Idd~~j6UA ttl MEMBER ASSOCIAT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1924 EIGI T PAGES PRICE, FIVE "In the United States there is only one engineer in the public service who is widely known as an engineer -Mr. Herbert Hoover," said Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, Democratic can- didate for United States senator, in his address to the open air meeting of the students last night. "There have been, I understand, men in the Senate and House with' engineering training, but I do not understand that they went there as engineers in the expectation of ren- dering service based on their experi- ence and training as engineers. "Englna.d, France, Italy, Japan and. all the countries of South America have scientific men in their legisla- tive bodies but the United States congress must gather information on engineering projects from outside sources. Dean Cooley pointed out several of the engineering problems which have come before the senate and some of the problems which are bound to come up in the future, mentioning in particular the Mussel Shoals ques- tion, the great transportation prob- lem, and the needless exploitation of natural resources in the United States. These, according to the Dean are essentially engineering problems requiring engineering training and experience. In concluding his speech Dean Cooley said: "I have been , highly honored by the engineering profes- sion, particularly by the engineers of Michigan. In venturing to try for this new honor thoughts of my pro- fession are uppermost. I am con- vinced that we as engineers have a duty to perform for the public which we have not realized and if I can in- spire the engineers to take an active interest in public affairs, even though' I fa'1 in the election, I shall consider the 2 ace won." GIBERT GIVES PRINTS OF WOOLWORTH BI Cass Gilbert, architect of the Wool, worth building, highest building in the world, yesterday presented a set1 of blueprints of that building to the College of Architecture. These will form a part of the collection of docu- ments, bearing on modern buildings, which the architectural college is making. It was originally planned to secure a model of the Woolworth building but Mr. Gilbert informed the college that the molds had not been preserved and consequently he would not be able to cast a model. The College of Architecture has a large collection of models of build-' ings, among which is the new Masonic Temple of Detroit. It is the purpose' of the architectural college to make a complete collection of blueprint, drawings, models, and other records of the buildings which are now be ing constructed in this country and which are of especial interest. These documents and models will act as a permanent record of the architectural history which this country is now making. Mr. Gilbert is the holder of an hon- orary degree in law from the Univer sity of Michigan.F PHYSICAL IESTS TOBE GIVENUPPECASE Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the en- gineering college who addressed a large outdoor gathering of students last night. Dean Cooley in his speech pointed out the fact that the United States congress lacks members versed in engineering technicalities, although the advantage of this plan has been demonstrated in other na- tions.. TO CONVENE HEREl Michigan Sunday Council Will Hold Annual Convention Here Oct.'29, 30, 81 3,000 TO BE PRESENT More than 3,000 delegates are ex- pected to attend the state regional con- vention of the Michigan Sunday Coun. cil of Religious Education to be held October 29, 30, and 31, in Ann Arbor. Michigan has been divided into four di tri te Ph distriet to entertain a . London, Oct. 10.-(By A. P.)-At the opening of the campaign for what universally is described as an "un- wanted" election, perhaps the most striking incident is the extraordinary attack on Premier MacDonald pub- lished in the intellectual Laborite re- view, the New Statesman, organ of the independent Labor party. If the attack faithfully represents the feel- ing of any large sections of the party and is not the outgrowth of some personal feud, it is considered as im- plying a serious crisis within the. ranks of the party. Ability Admired Paying tribute to Mr. MacDonald's remarkable gifts as a parliamen- tarian, and foreign secretary, the ar- ticle says some of the highest offi- cials in the foreign office consider h'e has been the best foreign secre- .tary Great Britain has had in a quar- ter of a century, and if he is not mourned elsewhere, he certainly will be mourned at the foreign office. Yet the article proceeds to say that Mr. MacDonald alone is responsible for having brought the country into! the present "absurd political predica- ment" and that while he had been an immense success as foreign secretary, as prime minister he has been an ut- ter failure. Crowd Gathers For Dedication lore then X0,000 Spectators, tine largest crowd known to attend any gridiron contest in Central Michigan, will be on hand in East Lansing to- day for the game which will dedicate the new stadium of the Michigan Ag- ricultural college. This is the first time that Michigan has invaded East Lansing for 10 years. President Marion L. Burton, Gov. Alex J. Groesbeck, Pres. K. W. But- terfield of M. A. C., and L. Whitney 'Watkins, chairman of the state board of agriculture, are the men who will give the speeches at the dedication 1 ceremonies. The program will be I brief, starting shortly before the I game. Every preparation is being made by East Lansing authorities to handle the unusually large crowd. Twenty five State police will be on hand to direct traffic.I Among some of the special social events occasioned by the game are a dance at the M. A. C. gymnasium fol- lowing the game, and numerous! alumni reunions at the various hotels. ZR-3 STARTS TRIP ACROSSSEA TODAY Commainders Choose Southern Route For Better Weather Conditions ECKENER HEADS CREW Freerichshafen, Germany, Oct. 10.- (By A. P.)-The great dirigible ZR-3, built by the Zeppelin works here for the U. S. navy, will leave on her transatlantic flight for Lakehurst, New Jersey, at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow Imorning. The airship will take the U. S. SHAR E H EAVY HUGE GERlMAN LOAN UNDER DAWES PLAN ENDS NEGOTIATIONSI SECURITIES WILL SELL TO YIELD ABOUT 7.75 PER CEINT Eight Couitries Combine 'to 80 ,0",GOf Gold Mark Bond Issue° AT 92 Float London, Oct. 1.-(By A. P.)- Negotiations or a loan of 800,000,000 gold warks to the German govern- ment provided for by the Dawes rep- arations plan, were successfully con- cluded this afternoon, and the loan will be put on the financial markets of nine countries, including Germany, within a few days. More than half of theentire loan $110,000,000, is to be raised in the United States. The bonds will be dated Oct. 15, will mature in 25 years and bear 7 per cent interest. They will be of- fered to investors at 92, thus yield- ing approximately 7.75 per cent toI maturity. The terms of the issue in the various markets are virtually identical. Delegates Sign Signatures to the agreement to loan money to the German government were fixed this afternon in the old Bank of England. Dr. Hjalmer Schacht, president of the Reichbank, and Dr. Hans Luther, the German fi- nance minister, signed for Germany. J. P. Morgan signed for the Ameri- can banking syndicate, headed by his own company; Montague Norman for the Bank of England; Jean B. Parmentier for France and the other financiers for their respective finan- cial fields on the continent. Mr. Morgan subsequently issued a statement for the American press, ex- plaining the outcome of the negotia- Noted Scientist Visits Ann Arbor Prof. J. V. Uspensky, a member of the Academy of Sciences fn Russia, is spending a few days in Ann Arbor while awaiting vises from England for his passport to return to Russia. These vises are necessary since Pro. fessor Uspensky plans to return to Russia by way of England and Eng- land now requires a special vise for all Russians entering the Empire. Recently Professor Uspensky read a paper before the Mathematics club of the University in which he explained the remarkable results obtained by one of his pupils, a young man namei Vinogradoff. This student is not re- lated to the well known Oxford jurist by the same name who lectured here. last year.' Professor Uspensky came to Amer, ica as a delegate of the Russian Academy of Science to the recent In- ternational Congress of Mathemeti- clans held in Toronto. There are only 40 members of the Russian Academy of Science and membership is, and has been for more than a century, considered one of the highest scientific distinctions. GRID-GRAPHSH S AG9GIE GAME TODAY Officials Urge Student To See Game As Proceeds Will Aid Band STARTS AT 3 O'CLOCK V" FOR CLASH Vill PLAYERS BACK IN SHAPE Al INJURIES RECEIVED IN lIAMA GAME g in a c t ul w £ 44( f{ r ,:y -J E 7 7I 1 1 Ii i 77,,! i. 3 I ! i i convention similar ; in size to the one Dislikes Blanmedsouthern course, flying by the way !t;ions which had been carried on here C which will be held in Ann Arbor. The The writer then trounces Mr. Mac- of Belfort, France, to the Bay of between the Germans and the bank- c other three convention cities are Donald because "he missed no oppor- Biscay, thence over northern Spain ers of the world. s Travarse "ity, Saginaw, and Kalama- tunity of insulting or deriding' those and out over the Atlantic across the I Explains Details t zoo. who placed him in power." This ref- Azores island. "The negotiations of which I spoke, This convention will be one of then erence is in regard to the statement The decision of pr. hugo Eckener, J in my statement of October 3 have a largest of this body ever held, .1 that Mr. MacDonald consistently re- presidenit of the Zeppelin company, now been carried through, success- C P r o t e s t a n t demoninations being fused "to eat out of Mr. Asquith's the commander of the ZR-3, to fly fully. The essential cooperation of1 r scheduled to meet here. Four hun- hand." over the southern route, was taken the continental markets has been as- o dred delegates are expected from the Complaining of Mr. MacDonald's after he was convinced that weather sured and confidence is expressed s city of Ann Arbor, 1,000 from Wash- intense personal feeling against Mr. 1 conditions along the north Atlantic as to the success of the issue. The d tenaw county, and 2,000 from the six ,Asquith and his flouting of 4,000,000 lane were still unsettled and that the contract under which the loan of 800,- surrounding counties. L. C. Reiman, Liberal votes, the article continued: northern route involved hazards such 000,000 gold marks is to be issued '16, has charge of securing the Ann "Mr. MacDonald lacked generosity. as delay in awaiting for auspicious for the German government as pro- o Arbor quota, and the counties are all He is jealous of those whose person- air conditions. vided under the Dawes plan was s in charge of district chairmen. onal competition he feared. As prime Tonight, a full moon was beaming signed this afternoon, the shares un- e Coach Fielding H. Yost is offering minister, he seemed too thin skinned down upon Lake Constance and the dertaken by the various markets, be- b prizes for the best attendance of the to live. " we.ther in that immediate vicinity I ing as follows:k various divisions of the convention The article on the whole seems to was ideal for the start of the flight. "A nominal amount of $110,000,000 t district. To the president of the out- lament Mr. MacDonald's refusal to Dr. Eckener and Hans Flemming, in the U. S.; 12,000,000 pounds in, t side ocunty which secures the largest co-operate with the Liberals. On navigating and watch officer, how- Great Britain; 1,500,000 pounds in attendance Coach Yost will present this point, however, the' New States- ever, scrutinized the weather charts Belgium; 3,000,000 pounds in France; g two tickets to the Iowa football game. man is not considered in political until a late hour. 2,500,000 pounds in Holland; 100,000b Washtenaw county has been divided circles to represent the general views lire in Italy; 25,000,000 kronen ino into six districts with a president and of the Laboriteset taa You Voted? Apply on Capus.'Sweden;and 3,000,000 pounds in registration officer for each. A con . .- Switzerland." plimentary ticket to each of the of- G ficers of the leading county district Irs I s$ fGarg oyle H as will also be presented by Coach Yost. raneJ ur.I Although the complete program has SoundA dvice ForTheFreshma I not yet been released it is known that aon iu z ei er e na I L W. O. Thompson, former president of -_u Oio LockeMs ynti, asMs peignmp aHP CURET~ S Ohio State university, will speak. Gargoyle'sopening number this Locked Door, or Why the Co-ed Went Florence rton, nd Hers, Ms year almost assumes the piopotions Home Something of a vaiation, Leyallel-knonsnd akersmw ofaguide book to freshmen. Ring and not mad reading is the newly in- All text books in use this year in also be on, the program as well as a Lardner's understudy opens up on the stalled column, "The Lemon Grove." { shop courses of the engineering col- number of Michigan speakers who first page with a' number of well In this present age its theme of "bar- lege have been prepared by members have not been announced. thought-out definitions of co-eds hers" has a universal appel. of the teaching staff, according to' haventb____n__un __d which can be intended for no other With few exceptions there is a Prof. O. W. Boston, acting director of purpose than as subtle bits of ad- point to each cartoon, most of which the engineering shops. This practicea vice to the yearlings, are of essentially the same calibre aisa distinct innovation andwasin d YONG0E 0 9S~N WINS "The Official Bul" offers th ms as those of former years.. The cdi- i ated in an effort to meet changing1 condensed set of suggestions which torial page, besides treating on two ; conditions arising during the past have ever been produced on how to campus problems of a serious nature, few years.t E use the University Official Bulletin outlines the policy which the maga- "In three years, all courses have and as no others at Michigan except zine will pursue this year. The edi- 'been ?changed radicalky" explained Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 10.-"Two Wo the freshmen are ever guilty of see- tors' definition of humor as some- Professor Boston. "Shop practice or- men and Hog-Back Ridge," a story b) ing the inside of this book, this arti- thing which should sometimes bite iginally meant mere manual training, I Melvin Vandenbark, an alumnus f dcle too must be intended for the year- i but never injure forms a working but now the object is th exposition the university of Nebraska, has been lings. Ibasis for the copy writers and gives of the principles underlying industri- selected to appear in the 1925 edition Farther back in the magazine there i them something which they can hold al practices and their demonstration of Edward J. O'Brien's collection of is a remarkably true-to-life "Fresh- 1 down to. The alleged intention of in the laboratory." the years best short stories. Mr. 'man letter" which can serve to all! not making the co-eds the butts of The introduction of the new system l: O'Brien has written the author for a beginners in Rhetoric (I) as an ex- satire perhaps undergoes a slight was made difficult by the fact thatc biographical sketch to appear with ample of how epistles should not be strain even in this first number. I none of the published textbooks were1 the story. written. Gargoyle is making a good start suitable, and to remedy this situation The honor is made greater by thb In the opening poem a fine cord of and the indications are that succeed- the members of the staff have prepar- youngness of the writer. The Septem sadness is struck with the line "The I ing numbers will be even better in ed a new and comprehensive group ber issue of "Bookman" said of the Time, that puts him In, will find us I their portrayal of the humorous side of texts. story: "The same interplay of char- Out." Also sad, yet somewhat more of college existence. acter and environment, born of the coarsely so, is the tragedy of "h'le -F. R. L. Daytona Isolated same rebellion, appears in Two Wo-_ _ay-o--__ _ _-__- _ men and Hog-Back Ridge. A countryBy loodters school teacher was persecuted b6 Tan Room Announces Reports cause she dared to walk on a Nebras- yt ka sand hill at night. It is the story of , Daytona Florida, Oct. 10.-Daytona the eternal lash which torpid mean Of Series To La r e Crow ds was practically isolated late today as lay upon the shoulders of the more a result of flood waters brought on by sensitive." dhexcessive rains. Bridges on all high- Late Evening Radio Concerts Added Two horns are being used to carry ways leadirfg out of the city are re- to Reports of Athletic the announcer's voice to all parts ported washed out. Business is almost UnionCRadio Will Contests rof the tap room. Three horns were at a standstill, many of the busi- ns but found unsuccessful as the ss streets being from six inches Get Game Reports acoustic properties of the room were to two feet under water. Persons in Large crowds are hearing the re- not good enough to permit their use. a r ..irln n-ans - h v- hae t. Tickets for the Alumni association's rid-graph showing of the Michigan- . A. C. game today at East Lansing will be placed on sale at 2:30 o'clock n Hill auditorium, the time the doors re opened. Tickets are priced at 25 ents. The game will start at 3 o'clock Donal Hamilton Haines of the Rhe. oric department will receive the re- lts from the special Western Union wire that has been installed and Charles Livingstone, '25, 'who has harge of the grid-graph for the as.- ociation, will direct the operation of "he board. The graph is entirely set up in Hill uditorium and ready for the game. 'omplete play by play returns will be eceived. The graph is in the form f a large oval, representing a pig- kin, on which the game is re-pro- uced by means of lights. In addition to the gridiron, over which the ball is moved, the names f all players are displayed on each ide, the name of the man who makes ach play being lighted up. At the ottom of the board is shown what :ind of play is made, while the quar- ers and yardage are displayed at he top. Assisting Livingston in directing the graph are Fred Finney, '25, and Ro- bert Crab, '26. These men have charge of publicity and ticket sales. Albert Connable, president of the Student council, has urged all stu dents who remain in Ann Arbor to support the graph, in view of the 'act that one fourth of the proceeds go to the band for their expenses in attending out-of-town games. 'BATTLE EXPECTED New Plays Will Not Be Used UnI Outcome Appears Doubtful Ready. to hook up with their ponents this afternoon a East la sing, 33 members of "e Michgan I< ball squad leave this mornhig for :11. A. C. game which wil, mark dedication of the new Aggi'stadiu Coaches Little, Weiman, and I ery ran the gridders through their] workout yesterday afternoon, w consisted of a prolonged signal' d combined with work in defense, ki lng, and passing. The mentors de onstrated several new plays whl may be called into use against Farmers, depending on the amount resistance to the Wolverine att offered by Coach Young's elev The Michigan squad ran through the plays that will ne used this aft noon, brushing up the rough sp and making sure of the signals. Fight Expected The team is in excellent shape, a ready for anything- the Aggie te may offer. The coaches have spa no effort in getting the men ready a tough game, as today's contest likely to resemble the pushover far that several M. A. C. games in the p few years have been. Coach Young has the best aggre tion the East Lansing school has in years, and the game with the Y( men has been receiving the limeli, of their attention since the seat opened. With two overwhelming v tories under their belt, one o- Northwestern college, and the ot] over Olivet, the Farmers are confid of themselves and their ability give the Wolverines a real bat Team in Shape The general attitude on the M. A. campus, while not one of lmimi of a win today, is of such a nati as to reflect the power of the Ag eleven. Speculation runs all the v from a Green and, White victory t two or three-touchdown win on - part of the invaders. Of one thing Farmer fans are certain-that Maize and Blue warriors will forced to put up their best, regardi of the outcome of the game. The Michigan athletes have rec ered well from the injuries recet against Miami last week. Domh Parker, and Babcock are back in fo although the latter will probably be at his customary place at tal Parker may start, abut it is doubtfi Michigan's Lineup The probable Michigan lineup is follows: left end, Marion;,left ta Edwards; left guard, Slaughter; c ter, Brown; right guard, Steele; ri tackle, Kunow; right end, Grube. the backfield, Rockwell will call signal's, Captain Steger wil hold d his customary place at left half, eit Stamman, Gregory, or Parker will at the other half position, and Mi will play at full. If the games g Michigan's way without too much position, numerous substitutions probably be made, as nearly the tire squad will be on hand. Thebdedication ceremonies, wi will be brief, will tart at 3 oc Ann Arbor time, and the game will gin as soon after as possibo. Art Week To Be Held. Aa x Art week, the annual exhibi I 4 of LA MAR, E, AUTHOR, WILL' LECTUE HERE Walter de la Mare, noted English author and poet, will deliver a Uni- versity address during the later part of November, according to an an- nouncement given out yesterday af- ternoon at the office of Dean John R. Effinger of the literary college. The exact date of this lecture has not -yet been announced. Among the author's best known works are "Song of Chidhood," "The Three Mulla-Mulgars," "The Return, "The Listeners and Other Poems,' "Collected Poems," and other stories His latest work which has met with considerable approvable is "Come Hither," which was published in 1923 16, ition- 1! . r. Later in the year when the fresh- men have been started successfully in exercises for correcting their physical 'defects, all upperclassmen and sophomores who wish to find out their actual physical condition may do so at Waterman gymnasium. They will be given a physical test on four or five activities along the lines of running, jumping, throwing and simi- lar events. Their height and weight will be found out and their posture will be noticed carefully. If they are found Germany Approves' Reparations Plan Paris, Oct. 10.-The Dawes plan for the war, became virtually effectivb today when the Germans handed ovei the payment of reparations of Ger- many, a settlement of the imbroglio which has kept Europe upset since to the reparation commission indus-' trial railroad debentures totalling 16,' 000,000,000 gold marks, and the com- mission approved-the contract signed in London for the 800,000,000 gold marks loaned to Germany.. "Pad T,-~. Vain fnn4haii - a open to the local workers in the arts, has been announced for November 9-16 by the Ann Arbor Art associa- tion. All amateurs in Washtenaw. county are eligible to submit their paintings, in water colors or oils; drawings in pen, pencil, pastel or crayons; etchings; wood blocks; photographic prints; in fact any work of graphic art. All object of the decorative household arts, hav- ing originality, which is the prime requisite for any object of the arts or crafts submitted, will be received for exhibition. The exhibition will be held in the West ,allery of Alumni Memorial hall and all pieces offered must be pre- sented there between November 5 and 7, when the committee will pass upon their eligibility for exhibition. The committee stresses, however, that the only important requisite is that the work show originality. Students of the University are particularly in- ved to +nnaortiinao I