, SEPTEMBER 23, 1924 THLE MICHIGAN DAILY aI LASS ECOLUMN U CLOSES ADVERTISING AT ,3P.Y FOR SALE P'IAINO, in good condition. Cheap for c° si. A. F. Harrison, Springwater Sudivision, Packard Rd. U PRIGH T PIANO, mahoganmy case; -in good condition. Reasonable. Call 1532-4. (12-2 P. M.) MVICKS,OPF,-Three lenses - Zeiw, *Leitz and. oil immersion. Ide, 5thI floor, Lawyers Club. GERMAN POLICE puppies of quality. Silver gray, healthy, sturdy, pedi- *greed, reasonable. 21.5 Wildwood Ave. 2789-R. FORD--I can save you $20 on a newv Ford any model. Roberts, Secy. of- lice, University. FiOR SALE,'Early model Ford tour'- iag car-cherap. 1301 Wihlmot-Call A complete new lino of 1)'IIIL &MLA{ IE Th'le ,American Cigar Store 514 E. ilas NEW. HSNUDSON COACH driven 2000 milses. FORDS $40.00 uip. NI X IN'S 416 S. Main. Phone 5s , AUTO livery in connection. stare Motor in excellent mdi,,- l ion. $50 cash. Inghram. 52F Ta.1; n Telephone 144t. F'OR SALE Rcn)1i igton Por}t I( Tyertr.Thimepamnt ie- siredl., o.Rgse,;i.Ma- soan, Plhone .109. T YPE WITEi1-.',S F.,OR SALE,%,7-Large and lDorth~le ty Vpe wrters7 . See ontr,-,i before ynii 'b1Y. S. A. Moran, 711 N. Univ. imu 2, flor. ..r fO(YUNTjAIN PUNS BUY AFOUNTIN PN MADE IN ANN ARBOR "Rjd r Ma, tcrpen now on" sale in er'Pzen:Shop, 302 State Street. Ask hos Ih have them. They will tel yu hy it is a superior student pen and Y(,:can not affordl to over- look _ike wT~On1(erful IService you get from the ae himself. ('!,T YOUR ,Secturity Fountain Pen at The COoegeInn. Fonta i Pnsof the better national Known nalesincludling Waterman, Conlin ShaffrParker, Lel~oeuff, lircK $2()up. If you write, we have it. 0. DT).MORRILL, 17 Ncel'Arcade, The Tpewii er Staitionery Store ~ S.l Aremarkalle fountain pen nvenLio. Baohien, ordinary y ze en'rvi, ayeor's supply of fine io~ liy ik. xamneit before you 1 >," my. C yea t±st pen onithe ina rket. W~ nn crry the- ordinary style of 1'ih i1(e luliaiipenis at prices f' . $1.dO up. fRooma 2, 2nd floor, j71.1 X 1Unir. FLOWERS ,L. ;nolest comlimencit you can pavyorinoit h kriso sendl her a 1 ( , ;e > Flwr:-on your birthday. I ut our Fo wet-s by wire! 2Civi.' o a prt of the World., e i.s ,ni'ar ou)s your nearest zin Arbor Floral 0Co. 1821 Ah D inLne, l)hone 2170 " ann t]or ~Leading Florists. ALL OUR FRIENDS to give us a call, at our new Church St. Barb~er Shop. First class work and 'cour- tesy to all. Joe Shaltis and Edward B~owen, 607 Churchi. POSITION as (cook in fraternity house. Phone 2116-M or write B~ox 91 "Daily". EXPERIENCED cook wants position in, a fraternity or sorority house. P'hone 2116-M. EXPERIENCED) tenor soloist to sing in church quartette. Call Mrs. Cross, 610' E. Liberty St. Phone 2183-J. SALES WOMEN in or near Ann Ar- bor to sell popular knit dresses and suits. Big demand. No competi- tion. Write or, apply. Folks and Schmidt, 714 S. State, Ann Arbor. Phone 1257-Wi. WANTEiD Family and' Student wash- ings. All kinds of fraternity andj Sorority laundry. Satisfaction guar anteed. Address R. R. 8 Box 98. f ONE OR TWO Girl graduate stu- dents "to room." Opportunity to save half on regular room rent. One block from campus. Call 1070 or inquire at 1118 S. University Ave. WANTED Young, and healthy men ; fweighing about 150 pounds at the University Hospital for blood don- ors. Apply at house Physician's office, University Hospital- WANTED 5 College students p~art time. Good proposition. You mustI be free to take job at once. Phone 889-WV Tuesday or Wednesday eve- nings between 6 and 7 only. T'ENOR1 SOLOIST WVANTED FOR Church work. Apply 312 S. Div. Phone 21.2 J. WANT.ED Garage near corner of For- est and Hill. Call Parks, 189. E. N. BILBIE of the Detroit Conser- anion 1Building. Finlderpeaecl vatory of Music, teacher of Violin, '1885. Piano, Studio 307 N. Main St. 'Phone - 611-M" LOST Cray Fox fur. Call 20-J. J A ROOMMATE. Large, light, front room. Ideal location- 1013 Mon- roe. MUSIC LOST Delta Tait Delta infne p~leasc call Page 189. namue St anlPe(l >in.IRoeward!.02 E. L.Sh1' A brwn lthr billfold con- tanig 70in( rrenicy in1the Ann Arbo Saingsflak. N meinside Findecr l lease return to II. Jamli'son 523 F,. Madiso Sehone3,)S1. LOT arefountain l)on-oivners y W ICI _ .mry/ ,. t __- _ LOST Traveler's check book. Mignon B3. Hecker, return to Washington street Phone 24 DIL). . 1 ILLS Osteopathic Physician C16 First National Bank 13 Phone 321 F-1 READ !) 111E MI(JHWAN DA Thc Cosy Corner Tea Room FOR IRENT -Typew riters, good i a ines, reasonable charges.Shr or long term. S. A- Moran, Roomn2. 2nd floor, 711 N. Univ. 1BOAURD- MEAlTS Home cookying.--om m i -"IA women- 20 meals $7.00, 1--b5. 314 E. Washington St., Call 7S-W 330 MAYNARD STREET WILL REOPEN AFTERNOON T SEP' FOR' LUNCHEON. F'EA AND 'T 23RD. DINNER :.;,1 Youi Need Fountain P'en Service Buay yourpe s apnrak the only place in Ann Arbor or in the State of Michigain wh eyo can get this prompt, complete and efficient ser- vice between la S 04- orinl 24 hours. Now th-, one of Rider's MASTERPEN IIIE QUA'LITY, STUDENT PEN- Ask; an upper class 'man, he will tell you why the Master pen is the With Thanks! D YOC.U remember way back in 19,21 w h e n "Pete." ' ~Van Boven, cap- tain of that year's Varsity baseball team, started the men's furnishing shop on South University undle= ocpn you need. We carry the largst stock in the State, RIDERS, WAHL'S, WATER- MANS; CO0N KLINS , SHEAFFER'S, PARKER'S and others. Service is the reason so many students, say, "Rider for pens." who have purchased from our store and the natural result is that we have seen the need for extend- ing our accommodations so as to be able to serve an increasing clientele. We are mighty pleased to announce the opening -of our second store, located on State Street at the Nickel's Arcade en- trance, where last Saturday our business for the day amounted to more than the total for the entire month. of September three years ago. the name of Van B oven ai STUDENTS, SECURE YOUR SUPPLIES FROM - = South South University University = Ave. Ave. Engineer and Architects' Materials, Stationery, Fountain Pens, : Loose Leaf Books, Typewriting and Pound Papers, pl Candies, Laundry Agency, 'Tobaccos Cress ? In the short interval be- tween that time and the present we have had the good fortune to' please a great many Michigan men '1107 S. UNIVERSITY TWO NICKELS ARCaADE STORES II I,-. BOOKS .. AND a I FOR ALL DEPARTMENT I I. I -- --- w - - r-U - ww nor Sam Iqlmmppl 141ow m S.