THE MICHIGAN DAILY ''. I~OURT TO I TTEST GASES vestigating Commissions le Information Is Questioned RTY MENTIONED} I Professor Mickle Views Huge Cavern And Other Phenomena S e A ic1an Flag Frined of Rock south of Newmarket, is also interest- At Endless CaTe in - ing though more commnonI. HICrE Virginia there i are two formations that at- tract attention, the first being an A cavern a mile and a quarter long exact reproduction of the United and about 300 feet under ground, States flag, the other lace-like for- seemingly filled with huge slices ofj mations throughout the cave that are as delicate . looking as the finest crisply fried bacon was viewed by Irish lace. Prof. F. A. Mickle of the mechanical "The lighting of these caves has engineering department this summer been a remarkable feat of engineer- on a trip in the South with Mrs. ing," said Professor Mickle. "In no Mickle and several friends. place can one see Ihe bulbs or the re- This unnatural cave of bacon, com- flectors, nor are the wires visible. monly called the Shenandoah cavern Lead cables, of course, had to be used is in Mount Jackson, five miles north; throughout so they would not be Ie- I i I IF s S ATTENTION F RATERNITIES and SORORITIES Your Next Party Will be a Success If You Serve Delicious French and Danish Pastry It leas at the Sign of The 0olde Oak I Luncheon, 11-2 Dinner, 5-8 Private Dining Room Evening Parties and Sunday Evening Luncheons from Washington, Oct. 10.-(By A. P.)- ,ecent congressional investigations ave resulted in. such strenuous chal- inges of the right of legislative com- ittees and other governThnent agen- es to inquire into the affairs of cor-' orations and individuals, that the ibjeot has become one of the most nportant the Supreme Court will be alled upon to decide during the pres- it session. The question has reached the court 1 several phases. In three cases om Maryland, brought by the Fed- ral Trade Commission against Ham- lond, Snyder & Co., the Baltimore rain Company and the IT. C. Jones ompany, theeissue was the power of ie Senate to gather information hrough the commission concerning he grain trade for use in the draft- tg of legislation. The issue square- presented was whether Congress, 1 procure the informatidn it required .ight constitutionally confer upon an iministrative body authority to com- el corporations to furnish it. In the Claire Furnace case the ques- on was whether Congress, in .con- rring authority upon the same com- dission to gather information re- ardiiig the production, ownership, ianufacture, storage and distribu- on of foodstuffs and other nec^ssa- es of life, hd conveyed fficient s ibroad power upon the conmission enable it to compel corporations ngaged in selling steel products to ake reportsons their business. The most direct challenge of thej uthority which congressional inves- gating committees have long exer- setd reached the court in the gov-! nmenft's appeal in a case to compel . S. Daughterty to produce records the Midland National Bank called l ) by the Senate committee investi- ating former Attorney General augherty. It is expected that the Harry F. Inclair contempt case, now pending i the courts of the District of Col- mnbia, will reah the Supreme Court t the present term, and results in determination of the power of con- ressional committees to compel wit- asses appearing before them to ans- er questions and furnish papers hi'ch the committe may call for. TH-IE CITY PASTRY SHOP 516 East Liberty Street, one Block from State Street. Phone 3310-J At the Corner of So. University and' Forest. Phone 3361-W r _ - Cakes for All Occasions. Orders Taken. of Newmarket, Va. Instead of thet usual stalagmites and stalactites onet sees in caverns of this nature, the rock formations in the ShenandoahI cave have preferred to assume the aspect of huge slices of nicely I brownted bacon. In this cave 'is also the Diamond cataract which has the appearance of a frozen waterfall about 20 feet highj and feet wide. This is the only spectacle in the cave that is lighted with colored lights; the natural beau-I ty of the place is such that ordinaryI white lights are used. The Endless cavern, two miles terioratedl by the peculiar nature of the rock." Vote by Absentee Ballot, on (Camiip us. Your Subscription is payable now. 11 Save Time by Sehding Your Laundry to Us. Don't Mail It When We Can Do It Quicker. Our Service Always Satisfies. 0 . AVD ,ENMO)S, ATTEZNTION Senior pictures will be on sale at the 'Ensian office until Thanksgiving. After this date no pictures will be sold. 204 North Main Street Phone 2355 ___ .. , _ - I ' 111 j Paint Up far Winter! 7 and 8:40 All Seats 25c } LAST TIMES TODAY HERBERT RAWLINSON WITH RUTH DWYER IN is Mystery Girl" The exterior of your home needs prepara- tion for winter. A few good coats of our excellent outside paint will preserve and protect it and give it a certain "newness" that is sure to save you possible repair bills later. And of course you'll want the job done by men who understand their business. Call us for estimates. II '1 p Amr $lSTA LIS1IKU ISISi9 ADISON AVKRIUECOCR. FORTY-FOURTH STR99T "I* YVORK ve r 'Stores G' R. Kinney CO. INC. Fire Big Factories FRANK ROHR & SON Are the reasons for the popularity c f KINNEY'S Shoes Wall Paper and Paints 204 East Huron Street Phone 3547 1ICS SHNOW BETTER IE IN MENTAL TEST No. 16059 'c ""pone "u"ray" 17 "" 8"o X3.98 No. 12008 p4.98 Xo. 12008 A New Tan Sport Oxford w ________________' In a report received today by Prof. Z. C. Glover, secretary of the School of Pharmacy, it has been shown by the mental test, given in the school, that the average grade has increased considerably over the average of last year. The test, which is given every year, is required of all incoming stu- dents in the pharmic school. Al- though no plans have been made as yet, a similar test may be given in several of the other schools on the campus. Lecture Tickets Still Available Applications for $I oratorical sea- son -tickets will be receivable until next Tuesday at the office of the Ora- torical association, Room 3211 Liter- ary building. Those tickets remain- ing will be disposed of at the box of- fice at Hill auditorium from 1:30 to 5:00 o'clock Tuesday. The sale of $2.50 tickets will con- tinue until one week from Tuesday when the remaining tickets Will like- wise be disposed of at the box office in Hill auditorium. Evanston, Ill., Oct. 9.-Northwest- ern University is to present its repre- sentatives in the Olympic gameswith. a bronze tablet inscribed with the names of the four contestants who participated in the contest this sum- mer. France Decorates American Lawyer Our Representative will be at the HOTEL STATLER, Detroit Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday October 13, 14 and 15 with Samples of Ready-made Clothing Furnishings, Hats and Shoes for Fall Send for " Historic Ameri.;'-n uLildings" nodytear Welt, Rubber Heel Patent Pumps SPECIAL CHILDREN'S LISLE HOSE 19c 11 ' j F . y..- , .. $ l fo ' ,. . , , / r J tE + /... . .- p o . .. . . ,. Saturday Only! Odd Sizes! Regular 30c and 35c Values 0 s Tu R Trf EMONTCOR. BOY LSTON N4 EWPOKY 220 f3ELLEVUIc AVENU~E G. R. Kinney Co. Inc. I Ij1 / _____ ______ ______ ____ __ FAmmommumm= f v _ _ _ - - I New Value in SOCIETY BRAND 'CLOTHES CM t! 'atint /,r G , ./ r 4 -- e , a E 1 . :. LAST TIMES TODAY "At Limber Up! Tennis, golf,-baseball,track,racing-every type of keen, active sport leaves fmuscles stiff and sore until you've had time to get in real condition. But a rub-down with /Miffin Alkohol will speedily relieve this stiffness. The penetrating qualities of the Alkohol plus the gentle influence of the massage take out all soreness anO leave yo ready to have another set-or round --or whatever it ,may be! And Mifflin Alkohol has a dozen other daily uses, too! Pauline Garon, Harrison Ford and David Powell IN ' . The Average Womn" IN ADDITION After bathing, a Miffi- rub-down is cooa ing a A invigorating. After exercise, Mifflin Alkohol relieves tired muscles and many "sore spots." This Fall You can buy a Society Al. St. John Brand a new Suit as low as $40 This Is IN value. It is the greatest "Be Yourself" Miffinn Alkohol is denatured byr, forrrula which actually improves it for external ase. College teams and many other athletic organizations use Miffin Alkohol regu- larly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. I clothing value in our experience. Pathe News Wuerth Orchestra I The same perfection o cut, the ;;...' same exact fit, that has made their Miffiin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. Shdet Agents: HARoLD F. RITcrE & Co., Inc. 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto Sdney Welington COMING SOON f reputation. wonderfu buy! I. { AhZA~m a r ro_- r I & t i A 9