THE-ILMICJHGAN VAILY SATUTRDAY, CTBER 114 IiPraised Because i- GOIN Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today. StrikesBalancein this colun must p Ain is constructive notice to All members ~SrksB lneib eti h o tteDiyofc of rovidd for tagpurpose beore q4US rT RE EI E ceived by thesAsistant to the President until p''e rcednRg the ,'ay of issue. i ~ I i fRDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1921 Number 17 I r fr1=atin EUCKEN: PROBLEM OF HUMAN LIFE pnig:IIMichigan Central depot. BOTSFORD: HELLENIC HISTORY Oeli xy o800K)-Band formation at MciganiMT ES=PYIOOIALCEMSR eriodical rooms only are open on Sunday. The k > > rCetral depot. MATES HSOOIA-H I~R :s shelved in ither parts of the Library Building ' $t1100-Bard $t Control of Student=- SCIAIJB AND ISAACS: BUSINESS LAW; the main reading room for Sunday use on ap-, i Publicationo~ meets in Press build- tRASADHN:MNRLG athe desk from which theyy ordinarily be .< AT ADHUT:MNEAOG otherthan he Lirary.:00-Grid Ga hin Hill auditorium.? 1 1r, T TT[ T LUNI\JERSIT Y roks shelved. in buildings otehahLbay.;_ c o~f0-osmopoitan club meeting i In rLZI ntal Libraries m ay be draw n for hom e'use ovei au i o i m f L n al. BO the Departmental Library is open on Sunday. 'S'17E ,, J1 Win. IW. Bishop, Librarian. .SUNDAY 4111Il[l 11l il11Iltl 111tl 11l 111111l ~l11Il1111Il11111il1111l I]tl l 1111itl il111111- _i. w. r, .:r .:..:...:: . w: y A't 4 s: y. A V; A: M: K.: k A po! ws .kvl= TYPE TER R1 N ,A new typewriter ribbon will make a striking impression on your next thesis. You 'will finid the best quaLiity at The Typewriter and Stationery Store of 0.7 D. MORRILL 17 NICKELS' ARCADE aa Read The Darn~~~u ~ui "Clasr sifi ed" CEwrir roluman w 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I, Michigan M m usic Suhsnsa astTeYlo schol yr. AlmrdnerMscSo 30:ANR Poe19 :B Millinery That -Offers the Utmost V arious Colors at Moderate POPULAR PRICE HAT SHOP 333 South Main 1 4 1 %unba bcbcvce TRINITY ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHUROH Fifth Ave. and William St. REY. L. F. ,GUNDERXAN, Minister L. F. GUNDERMAN, Pastor ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Huron Streets CARL A. BRAUER, Pastor, 9:30 A. M:-German. Sermon by the pastdr. Subject: "The Christian Sunday." 10:30 A. M.-Students Bible Class. 11:30 A. M.-English. Sermon by M. Cook. Subject: "Christ. Our One and All." 5:30-7:30 P. M. Students Supper and Discussion. Perry M Hayden, speaker. No evening service. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St., and Fifth Ave. ' E.C. STELLHtORN, Pastor 9:00 A. M.-Bible study hour. 10:30 A. M.--Sermon by the pastor. Subject, "When a Pharisee Entertains Jesus." Luke 14, 1-11. 5:30 to 7:30 P. M Student forum. Miss Lillian Beckman will lead the discussion of the sub~ject: "Education. Is it a Guarantee of Cha-aectcr7" 9:30 A. lUL-Bibbe school. 10:30 A. M.--Worship. Sermon: "The Work of the Kingdom." 5:30-7:30 P. M.-Student Fellow- ship Hour and Forum Meet- ing. Parish Hall, 309 E. Wash- ington St. t I t. -1 -I ' S fi CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH "THE STONE CHURCH WITH THE WARM WELCOME." HERBERT A. JUMP, Minister. E. KNOX MITCHELL, University Pastor. LUCY' HUBER, Secretary for Women Students. Sunday, October .12 9 :30-Student Classes. 10: 45-First in Series of "Five Sermons to the ,Openi Minded." Oct. 12-"Dr. Harry Fosdlck, Heretic." Oct. 19"The Dead Hand of Orthodoxy." Nov. 2--'The Living Spirit of Liberty.' Nov. 9--"The Creed of the Progressive." Nov. 16-"Jesus the Liberal.' 5:30-Student Supper and Fireside Chat. "Does Universi[ty Life Develop the Crinilnal Mind?" 8:00-Motion Picture Service. Charles Dickens' "Our Mutual Friend." UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets SIDNEY S. R~OBINS, Minister. OCTOBER 12, 1924 9:45 A. M.-Church School. 10 :30 A. M.-Morning Service. "Tihe Evolution of God tihe Father." Science has made it necessary for us to think about the most sacred opinions: the only question is whether we think ignorantly or intelligently. A quartette of male voices under the direction of Philip IpRowe will lead the singing. 5:45 P. AI.-Students' Candlelight Supper. 6:30 P. M---- "Is It Timie to Bury Christianity." A discussion of an article in the Cosmopolitan by Rupert Hughes. "The principle of veracity in religion:' FIRST PRESBYT ERIAN CHURCH Huron at Division REV. MERLE It. ANDERSON, D. D. Minister. LEWIS C. REDIANN '16, Secl' Men Students MRS. NELLIE B. CALDWELL, Seely Women Students. 9:30-Intermediate Sunday School. 10:30-Morning Worhip. "The Man Who Was. Put-Out of Hlis Job." 12: 00-Discussion Classes for Freshmen, Freshmen Women and Upper- classmen. 5:30-Social Hour for Young People. 6:380-Young People's Meeting. Alice Brown, Leader. Topic: "What Do You Expect of thme Chuichi and Minister?" Notice: The Young People's Meeting for Oct. 19th will be held jointly with the Congregational Society. Meet at Presbyterian Church at 5:30 for Social Hour and go in a body to the Congregational Church at 6:15. Watch for notices ofd the Country Party Saturday, Oct. 18 I FIRST BAPTIS'T CHURCH HURON STREET, BETWEEN. STATE AND DIVISION R. EDWARD SAYLES, Minister. HOWARD R. CHAPMAN, Minster for Students. 10: 30-Worship and Sermon. Mr. Sayles will preach on "4SELF-CONTROL" 12:00-Church Bible School. Dr. Bunting in charge. 12:00--Dr. Leroy Waterman's class for '25's, '26's and Graduates; and Mr. Chapman's class for '27's and '28's. Both class meet in Guild House 3:00-All Japanese students are invited to the Guild House, 503 E. Huron, to meet Professor Sakata, of the Mabie Memorial School, Yokohama. 5:00-Friendship Hour. Professor Sakata and Japanese students will be guests of the Guild. Refreshments. 6:15-Professor Sakata will address meeting of the Students' Guild. 7:15-Dismiss for President Burton's address in Hill Auditorium. I Ta FIRST METHODIST1 CHURCH Corner S. State and F. WIashington St. REV. ARTHUR W. STALKER, D. D., Minister. HEV. IW. SCOTT WESTERMAN, Associate Minister .Rev. Donald Timermnan Ellen W. Moore Directors of Student Activities CORNER. CATHERINE and DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWIS, Rector. RACHEL IIAVLLAND, Secretary for Student Work.