will
offer the prayer and scripture reading.
This service, which introduces the
new series, is held under the auspices
of the Student Christian Association
and is open to all who care to attend.
The services are designed for the pur-
pose ;of bringng the students to-
gether, in a religious service of a
non-denominational character. Other
speakers scheduled for the coming
services include Fred B Smith, chair-
man of the national movement for
law enforcement and assistant to the
President of the Johns-Manville Co.,
with an international reputation as a
speaker, on Nov: 2; Dr. G. S. Lack-
land, president of Denver Labor Col-'
lege, Nov. 9; Dr. Allyn K. Foster,
secretary for University. students, of
the Baptist Board of Education, Nov.,
27; Dr. Janes C. Baker, director of
the Wesley foundation, Urbana, Ill, I
Feb. 15; Dr. Lloyd C. Douglas, pastor
of the Congregational church of Akron,,
Ohio, Mar. 15; and three others to
be announced later. Plans are under
considerat on for a service on April 5,
congregation committee and a
"Mother's Day" program for May 10.
Maurice P. Rhodes, '25L, is chair-
man of the University Service com-
mittee which arranges the programs.
"Neither judging of debates by the
audience or by a group of expert jud-
ges tends to form the ideal conduction
of a debate," said Prof. L. M. Eich of
the public speaking department when
Interviewed regarding the conduction
of the Oxford-Michigan debate. "The
ideal method is that in which no de-
cision is given."
Profesor Eich stated that no-decis-
ioa debates tend to remove the strain
of the debate which consequently
v ould improve the speeches of those
partaking. This method was adopted
at Michigan several years ago but.
proved a failure because of the lack
of competitive spirit in the dpbates,
In regard to judging debates by the
au ence, Professor Eich stated that
thl method was preferable to the
iteliod of judging by a selected
group. "When the audience judges,
the speaker tends to become more in-
timate with the audience and talks di-
rectly to them rather than to the jud-
ges," he said.
Although this method is especially
popular in England, it has not yet ds- I
placed the system of expert judging
preferred by debating organizations
in this country.
Samalayuca, Mexico, Oct., 11.-The
entire crew of a Chihuahua & Orient
combination freight and passenger
train of nine men, including one un-
identified American, were killed by
five bandits who escaped with a $30,
000 payroll one mile north of Can-
delario yesterday. It is reported that
two of the bandits were Americans.
El Paso, Texas, Oct. 1..-Military
authorities in Juarez were ordered out
to intercept the Candelario bandits,

.who are believed to have started for
the Texas side of the Rio Grande.
The bandits wrecked the train by

Influence of Labor Ministry Seen As
Social and Economic Questions
Rise in Importance
London, Oct. 11.-(By A. P.)-The
three big parties have lost no time in'
placing their platforms before the
electorate.rThree election manifes-
toes are out tonight. The Labor man-
ifesto is signed, among others by
Ramsay MacDonald, John Robert
Clynes, Robert Smillie, George Land-
bury and Arthur Henderson.
The co'nservative manifesto is
signed by Stanley Baldwin and the
Liberal by H. H. Asquith and David
Lloyd George.-

"N1ay lWe

Know How To Be Good
and Winners," Burton

Engineering Expert Discusses Many
Points For Improvement in
Technical Education.
W. E. Wickenden, in an address be-
fore the engineering faculty at a din-
ner held last night at the Union,
pointed out how engineering educa.
tion can be improved. He mentioned
in that connection several points
based on his observations and re-
search work as director of the sur-
vey of engineering education. This
survey is being made under the aus-
pices of the American Society for the!
promotion of engineering education
and of the Carnegie foundation.
"What engineering education may
become in the future will find its roots
in the past," said Mr. Wickenden. .
He then mentioned a few factors
which would improve engineering
education, among which were the ex-
amination of the student presenting
himself to the engineering schools,
and the determination of the desire
! whoi causes the student to enter
the engineering school, the location of
the causes of failure in the schools,
the process by which graduate engin-
'ers are introduced in'to the profes-
sional life, and the inauguration of a
faculty personal department in the
educational institutions.
"Seventy five of the engineering,
colleges in the country have begun
the study of engineering education
by organizing committees patterned
after the committee organized at this
university two years ago, and which
was unique in the study of engineer-
ing education," said Mr. Wickenden
in the opening remarks of his speech.
In concluding his talk he stated
that American industry is exposing
itself to slow suicide by neglecting
the forward march of technology. He
also pointed out that a closer rela-
tionship 'is necessary between the en -
gineering education institutions andl
the engineering professions.
The medical, dental and law profes-
sions, he said, are more closely re-
lated to their educational institu-
tions than are the engineers, and in
comparison with England and some
of the European countries, America'
is backward in this respect.l

"Our two institutions enjoy a
friendship which is beautiful," de-
clared President Marion L. Burton
one of the dedicatory speeches deliv-
ered yesterday at the opening of the
Mich'igan Agricultural College stad-
ium. Gov. Alex J. Groesbeck, Pre.
Kenyon Butterfield also spoke, in
dedicating the imposing monument to
sport given to the Agricultural insti-
Quotes Origin
"We have a common ori in_" th¢

issues Changed President continued. "We have
The first noticeable feature, which drawn t from this gWeat
undoubtedly is an outgrowth of the , drawnwhoserpresentatis he
new experience of the country in hav- stanee s referesntatives have
ing had a Labor administration for I ever failed to respond geerously
the first time, is the small part now cation.
played in the election literature by "It is our duty to provide, as best
Labor manifesto, apart from the Rus-I we can, for wholesome sportsman-
sian treaty and a brief paragraph like contests. Our chief task is to
claiming credit for the improved re- win; our real aim is not to defeat
lations with France and Germany and one anther; our purpose is to train
noting important steps taken at Gen-~ men to do their best and excell in
eva towards arbitration, security and !whatever they undertake.
general disarmament. "irp ,n 1,n..rn,1,..i4.-

Cornell Meets
.defeat At Last
After a string of 24 conse tive
victories Cornell was defeated today
by Williams college by the score of
14-7. Cornell for the past three years
has succeeded in defeating some of
the strongest eastern teams and has
been considered by many the cham-
pion team of the east.
The defeat yesterday by Willlam.
a small eastern college, was entirely
a surprise to the majority of foot-
ball fans.
Balloting For Head of Yearling Class
Under Charge of S. C. A.
Freshmen literary students will re-
cast their ballots for the presidency
of that class between 8 and 4 o'clock
tomorrow, the candidates for the of-
fice being Henry Grinnell and Wayne
Schroeder, both of whom were nomi-
nated at the last assembly of the
class. The voting will be done at a
ballot box which will be located in
front of the library.
A list of the freshmen literary class
will be used and the name of every
voter checked off by those in charge
of the balloting. This procedure will
eliminate any possiblity of a recur-
rence of the tampering with the bal- i
lots at, the election last Wednesday.
In order to make sure that a strict-
ly impartial election will take place,
the Student council has placed en-
tire charge of the ballotng in the
hands of the Student Christian as-
sociation. The committee from the
latter organization appointed to di-
rect the voting is H. L. Hale, '26,
Maurice P. Rhodes, '25L, John H. El-
liott, '26, Eugene L. Dunne, '25, and
harry B. McCobb, '25.
Any student having less than 24
hours of credit, and only those meet-
ing this qualification, will be allowed
to vote in this election, aceording. to
officials. A list of literary freshmen
has been secured from the regis-
trar's office and the names of those
wishing to vote will be checked care-
fully on this list.
Returns from the election will be
given out at Lane hall Monday night.y
The keen interest which has been
aroused due to the annulment of the
last election will cause a heavy vote,
officials say; and the final count will
end late Monday evening.
"We are depending entirely upon the
honor of the students in this elec-
tion," stated Perry M. Hayden, '25,
president of the Student Christian as-
sociation, "and we hope that due re-
gard will be taken of our trust."
Iowa City, Iowa. Oct. 11.-The only
game today in western conference
territory in which two conference

I .a
German War Bonds " "0"CDOWN.

New York, Oct., 11. (By A. P.)-
America's portion of the $200,000,000
German loan under the Dawes plan,
amounting to $110,000,000, will be of-
fered to the public on Tuesday by a
nation-wide banking syndicate, head-
ed by J. P. Morgan and company and
Kubn, Loeb and company.
While the books for the offering will
not be opened until Tuesday morning
and all subscriptions received in ad-
vance by the Morgan firm have been
returned with suggestions to resub-
mit at that time, the demands of the
smaller dealers indicate that the of-
fering will be heavily oversubscribed.

Mechanics Repair Damage to
In Storms During FlIght
Frojm Texas


In the Liberal document allusions
are equally scanty but in the Con-
servative manifesto, following the
Tory tradition, the empire and for-E
eign relations are given greater at-
tention, but still are overshadowed
by social and economic questions. In
reference to foreign affairs, Mr. Bald-
win pronounced his party for "coop-
eration in all matters admitting of.
common action with the U. S.," and
for the support or strengthening of
the League of Nations on practical
Trade Issue Gone
Withr regard to defense, he says
that the Unionists, if returned to
power, will have to "examine care- I
fully the position in which the de-
fenses of the Empire have been leftj
by the present administration," andx
while favoring any practical propos-
als for the general limitation of arma-
ments, must "scrutinize carefully, in
conjunction with the Dominiens, the
far reaching cominittments and im-
plications of the scheme recently put
f'orweard at Geneva."
None of the manifestoes touch upon
any questions of Egypt or Iralk. The
competition between the three part-
ies is clearly on the ground of social
and economic reforms and on these
alone. After the result.of the general
elections a year ago it is not surpris-
ing to find that the questions of free
trade versus protection has also al-
most vanished from the picture.
Three7 housand See
Game By Grid Graph
Nearly 3,000 people watched the
electric grid graph of the M. A. C.
game in Hill auditorium yester-
day afternoon, and by watching the'
different colored lights blink on and
off in various sections of the large
green oval of the graph those present

s.pa ae 1 Lere Loaay is e-
quent. It tells of loyalties and en-
thusiasms which life needs if it is to
be lived at its best. May we know
how to .be, good losers and generous
winners. In this spirit and with
these aspirations let us dedicate this
The visitors to the dedication were
welcomed by L. Whitney Watkins,
chairman of the board of agriculture
on behalf of the controlling board of
the college. "We trust that every vis-
itor realizes what this day means to'
A. C." he said. "It, means that for
She first time she has facilities to.
compete at home under favorable con..
ditions with any of the great univer-
sities which in the past she had been
forced to meet or foreign fields."
. roesbeck SpeaMks
j k"It is ideal that Governor Groes-
beck, whose initiative and support
made this splendid stadium possible,
should grace the occasion," Mr. Wat-
kins added. "May all teams which
play within the walls of this stadium
fight for their colors to win, but may
the beneficient influences of honor,I
fairness and sportsmanship ward
away personal enemity."
A defense of college athletics as be-
ing "fundamentally healthy and nor-
rnal functions of the American col-
lege was delivered by President But-
terfield who continued. "The pre-
ence of the University of Michigan
her today is an indication of not only
desirable and delightful relatonship
dnitercollegiate athletics but is also
indicative I am stare of many ele-
nents that do and will prevail where
two state institutions fostered by the
same commonwealth are obliged to
work hand in hand."

Santiago, California, Oct. 11.-(By
A. P.)-With' expert mechanics. busi-
ly engaged in repairing damages re-
ceived in its battle with the elements
during the flight from Fort Worth,
Texas, and in landing at the North
Island navy air station here last
night, officers of the Shenandoah ex-
pressed confidence tonight that the
huge dirigible would be in condition
to resume its flight next Monday.
Workmen at the North Island sta-
tion are overhauling two of the en-
gines, repairing the radio apparatus,
strengthening the two aft girders
strained in landing, and making other
minor repairs found necessary before
the takeoff for Camp Lewis, Wash-
ington, can be made. Every efforti
is to be made to get an early start
Monday morning, it was said.
The coast route from Santiago to,
Seattle is to be followed on the flight
north. The only 'slight deviation to
be made will be at Los Angeles when
the Shenandoah will leave. the coast
line in order to fly over the business
district of that city. San Francisco
is expected to be reached Monday aft-
ernoon and arrival at Camp Lewis is
schedulesl 48 hours from the time the-
ship leaves Santiago.
With the exception of one enlisted
man who was taken ill yesterday and
removed to the Naval hospital here
today, officers and crew are reported
in good health and enjoying the

kttack of Both Sides Falls; Go
Comes in Last Three
Minutes Of Play.
By Carl E. Ohlmacher.
Faced with the possiility of a ti
with three and one half minutes t
play in their game with the Michiga
Aggies yesterday afternoon at Ea
Lansing, Michigan's Varsity footba:
teani uncorked the most dramati
play of several seasons when a 47-yar
pass, Parker to Captain Steger, too
the ball over the Farmer goal line fo
the only touchdown of a ragged an'
rough battle.
Up until the time of the score, th
Farmers had played the Wolverines t
a standstill, breaking up nearly ever,
attempt at a gain through their line
spilling end runs, and halting th
Maize and Dino forward pass attack
However, the home team was ao un
able to gain consistantly, and thi
game settled into a primarily defen
aive struggle, with the ball see-sawini
back and forth in midfield throughoul
the first half.
The second half found the Aggle
gaining more readily, and practicall:
the entire play was in Michigan ter
ritory. The break came after th
Farmers had taken the ball on thel:
own 20 yard line, Rockwell having
punted over their goal line. Schny
ser failed to gain, and Beckley mad4
but one yard. 'Beckley punted, an
Rockwell was nailed in his tracks on
the M. A. C. 47 yard mark. On the fils
play, Parker dropped back for a pass
Steger was down the field like a ho
as soon as the ball was snapped fron
Pass Works
The Aggie defense drew in towar
the center of the field, and one ma
was in the Michigan star's territory
Parker hurled the ball straight t4
Steger, who took it on the 18 yar
line, and without slackening his pace
sprinted over the goal line, well ahea
of Richards, the aggie back who wa
covering him on the play Rockwel
place-kicked the goal. For the las
three minutes of play, the FarnmexV
wereahelpless to pierce the Mchlga
forward wall, and their one attexup
at a pass was intercepted by Parke
who ran it to his own 32-yard line
The game ended three plays late
with the final score 7-0.
Michigar'Fs IflAist chance to .scor
came in the first few minutes of pla
when Kunow recovered an Aggie fum
ble on their 25-yard mark. Howevei
Steger's pass was intercepted and th
chance was lost. Shortly afterwardE
the Farmers had the ball in Michia
territory when Rockwell'fumbled on
sneak play,, and Lioret recovered o
the Wolverines' 40-yard stripe. Ricd
ards failed to gain, an Lioretwe
U. ronghc ce:l d !, r f xe yards. fhe
a. pasy . hicheZ ~'rUto 1tobinson, nette
18 yards, and the Aggies had the 1a
on. their opponent's 22-yard. ln
Lioret was stopped dead in three co
secutive attempts at the Michiga
line. He then tried for a placemen
but his kick was low and Rockwe
ran the ball back to the 18-yard marl
then punted out of danger.
Poor Punt
Early in the second quarter, a po
punt by Richards went out of boun
on his 38-yard line, but a pass fro:
Rockwell was intercepted by Neller c
his 35-yard mark. The Wolverini
lost another opportunity to score la-
in the same period when, after rus
ing the ball to the Aggie 24-yard mai
'Steger was stopped for a six yard los
and Michigan was penalized 15 yac
for holding. Parker tried to gain wi
a pass, but Beckley intercepted it.
For a few moments in the thi
Lqarter, Michiran threatened wi
Rockwell ran luck a punt fr om
NI. A. d'. 4=-y, rsi lire to the 2:-ya
mark. SI eger was niled fr a los
3and t,,,o pases Nwenl wil, flCI'ew

then tried for a field -oal but ihe b:
'was blocked and the Farmer:; recovc
ed on their 43-yard line. From. t
point until the Michigan score, t:
Farmers had the ball in Michig,
territory, but lacked the punch
score. A golden opportunity was wa
s ed in the fourth quarter when a fiel
goals went wide from fhe 25-yard lin
m - Tt -. -nr ain n-Nof1 a rriGon +t

Governor Groesbeck's talk .was teams clashed, ended here in a 0-0 tie
brief, the governor hastily going over when Ohio State and Iowa failed to
the friendly relations and the honor- cross each other's goal.
able rivalry between the two colleges. Urged on by approximately 25,000
He did not mention the part lie play- persons, a small part of which Was
ed in securing the loan from the leg- a group of madly cheering Buckeyes,
Si latue hich m de th11 newt hecflstadium :' l -.,---lrn. 1 o~1 - n h li

followed play by play the to
Zronns went urh when

New York,
crooked stree
virtually unde
but today, gu
patrolmen an
tives againstf
Tong outburs
Mon Hank,
tal ' restaurant
er, whose dea
heralded thei
On Leong-H
closely guard
11. (lay A. P.
Zepplin direct
ible ZR-3, upo
er reports w
north Atlant
nounced that
from Friedric

failed in her efforts and c
Oct. 11.-The narrow, yells greeted every moveme
ets of Chinatown were i light which indicated the p
r martial law last night, the ball. As the first two
arded by 110 detectives, progressed the excitement
d bomb squad opera- and at the end of the firstl
further casualties in the witnessing the grid graphv
t of last Wednesday. patiently for the continuat
operator of an Orien- showing of the results.
and reputed Tong lead- Sometimes before pl;
th by assassins' bullets, shown some brave souls v
renewal of the ancient predict what the next play
ip Sing feud, lay in and what player would feat
led state. y attet- cheer was lead byt
leader, the crowd respondi
BEGIN FLIGHT iastically.
W'hen, the touchdown
people stood on the seatsa
old men waved their arms
and ladies joined in the chl
afen, Germany, October
)-IDr. Ougo Eckener, A
or in charge of the dirg- R
on the receipt of weath- IT
hich indicated that the i W IIG

rns of the 1 i'-' r WL .U 1kW 1 the elevens bucike eaci others line,
possible. passed frequently and almost frantic-
Michigan 1 ally, but failed to make an effective
eers anid New Timing Device gain when gains would have been
ent of the most valuable.
)osition of Used In Air Races From thie spectator's view point the
o quarters___game was a thriller,especially in the
increased Dayton, Oct. 11,-The most elabor- captured the ball near its own goal
half those Iate split-second timing devices the ieadtrwg'dsrtntohe
line, and throwing discretion to the
waited im- world of sport has ever known re- winds. proceeded to 'try pass after,
ion of the corded the events which made up- the$pass. several of these were success-
program of the international air races, ful. and the desperate Buckeyes sue
ays were here recently. ceeded in bringing the ball, near
entured to Otis A. Porter of Indianapolis, well Iowa's 34 yard line but finally wa
would be , known auto and boat race timer, is the forced to punt and Iowa took her last
ure. Cheer I inventor of these instruments. Te has chance to break the tie.
the cheer- i used them for years at the Indiana- Coach Ingwersen then sent in
Dg enthus- I polis track to record the speeds hung y Charley Brookins, wd'ld champion
up by the auto drivers, and has per- hurdler. ie tore around Ohio's line
was made fected them even further for the air for 10 and 15 and once 25 yards, whil
and yelled, races. the eager Iowa rooters looked at their
frantically In this work he has buen helped by, watches furtively and hoped for the
eering. Chester S. Ricker, another automotive best. Brookins had come too late and
engineer, Both hav) been timing the game ended with the track stai
automobiles, motor boat and air races carrying the ball toward Ohio's goal,
for many years.
Porter invented the original timer Ithaca, Oct. 11.-Both freshmen- and
12 years ago. The instrument prints Varsity men turned out for the first'
the times on a tape so they can be re- trials in track and field events at
checked in case of error. Cornell.

Stanford University, Cal., Oct. 11.-
Lovers of classic drama on the Pa-
cific coast are keenly interested in
the movement at Stanford University
to make the presentation of a Greek
play by students of that university an
annual affair. The movement grew
out of the marked success of Sopho-
cles' "Oedipus Rex," which was given
during the summer period, before the
facade of the beautiful University
Museum, under the direction of Miss
Evelyn Thomas of the English 'de-
partment of the University of Cali-
Planes Land By
Night In Tests
Mitchell Field, N. Y., Oct 11.-Six
planes of the squadron of nine Mar-
~tin bombers which took off from
Langley Field, Va., at 5:20 P. M. 'yes-
terday in an attempt to move an air-
plane base at night, landed at Mitchel
Field with the aid of parachute flares
searchlights and gasoline flares late
last night.
Of the remaining planes, one pilot-
ed by Lieut. R. F. Cole, was forced
to return to Langley Field, took off
again at 6:40 and arrived shortly
after midnight. A second plane pilot-
ed by Maj. John H. Pirie, which was
the only radio equipped bomber in
4i , . ..:-., a _1. rh n -w - fnr a r

tic was clearing, an-
the start of the flight
chshafen to Lakehurst,

Virginia City, Nov., Oct. 11-Weird

I "° 1 I


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