DAY, OCTOBER 10, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I . A PAGE NINE MONEY IN ARENI , ;uidng Materl Furnished By Na- tives To Americans For Some- thing To Wear. TOWN REIWILT Darachichak, Armenia, Sept 4 (By '. P.)-Old clothes contributed by America's ever-charitable families have literally rebuilt this city, which before the war was a prosperous and happy community living within the hadow of Mount Ararat. Scores of *hattered buildings have been restor- Id from the proceeds of discarded arments which, to the half-naked 4atives, were of greater value than gold. In a country swept by war and af- terwards ravaged by the Turk, build- ing material was almost impossible to be obtained when American relief workers came here to rescue the last vestiges of the American race. The city was in ashes; money was worth- ss, food was difficult to obtain. There were 50 deaths daily from starvation and disease. 1+ In order to relieve the situation the .;Americans were forced to resort to the primitive method of barter. In eturn for old clothing they received mrom inhabitants all kinds of frag- .ments of houses from ruins of the larger neighboring cities. Streams of .half-starve'd natives carrying timbers, "joists, doors, windows and loads of bicks on their backs poured into Darachichak from distant points, and received in return warm coats, blan- kets, shawls and shoes from the cargoes of relief supplies sent from America. Police guards became ex- austed in keeping the hordes of ypeople in line. For once the ragman was mighties than the millionaire; an old pair o *oes or winter-before-last's discard- ed overcoat had greater purchasing gpower than the American dollar. The atives had no incentive to work for mere money, they could have made ..u purdhases with gold or silver, tor there was nothing to buy in the devastated country. But with clothes tO be had at the end of a hard day's work labor they turned to with a will, toiling under the weight of heavy timbers and loads of bricks and stones. The shortage of building ma- terials soon became a surplus. The town which the Turks destroyed was restored, and even enlarged by the construction of large buildings to h&ouse the thousands of orphans who sought refuge with the American relief organization., Darachichak, "the old-clothes town" 'B known throughout the Near East, and' Thomas Mills, of New York City, the Near East Relief worker, who was in charge of the district became 4 "own as the head of the "National Bank of Old Clothes." Pleasant Weather Aids Theatregoers London, Oct. 6.-There are happy "¢yiles in London's th'eatre-land. West End playhouses are experiencing the tggest boom in attendance in many months.. "It's partly due to what has come tO be known as the 'little session,' .rded and abetted by a spell of weath- .er which, if not ideal, is at least an uiprovement upon that which char- *terized tire spring and summer months. "The -boom is undoubtedly due to 4he .improvement in the weather," said one theatrical producer. Also the evenings are drawing in. Daylight saving is always a blow at the thea- tte. Now people haven't time to play tennis before it gets dark, and in con- sequence they go to the theatre. "It is perhaps unfortunate that the standard of plays is not what it was in pre-war days. There is a dearth of playwrights. No new names are coming along, Of course, there is an army of those who write high-brow stuff, but their efforts are wasted on the general public. We want menj who can write popular plays." Want Something?-Daily Classigeds. Hagerty's Barn Is Strong Potliically But Weak Economically Home For Hoboes Q fhli Altoona Pa, Oct. 9-Althoughits! IN 4"Lndnr"""T"es wih only an old barn it has a reputation >s-:;::/:xtrardir y .;g;-)dcLar, throughout the United States. It isg'a g' London, Oct , 6. (By A.P rai known as Hagerty's Barn and it is.I quantities of Quenslad s)apphre,, located on the outskirts of Altoona. :. ..:... ;::::;. '~a' from the newly discovered mines of Years ago a man named Hagerty,- >'': ,...".;;Queensland are being offered on the who lived just outside the limits of repr"sentat'ves in London, waich this city,oswned the barn, which be- are extraordnaily large and clear, came a favorite stoppin place for the Tare the first to be minedin the new knights of the road traveling nalng district under gover nirent operation, the route of the present Lincoln High- > and are being sold by the gover goet way. Mr. Hagerty never objected to representatives in London, also and the hoboes stopping in his barn, evenn marketing rdby. the. after fire, believed to have been start- The sapphire go-indutyengo - ed by them, destroyed the original erinent is the first attempt of tE building. Mr. Hagerty built a new " Australian provincial governments to barn and when he died enjoined his carry out the scheme for wider tov heirs never to close the buiding's- ' ugement operation of resources and doors to tramps. The heirs have done - u marketing of products. Before th his bidding, s a ay. war the sapphire industry 'in-- Au";-gi 9 Every night from two or three to a tla was krele inreegnda, 02- dozen hoboes stop there. Meals are Germans, whose ersnav cooked nearby'. Frequently the visi- '.:""i~~~"" bought on the fields and sent tlie r tors do their laundry and string the ~* * ~ .:K" purchases direct to factories Jn Gt clothes on ropes near the barn. in- - many. As a result of post-war lela. Aresident of this city, traveling inIato hc eplfrinr,.8 the west this summer, was asked by a pecially Germans, out of Australia, th man from California if he knew where Queensland government took control Hagerty's Barn was located. The Al- Kamenev (left) a view of Moscow, heart and brain of the soviet giant, and (right) Zinoviev. of the industry. toonan replied in the affirmative, and London, Oct 9.-Out of the maze respondents in Moscow, indicate a some grain. The Soviet Republic Legislation has .been enacted whic h the western man said he and many ofefalsehoodspandehalfitruthsrabout traelin friens" sad stoped a t of falsehoods and half-truths about gradual improvement in Russia's thus entered into competition with the prevents Independent mIners fron "traveling friends" had stopped at the the Russian situation with which the productivity, accompanied by a rest of the world. The price of the selling their product to apy'eofcept the place. 1world, and the United States, inin domestic and Russian grain was therefore deter- official government buyers, who' assess. ticular, has been flooded, emerges foreign trade. But opponents of the mined not by conditions in Rusia, the parcels and pay the plner fie Radio Set Ijonated unmistakable evidence that the soviet regime, call attention to the but bythe law of supply and demand prices according to the established soviet government is facing its great- prevailing condition of economic operating in the world market. Rus- methods of grading. The experiment For Leper Colony est and most ominous crisis, disorganization and to a general sian grain brought 1 ruble, 20 kopeks have proved successful for ______ 'Crises are nothing new in Rus- state of affairs which, if continued, a pood. But due to the clumsiness the miners as well as the goverinellt' sia. But' where heretofore the may result in the greatest catas- of the soviet economic machine, the The miners have an inmediate marketC Manila, Oct., 8, (By A. P.)-The crises have been mainly of political trophe Rusia has yet witnessed. cost of delivery left the peasant pro- and are given a far higher price than leper colony on the Island of Culion, I or military character caused by As a result of six years of soviet ducer between 25 and 35 kopeks a formerly. consisting of some 5500 persons, is to ' revolts of soviet opponents and by policy in Russia the balance be- pood, just a trifle over the cost of The production of Australian sap be connected with the outside world attempts at intervention by foreign tween the city and the village, be- production. phires diminishes yearly in spite of by wireless. A radio receiving set has nations, the present crisis is pure- tween agriculture and industries has In this crisis, -the gravest of all the opening of new mines. The an- been donated by an electrical company ly economic and therefore much more been seriously disturbed. The upshot in its tempestuous career, the soviet nual production is now ls thu one- for the benefit of the lepers, and the difficult to cope with. of this situation is that the manufac- republic has no Lenin to battle with eighth of the world's output whil+ work of installing the apparatus on Politically, it must be admitted, the tured goods produced by the cities the problem and siooth the way. It before the war it was about one-ffth. the island has been commenced by the soviet government has never been are beyond the reach of the peasants has only Ziribviev, Kamenev and Sapphires were - first discovered in bureau of posts. stronger than at present. Counter- who need them. On the other hand Stalin. They are the big three of Queensland in 1876 and for a nuibbet revolutionary armies have been 1 the failure of the peasants to buy Rusia today. They have divided of years there were only a few me Berkley, Cal. Oct., 9-Reconstruc- beaten over and over. Foreign nations the city's goods, leaves the workers Lenin's unlimited authority. engaged in the industry. Now here tion has started on the industrial lab- which, under some pretext or another, I in the factories without money to buy I Can they find a way out? are about 450 miners. The minig isf oratory in Gilman hall. The room attempted to invade Russia fared no the farmer's products. Thus a vicious No one knows the answer. done mostly along the crees snd was wrecked last Friday by the explo- better than the counter-revolutionists. circle has been built up. rivers and consists only of 'iuira10 sion of a pressure kettle. Some of the The Cause of the Trouble. Foreign Trade Affords No Relief. By JACKSON V. JACOBS. work, the 'men digging holes 50 to -O repairs are being made by chemistry Official soviet reports, as well as And foreign trade does not afford Foreign Affairs Correspondent of feet deep and boring in'variousdirec students. communications from foreign cor- relief. Lasit year Russia exported I Central Press tions from the main shaft. Pollock Returns From Hawaii; FAMOUS OLD STROCIRLuxurious Palace Of Sultans F Islands Near Equator Visited May Be Made Modern I plnswsfonInWk iln hn TO HOSE AMEICAN ATarruos Prof. James B. Pollock, of the bot- and the lowest catch for one throw 6. Constantinople, Oct 5. (By A. P.) reverence, with their faces= toward any department, has returned to the A greater number of species of New York, Oct., 9-The facade of Rumors that Dolma Bagtche, the pal- Mecca.' plants was found on Wake island than the old United States Assay Office ace of the ex-Sultan Mohammed V, is There are ruorsth University after two years absence was brought back by the United Building, which formerly stood at has been offered-orthe pa ae udtit' during which time he has had many State exploring expedition of 1840. to be sold to a company which will extensive grounds, and that iroh interesting experiences in Honolulu These specimens are to be the prop- i1Sssconvert the imperial residence and ex- ters intend to tesined o 'Oyl,iI alhits' and on trips from the Hawaiian erty of the Bishop museum, but a stone by stone as the front of the new tensive grounds into a hotel and w e Intb * t Islads.Thefirt yar e. as t tnsie gouns ito hoel nd which will' be' more la iflet1t ' Islands. The first year he was at number of duplicates were taken and American wing of the Metropolitan amusement park, have stirred up any in the east and A' the University of Hawaii as an ex- Professor Pollock has brought back Museum of Art in Central Park. The xmusementp pharir ny iganti o change professor for Dr. H. F. Berg- to the University one of the plant new wing will be devoted entirely to man who was here. His second year sets. These specimens will be on ex- American art of the Colonial, Revolu- capital. Will the Seraglio go next?connection ith it T l' he was on a leave of absence from this hibit in the cases in the Natural tionary, and Republican periods, and is the question generally asked. Is 'magnificent frontage on thef 5 university in order to study coral Science building in the near future. I will be formally thrown open to the the whole Bosphorus to be convert- phorus and an. extensie quay, W hich reefs along the coast. During the last year of his resi- public Nov. 10. ed into a "Midway Plaisance" and will make it possible to handle tourist During the summer of 1923 Profes- dence in Honolulu Professor Pollock This building will be unique in that robbed of its historic charm? Will traffic direct from incoming steamers sor Pollock went with the Tanager visited the shores and collected fos- its 18 rooms for the most part will be the Angora government sacrifice the to the hotel. expedition to the islands of Wake sils and living plants along the coral installed with the actual wodwork thentorandmkntha rih tehoe southwest of Hawaii just north of the I reefs. He plans to compare these I that formed the walls and ceilings of ancient landmarks of the Turkish It becomes more opparEnt ay equator, :and the former is about the present day plants with the fossils to historic and characteristic early empire in an effort to raise money when the German legation mioyes to same distance from Honolulu as see in what way they differ. Marine rooms. Collections of objects of Am- to keep the Nationalist government Angora, others powers will .alo be Honolulu is from San ,Francisco. plants are included in, the collection. erican furniture, silverware, glass and going? forced to desert ther mgniflcent The trip ,was made in cooperation -- pottery of the seventeenth, eighteen- Turks and foreigners alike are ask- legation buildings in Coustatigt1p with the United States Navy, the Bio- , th and early nineteenth centuries will ing these questions as they survey the and follow the lead of Germanf.a logical' survey of Washington, and the Speed BC ats Used; be shown in the appropriate rooms. panorama of mosques and palaces Bishop museum of Honolulu. The R*OPricesG U The American wing wilr teach pres- along the Golden Horn and Bosphorus , It group of scientists, including lent and future generations of Ameri- 'which lend charm to this. ancient city Island Pbpiatfo geologists, botanists, conchologists, cans that the men to whose struggles over which Europe 'and Asia have B zoologists, fishermen, and astronom- Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 9-The thirst they owe the foundation of the Ameri- Ibe ay BeL. ers left Honolulu on the United States for alcoholic liquor again is becoming 'can Commonwealth were refined ii been fighting for many centries.r thiir tastesrandhbypoomeanslindinder--IDolma Bagtche was erected in 183. mine sweeper "Whippoorwill," and ac- expensive here, and in all cities of their tastes and by no means indiffer- Br. anila, Oct., , (B A P. T'e e companied by two destroyers and a I to beauty. Though for the most It stands near the shore of the Bos- tire population of i3tiblyan Island, O e hydroplane they sailed to Johnstonhrws part they neglected te arts of paint- phorus. On the hills behind it are of the Bubuyan group 'which I abdt island. The "Tanager," another mine government's plan to curb the trans- ing and sculpture, their instinct found magnificent grounds, and among the 100 miles north of Lukob may be: sweeper, took the party from there to portation of illicit beverages on Puget expression in the houses they built forest trees are many smaller rest- transferred tto' another "'sl d' i eire Wake island. The hydroplane took ; Sound through the use of a fleet of and the furniture they bought for dences as well as the Yildiz Kiosk, the coast of -Lizon. A aoli ' "vol- birds' eye pictures of the island of rum hunters. The government boats daily use. where recent sultans went'on Fridays cano has driven the 26.4in lt Johnston anl the destroyer took I have a speed of 24 miles an hour and __h__ypys__trn-dn____ soundings off its coast. are armed with machine guns. aAtta, for their weekly prayers. from their homesdown te'thrateri-' Wake island is about two miles The government announcement that Im ing ta CkeMohammed t b t4,~..f. i, the Musafaha Ielled to take to their cans to le long and a mile and a quarter wide. I smugglers would be hunted down re- At Auesttoan Mie . y cape the-shwers o riae- -d- It is inhabited only by birds and ani- lentlessly in their traffic from Canada Kemel government, lived of recent cape the soer o rI n years in one of the houses back from n ie inals. Thousands of birds nest there 'to the American cities resulted in an yelsva whichtstress bokkaottan de - and they are quite fearless of human immediate increase in prices. Prey- Graz, Austria, Oct., 7 (By A. P.)-- the waterfront. He preferred to be taAiderCp' beings. The next most abundant iously whiskey prices were so low that The fourth international congress of away from the sight of the battleships An American Red dose toest ofldI form of life is the land crabs. Pro- bootleggers were making small profits. oppdnents of the tobacco smoking of many nations which lay along the who einow on'plis w . .to t,' ind essor Pollock has counted as many as The price of Canadian whiskey was was held here recently. According to Bosphorus. It was at Yildiz Kiosk th reieftasuppliewnill dp ieto lot fifty of these crabs under one tree. raised $5 a case by wholesale boot- the speches delivered, the harm done that foreigners have gathered for e i san sw anr iu o d t nt In the surrounding waters are to be leggers, and the retail price was in- by liquor is little indeed compared to ltsn er island where pe eie tdint found great numbers of fish. With creased 50 cents a quart, to $7. the ravages inflicted upon mankind many year to w ach the aI are the pCopwi are st tleing ten throws of the net the fishermen Captain F. G. Dodge of the Coast by the smoking habit. make their imperial march from the to move the Red Cross ill abit tfhe tenac throwsvryFrdatohoof stb theg pnis'Bftax h caught 133 fish; the largest number Guard service soon will have 28 rum- palace g evyF da in sab i o being caught at one time being 49 hunting speed boats in operation. Want Help?-Daily Classifieds. with more humble Mohammedans in island. ATIATOR ACEPT FACLTYPOSITION .T LUTMNuS 'GRA NTED LEAVE FROM AR-MY TO-ACCEPT POSITION SAW SEEL FALL Explains Interest Taken In Small Speedy Planes as Commercial Dr. William F. Gerhardt, '17E, of the department of aeronautical eng- ineering, was granted leave from the United States Air Service in order to take charge of work in that de- partment of the University in the ab- aence of Prof. F. W. Pawlowski, but e stayed on through the interna- 'ional air races held at McCook Field Jn Dayton, Ohio. His remarks upon the air races are particularly inter- esting for the reason that h'e flew during the meet. Dr. Gerhardt saw Lieutenant Skeel crash to his death as the Pulitzer race 0egun. This tragedy which marred the meet, occurred as Lieutenant 1kaeel and the three other contestants W're turning the 'first pylon to be- gin the race. 'Skeel was the only one who 4ove for the turn and as his Curtis racer swooped from 2000 feet his 'speed increased so tremendously that when at 1000 feet he straightened out. for the turn the wing and tail surfaces crumpled as if from an ex- Zlosibb and the fuselage fell intact. The 'fuselage spinning, fell with a speed estimated at 350 miles per hour and b,ried itself completely in t e soft clay, it being necessary to di down 15 feet to reach the pilots CQ4c pit. JLeutnant J. E. MacReady, famous for his transcontinental non-stop flight and .altitude records, entertain- ed the visitors and proved his prow- ess #0 a 'pilot, by flying successfully pd~ldTypeBWright biplane. This nntiqtated. plane which boasts an en- trely di8ferent set of controls from ° di ern ship, is very difficult to adid doxbjy s when' one is not ac- inte4 S ilt the type, as was Lieu- t h~t 'M-Wea4s case. The pro- ="ellar ' ,ie je'olved 'at'a sweed ,of 6,i01)''initely (400. revolutions per if seemd ery slow when com- predwit. the. q,000. per minute clip th.a 'nodern plane and gave the altos t g ensati n that the bi- ,$'e'n st2ntor was' in continual dan- g' ;'stopi'g r Gerlf t acted as alternate pil r.ithi .Aeut. Harold ' R. Harris in t e ireatariing lbzber, which was 9o tli iquearon of planes which lthioryg d flyers upon their 1V+CStok Field. During this he $engitie of the craft had odrunity, 't display his mettle hen a switch from one of the trac- toV' efgines became detached and 'hanging by its wires was in imminent Qakiger of being drawn into the pro- hler ofona 'of, the rear or "pusher" engiries. Engineer Culver without trepidation, wqrked his ,way out upon blast of the forward propellers se- the wing of the plane and in the full d! A the da ,gling switch and averted xpObiple mrnabashup. Incidentally,, the filhug bomer'Is. the largest plane 4,kth*worl'd and was built for the y~y~ti t Stktes Air ,ervice by Mr. ,.Cre interest during the meet s md to ' center about the light 1iines,. powet'd with motor-cycle en- g' .of which there was an ample i ubi er in competition. The principal vu >of this class lies in getting Se l'to think again in terms of 'ct1f ierclal' aviation, rather than of he. drplane. as a racing machine. r . Olartd's opinion is that these guiniat nian'es are an extreme bbr and' not comrpletely practical, the sm ll awer aiailable not allowing a ] Utmcient ,argin Of safety. They, will h 6#e er unidoubtedly prove a stim- Iu~s 'to 'the construction of slightly l1 erpowered two-seaters, which "ui'doubtedly will .mark the first quan- tity -iroduction of planes in the corn- mnercia dir field. The long antici- J sated meet did nOt prove the draw- irg-card that it, promised, the crowds during, the fist two days being esp4- cially unsatisfying. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE 0 oANN ARBOR HIGH SCHOOL jT B vs1 A LL ALBION HIGH SCHOOL WINES FIELD , 41 f1fTi1i f- X1 i "Every Customer a atisfied Customer" Nos. 907 908 909 made with long-wearing outsoles Flowers never fail to express your miot tender, sent ments; ther at times of sorrow or of joy. '>. No matter how formal or how intimate the occasion, our floral- ar- rangements meet the requirements exactly. $Ann Arbor Floral Co. -.. ;r _ .rte, . t A smart Moccasin Oxford composition Mahogany Elk Golden Elk Black "Midnight Calf" Sold Only By IT . ' m IT~t'XThI'\T Tf- TT vTIT 'i'ThTUT A X4