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October 11, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 10-11-1924

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Ir r + + + a
lished evcriy morning except Monday
gthe U'niv ersit{year by the Board in
of of Student 'ub lications.
tbers of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Press is exclusively 'en-
to the use for republication of all news
ches credited to it or not otherwise
edl inthis paper and the local news pub-
erce at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
ian, as second class matter. Special rate
stage granted by Third Assistant Post-
sr Geniraly
iseription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,

s: Ann Arbor Press Building,
s: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M;


Telephones 2414 and 176-1
ditor........J.o.b.G...... Garlinghouse
ews EdIitor....... .....Robert G. Ramsay
Night Editors
corge W. Davis Joseph Kruger
homias P., Henry Jolhn Conrad
Kenneth C. Feller Norman R. Thal
ports Editor.........William I. Stoneman
unday Edit'r.......... Robert S. Mansfield
Vomen's Editor............. .Verena Moran
lusic and I1rama... Robert B. Henderson
elebraph E~ditor...William 3. Walthour
ouise Barley Winfield I. Line
darion Barlow llarold A. Moore
,eslie S. lennets Carl E. Ohlmacher
lorma B icknell William C. Patterson
lerman Boxer . Hyde W. Perce, Jr.
icen Brown AndrewE. Propper
rnith Cady Jr. ]lelen S. Ramsay
Villard i. Crosby Regina Reichmann
alentine L. Davies IVI arie Reed
ames V. Fernamberg Edmarie Schrauder
eorge F. Fiske Frederick H. Shillito
oseph 0. Gartner Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
latining Ilouseworth C. Arthur Stevens
)orothy Karnin Marjory Sweet
-argaret XKiFrederic eTelmos
liizabeth S. Kennedy Mans Wickland
rlizabeth Liebrwane sHerman J. Wise
rancis K. Line
Telephone 960
Ldvettising...................E. L. Dunne
\dvcrtissn.............J. J. <inn
kdveitising...................H. A. Marks
dvertising ...............11. M. Rockwell
\ccounts........ .........Byron Parker
ireulation....... .....R. C. Winter
Pubication................John V. Conlin
'. W. Arnold A s .L. Mullins
V. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
:ordnIBurris 11 s.. Newmann
F. Dentz Tfhomias Olmnstead
hilip l)eitz . 1)Ryan
[)avid Fox N. Rosenzweig
ormnan Freehling MargaretzSandburg
W. E. lamaker F. _. Schoenfeld,
F. Tohnson S. IT. Sinclair
. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis V. Kramer

Upperclassmen who used their in- I ers of American Liberty stood, con-
fluence to further our local Teapot ceive that all persons are exceptional.
Dome have made themselves ridicu- -lence the exaltation of the individual
lous. Their conduct is unbecoming and the striving for a form of govern.
and will no doubt have a bad influ- ment which shall protect each one in
ence on the impressions gained by the exercise of his personality. In th
newstudents. The pitiful part about opinion of many earnest men, men
it all however, is that they should who habitually abstain from the use
take so much responsibility on them- of alcohol, the eighteenth amendment,
selves in the guidance of this class, strikes a subtle but heavy blow at
The should realize by this time that what they deem to be a vital concept
it makes no difference who is elee of democracy.,
ted, that the election of a freshman Slow, painful and halting though
president is nothing more than a the way of Regulation may be, impos-
choice of someone with obvious phys- ; sible as it unquestionably is to mix
ical attractions, an athletic record, fifteen million automobiles with un-
or a pleasing name. The president of limited whiskey and "navigate" under
the freshman class has no important the dose, yet are all the resulting
function to perform, he will have little I evils better than the possibilities of
opportunity to display his qualities as the strait-lacing of the individual
a leader of men and women.i It is i within the bonds of the many styles
nothing more than chance when a of garments that can be fashioned out
student receives the doubtful honor of Prohibition.
of being elected an officer of the America was achieving temper-
freshman class. ance, it would have continued to have
Entirely aside from the students 'achieved it with accelerating rapidity
point of view, however, is his respon- as the unbending necessities of an
sibility for the University's reputation. intensifying machine civilization made
This election, however, trifling in im- its multipling demands for clear heads
portance, has been given ugly publi- and deft hands. Prohibition pointed
city. It reflects no credit on the insti- a broad road down which the nation
tution and will add to the strength incontinently ran. Decades, a century,
of. the impression gained by some per- hence, when a multitude of other like
sons in the state that the Michigan amendments have piled on after the
student has no moral or mental sense, eighteenth, the nation will have to
that he is a careless trifler with the struggle back and start afresh-or
basic principles on which society is it will have to abandon hope for the
founded. If positive proof of guilt on freedom of democracy and submit to
the part of any student could be es- the tyranny of despotic authority, be
tablished very definite punitive meas- that authority nevertheless lodged in
ures should be adopted by the stu a majority. Then shall no man an3
dents or th. administration, more be free, for he that is in the
The atmosphere, of course, is clear- majority in one sort of prohibition
ing now with the advent of the S. C.A. will find himself in the minority in
into the contest as official manager. another sort. The pursuit of happiness
It is to be hoped that new election will will indeed be down a straight and
be conducted in an orderly and re- narrow path.
spectable manner which in no way -Ernest F. Lloyd.
uri1T rna mh~n T~l~nna~lac'c nrn

* * *



meets In


Night Editor-GEORGE W. DAVIS1

The Player's Workshop
the auditorium of University


For many months the political cor-
rrption of several administrators at
'Washington has been material for col-
umns of news stories and volumes
of editorial comment. The president-
ial campaign has so far resolved it-
self into a volley of charges concern.
ing the corrupt practices of opposing
parties. Previous to this the nation
was startled by the prosecution of!
Senator Newberry who is alleged to
have spent enormous sums in a suc-
cessful attempt to get elected. The
present generation, of college stu.
dents has -been confronted with in-
stances of questionable political man-
euvering' ever since it first began to
take an interest in national affairs.
Perhaps this explains the recent
freshman election. Perhaps the em-
bryo college men of Michigan have
been so steeped in the atmosphere of,
political strife, that they consider no
election complete without such tact'
tics as stuffing the ballot box, chang-
ing names on ballots, and other prac-
tices. More likely the freshmen Wed-
nesday were simply emulating the ex-
ample of their superiors , in class
standing. More likely they were fol
lowing the instructions given to them
by upperclass advisors. The class of
1928 can hardly be blamed-they are
young, impressionable,. and easil)


will resembmewe Wdnesuays per-orm-
ance, and that the freshman king wi1 SOMEWHAT INVOLVED
be enthroned in his glory with nm To the Editor:
more amateur corruption. Colegh Your article headed "Post Mortem"
politicals must cease to reflect all that yesterday provokes a few comments.
is worst in our national and local How about the county heading a Post
governmental manipulations, or it Mortem over the G. O. P. (Grand Oil
must be acknowledged that we, as stu- Party?) Parties, like human beings
dents, have no sense of values and and other beings or things, outlive
allow our mental balance to be dis- their usefulness. It seems to me that
turbed by negligible matters. the Republican party, animated, as it
is, by the desire to secure Big Busi-
ness, has outworn its period of use-
CAMPUS OPINION ifulness. In its day like the Federalist
Anonymous communications ,will be party, the Republican party, was of
disregarded. The names of c)mmuni-' service. Today, however, it has not the
cants will, however, he regarded as
conhdential upon request. interests of the "man in the street"
at heart. Isn't it time that your edi-
TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY torials took on a different color or
T the Editor: don't you know that our whole polit-
If ooarical and economic system needs a
If a goodnatured exchange of irrele shaking up-and a good one at that?
vances constitutes a debate, the pro- Our political world is dominated by
ceedings in Iill Auditorium on Wed- money, andthen the newspapers pour
neaday evening were fully success. -forth their filth upon the simple folk
ful. I do not wish to be captious, yet, I who are struggling fiercely against
if a debate requires the clear presen- great odds. These odds are imposed by
tation of opposing positions on the the monsters of our economic system
formal topic, and definite support --if there is such a thing as a sys-
and attack upon those positions,the te. call it jungle warfare.
something more, or less, might seem These simple people, I say, bewild-
to have been desirable. ered by their economic difficulties
Fundamentally, I interpret the posi- ,have lost faith in their governments.
tion of the Oxford men to be thatT
democracy has a right to interfere Theygare ready and urgently needt a
demcray hs arigt t inerfr Ichange. Further we are through with!
with the self-dertermination of the in- "sabre rattlers." Defense Day.re-
dividual only insofar as is necessary cently suggested some of Kaiser'a
to defend the group against unsocial Kultur to say nothing of Secretary
acts by the individual. The position Wilbur's speech while on the Pacific
of the Michigan men seems to be, on cos bu dinseIg"od
the contrary, that the group has the steel'' to peoples. If he had been in
right, speaking through the majority, the Hell "over there" or if some of
to order the life of the individual in these blue-blooded aristocrats, the
the conceived interest of the State. army lords and lordlings were not an.
Said differently; on the one hand, xious to bring their murderous pro-
ninety nine men have no right over: fession into use, we would have less
the life of the hundredth, so long as of this.
the actions of the hundredth do not We are all here for an hour! Why
interfere with the liberty of the ninety should anyone selfishly pry loose
nine to pursue happiness, individually every cent he can from the brotheii
or collectively. On the other hand, any in less fortunate circumstances?
fifty one men may require forty nine There is plenty for all-why not more
others to pattern their actions as the unselfishness? Why not see that the
fifty one pattern theirs. According to man who puts his Life into a business
Oxford, the State is merely a police-- gets an adequate return?' Let's pla)
man, freely mingling among the trud- square.
gers down the highway, concerned Our political and economic condit
only with those who cannot so "navi- tions require radical changes. This
gate" themselves' as to keep clear of change you cannot look for in the
the others. According to Michigan, and Republican party-there is no hope in
as embodied in principle in the eigh- the Democratic party. Both are weigh-
teenth amendment, the policeman ed down with capital's investments-
must marshall all the trudgers into plutocracy Is ours, not democracy.-
uniform ranks proceeding in formal It is the rule of wealth-not the ruls
step. According to Oxford, the demo- of the people.-
cratic state must attain liberty and The progressive party headed by
the pursuit of happiness (not happi- Robert M. LaFollette offers relief t
ness itself, but liberty to pursue it, I our political, economic, and social ills.
as Mr. Hollis happily said) through Let us hear more of "Bob" LaFollette
the physical medium, or program, ot in your editorials after you hold that
Regulatory law. According to Michi- Post Mortem over the Republican
gan, it must attain the same end party-you have carefully defined it
through Prohibitory Law. and expounded on it at length. Here's
Grant at once that regulatory laws 'an opportunity to put it into practice.
are infinitely difficult to construct, Let's do some original thinking.
that they call for a high degree of -W. R. I. '25.
intelligence and self-control in a
people, that they require a broad un- Just as a means of seeing how ob-
derstanding of "rights and duties" of servant University students are, it
the inexorable inter-relationship of would be a profitable experimnt to
privileges and obligations,-what have find out how many could tell what
we then admitted except that the dem- the inscription on the front of the
ocratic state is perhaps the highest new Literary building is about.
achievement to which mankind may

As the first program of the year,
the members of Comedy Club are pre-
paring a bill of three one-act plays
to be presented Wednesday, October
15, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall un-
der the direction of Valentine Davies.
The cast for "The Man With the
Bowler Hat" by A. A. Milne, the first
number, will include Valentine Davies
as John, Elizabeth Strauss as Mary,
Barre Hil as 'the Hero, Ruth Ve.
milyea as the Heroine, Robert Hend-
erson as the Villain, Alfred Browning
as the Bad Man, and Harwood Bright
as the Man in question with the Bow-
ler Hat
In "A Matter of Husbands" by Fer-
enc Molnar, Mina Miller will pla
the part of the Very Famous Actress
and Margaret Effinger, the part of the
Earnest Young Woman.
The final play,' Andre de Lorde's
Grand Guignol melodrama, "The Wo
man Who Was Acquitted,"'is cast with
Harwood Bright as the Judge, Jack
Hassberger as the Doctor, Margue-
ite Goodman as Madame Menarde,
Alfred Browning as Roblot, Earl
Sawyer as Cousol, and Valenth,'
Davies as the Attorney.
The settings, also under the direc-
tion of Valentine Davies, make use
of the black curtain theory; black-
ness, nothingness everywhere, and a
skillful, suggestive flat or prop down-
stage to create the entire scenic ill-
usion. The program itself, naturally,
will draw a large audience-a Comedy
Club production always plays to a full
house-and will be unusually inter-
esting-a Comedy Club production is
always finished.
The School of Music, following the
musical marvel of the instant, has
been fortunate enough to secure
Madame Jeritza for the opening num-
ber in the Choral Union series, Octo-
ber 23.
Jeritza, as a woman, is the full.
blond teuton that comes from the land
of supermen. Her profusion of corn-
yellow hair falls everywhere, much
like Duse's, so that you subcon-
sciously feel she should be given a
hairnet. Invariably she appears in a
soft, billowy white crepe with many
up and down lines: white, you see,
like black reduces the figure, Not
that Jeritza is plump of course, but
rather she pleasantly hovers in the
state of fascinating maturity that cli-
maxes a perfect development.
I have heard her only once, as
Elsa in Lohengrin at the Metropoli-
tan, and there everything is so dis-
turbing: the building itself is so im-
possible, and the audience the most
ill-bred in the world. In spite of such
' obstacles, however, her personality
was radiant, as effective as possible
in the rather tipsy mock-heroics of
"Lohengrin"-at least, there is no
more ungrateful role in the literature
than Elsa.
Her voice is peculiarly like Frieda
Hempel's: full in a way, but spark-
ling too, very luscious and scintallat-
ing. Possibly there has been a ieas
ure of luck in her meteoric popular-
ity, or a bit of hokum in her success
-as there is in every great artist
from Chaliapin to Mrs. Fiske; her
stomach-scene in "Tosca," her Act
III, Scene I of "Lohengrin," or her
tumble down the stairs in "Thais,"
(she tripped on her train, and the
critics had hysterics because there
had never been such a convincing
fall in the history of the opera!,) all
these factors may have been a notch
down from pure art, but they repre-
sent, an imagination that is akin to
The point is that she is startlingly
effective; she is on a par with the
radiant intuition of Mary Garden, and
she has an infinitely greater voice.
* * *

The announcement has just been
received that the United Kingh
Daughters of the city have engaged
the Marionette Players under the di-
rection of Jean Gros to present their
puppet performance of "Uncle Wrig-
gley" in the afternoon and "Robin
Hood" in the evening of Saturday,
November 15 at Pattengill auditorium.
Mr. Gros, generally recognized as
the logical successor to Tony Sarg,
now that he has turned completely
to cartooning and packed his dolls
away for f od and all, has taxeu ehe
chief members of Sarg's company ana
prepared two programs that are
thoroughly delightful, especially to
children and those of us who have
still saved ourselves from the stupid,
,poredom of solemnity.
One would think that teams would
soon become skeptical of asking

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A narrow band of gold and thin vati
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$7.00 for the men's models
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The election and the strife it has
caused represent a tendency preval-
ent on the campus. Every class elec,
tion is more or less gang-ruled des-'
vite the efforts of the Student Coun-
cil in most cases to combat it. Fra-
ternities and other organizations band
together and push their candidate
through. This will be true as long as
such organizations exist, just as gang
rule in certains wards of four cities
will continue to be the predominating
influence. Organization in a univer-
sity the size of Michigan is inevitable,
and it deserves to be a success to a
certain point because it represents a.
definite interest in those who are to
administrate class affairs.
The point 'of saturation has been
reached, however, when these same
fraternity and independent upper.
classmen crowd the freshman elec-
tions, vote as freshmen, and act in
a manner befitting the freshman type.
Tile representatives of the Student
Council of course will be criticized
for their part in the proceedings,
but they did not take ballots from thei
boxes, they did not make out extraC
votes, and they did not change names.
At least there is no reason to think
so on the face of it. Their only fault,

G ,

Suede Leather Jackets in brown, gray and tan are very popular this fall. Everyone is
wearing them; the ladies as well as the men. We have a large assortment of high grade
leather jackets in Reindeer, Napa, Horsehidw, Colt and Sheepskin-and our prices are as
popular as the jackets. Priced from $9.75 up.
Cravenettes, Topcoats and Reefers
Auto Robes, and Steamer Rugs
Wool Shirts, Heavy Plaids, Corduroy and Outing Shirts.
Hiking Shoes, High-Top Moccasin Packs, Puttees, etc.
Breeches in large assortment, Over-Alls and Cover-Alls for shop use,
Alarm Clocks, Hunting Knives, Axes, Trench Mirrors, Grids, Stoves, and in
fact many needs for the college man.
It will pay you to walk a few blocks
."1 .a'e _ - -. Usp"1w.r -

aspire. Grant, on the contrary, that
| Prohibitory Laws are, or may be, an
I effective short cut to the attainment
of social order. What do we then ad-

The freshman literary class. must
believe firmly in the, old proverb
which promises that "a bad beginning
makes a good ending."


i ..- .-

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